217 Repositories
PHP pdf-template Libraries
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
PaaS template based on production template using platform.sh
Shopware for Platform.sh This template builds Shopware on Platform.sh using Composer. To get started on Platform.sh, please visit https://docs.platfor
Easy management of Virtualization technologies including KVM, Xen, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo, and LXC/LXD including unified commands, monitoring, template management, and many more features.
ProVirted About Easy management of Virtualization technologies including KVM, Xen, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo, and LXC/LXD including unified commands, monitori
🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg
Gotenberg PHP A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg This package is a PHP client for Gotenberg, a developer-friendly API to interact with powerf
A module allowing you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API.
PageMjmlToHtml A module allowing you to write your Processwire template using MJML and get a converted HTML output using MJML API. This is considered
Online Book Store is a E-commerce Website and Book Conversion(pdf to audio and Img to txt) and Book Sharing platform.
Online-Book-Store Online Book Store is a E-commerce Website and Book Conversion(pdf to audio and Img to txt) and Book Sharing platform. The main descr
Package to optimize your site automatically which results in a 35%+ optimization
Laravel Page Speed Simple package to minify HTML output on demand which results in a 35%+ optimization. Laravel Page Speed was created by Renato Marin
Is an Extension of Laravel View Class which compiles String Template on the fly. It automatically detects changes on your string template and recompiles it if needed.
Laravel-fly-view Is an Extension of Laravel View Class which compiles String Template on the fly. It automatically detects changes on your string temp
An opinionated Laravel setup using my favourite tools
Opinionated Laravel Template This is a template I use when starting a new Laravel project. It is opinionated and uses the conventions I prefer to work
Laravel Restaurant Management System Project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel package to convert HTML to PDF, supporting multiple drivers.
eve/pdf-converter A Laravel package to help convert HTML to PDF. Supports multiple drivers. Requirements and Installation eve/pdf-converter requires L
A next generation symfony website landing page with dark mode.
Symfony Web App template themes A next generation symfony website landing page with dark mode.
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf, CSV, & Excel Report Package on Laravel
Laravel Report Generators (PDF, CSV & Excel) Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf Report on Laravel (Using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or barryvdh/laravel-snappy)
Self-hosted platform to keep and share your content: web links, posts, passwords and pictures.
Shaark is a self-hosted platform to keep and share your content: web links, posts, passwords and pictures. All of your data can be private, public or
🚀 A quickstart generator for Laravel projects
🚀 Initializer for Laravel Initializer for Laravel takes a visual, approach to setting up a new Laravel project. Fill out the form, choose the compone
An awesome starter template to create your Salla Apps today! 🚀
Salla Apps Starter Kit An awesome starter template to create your Salla Apps today! Explore our blogs » Report Bug · Request Feature . /Salla Develop
Generate PDF invoices for your customers in laravel
What is Invoices? Invoices is a Laravel library that generates a PDF invoice for your customers. The PDF can be either downloaded or streamed in the b
Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications.
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
👔 Enterprise Web application starter kit or template using Laravel
Laravel Enterprise Starter Kit (LESK) Description LESK, is a template project based on the Laravel LTS, combining a set of features that can kick star
⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP
EasyTpl ⚡️ Simple and fastly template engine for PHP Features It's simple, lightweight and fastly. No learning costs, syntax like PHP template It is s
Astroid Framework - Powerful Joomla Template Framework
Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.
Production Ready, Carefully Crafted, Extensive Vuejs Laravel Free Admin Template 🤩
Materio - Vuetify VueJS Laravel Free Admin Template Production ready carefully crafted most comprehensive admin template Introduction If you’re a deve
Shows the path of each blade file loaded in a template
Laravel Tracer Tracer shows the paths of all the Blade files that are loaded into your templates. This could be very convenient for a number of reason
Take a look into your Laravel views
Xray - Take a look into your Laravel views When your Laravel project grows, so do the Laravel views. Sometimes it might be hard to figure out, which p
Use Blade templates without the full Laravel framework
blade Use Laravel Blade templates as a standalone component without the full Laravel framework Full documentation is available at http://duncan3dc.git
DOMPDF module for Laravel 5
pdf-laravel5 DOMPDF module for Laravel 5. Export your views as PDFs - with css support. Instalation Add: "vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^2.0" To your compo
A SilverStripe Module with template methods to quickly make use of FocusPoint, LazySizes, and Object-fit
LazyFocusFit A SilverStripe module with template methods to quickly make use of FocusPoint, LazySizes and object-fit. Requirements PHP FocusPoint JS/C
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template
Yii 2 Advanced Project Template Yii 2 Advanced Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for developing complex Web applications with mult
This is library with the objective of exporting information from the database in a simple way.
Symfony Entity Exporter Goldbach Algorithms Symfony Entity Exporter (fondly nicknamed Entity Exporter) is a library developed for the Symfony framewor
Theme and asset management for laravel
Laravel-Themevel Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. Featu
Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress
###This plugin is deprecated in favor of ekandreas/bladerunner WordPress Blade Brings Laravel's great template engine, Blade, to WordPress. Just insta
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine
Classy is a framework for building WordPress themes, based on Blade template engine. It's fast with beautiful architecture that allows you to write le
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS!
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS! Some information before we start This repo is only code related, to a
Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & robust Joomla based websites and templates.
Astroid Framework Powerful Frontend Template Framework for Joomla CMS Powerful framework for designers and developers to create responsive, fast & rob
Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template
laravel 8-Adminlte@3.0.1 Laravel 8 with Admin-lte@3.0.1 template The following tools are required in order to start the installation. PHP =8.0 compos
A Laravel Code Generator based on your Models using Blade Template Engine
Laravel Code Generator is a PHP Laravel Package that uses Blade template engine to generate code for you. The difference between other code generators
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm
Laravel Live Templates for PhpStorm How to: Go to Preferences | Tools | Settings Repository Add Read-only Source https://github.com/koomai/phpstorm-la
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone git@github.com:ucan-lab/docker-la
Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document template
Document Templates Introduction Document templates Laravel package is intended for creating/managing user editable document templates, with ability to
A Laravel package for creating PDF files using LaTeX
LaraTeX A laravel package to generate PDFs using LaTeX · Report Bug · Request Feature For better visualization you can find a small Demo and the HTML
An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability
blade-formatter An opinionated blade template formatter for Laravel that respects readability Online Demo Features Automatically Indents markup inside
Generate PDFs in Laravel with Mpdf.
Laravel Mpdf: Using Mpdf in Laravel for generate Pdfs Easily generate PDF documents from HTML right inside of Laravel using this mpdf wrapper. Importa
Create Laravel views (blade template) using 'php artisan' command-line interface
About LaraBit Have you ever wonder to create Laravel views (Blade Templates) using the same type of artisan commands that you usually use to create ne
Laravel backend Inertia and Vue starter template
Inertia.js - Vue.js ve Laravel Starter Template Yunus Emre Altanay If you want to make a single page application using laravel infrastructure. This re
A Laravel 5 package for OAuth Social Login/Register implementation using Laravel socialite and (optionally) AdminLTE Laravel package
laravel-social A Laravel 5 package for OAuth Social Login/Register implementation using Laravel socialite and (optionally) AdminLTE Laravel package. I
This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5 installed for you.
Laravel8-Vue3-Bootstrap5 This is a Starter Laravel 8 project with Vue 3 and Bootstrap 5. Instalation Guide: As always you need to: composer install Th
Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and React as a frontend library.
Symfony React Blank Symfony React Blank is a blank symfony and react project, use this template to start your app using Symfony as an backend api and
A template field for Twill Modules
Twill Form Templates This package is a simple solution to add a template field to your Twill Modules and do interesting things with it. It can help yo
Template for repository helper, library - Basic, Simple and Lightweight
Template start helper, library Template for repository helper, library - Basic, Simple and Lightweight Use this Template First, you can Use this templ
A simple, not so bad looking Minecraft Server's website template
Minecraft Server 官网模板 本仓库为 Minecraft 服务器官网模板,主要通过 Bootstrap 和 Argon 组件库实现 本项目基于 https://github.com/nyancatda/mcserverweb 二开 config.json参数说明 参数 说明 备注 s
Initial template to start your awesome Laravel, Tailwind and Vue projects
Features Laravel 8.* Tailwind 2.1 Ready and Loaded @tailwindcss/typography @tailwindcss/forms Dark mode ready All variants enabled by default Vue 2, V
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS!
The free-to-use template for your Imagehost-website made with PHP, HTML and CSS! Some information before we start This repo is only code related, to a
Create WordPress themes with beautiful OOP code and the Twig Template Engine
By Jared Novack (@jarednova), Lukas Gächter (@lgaechter), Pascal Knecht (@pascalknecht), Maciej Palmowski (@palmiak_fp), Coby Tamayo (@cobytamayo), Up
:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework
Gantry Framework Ready to get started with Gantry 5? That's great! We are here to help. On this page, you will get some quick tips to help you hit the
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.
Gravity PDF Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using the pop
Generate pdf file with printable labels
printable_labels_pdf Generate pdf file with printable labels with PHP code. CREATE A PDF FILE WITH LABELS EASELY: You can get a pdf file with labels f
PHP library allowing PDF generation or snapshot from an URL or an HTML page. Wrapper for Kozea/WeasyPrint
PhpWeasyPrint PhpWeasyPrint is a PHP library allowing PDF generation from an URL or an HTML page. It's a wrapper for WeasyPrint, a smart solution help
Batteries include Drupal project template with Redis and object storage for assets.
Mojo An opinionated Drupal build designed to run in a cloud native environment. This is a work in progress, see the TODO.md for initial tracking of it
Provides Twig template IDE autocomplete of Craft CMS & plugin variables
Autocomplete for Craft CMS 3.x Provides Twig template IDE autocompletion for Craft CMS and plugin/module variables and element types. Works with PhpSt
A simple Laravel & Nuxtjs starter template
Laravel Nuxtjs is a basic starter app built with Nuxtjs CLI thet give you the powerful of Nuxtjs with API laravel backend
Laravel Boilerplate with AdminLTE Theme
Welcome to FastLaravel Laravel Boilerplate for AdminLTE Theme Laravel Boilerplate with AdminLTE Theme with FastLaravel.
Project template for starting a project based on the Rabble admin system.
Note: this is an experimental project and heavily under development. If you do come across this repository, and you would like to support development,
Simple PHP Google Authentication Template
php-google-auth A php google authentication page project View Demo · Report Problems About The Project This is a small and easy project that I made to
Convert a pdf to an image
Convert a pdf to an image This package provides an easy to work with class to convert PDF's to images. Spatie is a webdesign agency in Antwerp, Belgiu
Generate simple PDF invoices with PHP
InvoiScript Generate simple PDF invoices with PHP. Installation Run: composer require mzur/invoiscript Usage Example use Mzur\InvoiScript\Invoice; re
Template repository for new Blade Icons packages.
Blade Icons Template This is a template repository for new icon packages for Blade Icons.
Laravel Admin Dashboard, Admin Template with Frontend Template, for scalable Laravel projects. It is to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features Bootstrap, cooreui, infyom admin Generator, roles and permissions, translatable models, spatie media and much more
Based on Laravel8.x laravel starter Template, to save your time when You start with new scalable Laravel projects with many features. Live Demo you ca
Provides a GitHub repository template for a PHP package, using GitHub actions.
php-package-template Installation 💡 This is a great place for showing how to install the package, see below: Run $ composer require ergebnis/php-pack
Derste birlikte hazırladığımız PHP Tema Motoru kaynak kodları
Prototürk Template Engine Prototürk'de sorulan bir soru üzerine videoda birlikte hazırladığımız php ile geliştirilmiş basit bir tema motoru. Geçerli d
Sign PDF files with valid x509 certificate
Sign PDF files with valid x509 certificate Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will download the package and the depe
The Templating component provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system.
Templating Component The Templating component provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system. It provides an infrastructure to loa
Create WordPress themes with beautiful OOP code and the Twig Template Engine
Timber helps you create fully-customized WordPress themes faster with more sustainable code. With Timber, you write your HTML using the Twig Template Engine separate from your PHP files.
A ready-to-use Model View Controller template in PHP
PHP-MVC-Template A ready-to-use Model View Controller template in PHP Use this repo as a template! (Or clone it) Start to configure your MVC file Afte
Laravel package template
REPLACE Simple and flexible package template. Usage Replace all occurances of REPLACE (case sensitive) with the name of the package namespace. E.g. th
Adobe XDでデザインしてSVGでエクスポートしたテンプレートをもとに、A4サイズの帳票をHTMLで出力する機能のPHP(Laravel)による実装例です
svg-paper-example Adobe XDでデザインしてSVGでエクスポートしたテンプレートをもとに、A4サイズの帳票をHTMLで出力する機能のPHP(Laravel)による実装例です。 こちらで実際に動くデモが見られます 👍 実装内容についての詳細は こちらのブログ記事 で解説していま
Project template for developing Drupal core with a git clone.
Drupal Core Development Composer Project This is a Composer project template for developing Drupal core. It allows: a clean git clone of Drupal core.
🍪 A Cookiecutter template for a fresh Kirby site
Kirby Plainkit Cookiecutter A Cookiecutter template to start a fresh Kirby site with a public folder setup. Features A fresh, git(Hub)-ready plainkit
Symfony5 template w/ Docker config
Symfony5 w/ Docker config A project template in the following configuration: Symfony 5.2 PHP8 PostgreSQL 13.2 Separate Docker containers for Nginx, FP
Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed.
AdminLTE template Laravel 8 package Start a new Laravel 8 project with the AdminLTE template installed. Installation Create database. Clone repository
It's a template for using Temporal with Laravel
Temporal Integration with Laravel Make sure you have PHP 7.4 and laravel 8.* , or higher, installed. Temploral PHP SDK is available as composer packag
Mail sending module for Mezzio and Laminas MVC with support for file attachment and template email composition
This module provides an easy and flexible way to send emails from Mezzio and Laminas MVC applications (formerly known as Zend Expressive and Zend MVC). It allows you to pre-configure emails and transports, and then send those emails at runtime.
Elefant, the refreshingly simple PHP CMS and web framework.
Elefant is a refreshingly simple PHP content management system and web framework. Elefant is a fast, lean tool for building everything from simple websites to complete web applications.
laravel5.5和vue.js结合的前后端分离项目模板,后端使用了laravel的LTS版本(5.5),前端使用了流行的vue-element-template项目。作为程序的起点,可以直接以此为基础来进行业务扩展。模板内容包括基础的用户管理和权限管理、日志管理、集成第三方登录,整合laravel-echo-server 实现了websocket 做到了消息的实时推送,并在此基础上,实现了聊天室和客服功能。权限管理包括后端Token认证和前端vue.js的动态权限,解决了前后端完整分离的情况下,vue.js的认证与权限相关的痛点,已在本人的多个项目中集成使用。
写在前面 2018年的春节假期,受朋友的鼓励和内心的指引,对近两年所学到的知识进行了系统的沉淀和总结。 从多个项目中提取关键点、抛弃了的业务部分,对底层的功能进行了各类优化和抽象,写成本项目。 1、 当前版本介绍 1.1 版本说明 当前版本laravel_template_with_vue (
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
PHP Framework for building scalable API's on top of Laravel.
Apiato Build scalable API's faster | With PHP 7.2.5 and Laravel 7.0 Apiato is a framework for building scalable and testable API-Centric Applications
A Laravel 5 package that switchs default Laravel scaffolding/boilerplate to AdminLTE template and Pratt Landing Page with Bootstrap 3.0
AdminLTE template Laravel package A Laravel package that switch default Laravel scaffolding / boilerplate to AdminLTE template with Bootstrap 3.0 and
Full PHP development environment for Docker.
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will
Laravel Snappy PDF
Snappy PDF/Image Wrapper for Laravel 5 and Lumen 5.1 This package is a ServiceProvider for Snappy: https://github.com/KnpLabs/snappy. Wkhtmltopdf Inst
A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
Artwork by Eric L. Barnes and Caneco from Laravel News ❤️ . This PHP tool helps you write eBooks in markdown. Run ibis build and an eBook will be gene
Convert html to an image, pdf or string
Convert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome The package can convert a webpage to an image or pdf. The conversion is done behind the sce
PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file.
PdfParser Pdf Parser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file. Website : https://www.pdfparser.org Test the A
URI manipulation Library
URI The Uri package provides simple and intuitive classes to manage URIs in PHP. You will be able to parse, build and resolve URIs create URIs from di
A complete and fully-functional implementation of the Jade template language for PHP
Tale Jade for PHP Finally a fully-functional, complete and clean port of the Jade language to PHP — Abraham Lincoln The Tale Jade Template Engine brin
Provides TemplateView and TwoStepView using PHP as the templating language, with support for partials, sections, and helpers.
Aura View This package provides an implementation of the TemplateView and TwoStepView patterns using PHP itself as the templating language. It support
A lightweight template parser used by PyroCMS.
Lex Lex is a lightweight template parser. Lex is released under the MIT License and is Copyrighted 2011 - 2014 PyroCMS Team. Change Log 2.3.2 Convert
PHP template engine for native PHP templates
FOIL PHP template engine, for PHP templates. Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates. Write simpl
View template engine of PHP extracted from Laravel
Blade 【简体中文】 This is a view templating engine which is extracted from Laravel. It's independent without relying on Laravel's Container or any others.