Astroid Framework - Powerful Joomla Template Framework


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Astroid Framework - Powerful Joomla Template Framework

Watch Intro Video here


  • Bootstrap 5 Compatible
  • Built for Joomla 4
  • Drag and Drop Layout Builder
  • Advanced Responsive Control
  • Advanced Mega Menu
  • Off-Canvas Menu
  • Advanced Typography Controls
  • Advanced Blog Options
  • Unlimited Custom Code
  • Logo and Header Options
  • Enhanced User Experience
  • Import/Export Settings
  • Only Enable What You Need
  • Font Awesome 5
  • Social Icons & Share
  • SaaS ready
  • Responsive & Accessible Design
  • Refactored Codebase


  • Joomla: 3.x, 4.x
  • PHP : 5.6+

Browser Support

Chrome Firefox Edge Safari
  Chrome 64+     Firefox 58+     Edge 14+     Safari 10+   



Version 2.5.8 - November 11th, 2021

[fixbug] Fix hideonxxl is missing.
[fixbug] Fix blog column not work on Featured Article view on One and Zero Template
[improve] Add Theme-Width option
[improve] Improve Social col style. Add trigger onBeforeAstroidTemplateFormLoad & onAfterAstroidTemplateFormLoad
[improve] Improve Responsive Stacked Divided header
[improve] Improve Contact Info style & Off-canvas RTL style 
[improve] Add font-size option for Heading on Category Blog Layout

Version 2.5.7 - November 5th, 2021

[fixbug] Fix issue missing .form-group of Zero and One Template with BS5
[improve] Add Text Logo Typography.

Version 2.5.6 - November 4th, 2021

[fixbug] Fix logo sticky disappear in xxl screen
[improve] Improve Social Style
[improve] Fix Pagination Buttons in mobile run out of screen and Add float-left, float-right class 

Version 2.5.5 - November 2nd, 2021

[update] Migrate to Bootstrap 5
[update] Update Social layout
[update] Update Blog post type
[update] Update Astroid Information
[add] Add Stacked Center Balance header
[add] Add Column Order in Responsive layout
[add] Add Color option for Back to top icon
[fixbug] Fix PHP warning when Itemid is null
[fixbug] Fix PHP warning when system redirect to admin login
[fixbug] Fix 404 error when load cassiopeia/css/vendor/fontawesome-free/fontawesome.min.css
  • Astroid 2.6.0 fonts folder not working anymore

    Astroid 2.6.0 fonts folder not working anymore

    Hi Sonny, big problem. The fonts folder is not working anymore. I think it is because you move some folders from template to media folder. Many people from EU use this trick and add their own fonts into this folder to avoid loading from Google fonts. Here is the description what I mean ( switch to english) Greatings Peter

    AND btw you cant downgrade from Astroid 2.6.0 to 2.5.20 because all files are already moved and not copied to Joomla/media folder

    bug Joomla 4 PHP8.1 
    opened by Joomlaplates 70
  • Need a hand for Translation

    Need a hand for Translation

    Hi @Joomlaplates,

    I need your help with Astroid Multi-language. As you know, Joomdev stopped maintain Astroid. And we have Astroid v2.5.8 here. But other languages still out of date. May you help me create a new transifex account and push original language to continue update it?

    I will assign you to writer permission so you can update language direct to this repository. Everyone who want to contribute to this project are welcome.

    Everybody please help us check & feedback for translation packages in If you are interesting, please email to Joomlaplates to join translate team

    Thanks & Best Regards, Sonny

    help wanted 
    opened by sonvnn 31
  • A better solution to flush the compiled CSS files when in website development (testing CSS).

    A better solution to flush the compiled CSS files when in website development (testing CSS).

    As a developer, I need to empty the Astroid cache often and each time I have to; Step 1: enter the Astroid template manager administration> Extensions > Templates > Styles Step 2: Click to open the “Default” (or another) Astroid layout Style Step 3: Click the “Template Options” button Step 4: Wait until the Template Style admin windows are fully loaded (Astroid animation or not) Step 5: Click the “Clear cache” button


    Now I bypass all that and use FTP (for live websites) or Finder Mac (local) to clear them directly, efficient but not practical.

    • JoomDev people suggest I use The Debug function???? I try and it seems to have no effect on the CSS compiled by Astroid? — With Debug on:

    • compiled CSS continued to be generated
    • You still need to go in Astroid template config to Clear the cache
    • If you refresh (reload) the site the same compiled CSS stay in the CSS folder

    SOLUTIONS a) A “Clear Astroid Cache” button at the first level of Joomla administration (like presented here) to bypass the 3 clicks and wait to access the “Clear Cache” button in your Astroid template management. (I think you need an administration plugin for that?)

    Photoshop montage on what a button like that can look like. cache-button

    OR EVEN BETTER b) A Development button or setting in the Astroid plugin that tells the system to still generate the compiled CSS but automatically delete them and recreate a new one every time you refresh the website. This setting exists in other frameworks.

    Photoshop montage on what a button like that can look like. dev-setting-astroid-plugin

    opened by Chacapamac 29
  • New Preset funtion in 2.5.18

    New Preset funtion in 2.5.18

    Hi Sonni, the new preset funtion in Astroid 2.5.18 is great and its working well. BUT its not working if you already have preset styles from Astroid 2.5.17. You can select them but not working. Regards Peter

    opened by Joomlaplates 25
  • "Styles" list in JCE Pro editor doesn't work


    I'm using Astroid One and Zero on some sites, and Joomlaplates templates too. In the editor, the styles list is freezed with One and Zero, with Sounds from Joomlaplates too. No problem with Hope from Joomlaplates nor with Cassiopeia. I opened threads on JCE and Joomlaplates forums too.

    Same problem with JCE core. Core and Pro are 2.9.30, Astroid Framework 2.6.1, One and Zero 2.6.0, Sounds 1.3.10

    bug Joomla 4 
    opened by fontanil 22
  • Do you plan to have an official page or accessible public documentation for the New Templaza Astroid?

    Do you plan to have an official page or accessible public documentation for the New Templaza Astroid?

    I ask because I collect the existing documentation ( from Joomdev. I’m still collecting every important bit and piece I can find. I can easily repurpose and improve the existing documentation to not infringe any copyright. When done, you can place it on your (or a new) website and I can also work on the Wiki here, on Github.

    I think, if you are serious about Astroid, it will be great to start an official page and Forum section of your Templaza website or a new public website dedicated to Astroid. I’m extremely busy until mid-February, but I will be please to help put something together. After March, I can give you at least 1/4 or more of my day only on Astroid if needed.

    Yesterday, I ask Joomdev if they let you copy their entire Youtube Playlist — Astroid Joomla Framework Tutorials to your own or a new YouTube Channel for safekeeping.

    If I don’t have any answer, I will try directly with Chetan that works at Joomdev and make most, if not all of these Videos.

    If I still don’t have an answer, after March, I can start to produce pros videos tutorials (in French & English) — We can start by highlighting the new functions you are adding to Astroid and after, starting with the most important functions that need really help by video.

    opened by Chacapamac 22
  • Astroid Menu Options negative margin

    Astroid Menu Options negative margin

    Hey all!

    This post is about a problem with the negative margin in the #astroid-menu-options in astroid-menu-options.css #astroid-menu-options { margin-left: -180px; } Just check the image below to see how it looks like.

    Joomla Version: 4.0.4 Astroid Version: 2.5.10 Template (one) Version: 1.3.4


    opened by vtheod 22
  • JQuery loads twice

    JQuery loads twice

    Hi @sonvnn Why should astroid load the JQuery library while it's already loaded in the core? I think you should disable JQuery as well as the jquery.noConflict.js

    opened by vtheod 20
  • [2.5.7] Responsive settings are ignored after upgrade from 2.5.4

    [2.5.7] Responsive settings are ignored after upgrade from 2.5.4

    Today I updated from 2.5.4 to 2.5.7.

    After this upgrade the responsive settings for a layout element seem to be ignored.

    The settings are like:


    But this settings are completely been ignored and the element is also shown on large and extra-large screens.

    Any ideas what might cause this?

    opened by FrankReisenhofer 17
  • PHP 8.x Various Deprecation notices

    PHP 8.x Various Deprecation notices

    Working with PHP 8.1.7, i get Various Deprecation Notices from your Astroid Template. NB : I encountered these Notices on previous versions of PHP 8.x NB2 : I only suggest here my corrections. Keep up the good work anyhow.

    Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/Helper.php on line 240 $str = str_replace(" AND ", " && ", (string) $str);

    Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replace) of type array|string is deprecated in /libraries/astroid/framework/library/astroid/Component/Includer.php on line 46 $body = str_replace($includer['replace'], (string) self::$func() , $body);

    Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /templates/astroid_template_one/html/com_users/login/default_login.php on line 30

    Deprecated: str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #3 ($subject) of type array|string is deprecated in /templates/astroid_template_one/html/com_users/login/default_login.php on line 42

    <?php if (($this->params->get('logindescription_show') == 1 && str_replace(' ', '', (string) $this->params->get('login_description')) != '') || $this->params->get('login_image') != '') : ?>

    opened by ghazal 16
  • Adding Favicon Manifest Link (Template manager basics) as /favicons/site.webmanifest give //favicons/site.webmanifest?

    Adding Favicon Manifest Link (Template manager basics) as /favicons/site.webmanifest give //favicons/site.webmanifest?

    Adding a Favicon Manifest Lnk (Template manager basics) as /favicons/site.webmanifest Become this in the html (remark the double slash) —> //favicons/site.webmanifest

    Seems to work anyway? Manifest

    opened by Chacapamac 13
  • JCE icones + fontawesome with Astroid 2.6.3

    JCE icones + fontawesome with Astroid 2.6.3

    I have a problem with version 2.6.3 of Astroid. JCE icons are no longer visible in frontend and fontawesome either. I put back a 2.6.0 version and everything works perfectly... Can you tell me how to solve it please?

    opened by marionlep 16
  • Astroid 2.6.3 and Template One 2.6.3: styles are not correctly recognised

    Astroid 2.6.3 and Template One 2.6.3: styles are not correctly recognised


    For several monthes I'm using two styles (not child template) of Astroid One. One style as default with blue background color, no image, the other for the home only with a background picture and a transparent background color for ".astroid-layout.astroid-layout-boxed .astroid-wrapper".

    Using Astroid 2.6.2 (and One 2.6.3), all work well: changing the page use the right style, picture on the home page, background color for the other pages. If I update Astroid Framework to 2.6.3, the styles are not the right ones, all page are sometimes using the home style, sometimes the default one. If I reinstall the Framework 2.6.2, everithing is working welle again.

    Is it a bug in Astroid 2.6.3, or how could I do?

    Regards, Robert

    opened by fontanil 8
  • Joomla Mediamanager frontend - building new folder

    Joomla Mediamanager frontend - building new folder

    Hi Sonny, Joomla 4.2.5 and PHP 8.1

    It occurs that in the Images and Links section, if you create a new folder the popup freezes and does not go ahead, even if the folder is created. To view it, close the popup, go back and reopen the Images and Links tab.

    These are the errors reported in the console: Uncaught TypeError: Joomla.renderMessages is not a function at Notifications.notify (media-manager.min.js?41349ab7c112a7dc4604ebd5568a311d0c57880f:1:80540) at Notifications.success (media-manager.min.js?41349ab7c112a7dc4604ebd5568a311d0c57880f:1:80346) at onSuccess (media-manager.min.js?41349ab7c112a7dc4604ebd5568a311d0c57880f:1:103942) at n.onreadystatechange (core.min.js?bea7b244e267b04087cedcf531f6fe827a8e101f:1:6213)

    Video Recording Screen:

    We test with the templates from joomlaplates and astroid framework 2.6.2 With cassiopeia is everthing ok.

    Kind regards, Dirk JP-Admin Joomla-Master

    opened by WM-Loose 9
  • Back to top button does not show up

    Back to top button does not show up this is page where is enabled back to top button here is url which shows template settings. so normally it should show arrow but it does not.

    opened by Giorgi625 8
  • Disqus comments in multilang website show on one language.

    Disqus comments in multilang website show on one language.

    So I have enabled Disqus comments on two language website, but on both languages disqus shows only on one language. can you fix it? here is instruction

    opened by Giorgi625 0
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