A modern Docker LAMP stack and MEAN stack for local development


The Devilbox


Usage | Architecture | Community | Features | Intranet | Screenshots | Contributing | Logos | License


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Support for valid https out of the box.

The Devilbox is a modern and highly customisable dockerized PHP stack supporting full LAMP and MEAN and running on all major platforms. The main goal is to easily switch and combine any version required for local development. It supports an unlimited number of projects for which vhosts, SSL certificates and DNS records are created automatically. Reverse proxies per project are supported to ensure listening server such as NodeJS can also be reached. Email catch-all and popular development tools will be at your service as well. Configuration is not necessary, as everything is already pre-setup.

Furthermore, the Devilbox provides an identical and reproducible development environment for different host operating systems.


Linux OSX Windows Plus Docker


Available Stacks

The Devilbox aims to be a swiss army knife for local development by providing you all the services you would ever need. To get an idea about the architecture behind it and to also see what's available have a look at the following diagrams and tables.

Smallest stack

This is the smallest possible and fully functional stack you can run

Full stack

To better understand what is actually possible have a look at the full example

Devilbox artwork

Available Container

The following table lists all integrated and pre-configured Docker container shipped by the Devilbox. Only the webserver and PHP container are mandatory, all others are optional and don't need to be started.

Each of them is also available in multiple different versions in order to reflect your exact desired environment.

Accel Web App SQL NoSQL Queue / Search ELK Utils
HAProxy Apache PHP MariaDB Memcached RabbitMQ ElasticSearch Bind
Varnish Nginx Python (Flask) MySQL MongoDB Solr Logstash Blackfire
PerconaDB Redis Kibana MailHog
PostgreSQL Ngrok

Documentation: Available Container


The Devilbox has a lot of features reaching from a simple single-user development environment that works out of the box up to a shared development infrastructure for a corporate network.

In order to be aware about all that features, ensure to have skimmed over the documentation, so you know what can be done and how that might simplify your every-day life. If you ever run into any unforseen issues, feel free to join the chat or visit the forums and get community support quickly.





devilbox.readthedocs.io gitter.im/devilbox devilbox.discourse.group github.com/devilbox/flames


Quick start

Linux and MacOS Windows
# Get the Devilbox
git clone https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox
# Create docker-compose environment file
cd devilbox
cp env-example .env
# Edit your configuration
vim .env
# Start all container
docker-compose up
1. Clone https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox to C:\devilbox with Git for Windows

2. Copy C:\devilbox\env-example to C:\devilbox\.env

3. Edit C:\devilbox\.env

4. Open a terminal on Windows and type:

# Start all container
C:\devilbox> docker-compose up

Documentation: Install the Devilbox | Start the Devilbox | .env file

Selective start

The above will start all containers, you can however also just start the containers you actually need. This is achieved by simply specifying them in the docker-compose command.

docker-compose up httpd php mysql redis

Documentation: Start only some container


Run different versions

Every single attachable container comes with many different versions. In order to select the desired version for a container, simply edit the .env file and uncomment the version of choice. Any combination is possible.

Apache Nginx PHP MySQL MariaDB Percona PgSQL Redis Memcached MongoDB
2.2 stable 5.2[1] 5.5 5.5 5.5 9.0 2.8 1.4 2.8
2.4 mainline 5.3 5.6 10.0 5.6 9.1 3.0 1.5 3.0
5.4 5.7 10.1 5.7 9.2 3.2 1.6 3.2
5.5 8.0 10.2 8.0 9.3 4.0 latest 3.4
5.6 10.3 9.4 5.0 3.6
7.0 10.4 9.5 6.0 4.0
7.1 10.5 9.6 latest 4.2
7.2 ... 4.4
7.3 12.3 latest
7.4 12.4
8.0[2] 13.0
8.1[2] latest

[1] PHP 5.2 is available to use, but it is not officially supported. The Devilbox intranet does not work with this version as PHP 5.2 does not support namespaces. Furthermore PHP 5.2 does only work with Apache 2.4, Nginx stable and Nginx mainline. It does not work with Apache 2.2. Use at your own risk.

[2] PHP 8.0 / PHP 8.1 are upcoming unreleased versions of PHP, which are directly built out of their official git branches every night to assure you will leverage their latest features.

Documentation: Change container versions

Additional services

Additionally to the default stack, there are a variety of other services that can be easily enabled and started.

Python (Flask) Blackfire ELK MailHog Ngrok RabbitMQ Solr HAProxy Varnish
2.7 1.8 5.x.y v1.0.0 2.x 3.6 5 1.x 4
... ... 6.x.y latest 3.7 6 5
3.7 1.18.0 7.x.y latest 7 6
3.8 latest latest latest

Documentation: Enable custom container

Enter the container

You can also work directly inside the php container. Simply use the bundled scripts shell.sh (or shell.bat for Windows). The PS1 will automatically be populated with current chosen php version. Navigate the the Devilbox directory and type the below listed command:

Linux and MacOS Windows
host> ./shell.sh
[email protected] in /shared/httpd $
C:\devilbox> shell.bat
[email protected] in /shared/httpd $

Your projects can be found in /shared/httpd. DNS records are automatically available inside the php container. Also every other service will be available on inside the php container (tricky socat port-forwarding).

Documentation: Work inside the PHP container | Directory overview

Quick Video intro

Devilbox setup and workflow Devilbox email catch-all

Feature overview

The Devilbox has everything setup for you. The only thing you will have to install is Docker and Docker Compose. Virtual hosts and DNS entries will be created automatically, just by adding new project folders.

Documentation: Devilbox Prerequisites


HTTPS support HTTPS is available by default for all projects and the bundled Intranet.
HTTP/2 support All HTTPS connections will offer HTTP/2 as the default protocol, except for Apache 2.2 which does not support it.
Auto virtual hosts New virtual hosts are created automatically and instantly whenever you add a project directory. This is done internally via vhost-gen and watcherd.
Automated SSL certs Valid SSL certificates for HTTPS are automatically created for each vhost and signed by the Devilbox CA.
Unlimited vhosts Run as many projects as you need with a single instance of the Devilbox.
Custom vhosts You can overwrite and customise the default applied vhost configuration for every single vhost.
Reverse proxy Have your NodeJS application served with a nice domain name and valid HTTPS.
Custom domains Choose whatever development domain you desire: *.loc, *.dev or use real domains as well: *.example.com
Auto DNS An integrated BIND server is able to create DNS entries automatically for your chosen domains.
Auto start scripts Custom startup scripts can be provided for all PHP container equally and also differently per PHP version to install custom software or automatically startup up your required tools.
Custom PHP config Overwrite any setting for PHP.
Custom PHP modules Load custom PHP modules on the fly.
Email catch-all All outgoing emails are catched and will be presented in the included intranet.
Self-validation Projects and configuration options are validated and marked in the intranet.
Xdebug Xdebug and a full blown PHP-FPM server is ready to serve.
Devilbox Flames Devilbox community plugins a.k.a. Devilbox Flames.
Many more See Documentation for all available features.

Documentation: Setup Auto DNS | Setup valid HTTPS | Configure Xdebug | Customize PHP


The following batteries are available in the Devilbox intranet by default:

Adminer phpMyAdmin phpPgAdmin phpRedMin PHPMemcachedAdmin OpCacheGUI Mail viewer
Adminer phpMyAdmin phpPgAdmin phpRedMin PHPMemcached Admin OpCache GUI Mail viewer

Documentation: Devilbox Intranet


The following tools will assist you on creating new projects easily as well as helping you check your code against guidelines.

🔧 awesome-ci A set of tools for static code analysis:

file-cr, file-crlf, file-empty, file-nullbyte-char, file-trailing-newline, file-trailing-single-newline, file-trailing-space, file-utf8, file-utf8-bom, git-conflicts, git-ignored, inline-css, inline-js, regex-grep, regex-perl, syntax-bash, syntax-css, syntax-js, syntax-json, syntax-markdown, syntax-perl, syntax-php, syntax-python, syntax-ruby, syntax-scss, syntax-sh
🔧 git flow git-flow is a Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model.
🔧 json lint jsonlint is a command line linter for JSON files.
🔧 laravel installer laravel is a command line tool that lets you easily install the Laravel framework.
🔧 linkcheck linkcheck is a command line tool that searches for URLs in files (optionally limited by extension) and validates their HTTP status code.
🔧 linuxbrew brew is a MacOS Homenbrew clone for Linux.
🔧 markdownlint markdownlint is a markdown linter.
🔧 mdl mdl is a markdown linter.
🔧 phalcon devtools phalcon is a command line tool that lets you easily install the PhalconPHP framework.
🔧 photon installer photon is a command line tool that lets you easily install the PhotonCMS.
🔧 php code sniffer phpcs is a command line tool that tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards.
🔧 php code beautifier phpcbf is a command line tool that automatically correct coding standard violations.
🔧 php cs fixer php-cs-fixer is a tool to automatically fix PHP Coding Standards issues.
🔧 pm2 pm2 is Node.js Production Process Manager with a built-in Load Balancer.
🔧 stylelint stylelint is a css/scss linter.
🔧 symfony installer symfony is a command line tool that lets you easily install the Symfony framework.
🔧 tig tig is a text-mode interface for git.
🔧 wp-cli wp is a command line tool that lets you easily install WordPress.
🔧 yamllint yamllint is a linter for yaml files.

Well-known and popular tools will be at your service as well:

Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox

Documentation: Available Tools

Available PHP Modules

The Devilbox is a development stack, so it is made sure that a lot of PHP modules are available out of the box in order to work with many different frameworks.

  • Core enabled (cannot be disabled):
  • Enabled (can be disabled): 🗸
  • Available, but disabled (can be enabled): d
Modules PHP 5.2 PHP 5.3 PHP 5.4 PHP 5.5 PHP 5.6 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.1 PHP 7.2 PHP 7.3 PHP 7.4 PHP 8.0 PHP 8.1
amqp 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
apc 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
apcu 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
bcmath 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
blackfire d d d d d d d
bz2 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
calendar 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
dba 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
enchant 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
exif 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
fileinfo 🗸
ftp 🗸 🗸 🗸
gd 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
gettext 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
gmp 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
igbinary 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
imagick 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
imap 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
interbase 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
intl 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
ioncube d d d d d d d d d d
ldap 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
mbstring 🗸 🗸
mcrypt 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
memcache 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
memcached 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
mongo 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
mongodb 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
msgpack 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
mysql 🗸 🗸 🗸
mysqli 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
OAuth 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
oci8 d d d d d d d d d d d
pcntl 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
pdo_dblib 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
PDO_Firebird 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
pdo_mysql 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
PDO_OCI d d d d d d d
pdo_pgsql 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
pdo_sqlsrv d d d d
pgsql 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
phalcon 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
Phar 🗸
pspell 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
psr 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
rdkafka d d d d d d d d d
recode 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
redis 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
shmop 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
snmp 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
soap 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
sockets 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
solr 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
sqlsrv d d d d d
ssh2 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
swoole d d d d d d d d d
sysvmsg 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
sysvsem 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
sysvshm 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
tidy 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
uploadprogress 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
vips 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
wddx 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
xdebug 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
xlswriter 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
xmlrpc 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
xsl 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
yaml 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
Zend OPcache 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
zip 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸 🗸
  • Core enabled (cannot be disabled):
  • Enabled (can be disabled): 🗸
  • Available, but disabled (can be enabled): d

PHP modules can be enabled or disabled on demand to reflect the state of your target environment.

Documentation: Enable/disable PHP modules

Custom PHP Modules

You can also copy any custom modules into mod/(php-fpm)-<VERSION> and add a custom *.ini file to load them.

Supported PHP Frameworks

As far as tested there are no limitations and you can use any Framework or CMS just as you would on your live environment. Below are a few examples of extensively tested Frameworks and CMS:

Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox Devilbox

Setup CakePHP | Setup CodeIgniter | Setup Contao | Setup CraftCMS | Setup Drupal | Setup Joomla | Setup Laravel | Setup Magento | Setup PhalconPHP | Setup PhotonCMS | Setup PrestaShop | Setup ProcessWire | Setup Shopware | Setup Symfony | Setup Typo3 | Setup WordPress | Setup Yii | Setup Zend

Supported reverse proxied applications

As far as tested there are no limitations and you can use any application that creates an open port. These ports will be reverse proxied by the web server and even allow you to use valid HTTPS for them. By the built-in autostart feature of the Devilbox you can ensure that your application automatically starts up as soon as you run docker-compose up.

NodeJS Python Flask Sphinx

Setup reverse proxy NodeJs | Setup reverse proxy Sphinx documentation

Intranet overview

The Devilbox comes with a pre-configured intranet on http://localhost and https://localhost. This can be explicitly disabled or password-protected. The intranet will not only show you, the chosen configuration, but also validate the status of the current configuration, such as if DNS records exists (on host and container), are directories properly set-up. Additionally it provides external tools to let you interact with databases and emails.

Documentation: Devilbox Intranet


A few examples of how the built-in intranet looks like.

Contributing Open Source Helpers

The Devilbox is still a young project with a long roadmap of features to come. Features are decided by you - the community, so any kind of contribution is welcome.

To increase visibility and bug-free operation:

  • Star this project
  • Open up issues for bugs and feature requests
  • Clone this project and submit fixes or features
  • Visit the Devilbox Community Forums for announcements and to help others

Additionally you can subscribe to Devilbox on CodeTriage, read up on CONTRIBUTING.md and check the ROADMAP about what is already planned for the near future.


Logos and banners can be found at devilbox/artwork. Feel free to use or modify them by the terms of their license.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2016 cytopia

  • (Community Discussion) Run multiply PHP versions at the same time

    (Community Discussion) Run multiply PHP versions at the same time

    Community Discussion: multiple PHP versions

    Hi everybody,

    hope you enjoy the devilbox so far. I was thinking about a new feature, which might be a bit difficult to get it done, could however be something very useful for some of you:


    Be able to run multiple PHP-FPM container at the same time


    • test your site simultaneously with different PHP versions
    • useful for migrating from one version to another
    • useful for continuous integration tests against multiple versions


    Before I am going to wrap my head around this, I wanted to check back with you guys, If it is actually any useful for you. So if this is of any use for you, let me know. Also if you have something similar in mind, just give me a comment here.

    feature feedback wanted discussion issue:protected 
    opened by cytopia 64
  • MongoDB not starting

    MongoDB not starting


    I am using the windows 10 pro and i have recently installed the docker the latest version.

    I wanted to use devilbox services everything is working fine but the mongodb and postgre database.

    I am getting the below mention error while looking into the mongo logs.

    E:\Docker\devilbox (master)
    λ docker-compose logs mongo
    Attaching to devilbox_mongo_1
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=1 port=27017 dbpath=/data/db 64-bit host=4b8802b75a60
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] db version v3.4.10
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] git version: 078f28920cb24de0dd479b5ea6c66c644f6326e9
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1t  3 May 2016
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] modules: none
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] build environment:
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distmod: debian81
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]     distarch: x86_64
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]     target_arch: x86_64
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.781+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: {}
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.788+0000 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] wiredtiger_open config: create,cache_size=478M,session_max=20000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000),checkpoint=(wait=60,log_size=2GB),statistics_log=(wait=0),
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.954+0000 E STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger error (17) [1512486472:954333][1:0x7f1585c39d40], connection: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: File exists
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.956+0000 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger message unexpected file WiredTiger.wt found, renamed to WiredTiger.wt.11
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.958+0000 E STORAGE  [initandlisten] WiredTiger error (1) [1512486472:958291][1:0x7f1585c39d40], connection: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: Operation not permitted
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.960+0000 I -        [initandlisten] Assertion: 28595:1: Operation not permitted src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_kv_engine.cpp 276
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.962+0000 I STORAGE  [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 28595 1: Operation not permitted, terminating
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.963+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.963+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] removing socket file: /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.963+0000 I NETWORK  [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.963+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] now exiting
    mongo_1  | 2017-12-05T15:07:52.963+0000 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] shutting down with code:100

    I dont understand this error and so i decided to ask you for help. Please guide me if there anything i need to change.

    Thank you very much

    docker host:windows 
    opened by aadi-khan 54
  • Auto-DNS not working properly

    Auto-DNS not working properly


    I have pulled today latest image and all works well except auto-dns feature. Under php 7.1, apache 2.4, Docker version 17.09.0-ce, build afdb6d4 and osx high sierra when I set nameserver in resolv.conf, flush the dns cache, delete the container and run compose up virtualhosts are not properly resolved. If I place them in hosts file all works well. Any suggestions for further debugging? I left DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT=1 and checked the log but everything seems fine, no errors on the screen so far.

    Also after wifi reconnect on osx of dns are changed and file completely wiped, so this means that I have to add localhost on each wifi reconnect...

    bug docker host:osx 
    opened by rslid 49
  • Blackfire integration seems incomplete?

    Blackfire integration seems incomplete?


    • Question


    Support for Blackfire seems to be incomplete. After adding Blackfire through the instructions, the profiling returns an error "Probe not found, invalid signature".

    It seems like Blackfire PHP is not being installed? If I install it - along with the agent - manually, nothing works either.

    Are there any of these steps which are missing in the configuration, so Blackfire starts correctly when issuing "docker-compose up"?

    • https://blackfire.io/docs/integrations/docker
    • https://blackfire.io/docs/up-and-running/installation
    • https://blackfire.io/docs/book/06-installation


    To be able to run Blackfire profiling on my local Devilbox Docker environment.

    Thank you in advance.

    feature documentation 
    opened by runedalton 46
  • 403 forbidden after update

    403 forbidden after update

    after update (from git & containers incl. removing and recreating images) from 0.13 to 0.14 I get an 403 on all hosts (including localhost). also ssl cert is not correct set up now (security page). Can anyone confirm or a hand for debugging?

    • [ x] Pull latest dockers (e.g.: docker pull cytopia/<used_docker>) before running docker-compose up done that

    • [ x] Specify used docker versions (php, web and database) php 7.0, 7.1, 7.1 database mariadb-10.1 apache 2.2 2.4

    • [ x] Attach logs for php, mysql and webserver (found in log/ directory) the log files did not update. this is the compose up output

    • [x ] Start with debug mode and attach docker-compose output (.env setting DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT=1) logs.txt

    • [x ] Never use different mysql|mariadb versions on the same HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR on existing database files. Different mysql|mariadb versions might upgrade/corrupt existing database files. If you have done that already, start with a different path of HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR (to an empty directory) and try again.

    Please also specify the following info:

    • [x ] Which operating system are you at (Linux, OSX or Windows) windows 10
    • [x ] docker version docker ce Version 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
    • [x ] docker-compose version 1.21.1
    opened by chrizz1001 39
  • DNS problem (docker-toolbox \ Win7x64 \ non-admin user)

    DNS problem (docker-toolbox \ Win7x64 \ non-admin user)

    Hi, I've already complete setup & using devilbox tool on OS X (it means that i understand how it works fine)

    But on Windows7 x64 host i have a following issue. Accordingly to documentation, we need to specify a "LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR", which is by default. Docker tools software versions provided in attachment image. In case of windows 7 we can use only docker-toolbox, and cannot use a docker-native client... While it starts - it shows an IP which must replace a default IP address ( from .env file.

    Once I've set that - i'm launching the utility... Starting procedure are the same as on OS X... The tool sequentially launches a few web services and goes to idle state...

    Afterwards my browser (Google chrome Version 60.0.3112.113 (Official Build) (64-bit)) can't get to the main web-panel, neither one of following addresses are recognized by DNS localhost

    I've tries to set all of them to "LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR" value, each time after any changes being made I've erase all present containers through following commands: docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q) docker rmi $(docker images -q) for now it is still doesn't see web-panel...

    Who is sharp enough, please advise - what it can be? Is there any solution for that? Thanks for paying attention, good luck

    Software versions are dockers ip

    Working idle state of devilbox tool idle-state

    localhost 127001 19216899100 1721623811

    bug duplicate DNS host:virtualbox (docker-toolbox) 
    opened by John-MEO-o 37
  • How to add subdomains?

    How to add subdomains?


    I'm sorry, I'm not sure how can I use devilbox along with WP multisite? To be more precise, I would like to use subdomains. So, maybe this is the main question - how to add subdomains ? Thanks!

    question documentation 
    opened by mrpsiho 35
  • Xdebug can't connect on Docker for Mac

    Xdebug can't connect on Docker for Mac

    If you encounter a bug and something does not work, make sure you have done the following and check those boxes before submitting an issue - thank you!

    • [x] Pull latest dockers (e.g.: docker pull cytopia/<used_docker>) before running docker-compose up
    • [x] Specify used docker versions (php, web and database)
    • [ ] Attach logs for php, mysql and webserver (found in log/ directory)
    • [ ] Start with debug mode and attach docker-compose output (.env setting DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT=1)
    • [ ] Never use different mysql|mariadb versions on the same HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR on existing database files. Different mysql|mariadb versions might upgrade/corrupt existing database files. If you have done that already, start with a different path of HOST_PATH_MYSQL_DATADIR (to an empty directory) and try again.

    Please also specify the following info:

    • [x] Which operating system are you at (Linux, OSX or Windows)

    macOS Sierra 0.12.6

    • [x] docker version
    Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40
    • [x] docker-compose version
    docker-compose version 1.21.0, build 5920eb0
    docker-py version: 3.2.1
    CPython version: 3.6.4
    OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.2o  27 Mar 2018



    I'm using vscode with the following configuration

        // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
        // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
        // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
        "version": "0.2.0",
        "configurations": [
                "name": "Listen for XDebug",
                "type": "php",
                "request": "launch",
                "port": 9000,
                "stopOnEntry": true,
                "log": true,
                "pathMappings": {
                    "/shared/httpd/test/htdocs": "${workspaceFolder}"
    host:osx documentation xdebug 
    opened by jmcbee 33
  • Working on NodeJS project - use nginx as reverse proxy / upstream Node app

    Working on NodeJS project - use nginx as reverse proxy / upstream Node app

    Hi! Hope you are doing well. I have a question about using devilbox while working on NodeJS project. In essence, I would like to ask how to access my Node app via custom domain like 'node-app.loc'?

    I start my Node app inside a container via terminal and it is up and running on localhost:3000. But I am lost how to access it? Visiting http://node-app.loc gives me Error 403 Forbidden. I guess I could achieve what I need by modifying nginx.yml within '.devilbox' folder of my project folder, however, I don't know what exactly to put inside this config file. Please, help.

    feature documentation 
    opened by mrpsiho 31
  • 504 Gateway timeout errors

    504 Gateway timeout errors

    Hi - I'm getting 504 timeout errors and general performance issues, especially when trying to access wp-admin across various sites within auto DNS. Any ideas? I'm on:

    OSX High Sierra Docker Version 18.03.0-ce-mac60 (23751) Compose: 1.20.1

    Here's my .env attached env.txt

    bug docker host:windows host:linux host:osx performance 
    opened by stefanlesik 31
  • Customized Nginx Conf hasn't applied

    Customized Nginx Conf hasn't applied

    Note: This issue have been resolved. While creating custom configuration based on templates don't use "\t" (TAB) characters on yml files. They will cause you some trouble :)

    Original Issue:


    I'm using Devilbox on Linux: Latest release, latest docker and latest docker-compose version.

    I am using PHP 7.1, Nginx-Stable versions.

    I've created .devilbox inside my project folder and put nginx.yml

    And I put fastcgi_read_timeout 300; parameter.

    But I get timeout while working on a PHP project.

    So I've go inside the docker shell and check httpd settings.

    I've checked /etc/httpd/vhost.d/myproject.conf file and the fastcgi_read_timeout settings it nowhere.

    So maybe I'm doing something wrong or maybe there is a bug.

    What do you think?

    opened by alivelimeli 31
  • Webside not loaded (isotope product-list)

    Webside not loaded (isotope product-list)

    Have you already looked into this bug?

    • [X] I have checked the Troubleshooting Guide
    • [X] I have checked Release notes for potential migration steps
    • [X] I have checked existing issues for similar bugs
    • [X] I have googled this bug already with no luck
    • [ ] I have not done any of the above

    (Optional) Error message

    HTTP CODE 503

    What went wrong?

    webpage unreachable

    Expected behaviour

    webpage shown, webshop with product list

    How can we reproduce the bug?

    see #948; also have isotope 2.8.8. installed and configured

    Host Operating System


    Host Platform (amd64, arm64, other)


    (Linux only) Is SELinux enabled?

    No, SELinux is disabled

    Docker version


    Docker Compose version


    Devilbox version


    Have you removed stopped containers before starting?


    Have you pulled latest Docker images before starting?


    Devilbox start command


    Config: .env file


    Config: docker-compose.override.yml

    No response

    Config: ./check-config.sh


    Log: docker-compose logs


    (Optional) Additional information

    All webpages are shown, all but the one with the product list

    bug triage 
    opened by Ernestopheles 8
  • Xdebug on Devilbox (aggregated thread)

    Xdebug on Devilbox (aggregated thread)

    Currently the Xdebug questions are separated in too many different issues, which makes it difficult to track. Let's consolidate them in here:

    Currently open Xdebug issues

    These will be locked, but still contain good information

    • #929
    • #866
    • #841
    • #628
    • #575
    • #769


    Specific discussions can also be done in Discord.


    The documentation lacks behind and can not be updated at the momemnt as I don't have all the bits and pieces together. Let's find some common ground, so we can get this out of the way once and for all.

    :warning: Note: This requires Devilbox v3.0.0-beta-0.3 or later

    The currently suggested Xdebug php.ini configuration for PHP 7.2 and above is as follows:

    file: ./cfg/php-ini-X.Y/devilbox-php.ini

    ; Defaults
    xdebug.mode               = debug
    xdebug.remote_handler     = dbgp
    xdebug.start_with_request = yes
    ; How to connect
    xdebug.client_port          = 9003
    xdebug.client_host          = host.docker.internal
    xdebug.discover_client_host = false
    ; Logging
    xdebug.log       = /var/log/php/xdebug.log
    xdebug.log_level = 7
    ; IDE Configuration
    xdebug.idekey    = PHPSTORM
    ;xdebug.idekey    = VSCODE

    Adding these two might also help:

    ; https://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.max-input-time
    ; https://www.php.net/manual/en/info.configuration.php#ini.max-execution-time
    max_input_time     = 0
    max_execution_time = 0

    file: ./cfg/php-fpm-X.Y/devilbox-fpm.conf (copy devilbox-fpm.conf-default)

    ; https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.configuration.php
    request_terminate_timeout = 0

    Updates to the above config:

    • 2023-01-05: Changed xdebug.client_port from 9000 to 9003
    • 2023-01-05: Changed xdebug.discover_client_host from 0 to false
    • 2023-01-06: Fixed typos in filename (thanks @Ernestopheles)

    Next Steps

    We need confirmation for the following host operating system setups:

    • Linux
    • MacOS
    • Windows (with WSL2)
    • Windows (without WSL2)

    And for the following IDE's

    • PhpStorm
    • VSCode
    • Sublime

    If Xdebug is working for you, please post the configuration in here as well as the OS and your IDE.

    documentation discussion xdebug Community help wanted 
    opened by cytopia 4
  • [Bug]: xdebug causing 502 Bad Gateway on a very specific action in Wordpress

    [Bug]: xdebug causing 502 Bad Gateway on a very specific action in Wordpress

    Have you already looked into this bug?

    • [X] I have checked the Troubleshooting Guide
    • [X] I have checked Release notes for potential migration steps
    • [X] I have checked existing issues for similar bugs
    • [X] I have googled this bug already with no luck
    • [X] I have not done any of the above

    (Optional) Error message

    devilbox-mysql-1 | 2023-01-02 18:59:43 13 [Warning] Aborted connection 13 to db: 'xyz' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)

    What went wrong?

    On a very specific POST action in WordPress (when using a specific feature of the WPML plugin), if I do not have Xdebug connected in VS Code, I get a 502 Bad Gateway Error. To be clear, if I allow VS Code Xdebug to start step debugging, the problem doesn't happen - the page request completes successfully.

    If I turn Xdebug off completely in php.ini, the action completes successfully. It doesn't matter if the xdebug chrome extension is turned on or off, or if I clear the session cookie for it.

    It is also interesting to note that the action registers properly in wordpress/php/mysql. It is just the response that breaks.

    I don't see anything abnormal in the Xdebug logs, even at level 10. It has the same content as successful page requests.

    Expected behaviour

    No 502 error.

    How can we reproduce the bug?

    Install wordpress and WPML + WPML String Translations. Add a string to Translations.


    Host Operating System


    Host Platform (amd64, arm64, other)


    (Linux only) Is SELinux enabled?

    No, SELinux is disabled

    Docker version

    Docker version 20.10.18, build b40c2f6

    Docker Compose version

    Docker Compose version v2.10.2

    Devilbox version

    Devilbox v3.0.0-beta-0.1 (2022-12-24)

    Have you removed stopped containers before starting?


    Have you pulled latest Docker images before starting?


    Devilbox start command

    docker compose up httpd bind php mysql redis

    Config: .env file

    ###  ---------------------------------------------------
    ###  D E V I L B O X   R U N - T I M E   S E T T I N G S
    ###  ---------------------------------------------------
    ###  All the following settings are applied during
    ###  $ docker-compose up
    ###  No need to rebuild any docker images!
    ###  IMPORTANT:
    ###  ----------
    ###  When changing any values ensure to stop, rm and restart:
    ###  $ docker-compose stop
    ###  $ docker-compose rm -f
    ###  $ docker-compose up
    ###  NOTE:
    ###  -----
    ###  For you own custom variables, scroll to the bottom
    # The following line will disable any shellcheck warnings throughout this file
    # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2125
    ### Show all executed commands in each
    ### docker image during docker-compose up?
    ### 0: Quiet
    ### 1: Verbose
    ### 2: More verbose
    ### Log to file or Docker logs.
    ### Logging to file means log files are available under log/
    ### on your host operating system.
    ### Logging to Docker logs means log files are streamed to
    ### stdout and stderr.
    ### 1: Log to Docker logs
    ### 0: Log to file
    ### Relative or absolute path to the devilbox repository.
    ### (Used as a prefix for all mount paths)
    ### There is no need to change this.
    ### The only exception is for OSX users wanting to use NFS
    ### mounts instead of Filesystem mounts due to degraded performance
    ### on OSX.
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### At what IP address should the docker services listen
    ### on the Host computer?
    ### The specified default should be fine for Linux and OSX (
    ### If you are on windows, you will probably have to change
    ### it to the IP address of the docker machine.
    ### a.) Leave blank, to listen on all interfaces (no trailing colon ':')
    ### b.) If an IP is specified, note the trailing colon ':'
    ### This is the domain suffix your projects will be made available
    ### with mass-virtual-hosting.
    ### It is also required for the internal DNS server to be setup.
    ### Note: In addition to period or dot character ('.'), only ALPHA ([a-zA-Z]+) characters are supported.
    ###       Mac users should not use the .local TLD, as this will not resolve properly due Apple's
    ###         use of Multicast DNS.##
    ### Example:
    ###   TLD_SUFFIX=loc
    ### Makes your project available under xxxx.loc
    ### Example:
    ###   TLD_SUFFIX=local
    ### Makes your project available under xxxx.local
    ### Optional DNS configuration
    ### Allows you to add extra DNS records (above the wildcard entry)
    ### Useful if your host computer run other Docker services that you want to connect to or reach
    ### from within the Devilbox network by a custom hostname.
    ### Format:
    ### -------
    ### Resolve any custom defined hostname to an IP address (useable inside container and host os)
    ###     EXTRA_HOSTS=<hostname>=<ip>[,<hostname>=<ip>]
    ### Resolve any custom defined hostname to whatever IP address a CNAME resolves to
    ### (Useable inside the container and host OS).
    ### Note: CNAME must be resolvable by Google DNS
    ###     EXTRA_HOSTS=<hostname>=<CNAME>[,<hostname>=<CNAME>]
    ### Examples:
    ### ---------
    ### EXTRA_HOSTS=hostname.loc=
    ### EXTRA_HOSTS=host.loc=,host.example.org=
    ### Set your user id and group id
    ### This should be changed to the value of your local
    ### users uid and gid
    ### Type `id` on the terminal to find out your values
    ### Timezone for PHP Docker container (system and php.ini)
    ### TLD_SUFFIX domains are checked if they are set in the
    ### host computer /etc/hosts or available via attached DNS server.
    ### Timeout is done on vhosts.php (intranet) via ajax calls.
    ### In order to keep performance, set this to a low value.
    ### DNS checks might not succeed in time on slow machines.
    ### If DNS is valid, but timeout is expired, set this to a higher value.
    ### DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT value is how many seconds to time out
    ### Default is to timeout after 1 second (DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT=1)
    ### Devilbox UI SSL Certificate generation
    ### When using SSL each certificate requires names for which it is responsible:
    ### Common Name as well as alternative names.
    ### Specify comma separated hostnames below by which you want to access the Devilbox.
    ### Those hostnames will be included in the SSL certificate for the Devilbox intranet.
    ### This has nothing to do for SSL certificates for projects, it is just for the intranet
    ### itself.
    ### Devilbox UI Password protection enable/disable (1/0)
    ### Set DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT to 1 in order to password protect the
    ### intranet.
    ### Example:
    ### Devilbox UI Password
    ### When DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT=1, use the following password
    ### to log in. The password can always be changed.
    ### When changing the password, make sure to restart your
    ### PHP container.
    ### Example:
    ###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=my-very-secure-password
    ###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=Some pass with spaces
    ### The default username is 'devilbox'
    ### Enable the Devilbox Intranet?
    ### Example:
    ### Automatically be logged in into phpMyAdmin
    ### Example:
    ### Automatically be logged in into phpPgAdmin
    ### Example:
    ### 1. Choose Images (Version)
    ### You can choose any combination of httpd, mysql, postgresql or php.
    ### Each of them are fully compatible between one another.
    ### 1.1 Choose PHP Server Image
    ### Note: PHP 5.2 is not officially supported. Intranet won't work (due to lack of namespace support).
    ###       PHP 5.2 only works with Apache 2.4, Nginx stable and Nginx mainline.
    ###       Use at your own risk.
    ### 1.2 Choose HTTPD Server Image
    ### Choose between 'debian' or 'alpine' flavour and then select the version
    ### Note: apache-2.2 has no arm64 support on 'alpine' flavour
    ### 1.3 Choose MySQL Server Image
    ### 1.4 Choose PostgreSQL Server Image
    ### https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # PostgreSQL without arm64 support
    # PostgreSQL with arm64 support
    ### 1.5 Choose Redis Server Image
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # Redis without arm64 support
    # Redis with arm64 support
    ### 1.6 Choose Memcached Server Image
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # Memcached without arm64 support
    # Memcached with arm64 support
    ### 1.7 Choose Mongo Server Image
    ### https://www.mongodb.com/evolved
    # MongoDB without arm64 support
    # MongoDB with arm64 support
    ### 2. Host Mounts (Your computer)
    ### Global mount options
    ### Note: When adding custom mount options, ensure to start with a
    ###       leading ',' (comma), as those options are prepended to already
    ###       existing mount options.
    ### Note: If no mount options are specified, leave this variable empty
    ###       and do not add a leading ',' (comma).
    ### MOUNT_OPTIONS=,cached
    ### Example: Allow to share mounts accross container with SELINUX enabled
    ### MOUNT_OPTIONS=,z
    ### Local filesystem path to www projects.
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### Local filesystem path to where your backups are stored
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### The path on your host OS of the ssh directory to be mounted into the
    ### PHP container into /home/devilbox/.ssh.
    ### IMPORTANT: The path is mounted read-only to ensure you cannot accidentally
    ##             delete anything inside the php container.
    ### 3. PHP Docker Settings
    ### Enable certain PHP modules which are not enabled by default
    ### Currently the only modules that can be enabled are 'ioncube' and 'blackfire'
    ### Also ensure to disable xdebug when using any of the above:
    ### https://xdebug.org/docs/install#compat
    ### PHP_MODULES_ENABLE=ioncube, blackfire
    ### Disable any PHP modules that you don't require
    ### Specify a comma separated list without spaces of modules to disable
    ### PHP_MODULES_DISABLE=xdebug,imagick,swoole
    ### Postfix settings for email catch-all
    ### When set to '1' postfix is normally started and made available. However you still need
    ### to configure it to your needs yourself. For that you can use the autostart scripts
    ### and define a couple of 'postconf -e name=value' commands.
    ### When set to '2' (email catch-all), no mail will leave the Devilbox. It is automatically
    ### internally routed the the devilbox mail account and you can see each sent mail
    ### in the bundled intranet: https://localhost/mail.php
    ### Values:
    ### 0: Disable postfix (do not start it)
    ### 1: Enable/Start postfix
    ### 2: Enable/Start postfix and enable email catch-all
    ### Configure everything else about PHP in
    ### * cfg/php-ini-X.X/*.ini
    ### * cfg/php-fpm-X.X/*.conf
    ### 4. HTTPD Docker Settings
    ### Expose HTTPD Port to Host
    ### Globally enable/disable HTTP/2 support
    ### This cannot be done on a per vhost level and must be enabled/disabled globally.
    ### Values:
    ###  * 0: HTTP/2 is disabled
    ###  * 1: HTTP/2 is enabled
    ### SSL (HTTP/HTTPS) settings for automated vhost generation
    ### By default each project will have two vhosts (one for HTTP and one for HTTPS).
    ### You can control the SSL settings for your projects via the below stated values.
    ### This is internally achieved via the '-m' argument of https://github.com/devilbox/vhost-gen
    ### Values:
    ###   * both:  Serve HTTP and HTTPS for all projects
    ###   * redir: HTTP always redirects to HTTPS
    ###   * ssl:   Only serve HTTPS
    ###   * plain: Only serve HTTP
    ### Document Root Subdirectory
    ### In your project directory, which subfolder should
    ### serve your files?
    ### When changing this value, restart the devilbox.
    ### Per vHost Config Subdirectory
    ### In your project directory, which subfolder should
    ### hold apache, nginx templates for a customized vhost?
    ### When changing this value, restart the devilbox.
    ### Webserver timeout (in seconds) to upstream PHP-FPM server
    ### This value should be greater than PHP's max_execution_time,
    ### otherwise the php script could still run and the webserver will
    ### simply drop the connection before getting an answer by PHP.
    ### NGINX ONLY
    ### Set worker_processes and worker_connections
    ### https://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_processes
    ### https://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_connections
    ### 5. MySQL Docker Settings
    ### MySQL root user password
    ### The password is required for the initial creation of the MySQL database
    ### as well as the Devilbox intranet to display schema and configuration settings.
    ### If you change your MySQL root user password via mysql cli, phpMyAdmin or other tools
    ### after the database has been created, ensure to adjust the value here accordingly as well.
    ### If you only change this value here after the database has been created,
    ### the MySQL root user password will not actually be changed and the Devilbox intranet
    ### won't be able to connect to the MySQL service.
    ### Expose MySQL Port to Host
    ### 6. PostgreSQL Docker Settings
    ### PostgreSQL 'root' user name (usually postgres)
    ### PostgreSQL 'root' user password
    ### If you want to set a password, ensure to remove 'trust' from
    ### In order to not use a password for PostgreSQL, keep this value at 'trust'
    ### Expose PostgreSQL Port to Host
    ### 7. Redis Docker Settings
    ### Expose Redis Port to Host
    ### Custom startup arguments
    ### Apply custom startup arguments to redis
    ### Example: Password protection
    ###   Add password protection to the Redis server by specifying it should
    ###   require a password.
    ###   Note: Do not add quotes or spaces to the password
    ###   REDIS_ARGS=--requirepass my-redis-root-password
    ### Example: Verbosity
    ###   REDIS_ARGS=--loglevel verbose
    #REDIS_ARGS=--loglevel verbose --requirepass my-redis-root-password
    ### 8. Memcached Docker Settings
    ### Expose Memcached Port to Host
    ### 9. MongoDB Docker Settings
    ### Expose MongoDB Port to Host
    ### 10. Bind Docker Settings
    ### Expose Bind Port to Host
    ### Add comma separated DNS server from which you want to receive DNS
    ### You can also add DNS servers from your LAN (if any are available)
    ### Validate DNSSEC
    ### Values:
    ###  no:    DNSSEC validation is disabled
    ###  yes:   DNSSEC validation is enabled, but a trust anchor must be manually configured.
    ###  auto:  DNSSEC validation is enabled, and a default trust anchor for root zone is used.
    ### Bind timing options (time in seconds)
    ### Leave empty for defaults.
    ### Only change when you know what you are doing.
    ### Show DNS Queries in Docker logs output?
    ### 1: Yes
    ### 0: No
    ### 11. Custom variables
    ### Any variable defined in this file will be available
    ### as environment variables to your PHP/HHV Docker container.
    ### This might be useful to set application environment and retrieve
    ### them via: <?php getenv('MY_APPLICATION_ENV'); ?>
    ### Example:
    ### <?php echo getenv('Foo'); ?> would produce: 'some value'
    #Foo=some value
    HOST_PORT_ELK_ELASTIC=9200	#Controls the host port on which Elastic Search will be available at.
    HOST_PORT_ELK_KIBANA=5601	#Controls the host port on which Kibana will be available at.
    #ELK_SERVER=7.9.2	#Controls the ELK stack version to use.
    ELK_SERVER=8.4.2	#Controls the ELK stack version to use.

    Config: docker-compose.override.yml

    # vim: set ft=yaml:
    # https://www.docker.elastic.co
    version: '2.3'
      # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      # ELK Stack
      # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-oss:${ELK_SERVER:-6.6.1}
        image: docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:${ELK_SERVER:-6.6.1}
        hostname: elastic
          - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_ELK_ELASTIC:-9200}:9200"
          - TZ=${TIMEZONE:-UTC}
          - discovery.type=single-node
          #- "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2G -Xmx2G"
          - "ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx512m"
          - xpack.security.enabled=false      
          - ELASTIC_USERNAME=elastic
          - ELASTIC_PASSWORD=changeme
          - devilbox-elastic:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
        #image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana-oss:${ELK_SERVER:-6.6.1}
        image: docker.elastic.co/kibana/kibana:${ELK_SERVER:-6.6.1}
        hostname: kibana
          - "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}${HOST_PORT_ELK_KIBANA:-5601}:5601"
          - TZ=${TIMEZONE:-UTC}
          - ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS=http://elastic:9200
          - ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elastic:9200
          - ELASTIC_USERNAME=elastic
          - ELASTIC_PASSWORD=changeme
          - elastic

    Config: ./check-config.sh

    # ==============================================================================
    # Checking git
    # ==============================================================================
    [ERR]   git is unclean
     M cfg/php-fpm-8.1/devilbox-fpm.conf-default
     M cfg/php-ini-8.1/devilbox-php.ini-default
     M docker-compose.yml
    # ==============================================================================
    # Checking .env file
    # ==============================================================================
    [SUCC]  .env file exists
    [SUCC]  .env file is readable
    [ERR]   Variable 'DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_USER' missing in .env file
    [ERR]   Variable 'DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_PASS' missing in .env file

    I dont see any instructions anywhere for the usage of DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_USER and DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_PASS

    Log: docker-compose logs

    This is what shows up from this failed request

    devilbox-mysql-1  | 2023-01-02 19:30:51 11 [Warning] Aborted connection 11 to db: 'xyz' user: 'root' host: '' (Got an error reading communication packets)
    devilbox-php-1    | [02-Jan-2023 19:30:51] WARNING: [pool www] child 1618 exited on signal 11 (SIGSEGV) after 9.538262 seconds from start
    devilbox-php-1    | [02-Jan-2023 19:30:51] NOTICE: [pool www] child 1639 started

    (Optional) Additional information

    Here are the headers and other info from a successful load of that page (without taking an action)

    Request URL: http://xyz.loc/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-string-translation/menu/string-translation.php
    Request Method: GET
    Status Code: 200 OK
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
    Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
    Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 19:37:44 GMT
    Expires: Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT
    Referrer-Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
    Server: nginx/1.22.1
    Set-Cookie: wp-settings-1=posts_list_mode%3Dlist%26ampampampampunfold%3D1%26ampampampampmfold%3Do%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26editor%3Dhtml; expires=Tue, 02-Jan-2024 19:37:44 GMT; Max-Age=31536000; path=/
    Set-Cookie: wp-settings-time-1=1672688264; expires=Tue, 02-Jan-2024 19:37:44 GMT; Max-Age=31536000; path=/
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Via: 1.1 httpd (nginx/1.22.1)
    X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    X-Powered-By: PHP/8.1.13
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language: es,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
    Connection: keep-alive
    Cookie: wordpress_a08e973875ecabce6a314ab30c0d1ec9=xyz%7C1673891060%7Cbhdw6RoXBik16OOomtcpcq5pg2hAqK9HV0Qy2nvdiI7%7Cf925d37fad9bc4e5f03511152b507850b0fa72b43bdd23ea816a1b426cd3a14b; wp-wpml_current_language=en; wordpress_logged_in_a08e973875ecabce6a314ab30c0d1ec9=xyz%7C1673891060%7Cbhdw6RoXBik16OOomtcpcq5pg2hAqK9HV0Qy2nvdiI7%7Ca7ed6656661bd133577481f73346856d3457e93bbf7660de4197bcdc0a0e61fb; wp-wpml_current_admin_language_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e=en; pll_language=es-mx; XDEBUG_SESSION=pw
    DNT: 1
    Host: xyz.loc
    Referer: http://xyz.loc/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-package-management
    sec-gpc: 1
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/108.0.1462.54

    And here it is for the failed one:

    Request URL: http://xyz.loc/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-string-translation%2Fmenu%2Fstring-translation.php
    Request Method: POST
    Status Code: 502 Bad Gateway
    Remote Address:
    Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 559
    Content-Type: text/html
    Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2023 19:40:26 GMT
    Server: nginx/1.22.1
    Via: 1.1 httpd (nginx/1.22.1)
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Language: es,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8
    Cache-Control: max-age=0
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 144
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Cookie: wordpress_a08e973875ecabce6a314ab30c0d1ec9=xyz%7C1673891060%7Cbhdw6RoXBik16OOomtcpcq5pg2hAqK9HV0Qy2nvdiI7%7Cf925d37fad9bc4e5f03511152b507850b0fa72b43bdd23ea816a1b426cd3a14b; wp-wpml_current_language=en; wordpress_logged_in_a08e973875ecabce6a314ab30c0d1ec9=xyz%7C1673891060%7Cbhdw6RoXBik16OOomtcpcq5pg2hAqK9HV0Qy2nvdiI7%7Ca7ed6656661bd133577481f73346856d3457e93bbf7660de4197bcdc0a0e61fb; wp-wpml_current_admin_language_d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e=en; pll_language=es-mx; XDEBUG_SESSION=pw
    DNT: 1
    Host: xyz.loc
    Origin: http://xyz.loc
    Referer: http://xyz.loc/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpml-string-translation%2Fmenu%2Fstring-translation.php
    sec-gpc: 1
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/108.0.1462.54
    bug host:linux xdebug triage 
    opened by nickchomey 9
  • Add doc for project startup scripts

    Add doc for project startup scripts

    Per-Project Start-up Scripts


    Document the new functionality of supporting per-project startup scripts. Project-specific start-up scripts have the advantage to be stored and managed project-wide. So developers working on the same project, do not have to worry about the installation of those scripts. A common use case would be cron jobs that are required for CMS (e.g. WordPress based projects) and other web applications (e.g. nextcloud or humhub).


    With this and it's associated PRs (devilbox/docker-php-fpm#263 and devilbox/docker-php-fpm#264) there is the possibility of placing startup scripts that are project-specific (and hence can be managed project-wide on multiple developer instances) in the folder .devilbox/autostart under the project's root.

    As such resolves #438

    opened by martin-rueegg 3
  • [Bug]: Pulled the master branch then it won't start anymore

    [Bug]: Pulled the master branch then it won't start anymore

    Have you already looked into this bug?

    • [ ] I have checked the Troubleshooting Guide
    • [ ] I have checked Release notes for potential migration steps
    • [ ] I have checked existing issues for similar bugs
    • [ ] I have googled this bug already with no luck
    • [ ] I have not done any of the above

    (Optional) Error message

    docker-credential-pass resolves to executable in current directory (./docker-credential-pass), out: ``

    What went wrong?

    So I pulled from the master branch. When I tried starting the Devilbox, it won't proceed as expected. Here's a screenshot.


    Expected behaviour

    docker-compose up should proceed and open the Devilbox CLI display.

    How can we reproduce the bug?

    Just pull a fresh copy of the master branch, copy env-example to .env, then run docker-compose up -d.

    Host Operating System


    Host Platform (amd64, arm64, other)


    (Linux only) Is SELinux enabled?

    No, SELinux is disabled

    Docker version

    Docker version 20.10.12, build 20.10.12-0ubuntu2~20.04.1

    Docker Compose version

    Docker Compose version v2.12.2

    Devilbox version


    Have you removed stopped containers before starting?


    Have you pulled latest Docker images before starting?


    Devilbox start command

    docker-compose up -d

    Config: .env file

    The default from env-example
    ###  ---------------------------------------------------
    ###  D E V I L B O X   R U N - T I M E   S E T T I N G S
    ###  ---------------------------------------------------
    ###  All the following settings are applied during
    ###  $ docker-compose up
    ###  No need to rebuild any docker images!
    ###  IMPORTANT:
    ###  ----------
    ###  When changing any values ensure to stop, rm and restart:
    ###  $ docker-compose stop
    ###  $ docker-compose rm -f
    ###  $ docker-compose up
    ###  NOTE:
    ###  -----
    ###  For you own custom variables, scroll to the bottom
    # The following line will disable any shellcheck warnings throughout this file
    # shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2125
    ### Show all executed commands in each
    ### docker image during docker-compose up?
    ### 0: Quiet
    ### 1: Verbose
    ### 2: More verbose
    ### Log to file or Docker logs.
    ### Logging to file means log files are available under log/
    ### on your host operating system.
    ### Logging to Docker logs means log files are streamed to
    ### stdout and stderr.
    ### 1: Log to Docker logs
    ### 0: Log to file
    ### Relative or absolute path to the devilbox repository.
    ### (Used as a prefix for all mount paths)
    ### There is no need to change this.
    ### The only exception is for OSX users wanting to use NFS
    ### mounts instead of Filesystem mounts due to degraded performance
    ### on OSX.
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### At what IP address should the docker services listen
    ### on the Host computer?
    ### The specified default should be fine for Linux and OSX (
    ### If you are on windows, you will probably have to change
    ### it to the IP address of the docker machine.
    ### a.) Leave blank, to listen on all interfaces (no trailing colon ':')
    ### b.) If an IP is specified, note the trailing colon ':'
    ### This is the domain suffix your projects will be made available
    ### with mass-virtual-hosting.
    ### It is also required for the internal DNS server to be setup.
    ### Note: In addition to period or dot character ('.'), only ALPHA ([a-zA-Z]+) characters are supported.
    ###       Mac users should not use the .local TLD, as this will not resolve properly due Apple's
    ###         use of Multicast DNS.##
    ### Example:
    ###   TLD_SUFFIX=loc
    ### Makes your project available under xxxx.loc
    ### Example:
    ###   TLD_SUFFIX=local
    ### Makes your project available under xxxx.local
    ### Optional DNS configuration
    ### Allows you to add extra DNS records (above the wildcard entry)
    ### Useful if your host computer run other Docker services that you want to connect to or reach
    ### from within the Devilbox network by a custom hostname.
    ### Format:
    ### -------
    ### Resolve any custom defined hostname to an IP address (useable inside container and host os)
    ###     EXTRA_HOSTS=<hostname>=<ip>[,<hostname>=<ip>]
    ### Resolve any custom defined hostname to whatever IP address a CNAME resolves to
    ### (Useable inside the container and host OS).
    ### Note: CNAME must be resolvable by Google DNS
    ###     EXTRA_HOSTS=<hostname>=<CNAME>[,<hostname>=<CNAME>]
    ### Examples:
    ### ---------
    ### EXTRA_HOSTS=hostname.loc=
    ### EXTRA_HOSTS=host.loc=,host.example.org=
    ### Set your user id and group id
    ### This should be changed to the value of your local
    ### users uid and gid
    ### Type `id` on the terminal to find out your values
    ### Timezone for PHP Docker container (system and php.ini)
    ### TLD_SUFFIX domains are checked if they are set in the
    ### host computer /etc/hosts or available via attached DNS server.
    ### Timeout is done on vhosts.php (intranet) via ajax calls.
    ### In order to keep performance, set this to a low value.
    ### DNS checks might not succeed in time on slow machines.
    ### If DNS is valid, but timeout is expired, set this to a higher value.
    ### DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT value is how many seconds to time out
    ### Default is to timeout after 1 second (DNS_CHECK_TIMEOUT=1)
    ### Devilbox UI SSL Certificate generation
    ### When using SSL each certificate requires names for which it is responsible:
    ### Common Name as well as alternative names.
    ### Specify comma separated hostnames below by which you want to access the Devilbox.
    ### Those hostnames will be included in the SSL certificate for the Devilbox intranet.
    ### This has nothing to do for SSL certificates for projects, it is just for the intranet
    ### itself.
    ### Devilbox UI Password protection enable/disable (1/0)
    ### Set DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT to 1 in order to password protect the
    ### intranet.
    ### Example:
    ### Devilbox UI Password
    ### When DEVILBOX_UI_PROTECT=1, use the following password
    ### to log in. The password can always be changed.
    ### When changing the password, make sure to restart your
    ### PHP container.
    ### Example:
    ###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=my-very-secure-password
    ###   DEVILBOX_UI_PASSWORD=Some pass with spaces
    ### The default username is 'devilbox'
    ### Enable the Devilbox Intranet?
    ### Example:
    ### Automatically be logged in into phpMyAdmin
    ### Example:
    ### Automatically be logged in into phpPgAdmin
    ### Example:
    ### 1. Choose Images (Version)
    ### You can choose any combination of httpd, mysql, postgresql or php.
    ### Each of them are fully compatible between one another.
    ### 1.1 Choose PHP Server Image
    ### Note: PHP 5.2 is not officially supported. Intranet won't work (due to lack of namespace support).
    ###       PHP 5.2 only works with Apache 2.4, Nginx stable and Nginx mainline.
    ###       Use at your own risk.
    ### 1.2 Choose HTTPD Server Image
    ### Choose between 'debian' or 'alpine' flavour and then select the version
    ### Note: apache-2.2 has no arm64 support on 'alpine' flavour
    ### 1.3 Choose MySQL Server Image
    ### 1.4 Choose PostgreSQL Server Image
    ### https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # PostgreSQL without arm64 support
    # PostgreSQL with arm64 support
    ### 1.5 Choose Redis Server Image
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # Redis without arm64 support
    # Redis with arm64 support
    ### 1.6 Choose Memcached Server Image
    ### IMPORTANT: Alpine based images might cause issues on Docker Toolbox or OSX
    ###            https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/510
    # Memcached without arm64 support
    # Memcached with arm64 support
    ### 1.7 Choose Mongo Server Image
    ### https://www.mongodb.com/evolved
    # MongoDB without arm64 support
    # MongoDB with arm64 support
    ### 2. Host Mounts (Your computer)
    ### Global mount options
    ### Note: When adding custom mount options, ensure to start with a
    ###       leading ',' (comma), as those options are prepended to already
    ###       existing mount options.
    ### Note: If no mount options are specified, leave this variable empty
    ###       and do not add a leading ',' (comma).
    ### MOUNT_OPTIONS=,cached
    ### Example: Allow to share mounts accross container with SELINUX enabled
    ### MOUNT_OPTIONS=,z
    ### Local filesystem path to www projects.
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### Local filesystem path to where your backups are stored
    ### Note: When changing this variable you must re-create the container.
    ###       Simply remove it, it will be auto-created during the next start:
    ### $ docker-compose rm -f
    ### The path on your host OS of the ssh directory to be mounted into the
    ### PHP container into /home/devilbox/.ssh.
    ### IMPORTANT: The path is mounted read-only to ensure you cannot accidentally
    ##             delete anything inside the php container.
    ### 3. PHP Docker Settings
    ### Enable certain PHP modules which are not enabled by default
    ### Currently the only modules that can be enabled are 'ioncube' and 'blackfire'
    ### Also ensure to disable xdebug when using any of the above:
    ### https://xdebug.org/docs/install#compat
    ### PHP_MODULES_ENABLE=ioncube, blackfire
    ### Disable any PHP modules that you don't require
    ### Specify a comma separated list without spaces of modules to disable
    ### PHP_MODULES_DISABLE=xdebug,imagick,swoole
    ### Postfix settings for email catch-all
    ### When set to '1' postfix is normally started and made available. However you still need
    ### to configure it to your needs yourself. For that you can use the autostart scripts
    ### and define a couple of 'postconf -e name=value' commands.
    ### When set to '2' (email catch-all), no mail will leave the Devilbox. It is automatically
    ### internally routed the the devilbox mail account and you can see each sent mail
    ### in the bundled intranet: https://localhost/mail.php
    ### Values:
    ### 0: Disable postfix (do not start it)
    ### 1: Enable/Start postfix
    ### 2: Enable/Start postfix and enable email catch-all
    ### Configure everything else about PHP in
    ### * cfg/php-ini-X.X/*.ini
    ### * cfg/php-fpm-X.X/*.conf
    ### 4. HTTPD Docker Settings
    ### Expose HTTPD Port to Host
    ### Globally enable/disable HTTP/2 support
    ### This cannot be done on a per vhost level and must be enabled/disabled globally.
    ### Values:
    ###  * 0: HTTP/2 is disabled
    ###  * 1: HTTP/2 is enabled
    ### SSL (HTTP/HTTPS) settings for automated vhost generation
    ### By default each project will have two vhosts (one for HTTP and one for HTTPS).
    ### You can control the SSL settings for your projects via the below stated values.
    ### This is internally achieved via the '-m' argument of https://github.com/devilbox/vhost-gen
    ### Values:
    ###   * both:  Serve HTTP and HTTPS for all projects
    ###   * redir: HTTP always redirects to HTTPS
    ###   * ssl:   Only serve HTTPS
    ###   * plain: Only serve HTTP
    ### Document Root Subdirectory
    ### In your project directory, which subfolder should
    ### serve your files?
    ### When changing this value, restart the devilbox.
    ### Per vHost Config Subdirectory
    ### In your project directory, which subfolder should
    ### hold apache, nginx templates for a customized vhost?
    ### When changing this value, restart the devilbox.
    ### Webserver timeout (in seconds) to upstream PHP-FPM server
    ### This value should be greater than PHP's max_execution_time,
    ### otherwise the php script could still run and the webserver will
    ### simply drop the connection before getting an answer by PHP.
    ### NGINX ONLY
    ### Set worker_processes and worker_connections
    ### https://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_processes
    ### https://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#worker_connections
    ### 5. MySQL Docker Settings
    ### MySQL root user password
    ### The password is required for the initial creation of the MySQL database
    ### as well as the Devilbox intranet to display schema and configuration settings.
    ### If you change your MySQL root user password via mysql cli, phpMyAdmin or other tools
    ### after the database has been created, ensure to adjust the value here accordingly as well.
    ### If you only change this value here after the database has been created,
    ### the MySQL root user password will not actually be changed and the Devilbox intranet
    ### won't be able to connect to the MySQL service.
    ### Expose MySQL Port to Host
    ### 6. PostgreSQL Docker Settings
    ### PostgreSQL 'root' user name (usually postgres)
    ### PostgreSQL 'root' user password
    ### If you want to set a password, ensure to remove 'trust' from
    ### In order to not use a password for PostgreSQL, keep this value at 'trust'
    ### Expose PostgreSQL Port to Host
    ### 7. Redis Docker Settings
    ### Expose Redis Port to Host
    ### Custom startup arguments
    ### Apply custom startup arguments to redis
    ### Example: Password protection
    ###   Add password protection to the Redis server by specifying it should
    ###   require a password.
    ###   Note: Do not add quotes or spaces to the password
    ###   REDIS_ARGS=--requirepass my-redis-root-password
    ### Example: Verbosity
    ###   REDIS_ARGS=--loglevel verbose
    #REDIS_ARGS=--loglevel verbose --requirepass my-redis-root-password
    ### 8. Memcached Docker Settings
    ### Expose Memcached Port to Host
    ### 9. MongoDB Docker Settings
    ### Expose MongoDB Port to Host
    ### 10. Bind Docker Settings
    ### Expose Bind Port to Host
    ### Add comma separated DNS server from which you want to receive DNS
    ### You can also add DNS servers from your LAN (if any are available)
    ### Validate DNSSEC
    ### Values:
    ###  no:    DNSSEC validation is disabled
    ###  yes:   DNSSEC validation is enabled, but a trust anchor must be manually configured.
    ###  auto:  DNSSEC validation is enabled, and a default trust anchor for root zone is used.
    ### Bind timing options (time in seconds)
    ### Leave empty for defaults.
    ### Only change when you know what you are doing.
    ### Show DNS Queries in Docker logs output?
    ### 1: Yes
    ### 0: No
    ### 11. Custom variables
    ### Any variable defined in this file will be available
    ### as environment variables to your PHP/HHV Docker container.
    ### This might be useful to set application environment and retrieve
    ### them via: <?php getenv('MY_APPLICATION_ENV'); ?>
    ### Example:
    ### <?php echo getenv('Foo'); ?> would produce: 'some value'
    #Foo=some value

    Config: docker-compose.override.yml

    No response

    Config: ./check-config.sh

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    set -u
    set -o pipefail
    MY_UID="$( id -u )"
    MY_GID="$( id -g )"
    # Functions
    ### Logger functions
    log_err() {
    	>&2 printf "\\e[1;31m[ERR]   %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}"
    log_note() {
    	>&2 printf "\\e[1;33m[NOTE]  %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}"
    log_info() {
    	printf "\\e[;34m[INFO]  %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}"
    log_ok() {
    	printf "\\e[;32m[SUCC]  %s\\e[0m\\n" "${1}"
    log_debug() {
    	if [ "${DEBUG}" -eq "1" ]; then
    		printf "[DEBUG] %s\\n" "${1}"
    ### Output functions
    print_head_1() {
    	printf "\\n# "
    	printf "%0.s=" {1..78}
    	printf "\\n"
    	printf "# %s\\n" "${1}"
    	printf "# "
    	printf "%0.s=" {1..78}
    	printf "\\n"
    ### File functions
    file_get_uid() {
    	if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then
    		stat --format '%u' "${1}"
    		stat -f '%u' "${1}"
    file_get_gid() {
    	if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then
    		stat --format '%g' "${1}"
    		stat -f '%g' "${1}"
    # Returns 4-digit format
    file_get_perm() {
    	local perm
    	local len
    	if [ "$(uname)" = "Linux" ]; then
    		# If no special permissions are set (no sticky bit...), linux will
    		# only output the 3 digit number
    		perm="$( stat --format '%a' "${1}" )"
    		perm="$( stat -f '%OLp' "${1}" )"
    	# For special cases check the length and add a leading 0
    	len="$(echo "${perm}" | awk '{ print length() }')"
    	if [ "${len}" = "3" ]; then
    	echo "${perm}"
    # Get path with '~' replace with correct home path
    get_path() {
    	echo "${1/#\~/${HOME}}"
    # Returns sub directories by one level
    # Also returns symlinks if they point to a directory
    get_sub_dirs_level_1() {
    	local dir="${1}"
    	dir="${dir#./}"   # Remove leading './' if it exists
    	dir="${dir%/}"    # Remove trailing '/' if it exists
    	# shellcheck disable=SC2016
    	find "${dir}" \
    		| grep -Ev "^${dir}\$" \
    		| grep -Ev "^${dir}/.+/" \
    		| xargs -n1 sh -c 'if [ -d "${1}" ]; then echo "${1}"; fi'  -- \
    		| sort
    # Returns sub directories by two level
    # Also returns symlinks if they point to a directory
    get_sub_dirs_level_2() {
    	local dir="${1}"
    	dir="${dir#./}"   # Remove leading './' if it exists
    	dir="${dir%/}"    # Remove trailing '/' if it exists
    	# shellcheck disable=SC2016
    	find "${dir}" \
    		| grep -Ev "^${dir}\$" \
    		| grep -Ev "^${dir}/.+/.+/" \
    		| xargs -n1 sh -c 'if [ -d "${1}" ]; then echo "${1}"; fi'  -- \
    		| sort
    # Returns the value of .env var
    get_env_value() {
    	local val
    	val="$( grep -E "^${1}=" .env )"
    	echo "${val#*=}"
    # Validate a DNS record
    validate_dns() {
    	ping -c1 "${1}" >/dev/null 2>&1
    # Check git
    print_head_1 "Checking git"
    GIT_STATUS="$( git status -s )"
    if [ -z "${GIT_STATUS}" ]; then
    	log_ok "git is clean"
    	log_err "git is unclean"
    	echo "${GIT_STATUS}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    # Check env file
    print_head_1 "Checking .env file"
    if [ -f .env ]; then
    	log_ok ".env file exists"
    	log_err ".env file does not exist"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	exit 1
    if [ -r .env ]; then
    	log_ok ".env file is readable"
    	log_err ".env file is not readable"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	exit 1
    # Ensure all variables exist in .env file
    while read -r env_var; do
    	if ! grep -E "^${env_var}=" .env >/dev/null; then
    		log_err "Variable '${env_var}' missing in .env file"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Variable '${env_var}' is present in '.env file"
    done < <(grep -E '^[A-Z].+=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')
    if [ "${ENV_VAR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All variables are present in .env file"
    # Ensure variables are not duplicated in .env
    while read -r env_var; do
    	OCCURANCES="$( grep -Ec "^${env_var}=" .env )"
    	if [ "${OCCURANCES}" != "1" ]; then
    		log_err "Variable '${env_var}' should only be defined once. Occurances: ${OCCURANCES}"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Variable '${env_var}' is defined exactly once."
    done < <(grep -E '^[A-Z].+=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $1}')
    if [ "${ENV_VAR_DUPLICATED}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "No variables is duplicated in .env file"
    # Check env file values
    print_head_1 "Checking .env file values"
    if [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "0" ] && [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "1" ] && [ "${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}" != "2" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT' should be 0, 1 or 2. Has: ${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT' has correct value: ${DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT}"
    DOCKER_LOGS="$( get_env_value "DOCKER_LOGS" )"
    if [ "${DOCKER_LOGS}" != "0" ] && [ "${DOCKER_LOGS}" != "1" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DOCKER_LOGS' should be 0 or 1. Has: ${DOCKER_LOGS}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DOCKER_LOGS' has correct value: ${DOCKER_LOGS}"
    DEVILBOX_PATH="$( get_env_value "DEVILBOX_PATH" )"
    if [ ! -d "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory does not exist: ${DEVILBOX_PATH}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory exists: ${DEVILBOX_PATH}"
    DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_perm "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )"
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "0777" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory must be 0755, 0775 or 0777. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory has correct permissions: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_uid "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )"
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory uid must be ${MY_UID}. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' diretory has correct uid: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM="$( file_get_gid "${DEVILBOX_PATH}" )"
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' directory gid must be ${MY_GID}. Has: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'DEVILBOX_PATH' diretory has correct gid: ${DEVILBOX_PATH_PERM}"
    LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR="$( get_env_value "LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR" )"
    if [ -n "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}" ]; then
    	if ! echo "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}" | grep -E ':$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_err "Variable 'LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR' is not empty and missing trailing ':'"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	elif ! echo "${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}" | grep -E '^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+:$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_err "Variable 'LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR' has wrong value: '${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}'"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Variable 'LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR' has correct value: ${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}"
    	log_debug "Variable 'LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR' has correct value: ${LOCAL_LISTEN_ADDR}"
    HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( get_path "$( get_env_value "HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR" )" )"
    if [ ! -d "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory does not exist: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory exists: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}"
    if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "0777" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory must be 0755, 0775 or 0777. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory has correct permissions: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory uid must be ${MY_UID}. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory has correct uid: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    if [ "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory gid must be ${MY_GID}. Has: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR' directory has correct gid: ${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR_PERM}"
    PHP_SERVER="$( get_env_value "PHP_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?PHP_SERVER=${PHP_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'PHP_SERVER' has wrong value: ${PHP_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'PHP_SERVER' has correct value: ${PHP_SERVER}"
    HTTPD_SERVER="$( get_env_value "HTTPD_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?HTTPD_SERVER=${HTTPD_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'HTTPD_SERVER' has wrong value: ${HTTPD_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'HTTPD_SERVER' has correct value: ${HTTPD_SERVER}"
    MYSQL_SERVER="$( get_env_value "MYSQL_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?MYSQL_SERVER=${MYSQL_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'MYSQL_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MYSQL_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'MYSQL_SERVER' has correct value: ${MYSQL_SERVER}"
    PGSQL_SERVER="$( get_env_value "PGSQL_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?PGSQL_SERVER=${PGSQL_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'PGSQL_SERVER' has wrong value: ${PGSQL_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'PGSQL_SERVER' has correct value: ${PGSQL_SERVER}"
    REDIS_SERVER="$( get_env_value "REDIS_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?REDIS_SERVER=${REDIS_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'REDIS_SERVER' has wrong value: ${REDIS_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'REDIS_SERVER' has correct value: ${REDIS_SERVER}"
    MEMCD_SERVER="$( get_env_value "MEMCD_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?MEMCD_SERVER=${MEMCD_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'MEMCD_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MEMCD_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'MEMCD_SERVER' has correct value: ${MEMCD_SERVER}"
    MONGO_SERVER="$( get_env_value "MONGO_SERVER" )"
    if ! grep -E "^#?MONGO_SERVER=${MONGO_SERVER}\$" env-example >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'MONGO_SERVER' has wrong value: ${MONGO_SERVER}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'MONGO_SERVER' has correct value: ${MONGO_SERVER}"
    NEW_UID="$( get_env_value "NEW_UID" )"
    if [ "${NEW_UID}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'NEW_UID' has wrong value: '${NEW_UID}'. Should have: ${MY_UID}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'NEW_UID' has correct value: '${NEW_UID}'"
    NEW_GID="$( get_env_value "NEW_GID" )"
    if [ "${NEW_GID}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'NEW_GID' has wrong value: '${NEW_GID}'. Should have: ${MY_GID}"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'NEW_GID' has correct value: '${NEW_GID}'"
    TLD_SUFFIX="$( get_env_value "TLD_SUFFIX" )"
    if echo "${TLD_SUFFIX}" | grep -E "^(${TLD_SUFFIX_BLACKLIST})\$" >/dev/null; then
    	log_err "Variable 'TLD_SUFFX' should not be set to '${TLD_SUFFIX}'. It is a real tld domain."
    	log_err "All DNS requests will be intercepted to this tld domain and re-routed to the HTTP container."
    	log_info "Consider using a subdomain value of e.g.: 'mydev.${TLD_SUFFIX}' instead."
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    elif [ "${TLD_SUFFIX}" = "localhost" ]; then
    	log_err "Variable 'TLD_SUFFX' should not be set to '${TLD_SUFFIX}'. It is a loopback address."
    	log_info "See: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-let-localhost-be-localhost-06"
    	RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    	log_debug "Variable 'TLD_SUFFIX' has correct value: '${TLD_SUFFIX}'"
    if [ "${WRONG_ENV_FILES_VALUES}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All .env file variables have correct values"
    # Ensure cfg/, mod/ and log/ directories exist
    print_head_1 "Checking required Devilbox core directories exist"
    # /cfg/php-fpm-VERSION
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if [ ! -d "cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory 'cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory 'cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}' is present"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All PHP cfg/ sub directories are present"
    # /log/php-fpm-VERSION
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if [ ! -d "log/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory 'log/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory 'log/php-fpm-${php_version}' is present"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All PHP log/ sub directories are present"
    # /mod/php-fpm-VERSION
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if [ ! -d "mod/php-fpm-${php_version}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory 'mod/php-fpm-${php_version}' is missing"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory 'mod/php-fpm-${php_version}' is present"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All PHP mod/ sub directories are present"
    # /cfg/apache|nginx-VERSION
    while read -r httpd_version; do
    	if [ ! -d "cfg/${httpd_version}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory 'cfg/${httpd_version}' is missing"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory 'cfg/${httpd_version}' is present"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?HTTPD_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All HTTPD cfg/ sub directories are present"
    # /log/apache|nginx-VERSION
    while read -r httpd_version; do
    	if [ ! -d "log/${httpd_version}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory 'log/${httpd_version}' is missing"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory 'log/${httpd_version}' is present"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?HTTPD_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    if [ "${DIR_MISSING}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All HTTPD log/ sub directories are present"
    # Devilbox Directory permissions
    print_head_1 "Checking devilbox core directory permissions"
    # Check allowed directory permissions: 0755 0775 0777
    for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_dir; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_perm "${my_dir}" )"
    		if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then
    			log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions"
    			RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    			log_debug "Directory '${my_dir}' has correct permissions: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct permissions"
    # Check allowed uid
    for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_dir; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_uid "${my_dir}" )"
    		if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    			log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    			RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    			log_debug "Directory '${my_dir}' has correct uid: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct uid"
    # Check allowed gid
    for search_dir in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_dir; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_gid "${my_dir}" )"
    		if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    			log_err "Directory '${my_dir}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    			RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    			log_debug "Directory '${my_dir}' has correct gid: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_dir}" -type d)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox directories have correct gid"
    # Devilbox File permissions
    print_head_1 "Checking devilbox core file permissions"
    # Check allowed directory permissions: 0644 0664 0666
    for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_file; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_perm "${my_file}" )"
    		# Private CA file
    		if [ "${my_file}" = "ca/devilbox-ca.key" ]; then
    			if [ "${PERM}" != "0600" ]; then
    				log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0600 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions"
    				RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    				log_debug "File '${my_file}' has correct permissions: ${PERM}"
    		# Executable files
    		elif echo "${my_file}" | grep -E '.+\.sh(-example)?$' >/dev/null; then
    			if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then
    				log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions"
    				RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    				log_debug "File '${my_file}' has correct permissions: ${PERM}"
    		# All other files
    			if [ "${PERM}" != "0644" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0664" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0666" ]; then
    				log_err "File '${my_file}' should have 0644, 0664 or 0666 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions"
    				RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    				log_debug "File '${my_file}' has correct permissions: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox files have correct permissions"
    # Check allowed uid
    for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_file; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_uid "${my_file}" )"
    		if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    			log_err "File '${my_file}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    			RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    			log_debug "File '${my_file}' has correct uid: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox files have correct uid"
    # Check allowed gid
    for search_file in "${DEVILBOX_DIRS[@]}"; do
    	while read -r my_file; do
    		PERM="$( file_get_gid "${my_file}" )"
    		if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    			log_err "File '${my_file}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    			RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    			log_debug "File '${my_file}' has correct gid: ${PERM}"
    	done < <(find "${search_file}" -type f)
    if [ "${DEVILBOX_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All devilbox files have correct gid"
    # Check projects permissions
    print_head_1 "Checking projects permissions"
    HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( get_path "$( get_env_value "HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR" )" )"
    while read -r project; do
    	PERM="$( file_get_perm "${project}" )"
    	if [ "${PERM}" != "0755" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0775" ] && [ "${PERM}" != "0777" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory '${project}' should have 0755, 0775 or 0777 permissions. Has: ${PERM} permissions"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory '${project}' has correct permissions: ${PERM}"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All project dirs have correct permissions"
    while read -r project; do
    	PERM="$( file_get_uid "${project}" )"
    	if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_UID}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory '${project}' should have uid '${MY_UID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory '${project}' has correct uid: ${PERM}"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All project dirs have correct uid"
    while read -r project; do
    	PERM="$( file_get_gid "${project}" )"
    	if [ "${PERM}" != "${MY_GID}" ]; then
    		log_err "Directory '${project}' should have gid '${MY_GID}' Has: '${PERM}'"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Directory '${project}' has correct gid: ${PERM}"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    if [ "${DATA_DIR_PERM_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All project dirs have correct gid"
    # Check projects settings
    print_head_1 "Checking projects settings"
    HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( get_path "$( get_env_value "HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR" )" )"
    TLD_SUFFIX="$( get_env_value "TLD_SUFFIX" )"
    while read -r project; do
    	VHOST="$( basename "${project}" ).${TLD_SUFFIX}"
    	if ! validate_dns "${VHOST}"; then
    		log_err "Project '${VHOST}' has no valid DNS record"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "Project '${VHOST}' has valid DNS record"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    if [ "${DNS_RECORD_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All projects have valid DNS records"
    HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR="$( get_env_value "HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR" )"
    while read -r project; do
    	if [ ! -d "${project}/${HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR}" ]; then
    		log_err "Missing HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR '${HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR}' in: ${project}"
    		RET_CODE=$(( RET_CODE + 1))
    		log_debug "HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR '${HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR}' present in: ${project}"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    if [ "${DOCROOT_WRONG}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_ok "All projects have valid HTTPD_DOCROOT_DIR"
    # Check Customizations
    print_head_1 "Checking customizations"
    # vhost-gen
    HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR="$( get_path "$( get_env_value "HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR" )" )"
    HTTPD_TEMPLATE_DIR="$( get_env_value "HTTPD_TEMPLATE_DIR" )"
    while read -r project; do
    	if [ -f "${project}/${HTTPD_TEMPLATE_DIR}/apache22.yml" ]; then
    		log_note "[vhost-gen]  Custom Apache 2.2 vhost-gen config present in: ${project}/"
    	elif [ -f "${project}/${HTTPD_TEMPLATE_DIR}/apache24.yml" ]; then
    		log_note "[vhost-gen]  Custom Apache 2.4 vhost-gen config present in: ${project}/"
    	elif [ -f "${project}/${HTTPD_TEMPLATE_DIR}/nginx.yml" ]; then
    		log_note "[vhost-gen]  Custom Nginx vhost-gen config present in: ${project}/"
    		log_debug "[vhost-gen]  No custom configuration for: ${project}/"
    done < <(get_sub_dirs_level_1 "${HOST_PATH_HTTPD_DATADIR}")
    # docker-compose.override.yml
    if [ -f "docker-compose.override.yml" ]; then
    	log_note "[docker]     Custom docker-compose.override.yml present"
    	log_debug "[docker]     No custom docker-compose.override.yml present"
    # cfg/HTTPD/
    while read -r httpd; do
    	if find "cfg/${httpd}" | grep -E '\.conf$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_note "[httpd]      Custom config present in cfg/${httpd}/"
    		log_debug "[httpd]      No custom config present in cfg/${httpd}/"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?HTTPD_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    # cfg/php-ini-${version}/
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if find "cfg/php-ini-${php_version}" | grep -E '\.ini$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_note "[php.ini]    Custom config present in cfg/php-ini-${php_version}/"
    		log_debug "[php.ini]    No custom config present in cfg/php-ini-${php_version}/"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    # cfg/php-fpm-${version}/
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if find "cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}" | grep -E '\.conf$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_note "[php-fpm]    Custom config present in cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}/"
    		log_debug "[php-fpm]    No custom config present in cfg/php-fpm-${php_version}/"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    # cfg/MYSQL/
    while read -r mysql; do
    	if find "cfg/${mysql}" | grep -E '\.cnf$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_note "[mysql]      Custom config present in cfg/${mysql}/"
    		log_debug "[mysql]      No custom config present in cfg/${mysql}/"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?MYSQL_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    # cfg/php-startup-${version}/
    while read -r php_version; do
    	if find "cfg/php-startup-${php_version}" | grep -E '\.sh$' >/dev/null; then
    		log_note "[startup]    Custom script present in cfg/php-startup-${php_version}/"
    		log_debug "[startup]    No custom script present in cfg/php-startup-${php_version}/"
    done < <(grep -E '^#?PHP_SERVER=' env-example  | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
    # autostart/
    if find "autostart" | grep -E '\.sh$' >/dev/null; then
    	log_note "[startup]    Custom script present in autostart/"
    	log_debug "[startup]    No custom script present in autostart/"
    # supervisor/
    if find "supervisor" | grep -E '\.conf$' >/dev/null; then
    	log_note "[supervisor] Custom config present in supervisor/"
    	log_debug "[supervisor] No custom config present in supervisor/"
    # bash/
    if find "bash" | grep -E '\.sh$' >/dev/null; then
    	log_note "[bash]      Custom script present in bash/"
    	log_debug "[bash]      No custom script present in bash/"
    # Total?
    if [ "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" = "0" ]; then
    	log_info "No custom configurations applied"
    # Summary
    print_head_1 "SUMMARY"
    if [ "${RET_CODE}" -gt "0" ]; then
    	log_err "Found ${RET_CODE} error(s)"
    	log_err "Devilbox might not work properly"
    	log_err "Fix the issues before submitting a bug report"
    	if [ "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" -gt "0" ]; then
    		log_note "${CUSTOMIZATIONS} custom configurations applied. If you encounter issues, reset them first."
    		log_info "No custom configurations applied"
    	log_info "Ensure to run 'docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f' on .env changes or custom configs"
    	exit 1
    	log_ok "Found no errors"
    	if [ "${CUSTOMIZATIONS}" -gt "0" ]; then
    		log_note "${CUSTOMIZATIONS} custom configurations applied. If you encounter issues, reset them first."
    		log_info "No custom configurations applied"
    	log_info "Ensure to run 'docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f' on .env changes or custom configs"
    	exit 0

    Log: docker-compose logs

    [+] Running 0/0
     ⠋ php Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0.0s
     ⠋ httpd Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.0s
     ⠋ memcd Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.0s
     ⠋ mongo Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.0s
     ⠋ mysql Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.0s
     ⠋ pgsql Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                               0.0s
     ⠋ bind Pulling                                                                                                                                                                                                                0.0s
    error getting credentials - err: docker-credential-pass resolves to executable in current directory (./docker-credential-pass), out: ``

    (Optional) Additional information

    No response

    opened by luchmewep 3
  • Update .gitignore to ignore anything in /data/ dir

    Update .gitignore to ignore anything in /data/ dir

    Don't know if this even qualifies as PR :) , and if this is acceptable, but I find it very useful to override few services via docker-compose.override.yml to map data dirs from containers to local volumes and put them inside ./data/ And by putting them next ./data/www/ this makes devilbox installations very compact.


          - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/data/${MYSQL_SERVER}:/var/lib/mysql:rw${MOUNT_OPTIONS}
        user: mysql
          - ${DEVILBOX_PATH}/data/mongo-${MONGO_SERVER}:/data/db:rw${MOUNT_OPTIONS}
    opened by guycalledseven 1
  • v3.0.0-beta-0.3(Jan 3, 2023)

    Release v3.0.0-beta-0.3 (2023-01-02)

    This release provides the dvl.to domain to be used with TLD_SUFFIX (set to default), which eliminates the need to set any entries in /etc/hosts, as all of its subdomain will point to via official DNS. Domain has been acquired thanks to awesome sponsors!


    • Intranet: mail.php fixed deprecation warnings #798


    • Use dvl.to as default TLD_SUFFIX (it always poits to removing the need to create /etc/hosts entries)


    • Intranet: vhost overview shows listening ports
    • Intranet: vhost overview now has modals to show httpd and vhost-gen configs
    • Docs: Show available tools per version in README.md
    • Added xhprof PHP extension
    • Added extra_hosts: host.docker.internal: host-gateway (Refs #919, #575)


    Screenshot 2022-12-31 05-46-39  selection

    Screenshot 2022-12-31 09-00-05  selection

    Screenshot 2022-12-31 05-56-42  selection

    What's Changed

    • Release/v3.0.0 beta 0.3 by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/944

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/compare/v3.0.0-beta-0.2...v3.0.0-beta-03

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0-beta-0.2(Dec 27, 2022)

    Release v3.0.0-beta-0.2 (2022-12-27)

    See Release v3.0.0-beta-0.1 for other notable changes

    The Backend configuration now supports websockets as well:

    Please report issues in this PR or reach out in Discord.

    Screenshot 2022-12-26 14-28-34  selection

    file: /shared/httpd/<project>/.devilbox/backend.cfg

    # PHP-FPM backend
    # HTTP Reverse Proxy backend
    # HTTPS Reverse Proxy backend
    # Websocket Reverse Proxy backend
    # SSL Websocket Reverse Proxy backend

    Once you're done with backend.cfg changes, head over to the Intranet C&C page (http://localhost/cnc.php) and Reload watcherd.


    • Intranet: vhost overview: allow HTTP 426 to succeed in vhost page (websocket projects)
    • Intranet: vhost overview: Reverse Proxy or Websocket backends do not require a htdocs/ dir for healthcheck
    • Fixed reverse proxy template generation for Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4 vhost-gen #51
    • Fixed Nginx hash bucket size length to allow long hostnames


    • Reverse Proxy automation for websocket projects (ws://<host>:<port> or wss:<host>:<port>) (Does not work with Apache 2.2)
    • Added tool wscat to be able to test websocket connections
    • Intranet: vhost overview now also shows websocket projects


    • Do not mount any startup/autostart script directories for multi-php compose as they do not contain tools

    Affected Issues / PR's

    • Refs: #797
    • Refs: #782

    What's Changed

    • Release/v3.0.0 beta 0.2 by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/943

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/compare/v3.0.0-beta-0.1...v3.0.0-beta-0.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0-beta-0.1(Dec 25, 2022)

    Release v3.0.0-beta-0.1 (2022-12-24) 🎅🎄🎁

    • Run different PHP versions per project

    • Reverse Proxy automation

    Please report issues in this PR or reach out in Discord.

    Screenshot 2022-12-25 18-05-25  selection

    This is a beta release, using a completely rewritten set of HTTPD server, based on these changes:

    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-stable/pull/55
    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-mainline/pull/57
    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.2/pull/53
    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.4/pull/54

    Once it has been tested by the community, and potential errors have been addressed, a new major version will be released.

    IMPORTANT: This release required you to copy env-example over onto .env due to some changes in variables.


    1. Multiple PHP Versions
      Here is an example to run one project with a specific PHP version
      # Enable all PHP versions
      cp compose/docker-compose.override.yml-php-multi.yml docker-compose.override.yml
      # Start default set and php80
      docker-compose up php httpd bind php80

      file: /shared/httpd/<project>/.devilbox/backend.cfg

    2. Automated Reverse Proxy setup
      Here is an example to proxy one project to a backend service (e.g. NodeJS or Python application, which runs in the PHP container on port 3000)
      file: /shared/httpd/<project>/.devilbox/backend.cfg

    PHP hostnames and IP addresses

    Note: Use IP addresses instead of hostnames for Nginx

    | PHP Version | Hostname | IP address | |-------------|----------|----------------| | 5.4 | php54 | | | 5.5 | php55 | | | 5.6 | php56 | | | 7.0 | php70 | | | 7.1 | php71 | | | 7.2 | php72 | | | 7.3 | php73 | | | 7.4 | php74 | | | 8.0 | php80 | | | 8.1 | php81 | | | 8.2 | php82 | |


    • Fixed Protocol substitution bug in Reverse Proxy generation for Apache 2.2 and Apache 2.4 vhost-gen #49 vhost-gen #50
    • Fixed missing module mod_proxy_html in Apache 2.4 as per requirement from vhost-gen for Reverse Proxy setup
    • Fixed encoding issue with Apache 2.4 Reverse Proxy by enabling mod_xml2enc module (Required by mod_proxy_html)
    • Allow to run different PHP versions per project. fixes #146


    • New HTTPD server capable of auto reverse proxy creation (and different PHP versions per project)
    • Intranet: Added Command & Control center to view watcherd logs and retrigger config in case of vhost changes
    • Environment variable DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_PASS
    • Environment variable DEVILBOX_HTTPD_MGMT_USER
    • New Docker Compose Override file docker-compose.override.yml-php-multi.yml (allows to run multiple PHP versions).
    • Update Bind to latest version


    • Disabled psr extension by default php-psr #78
    • Disabled phalcon extension by default
    • Environment variable DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT renamed to DEBUG_ENTRYPOINT
    • Environment variable HTTPD_TIMEOUT_TO_PHP_FPM renamed to HTTPD_BACKEND_TIMEOUT

    Other notable Changes

    • shell.sh to fall back to docker compose (no dash) by @Cleancookie in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/920
    • Add support for meilisearch by @minhchu in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/910
    • 🎅🎄🎁 by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/942

    New Contributors

    • @Cleancookie made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/920
    • @minhchu made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/910

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/compare/v2.4.0...v3.0.0-beta-0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.4.0(Dec 18, 2022)

    Release v2.4.0 (2022-12-18)

    This release might be a bit bumpy due to a massive amount of changes in upstream projects. If you encounter issues, please do raise tickets.


    New PHP-FPM images

    This release uses a new set of PHP-FPM images. They have been heavily rewritten and modularized in order to make PHP extension and PHP tool generation more easy. See the following release notes for details:

    499 changed files with 29,281 additions and 13,977 deletions.

    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/releases/tag/0.145
    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/releases/tag/0.146
    • https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/releases/tag/0.147

    How to add modules/tools?

    Available Tools

    You can now also find a detailed overview about what tools are installed in what PHP version image. See here: https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/blob/master/doc/available-tools.md

    Gitter -> Discord

    Additionally I am moving away from Gitter to Discord. See reason and announcement here: https://devilbox.discourse.group/t/migrating-from-gitter-to-discord/716/2

    🎮 Discord: https://discord.gg/2wP3V6kBj4


    • Intranet: Fixed PostgreSQL database overview
    • Fixed PATH for all pre-installed composer and node tools


    • Updated PHP versions (https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/940)
    • Updated MySQL versions
    • Intranet: Improved installed tools overview (index.php)


    • Added tool mhsendmail for arm64 images
    • Added tool wkhtmltopdf for arm64 images (https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/936)
    • Added tool taskfile (https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/934)


    • Removed tool drush (detail: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/930#issuecomment-1344764908)

    Issues / PR's

    The following Issues / PR's are addressed in a new tagged release.

    • Fixes #934
    • Fixes #936
    • Fixes #940
    • Refs #930
    • Refs #904

    Other notable changes

    • Delayed message body loading by @mmcev106 in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/904
    • Release/v2.4.0 by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/941

    New Contributors

    • @mmcev106 made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/904

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/compare/v2.3.0...v2.4.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.3.0(Dec 4, 2022)

    Release v2.3.0 (2022-12-04)


    • Fixed correct permission for /opt/nvm in PHP container #499, #PHP-FPM 0.141
    • Fixed Debian Jessie repository trust beyond EOL #PHP-FPM 0.140
    • Fixed phpPgAdmin to work with PostgreSQL 15



    • Switched to phalcon 5.x extension for PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 #913, #PHP-FPM 0.143
    • Updated to latest minor versions of Apache 2.2, Apache 2.4, Nginx stable and Nginx mainline
    • Updated to latest minor versions of MySQL, MariaDB and Percona DB
    • Updated to latest minor versions of PHP #917
    • Updated PHP extensions to lastest versions #899


    • Removed Phalcon DevTools for PHP 7.4 due to build error #PHP-FPM 0.142

    Issues / Pull Requests

    The following Issues / Pull Requests will be resolved by this PR:

    • Fixes #499
    • Fixes #899
    • Fixes #913
    • Fixes #911
    • Fixes #917

    Other notable changes

    • Add docs about .local on MacOS by @jakeparis in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/893
    • Update bug_report.yml by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/896
    • Add custom vhost-gen yml files into gitignore by @ahberg in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/897
    • Fixing Magento 2 doc link by @rafaelstz in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/902
    • Fix: Using ${var} in strings is deprecated, use {$var} instead by @vikas5914 in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/925
    • docs: fix CodeIgniter3 docs link by @kenjis in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/928
    • fix typo by @boodaah3d in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/926
    • docs: add "Setup CodeIgniter4" by @kenjis in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/927
    • Fix rabbit container name typo in docs by @alexaandrov in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/931
    • Release v2.3.0 by @cytopia in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/935

    New Contributors

    • @jakeparis made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/893
    • @ahberg made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/897
    • @rafaelstz made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/902
    • @vikas5914 made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/925
    • @kenjis made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/928
    • @boodaah3d made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/926
    • @alexaandrov made their first contribution in https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/pull/931

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/compare/v2.2.0...v2.3.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2.0(Apr 14, 2022)

    Release v2.2.0 (2022-04-14)

    This release adds PHP-FPM Community images via docker-compose.override.yml, which easily allows you to build upon existing PHP images and customize them for your usecase/workflow.


    • Added PHP-FPM Community images: https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm-community/


    • https://devilbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/custom-container/enable-php-community.html

    How to create your own flavoured image

    # Clone community repo
    git clone https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm-community
    cd docker-php-fpm-community
    # Create your flavour
    make create-project
    # build your flavour
    make build FLAVOUR=<FLAVOUR_NAME>
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.1(Apr 8, 2022)

    Release v2.1.1 (2022-04-07)

    The previous v2.1.0 release was using the php docker images from the release branch (as building others takes >9 hours). This one fixes it and uses the git tagged images, which are rebuild every two days.


    • Used tagged PHP images (auto-updating) instead early release branch one.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Apr 6, 2022)

    Release v2.1.0 (2022-04-05)

    This is now a 100% arm64 compatible release. If you are on an arm64 architecture and have run Devilbox before with amd64 images, the suggestion is to remove those images in order to ensure everything runs smooth for this release.


    • Fixed PHP image rsyslog error imklog: cannot open kernel log (/proc/kmsg): Operation not permitted.
    • Fixed missing arm64 support: #855


    • Added PHP images with arm64 support for PHP: https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/releases/tag/0.138
    • Added PHP images with arm64 support for PHP: https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm/releases/tag/0.139
    • Added vips to PHP 8.0
    • Added vips to PHP 8.1
    • Added swoole to PHP 8.1


    • Removed homebrew due to arm64 issues
    • Removed Ansible due to arm64 issues
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Mar 28, 2022)

    Release v2.0.0 (2022-03-28)

    The goal of this release is to reduce the overall size of Docker images and bring in latest versions.

    Important: This release introduces backwards incompatible changes due to only keeping major versions of PostreSQL and therefore removing old volumes. Additionally the PostgreSQL volume names have changed. In order to guarantee a smooth transition, backup your PostgreSQL databases in the previous version before switching and then re-importing them in this version.

    Update your .env file from env-example


    • Added CakePHP integration tests for PHP 8+
    • Added .env variable HTTPD_FLAVOUR to decide between Debian or Alpine for HTTP server


    • Changed default PostgreSQL server from 12.4 to 14-alpine (breaking change)
    • Changed default Redis server from 6.0 to 6.2-alpine
    • Changed default Memcached server from 1.6 to 1.6-alpine
    • Changed default MongoDB server from 4.4 to 5.0
    • Changed default HTTPD server flavour from Debian to Alpine
    • Use tiny Alpine version of Bind container


    • Removed CI for MongoDB 2.8 and MongoDB 3.0 due to segfault: https://github.com/docker-library/mongo/issues/251
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.11.0(Mar 22, 2022)

    Release v1.11.0 (2022-03-22)


    • Fixed pidof issue on QUEMU by replacing it with pgrep #854
    • Fixed array definition for PHP < 5.4
    • Fixed bind caching issue #37
    • Fixed Adminer 4.8.1 CSS issues #867


    • Allow to globally enable/disable HTTP/2 #844
    • Added New .env variable: HTTPD_HTTP2_ENABLE


    • Make MariaDB 10.6 the default
    • Make PHP 8.1 the default
    • Updated Apache 2.2
    • Updated Apache 2.4
    • Updated Nginx stable
    • Updated Nginx mainline
    • Updated PHP-FPM images #230
    • Updated PHP-FPM images #231
    • Updated phpMyAdmin to 5.1.3
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.10.5(Mar 16, 2022)

  • v1.10.4(Feb 15, 2022)

    Release v1.10.4 (2022-02-15)


    • Fixed SSL-Cache Mutex on M1 CPU #862


    • Changed Intranet mail tester to using POST instead of GET for larger body size
    • Made vhost error message more verbose
    • Updated Nginx Stable #36
    • Updated Nginx Mainline #39
    • Updated Apache 2.2 #33
    • Updated Apache 2.4 #35
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.10.3(Feb 4, 2022)

  • v1.10.2(Feb 2, 2022)

    Release v1.10.2 (2022-02-02)


    • Fixed nvm PATH priority #846


    • Added extension sqlsrv to php 8.1
    • Added extension pdo_sqlsrv to php 8.1


    • Changed postfix hostname to localhost instead of GitHub runners long name
    • Updated PHP-FPM images #224
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.10.1(Jan 30, 2022)

    Release v1.10.1 (2022-01-30)


    • Fixed evaluation of MASS_VHOST_SSL_GEN env var #830


    • Added feature to delete emails from within control center #754


    • Updated Nginx Stable #35
    • Updated Nginx Mainline #37
    • Updated Apache 2.2 #32
    • Updated Apache 2.4 #34

    Screenshot 2022-01-30 14-31-33  selection

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.10.0(Jan 28, 2022)

    Release v1.10.0 (2022-01-28)


    • Fixed mail.php to correctly show UTF chars in Body #850
    • Fixed desc in env-example #807


    • Added binary sqlite3 to all PHP images #856
    • Added binary laravel to PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 #823
    • Added AVIF support in GD for PHP 8.1 #834
    • Added extension amqp to PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 #826
    • Added extension uploadprogress to PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1 #158
    • Added extension imagick to PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1
    • Added extension rdkafka to PHP 8.0 and PHP 8.1
    • Added extension xlswriter to PHP 8.1
    • Added extension pdo_dblib to PHP 8.1
    • Added extension uuid to all PHP versions (except 5.2)
    • Added MySQL image: MariaDB 10.6
    • Added MySQL image: MariaDB 10.7


    • Updated php-cs-fixer to latest version #219
    • Updated Nginx Stable https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-stable/pull/33
    • Updated Nginx Stable https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-stable/pull/34
    • Updated Nginx Mainline https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-mainline/pull/36
    • Updated Nginx Mainline https://github.com/devilbox/docker-nginx-mainline/pull/37
    • Updated Apache 2.2 https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.2/pull/30
    • Updated Apache 2.2 https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.2/pull/31
    • Updated Apache 2.4 https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.4/pull/32
    • Updated Apache 2.4 https://github.com/devilbox/docker-apache-2.4/pull/33
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.9.3(Jan 25, 2022)

    Release v1.9.3 (2022-01-25)


    • Updated PHP Docker Images: #221
    • Updated PHP Docker Images: #222
    • Update MySQL Docker Images: #10
    • Fixed documentation build issues
    • Fixed intranet PHP code to work with legacy versions

    Fixing issues

    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/853
    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/789
    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/835 (confirmed by @cassioalmeidas)

    Might be related to

      • https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/845
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.9.2(Jun 4, 2021)

    Release v1.9.2 (2021-06-04)


    • Added Homebrew for all PHP images
    • Added pdo_sqlsrv PHP extension for 7.4 and 8.0
    • Xdebug 3.0 documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.9.1(May 20, 2021)

    Release v1.9.1 (2021-05-19)


    • Added PHP Xdebug info page for intranet


    • Fixes #769 Adjusted Xdebug 3.0 defaults
    • Update PHP images to 0.124
    • MySQL database use binlog by default
    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/790 Updated Adminer to 4.8.1


    • Fixes #783 Kibana 6.6 and above uses ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS
    • Fixes #801 Intranet not available when some php modules disabled or not compiled
    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/794
    • Fixes https://github.com/cytopia/devilbox/issues/773
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.9.0(Dec 13, 2020)

    Release v1.9.0 (2020-12-12)


    • #761 Fixed missing Varnish config env var
    • #10 watcherd performance issues
    • Fixed mdl rubygen for PHP images
    • Fixed drupal (Drupal Console Launcher) for PHP images


    • Added ioncube extension to PHP 7.4
    • Added sqlsrv extension to PHP 7.4
    • Added apcu extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added blackfire extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added igbinary extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added imap extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added mcrypt extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added memcache extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added msgpack extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added oauth extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added psr extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added solr extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added xlswriter extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added yaml extension to PHP 8.0
    • Added apcu extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added igbinary extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added imap extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added mcrypt extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added memcache extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added msgpack extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added oauth extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added psr extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added solr extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added xlswriter extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added yaml extension to PHP 8.1
    • Added checks for TLD_SUFFIX in check-config.sh


    • #763 redis extension compiles with msgpack and igbinary as available serializers
    • Updated xdebug to latest version
    • Updated watcherd to latest version
    • Updated vhost-gen to latest version
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.3(Nov 22, 2020)

    Release v1.8.3 (2020-11-22)


    • #753 Fixed symlink handling in watcherd
    • #751 Fixed duplicate output in check-config.sh


    • #755 Added ~/.composer/vendor/bin to $PATH
    • #692 Added custom supervisor configs
    • Added project and customization checks in check-config.sh
    • Intranet: show custom PHP configuration files
    • Intranet: show custom Httpd configuration files

    Intranet Preview

    Screenshot 2020-11-22 10-57-44  selection

    Screenshot 2020-11-22 11-52-06  selection

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.2(Nov 14, 2020)

    Release v1.8.2 (2020-11-14)


    • #643 Wrong entrypoint in mysql images
    • #703 Don't fail on uid/gid change
    • #749 Fix to disable PHP modules without *.so ext
    • Fixed check-config.sh to properly expand ~ character in path


    • #707 New .env variable: HOST_PATH_BACKUPDIR


    • #547 Added link to official Contao Devilbox Documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.1(Nov 12, 2020)

    Release v1.8.1 (2020-11-12)


    • Silence PHP warnings in phpmemcached and opcache GUIs
    • #746 Fix xdebug config for PHP 8.0 and 8.1


    • Added check-config.sh script to check against correct Devilbox configuration
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.8.0(Nov 9, 2020)

    Release v1.8.0 (2020-11-08)


    • #739 Disabled gd-jis: https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=73582
    • #740 Use latest PHP 8.0 image


    • #715 PHP module mongodb is re-added to PHP 8.0
    • Added PHP 8.1: https://github.com/devilbox/docker-php-fpm-8.1
    • Added Postgres images: 11.7, 11.8, 11.9, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.0
    • Added Redis images: 6.0
    • Added Memcache images: 1.6
    • Added MongoDB images: 4.4
    • Added MySQL images: MariaDB 10.5


    • #736 Composer is updated to v2 (/usr/local/bin/composer)
    • #728 Updated phpPgAdmin from 7.12 to 7.13
    • Updated phpMyAdmin from 5.0.0 to 5.0.4
    • Updated phpMyAdmin from 4.9.3 to 4.9.7
    • Updated Adminer from 4.7.5 to 4.7.7
    • Composer is available as v1 and v2 (/usr/local/bin/composer-1 and /usr/local/bin/composer-2)
    • New default PHP version: 7.4
    • New default MySQL version: MariaDB 10.5
    • New default Postgres version: 12.4
    • New default Redis version: 6.0
    • New default Memcached version 1.6
    • New default MongoDB version: 4.4
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.2(Sep 18, 2020)

  • v1.7.1(Aug 9, 2020)

    Release v1.7.1 (2020-08-09)


    • #700 Re-added imap for PHP 7.4
    • #611 Adding certbot binary to PHP
    • #713 Added gsfonts
    • #713 Added mupdf and mupdf-tools
    • #714 Added PDF support for imagick


    • Updated Nginx (stable and mainline)
    • Updated MySQL/MariaDB/PerconaDB images
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.0(Mar 25, 2020)

    Release v1.7.0 (2020-03-24)


    • Python Flask support
      • https://devilbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/setup-reverse-proxy-python-flask.html
      • https://devilbox.readthedocs.io/en/latest/custom-container/enable-python-flask.html
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.3(Mar 23, 2020)

    Devilbox Bugfix Release v1.6.3 (2020-03-23)


    • Fixed PHP FPM images
    • Fixed cert-gen for HAProxy
    • Various spelling errors in documentation
    • PostgreSQL startup without a password


    • #686 Added documentation for ExpressEngine
    • New .env var: PGSQL_HOST_AUTH_METHOD
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.6.2(Feb 9, 2020)

  • v1.6.1(Jan 5, 2020)

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