87 Repositories
PHP pdf-converter Libraries
Effortlessly streamline tables and records printing in PDF/XLSX in your FilamentPHP application.
Filament Printables: a package to generate reports and form printables for your app. This is a work in progress thing Installation You can install the
The WordPress Categories to Tags Converter.
=== Categories to Tags Converter === Contributors: wordpressdotorg Donate link: Tags: importer, categories and tags converter Requires at least: 3.0
PDF API. JSON to PDF. PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data
PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data PDF ENGINE VERSION: development: This is a prerelease version
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
Extract text from a pdf
Extract text from a pdf This package provides a class to extract text from a pdf. use Spatie\PdfToText\Pdf; echo Pdf::getText('book.pdf'); //returns
Online tool to convert `curl` requests to Laravel `Http` requests
curl Converter Another bit of automation from Shift to convert curl requests to Laravel Http requests. This project is a WIP. You may follow along wit
A wrapper around symplify/config-transformer used to update recipes and using easy coding standard for generating readable config files.
Symfony Recipes Yaml to PHP Converter This is a wrapper around the symplify/config-transformer used to convert Symfony core recipes which uses .yaml c
Um exemplo de uso de openboleto/openboleto em conjunto com QuilhaSoft/JasperPHP
JasperPHP - OpenBoleto Considere doar fundos para nos apoiar O OpenBoleto é uma biblioteca de código aberto para geração de boletos bancários, um meio
A PHP wrapper around Libreoffice for converting documents from one format to another.
Document Converter A PHP wrapper around Libreoffice for converting documents from one format to another. For example: Microsoft Word to PDF OpenOffice
Offers tools for creating pdf files.
baldeweg/pdf-bundle Offers tools for creating pdf files. Getting Started composer req baldeweg/pdf-bundle Activate the bundle in your config/bundles.p
Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2
Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled template and a default template for the store you need your template the system will print the pdf template.
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML fácil
pluginmpdf plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML Para inciar nosso pluginmpdf devemos instalar a lib abaixo. mPDF is a PHP library which generates
Browsershot wrapper for Laravel 5
Browsershot wrapper for Laravel 5 This package takes advantage of Google Chrome's Headless mode to take screenshots and generate PDFs from websites, v
JavaScript to JQuery Converter
JQuery To Javascript Converter for helping to removing JQuery on websites.
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
Open-source version of a PDF managing SaaS
I, Librarian Instructions Contents Automated installation using installers Windows manual installation Linux manual installation Mac OS X manual insta
A full-featured home hosted Cloud Drive, Personal Assistant, App Launcher, File Converter, Streamer, Share Tool & More!
A Fully Featured home-hosted Cloud Storage platform and Personal Assistant that Converts files, OCR's images & documents, Creates archives, Scans for viruses, Protects your server, Keeps itself up-to-date, and Runs your own AppLauncher!
Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes
TCPDF PHP PDF Library Please consider supporting this project by making a donation via PayPal category Library author Nicola Asuni info@tecnick.com co
🔌 Convert Bootstrap CSS code to Tailwind CSS code
Tailwindo This tool can convert Your CSS framework (currently Bootstrap) classes in HTML/PHP (any of your choice) files to equivalent Tailwind CSS cla
Simple wrapper package around MPDF's setProtection method that allows you to set password on PDF files
Laravel PDF Protect (fork) Simple wrapper package around MPDF's setProtection method that allows you to set password on PDF files. Installation You ca
Magento 2 Product PDF/File Attachment FREE Extension
Overview: Magento 2 Product Attachment extension allows attaching additional information such as manuals, warranty, recipes, etc. in different formats
Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage are command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the QT Webk
A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk
php-pdftk A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk. Features php-pdftk brings the full power of pdftk to PHP - and more. Fill forms, either fr
Magento 2 Module for creating PDF's based on wkhtmltopdf
Magento 2 PDF generator Magento 2 module to ease the pdf generation using wkhtmltopdf features Installation composer require "staempfli/magento2-modul
Invoice PDF Generator For Magento 2
Magento Invoice PDF Generator Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled templat
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
⚡️ MIRROR — A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory.
WeasyPrint for Laravel A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory. This package requires Laravel 8.47+ running on PHP 8+ in or
Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
COPS COPS stands for Calibre OPDS (and HTML) Php Server. See : COPS's home for more details. Don't forget to check the Wiki. Why ? In my opinion Calib
FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF.
FPDI - Free PDF Document Importer ❗ This document refers to FPDI 2. Version 1 is deprecated and development is discontinued. ❗ FPDI is a collection of
PDFExaminer Tool - Analyse PDF Malware
PDFExaminer Tool - Analyse PDF Malware PDFExaminer Command Line Scanner This document describes installation and usage of the PDF Examiner – command l
A money and currency library for PHP
Brick\Money A money and currency library for PHP. Introduction Working with financial data is a serious matter, and small rounding mistakes in an appl
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will
A FREE Wordpress Plugin to compress and convert images using cwebp, jpegoptim and optipng.
Squidge Is FREE WordpPress Plugin built for developers in mind compressing and convert images using jpegoptim, optipng, cwebp, and libavif. It's extre
🐘 A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg
Gotenberg PHP A PHP client for interacting with Gotenberg This package is a PHP client for Gotenberg, a developer-friendly API to interact with powerf
Standardized wrapper for popular currency rate APIs. Currently supports FixerIO, CurrencyLayer, Open Exchange Rates and Exchange Rates API.
💱 Wrapper for popular Currency Exchange Rate APIs A PHP API Wrapper to offer a unified programming interface for popular Currency Rate APIs. Dont wor
Online Book Store is a E-commerce Website and Book Conversion(pdf to audio and Img to txt) and Book Sharing platform.
Online-Book-Store Online Book Store is a E-commerce Website and Book Conversion(pdf to audio and Img to txt) and Book Sharing platform. The main descr
Laravel package to convert HTML to PDF, supporting multiple drivers.
eve/pdf-converter A Laravel package to help convert HTML to PDF. Supports multiple drivers. Requirements and Installation eve/pdf-converter requires L
Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf, CSV, & Excel Report Package on Laravel
Laravel Report Generators (PDF, CSV & Excel) Rapidly Generate Simple Pdf Report on Laravel (Using barryvdh/laravel-dompdf or barryvdh/laravel-snappy)
Self-hosted platform to keep and share your content: web links, posts, passwords and pictures.
Shaark is a self-hosted platform to keep and share your content: web links, posts, passwords and pictures. All of your data can be private, public or
Generate PDF invoices for your customers in laravel
What is Invoices? Invoices is a Laravel library that generates a PDF invoice for your customers. The PDF can be either downloaded or streamed in the b
PHPUnit to Pest Converter
PestConverter PestConverter is a PHP library for converting PHPUnit tests to Pest tests. Before use Before using this converter, make sure your files
Google-like values converter
Google-like values converter. Support for different types of conversions, for examples: 1 kilometer - meters 1 dollar - THB 1 kilogram - meters ...
DOMPDF module for Laravel 5
pdf-laravel5 DOMPDF module for Laravel 5. Export your views as PDFs - with css support. Instalation Add: "vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^2.0" To your compo
This is library with the objective of exporting information from the database in a simple way.
Symfony Entity Exporter Goldbach Algorithms Symfony Entity Exporter (fondly nicknamed Entity Exporter) is a library developed for the Symfony framewor
UUID = ULID bidirectional converter
uuid-ulid-converter UUID = ULID bidirectional converter Installing composer require mpyw/uuid-ulid-converter API static string Converter::uuidToUli
Unit converter and calculator for php
Unit converter and calculator This library uses the awesome lisachenko/z-engine to allow mathematical operations on objects, allowing to do stuff like
Convert image types. Take samples of pdfs or psd, do some filters as SEPIA, resizes. Save to WEBP
img2img. PHP Converter, sampler of pdfs & psd, do resizes & some filters in images as SEPIA. Save to WEBP V.1.0.3 This class in pure PHP try to manage
Convert Integer to English word
Convert Integer to English Words Laravel package for converting numeric value to english words. Installation You can install the package via composer:
A Laravel package for creating PDF files using LaTeX
LaraTeX A laravel package to generate PDFs using LaTeX · Report Bug · Request Feature For better visualization you can find a small Demo and the HTML
Generate PDFs in Laravel with Mpdf.
Laravel Mpdf: Using Mpdf in Laravel for generate Pdfs Easily generate PDF documents from HTML right inside of Laravel using this mpdf wrapper. Importa
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.
Simplexcel.php - Easily read / parse / convert / write between Microsoft Excel XML / CSV / TSV / HTML / JSON / etc spreadsheet tabular file formats
Simple Excel Easily parse / convert / write between Microsoft Excel XML / CSV / TSV / HTML / JSON / etc formats For further deatails see the GitHuib P
CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
CSV Csv is a simple library to ease CSV parsing, writing and filtering in PHP. The goal of the library is to be powerful while remaining lightweight,
Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.
Gravity PDF Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using the pop
Laravel package to convert AD to BS that can work with carbon.
Laravel Nepali Date Converter Laravel package to convert AD to BS that can work with carbon. Installation You can install the package via composer: co
Generate pdf file with printable labels
printable_labels_pdf Generate pdf file with printable labels with PHP code. CREATE A PDF FILE WITH LABELS EASELY: You can get a pdf file with labels f
PHP library allowing PDF generation or snapshot from an URL or an HTML page. Wrapper for Kozea/WeasyPrint
PhpWeasyPrint PhpWeasyPrint is a PHP library allowing PDF generation from an URL or an HTML page. It's a wrapper for WeasyPrint, a smart solution help
Convert a pdf to an image
Convert a pdf to an image This package provides an easy to work with class to convert PDF's to images. Spatie is a webdesign agency in Antwerp, Belgiu
Generate simple PDF invoices with PHP
InvoiScript Generate simple PDF invoices with PHP. Installation Run: composer require mzur/invoiscript Usage Example use Mzur\InvoiScript\Invoice; re
Sign PDF files with valid x509 certificate
Sign PDF files with valid x509 certificate Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will download the package and the depe
Adobe XDでデザインしてSVGでエクスポートしたテンプレートをもとに、A4サイズの帳票をHTMLで出力する機能のPHP(Laravel)による実装例です
svg-paper-example Adobe XDでデザインしてSVGでエクスポートしたテンプレートをもとに、A4サイズの帳票をHTMLで出力する機能のPHP(Laravel)による実装例です。 こちらで実際に動くデモが見られます 👍 実装内容についての詳細は こちらのブログ記事 で解説していま
Laravel: Data to Monthly Converter
Laravel: Data to Monthly Converter Using this package you will be able to converts your collection using a timestamp field to order data monthly or ye
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will
Laravel Snappy PDF
Snappy PDF/Image Wrapper for Laravel 5 and Lumen 5.1 This package is a ServiceProvider for Snappy: https://github.com/KnpLabs/snappy. Wkhtmltopdf Inst
A PHP tool that helps you write eBooks in markdown and convert to PDF.
Artwork by Eric L. Barnes and Caneco from Laravel News ❤️ . This PHP tool helps you write eBooks in markdown. Run ibis build and an eBook will be gene
Convert html to an image, pdf or string
Convert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome The package can convert a webpage to an image or pdf. The conversion is done behind the sce
PdfParser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file.
PdfParser Pdf Parser, a standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file. Website : https://www.pdfparser.org Test the A
Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP
HTML To Markdown for PHP Library which converts HTML to Markdown for your sanity and convenience. Requires: PHP 7.2+ Lead Developer: @colinodell Origi
An ANSI to HTML5 converter
ANSI to HTML5 Converter This small library only does one thing: converting a text containing ANSI codes to an HTML5 fragment: require_once __DIR__.'/v
Pdf and graphic files generator library written in php
Information Examples Sample documents are in the "examples" directory. "index.php" file is the web interface to browse examples, "cli.php" is a consol
A PHP report generator
PHPJasper A PHP Report Generator Docs About PHPJasper is the best solution to compile and process JasperReports (.jrxml & .jasper files) just using PH
TCPDF - PHP PDF Library - https://tcpdf.org
Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes
TCPDF PHP PDF Library Please consider supporting this project by making a donation via PayPal category Library author Nicola Asuni info@tecnick.com co
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. Wrapper for wkhtmltopdf/wkhtmltoimage
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML
mPDF is a PHP library which generates PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML. It is based on FPDF and HTML2FPDF (see CREDITS), with a number of enhancement
HTML to PDF converter for PHP
Dompdf Dompdf is an HTML to PDF converter At its heart, dompdf is (mostly) a CSS 2.1 compliant HTML layout and rendering engine written in PHP. It is
Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage are command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the QT Webk
A pure PHP library for reading and writing word processing documents
Master: Develop: PHPWord is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to and read from different document file formats. Th
Arbitrary number base converter.
Numbase Easily convert numbers between arbitrary bases and symbol sets. Installation This library is available on Packagist as thunderer/numbase. It r
A super fast, highly extensible markdown parser for PHP
A super fast, highly extensible markdown parser for PHP What is this? A set of PHP classes, each representing a Markdown flavor, and a command line to
Convert HTML to Markdown with PHP
HTML To Markdown for PHP Library which converts HTML to Markdown for your sanity and convenience. Requires: PHP 7.2+ Lead Developer: @colinodell Origi
CSV data manipulation made easy in PHP
CSV Csv is a simple library to ease CSV parsing, writing and filtering in PHP. The goal of the library is to be powerful while remaining lightweight,
:currency_exchange: Currency exchange rates library
Swap Swap allows you to retrieve currency exchange rates from various services such as Fixer or currencylayer and optionally cache the results. It is
PHP implementation of Fowler's Money pattern.
Money PHP library to make working with money safer, easier, and fun! "If I had a dime for every time I've seen someone use FLOAT to store currency, I'
PHP Class converter to namepaces.
Namespacer This tool will assist you in taking older underscore/prefix spaced code and will namespace it as best as it can, and also make the files an