An ANSI to HTML5 converter

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Strings ansi-to-html

ANSI to HTML5 Converter

This small library only does one thing: converting a text containing ANSI codes to an HTML5 fragment:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\AnsiToHtmlConverter;

$converter = new AnsiToHtmlConverter();

$html = $converter->convert($ansi);

The $ansi variable should contain a text with ANSI codes, and $html will contain the converted HTML5 version of it.

You can then output the HTML5 fragment in any HTML document:

        <pre style="background-color: black; overflow: auto; padding: 10px 15px; font-family: monospace;"
        ><?php echo $html ?></pre>

The converter supports different color themes:

use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Theme\SolarizedTheme;

$theme = new SolarizedTheme();
$converter = new AnsiToHtmlConverter($theme);

By default, the colors are inlined into the HTML, but you can also use classes by turning off style inlining:

$converter = new AnsiToHtmlConverter($theme, false);

And the asCss() method of the theme object lets you retrieve the theme styles as a CSS snippet:

$styles = $theme->asCss();

which you can then use in your HTML document:

            <?php echo $styles ?>

            .ansi_box { overflow: auto; padding: 10px 15px; font-family: monospace; }
        <pre class="ansi_color_bg_black ansi_color_fg_white ansi_box"><?php echo $html ?></pre>

Twig Integration

Register the extension:

use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Bridge\Twig\AnsiExtension;


It's possible to use a custom AnsiToHtmlConverter:

use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Bridge\Twig\AnsiExtension;
use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Theme\SolarizedTheme;

$theme = new SolarizedTheme();
$converter = new AnsiToHtmlConverter($theme, false);



            {# This is only need if the inline styling is disabled #}
            {{ ansi_css }}
        {{ some_ansi_code|ansi_to_html }}
  • carriage return issue

    carriage return issue

    In convert() method, if detect \r, erase the entire line :

    replace: $text = preg_replace('#^.*\r(?!\n)#m', '', $text);

    by: $text = preg_replace('#^(.*)\r(?!\n)#m', '$1', $text);

    opened by Broutard 5
  • minor corrections

    minor corrections

    | Q | A | | --- | --- | | Bug Fix? | no | | New Feature? | no | | BC Breaks? | no | | Deprecations? | no | | Tests Pass? | yes | | Fixed Tickets | | | License | MIT |

    opened by cordoval 3
  • fix convert underline to html style

    fix convert underline to html style

    I had a problem with displaying results is Sismo.

    ( ! ) Notice: Undefined variable: text in Sismo/vendor/sensiolabs/ansi-to-html/SensioLabs/AnsiConverter/AnsiToHtmlConverter.php on line 112

    It turns out that converting underline to html isn't properly done so i made this fix.

    opened by adam187 3
  • typo in

    typo in

    I thing in the the following line :


    should be corriged to :

    $twig->addExtension(new AnsiExtension($converter));

    AnsiExtension is a class and not a function

    opened by aerogus 1
  • How to preserve new lines

    How to preserve new lines

    My command prints a bunch of lines using writeln function, but the ansi-to-html converter does not make separate lines out of them. Is there a way to achieve this?

    opened by olia-bn 1
  • Create an ESM Browser ready build

    Create an ESM Browser ready build


    What do you think about using rollup to produce minified version of the library to have a browser-ready build? I do this following suggestions from


    opened by nestarz 1
  • How do I include this in my project?

    How do I include this in my project?

    Hi, I did a git clone of the project. How do I integrate it into my project? with the composer autoloader? I get 'Uncaught error: Class 'AnsiToHtmlConverter' not found when I run it.

    opened by TheDoubleD 1
  • Adds replacement check for character set sequences

    Adds replacement check for character set sequences

    There's special escape sequences (for VT100) that alter character sets. These don't get replaced, like the cursor movements do.

    Escape sequences such as:


    You can replicate the issue with the use of the command tput sgr0.

    opened by jackbentley 1
  • TwigExtension.


    For one of my project, I had to create a twig extension. Do you want a PR?

    use SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\AnsiToHtmlConverter;
    class AnsiExtension extends \Twig_Extension
        private $converter;
        public function __construct(AnsiToHtmlConverter $converter = null)
            $this->converter = $converter ?: new AnsiToHtmlConverter();
        public function getFilters()
            return array(
                new \Twig_SimpleFilter('ansi_to_html', array($this, 'ansiToHtml'), array('is_safe' => array('html'))),
        public function ansiToHtml($string)
            return $this->converter->convert($string);
        public function getName()
            return 'ansi';

    It would be nice to add a twig function ansi_css that will ouput the inline CSS. But to do that, we need AnsiToHtmlConverter::getTheme

    opened by lyrixx 1
  • Fix problem with incomplete end sequences

    Fix problem with incomplete end sequences

    Some terminals seem to not issue the complete end sequence '[0m' for returning to default color, but using a shorthand '[m', which can be fixed with a little tweak of the regular expression.

    opened by ntzrbtr 0
  • New 80's Hacker Theme

    New 80's Hacker Theme

     * This file is part of ansi-to-html.
     * (c) 2013 Fabien Potencier
     * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
     * file that was distributed with this source code.
    namespace SensioLabs\AnsiConverter\Theme;
     * Hacker theme.
     * @see
    class HackerTheme extends Theme
        public function asArray()
            return array(
                // normal
                'black' => '#000000',
                'red' => '#800000',
                'green' => '#008000',
                'yellow' => '#808000',
                'blue' => '#000080',
                'magenta' => '#800080',
                'cyan' => '#008080',
                'white' => '#808080',
                // bright
                'brblack' => '#606060',
                'brred' => '#FF0000',
                'brgreen' => '#00FF00',
                'bryellow' => '#FFFF00',
                'brblue' => '#0000FF',
                'brmagenta' => '#FF00FF',
                'brcyan' => '#00FFFF',
                'brwhite' => '#FFFFFF',
    opened by fctr 0
  • Small bug in choosing intense colors

    Small bug in choosing intense colors

    Here's the fix:

            foreach ($options as $option) {
                if ($option >= 30 && $option < 38) {
                    $fg = $option - 30;
                } elseif ($option >= 40 && $option < 48) {
                    $bg = $option - 40;
                } elseif ($option >= 90 && $option < 98) { // This needs to be added
                    $fg = $option - 80; // This needs to be added
                } elseif (39 == $option) {

    ... }

    opened by fctr 0
  • fix when pattern like this 'foo\r\r\n', output will be empty

    fix when pattern like this 'foo\r\r\n', output will be empty

    We found some devices (H3C S10508-V) may output like this:

    blahblahblan \r\r\n
    blahblahblan \r\r\n

    However the history version may covert it into this:

    opened by friparia 0
  • Foreground color is set to background color if sequence lists background first

    Foreground color is set to background color if sequence lists background first

    I came across a weird behavior while using the library - if background color (e.g. 42 - green) is specified before foreground (e.g. 30 - black) the render will contain black text on black background. Weirdly enough this happens only for separated sequences (e.g. ^[[0m^[[42m^[[30m) and not while parsing their short forms (e.g. ^[[42;30m).

    I used following example to demonstrate the problem (also attached): Download raw


    Rendering in GNU bash, version 4.3.30(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) bash-render

    HTML from ansi-to-html v1.1.3

    $output = (new AnsiToHtmlConverter())->convert($test);
    <span style="background-color: green; color: black">WORKS1</span><span style="background-color: black; color: white"><br />
    </span><span style="background-color: black; color: black">DOESNT1</span><span style="background-color: black; color: white"><br />
    </span><span style="background-color: green; color: white">WORKS2</span><span style="background-color: black; color: white"><br />
    </span><span style="background-color: green; color: black">WORKS1</span><span style="background-color: black; color: white"><br />
    opened by kiler129 2
  • Support CSS prefix being defined early

    Support CSS prefix being defined early

    The CSS prefix that is part of the theme takes precedence over the prefix supplied to the converter.

    Deprecates $prefix parameter from Theme::asCss()

    It would be cumbersome to support a dynamic prefix at this late stage of the rendering.

    Tests updated to cover the following combinations.

    1. Using the default theme or a supplied theme, with and without its own css prefix.
    2. Using the default css prefix or a supplied prefix.
    3. Using inline styling or CSS.

    Hopefully fixes

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