Symfony5 template w/ Docker config


Symfony5 w/ Docker config

Latest Stable Version

A project template in the following configuration:

  1. Symfony 5.2
  2. PHP8
  3. PostgreSQL 13.2
  4. Separate Docker containers for Nginx, FPM, CLI and a database
  5. CS-Fixer and Psalm on board

Quick Start

  1. composer create-project ddlzz/symfony5-docker-website-skeleton local_project_path
  2. make init - very important! Run it before making any commits to your repo.
  3. make up
  4. Default ports are random (47001-47999) for every created project, so click the link generated in CLI with the output of make up command and enjoy!

You also can set desired ports for Nginx and PostgreSQL manually in generated /.env file (don't forget to run make restart afterwards).

Configuring Xdebug settings for PhpStorm IDE

To integrate Xdebug with PhpStorm within a created project you need to do the following:

  1. Create a PHP interpreter in the Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP tab from the php-fpm container in the project; make sure that Xdebug works properly in the container.
  2. Type the port number 9009 at the menu Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Debug -> Xdebug -> Debug.
  3. Create a server named Docker in the menu Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers (it matches with the value of the ServerName field in the IDE config for both interpreters).
  4. If necessary, make proper mappings in the PHP interpreter Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Path Mappings,
  5. Click the button Listen for PHP debug connections; if you have any questions, please read the documentation.

Useful makefile commands

  1. make console - default shell is zsh with preinstalled set of plugins
  2. make test - PHPUnit tests
  3. make cs - PHP CS-fixer with predefined rule sets
  4. make psalm - Psalm (default level is 1)
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