Docker-magento2 - 🐳 Docker containers with all required Magento 2 dependencies installed available as FPM through Nginx and CLI


Magento 2 Docker

Build Status Docker Build Status Docker Pulls Docker Stars

A collection of Docker images for running Magento 2 through nginx and on the command line.

Quick Start

cp composer.env.sample composer.env
# ..put the correct tokens into composer.env

mkdir magento

docker-compose run cli magento-installer
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose restart


Configuration is driven through environment variables. A comprehensive list of the environment variables used can be found in each Dockerfile and the commands in each bin/ directory.

  • PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT - The memory limit to be set in the php.ini
  • UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE - Upload filesize limit for PHP and Nginx
  • MAGENTO_RUN_MODE - Valid values, as defined in Magento\Framework\App\State: developer, production, default.
  • MAGENTO_ROOT - The directory to which Magento should be installed (defaults to /var/www/magento)
  • COMPOSER_GITHUB_TOKEN - Your GitHub OAuth token, should it be needed
  • COMPOSER_MAGENTO_USERNAME - Your Magento Connect public authentication key (how to get)
  • COMPOSER_MAGENTO_PASSWORD - Your Magento Connect private authentication key
  • COMPOSER_BITBUCKET_KEY - Optional - Your Bitbucket OAuth key (how to get)
  • COMPOSER_BITBUCKET_SECRET - Optional - Your Bitbucket OAuth secret
  • DEBUG - Toggles tracing in the bash commands when exectued; nothing to do with Magento`
  • PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG - When set to true it will include the Xdebug ini file as part of the PHP configuration, turning it on. It's recommended to only switch this on when you need it as it will slow down the application.
  • UPDATE_UID_GID - If this is set to "true" then the uid and gid of www-data will be modified in the container to match the values on the mounted folders. This seems to be necessary to work around virtualbox issues on OSX.

A sample docker-compose.yml is provided in this repository.

CLI Usage

A number of commands are baked into the image and are available on the $PATH. These are:

  • magento-command - Provides a user-safe wrapper around the bin/magento command.
  • magento-installer - Installs and configures Magento into the directory defined in the $MAGENTO_ROOT environment variable.
  • magento-extension-installer - Installs a Magento 2 extension from the /extensions/<name> directory, using symlinks.
  • magerun2 - A user-safe wrapper for n98-magerun2.phar, which provides a wider range of useful commands. Learn more here

It's recommended that you mount an external folder to /root/.composer/cache, otherwise you'll be waiting all day for Magento to download every time the container is booted.

CLI commands can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli magento-installer

Shell access to a CLI container can be triggered by running:

docker-compose run cli bash


All images have sendmail installed for emails, however it is not enabled by default. To enable sendmail, use the following environment variable:


Note: If sendmail has been enabled, make sure the container has a hostname assigned using the hostname field in docker-compose.yml or --hostname parameter for docker run. If the container does not have a hostname set, sendmail will attempt to discover the hostname on startup, blocking for a prolonged period of time.

Implementation Notes

  • In order to achieve a sane environment for executing commands in, a docker-environment script is included as the ENTRYPOINT in the container.

xdebug Usage

To enable xdebug, you will need to toggle the PHP_ENABLE_XDEBUG environment variable to true in global.env. Then when using docker-compose you will need to restart the fpm container using docker-compose up -d, or stopping and starting the container.


Varnish is running out of the container by default. If you do not require varnish, then you will need to remove the varnish block from your docker-compose.yml and uncomment the environment section under the web container definition.

To clear varnish, you can use the cli containers magento-command to clear the cache, which will include varnish. Alternatively, you could restart the varnish container.

docker-compose run --rm cli magento-command cache:flush
# OR
docker-compose restart varnish

If you need to add your own VCL, then it needs to be mounted to: /data/varnish.vcl.


A lot of the configuration for each image is the same, with the difference being the base image that they're extending from. For this reason we use php to build the Dockerfile from a set of templates in src/. The Dockerfile should still be published to the repository due to Docker Hub needing a Dockerfile to build from.

To build all Dockerfiles, run the builder.php script in the php:7 Docker image:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src php:7 php /src/builder.php

Adding new images to the build config

The build configuration is controlled by the config.json file. Yeah element in the top level hash is a new build target, using the following syntax:

"<target-name>": {
    "version": "<php-version>",
    "flavour": "<image-flavour>",
    "files": {
        "<target-file-name>": {
            "<template-variable-name>": "<template-variable-value>",

The target files will be rendered in the <php-version>-<image-flavour>/ directory.

The source template for each target file is selected from the src/ directory using the following fallback order:

  1. <target-file-name>-<php-version>-<image-flavour>
  2. <target-file-name>-<php-version>
  3. <target-file-name>-<image-flavour>
  4. <target-file-name>

Individual templates may include other templates as partials.

  • Cannot connect to http://magento2.docker/

    Cannot connect to http://magento2.docker/

    I followed the guide till the end and started the docker. Here is the status for docker-compose ps

                 Name                           Command               State                Ports              
    dockermagento2master_appdata_1   /true                            Exit 0                                  
    dockermagento2master_cli_1       /usr/local/bin/docker-envi ...   Up                                      
    dockermagento2master_cron_1      /usr/local/bin/docker-envi ...   Up                                      
    dockermagento2master_db_1 mysqld      Up>3306/tcp        
    dockermagento2master_dbdata_1    /true                            Exit 0                                  
    dockermagento2master_fpm_1       /usr/local/bin/docker-envi ...   Up>9000/tcp        
    dockermagento2master_varnish_1   /bin/sh -c /             Up>80/tcp          
    dockermagento2master_web_1       /usr/local/bin/docker-envi ...   Up       443/tcp,>80/tcp 

    But in the browser I opened: http://magento2.docker/ just show me that the website cannot be reached.

    I am using Mac OS Sierra!

    opened by vinhtq 15
  • Creating network

    Creating network "dockermagento2master_default" with the default driver


    After trying to make compose with your README I get:

    docker-compose run cli magento-installer

    Creating network "dockermagento2master_default" with the default driver ERROR: 404 page not found

    Any suggestion how to fix it?

    opened by pbilinski 14
  • FPM Container exits with code 78

    FPM Container exits with code 78

    I followed the quick start instructions. But i have the problem that the fpm container quits almost immediately after i start it up.

    I get the following log messages: fpm_1 | Starting Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmail. fpm_1 | [25-Sep-2017 10:53:28] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root fpm_1 | [25-Sep-2017 10:53:28] ERROR: [pool www] please specify user and group other than root fpm_1 | [25-Sep-2017 10:53:28] ERROR: FPM initialization failed fpm_1 | [25-Sep-2017 10:53:28] ERROR: FPM initialization failed dockermagento2_fpm_1 exited with code 78

    I'm running docker for mac, Version 17.06.2-ce-mac27 (19124)

    opened by christianseitzereinz 9
  • Modifying Dockerfile -- no result?

    Modifying Dockerfile -- no result?


    I want to add own script to "run cli".

    So I've:

    1. Created 'magento-permissions' script inside 7.0-cli/bin/
    2. Modified 7.0-cli/Dockerfile as below:

    .... ADD bin/* /usr/local/bin/ added -> ADD bin/magento-permissions /usr/local/bin/magento-permissions ....

    1. Cleaned /var/lib/* docker cache and re-installed whole docker-engine to ensure that I have no-cached version

    But after building from scratch (docker-compose run cli magento-installer, docker-compose up -d, docker-compose restart):

    /usr/local/bin/docker-environment: line 49: exec: magento-permissions: not found

    Could you help me: how to add own script to use inside "run cli"?

    Thanks in advance,

    opened by pbilinski 7
  • Add

    Add "install extension" script

    We use a script like the following quite a lot. Would be good to have it bundled into the image:

    COMPOSER="$PHP /usr/local/bin/composer"
    # This is required because Magento doesn't support the path type in composer
    # this is a hack.
    ln -s /src/ src
    $COMPOSER config repositories.extension path /src
    $COMPOSER require $COMPOSER_NAME "*"
    # Required due to us using the "path" type for the repository
    $COMPOSER require "composer/composer" "1.0.0-alpha11 as 1.0.0-alpha10"
    $MAGENTO_TOOL module:enable $MODULE_NAME
    $MAGENTO_TOOL setup:upgrade
    $MAGENTO_TOOL setup:static-content:deploy
    $MAGENTO_TOOL cache:flush
    $MAGENTO_TOOL deploy:mode:set developer
    type-feature priority-low 
    opened by punkstar 7
  • Cant install Magento, No space left on device

    Cant install Magento, No space left on device


    all time got such error after command

    docker-compose run cli magento-installer

    phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (^1.1)
    symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/yaml ()
    symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expressions in service container configuration)
    symfony/dependency-injection suggests installing symfony/proxy-manager-bridge (Generate service proxies to lazy load them)
    symfony/config suggests installing symfony/yaml (To use the yaml reference dumper)
    Package sjparkinson/static-review is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use phpro/grumphp instead.
    Writing lock file
    Generating autoload files
    The disk hosting /var/www/magento/vendor is full, this may be the cause of the following exception
      file_put_contents(): Only 0 of 70 bytes written, possibly out of free disk space
    create-project [-s|--stability STABILITY] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--repository REPOSITORY] [--repository-url REPOSITORY-URL] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [--no-secure-http] [--keep-vcs] [--no-install] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<package>] [<directory>] [<version>]
    + '[' -f /root/.composer/auth.json ']'
    + mkdir -p /var/www/magento/var/composer_home
    + cp /root/.composer/auth.json /var/www/magento/var/composer_home/auth.json
    cp: error writing '/var/www/magento/var/composer_home/auth.json': No space left on device
    cp: failed to extend '/var/www/magento/var/composer_home/auth.json': No space left on device
    + chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/magento
    + '[' '!' true = false ']'
    + echo 'Install Magento'
    Install Magento
    + INSTALL_COMMAND='magento-command setup:install         --db-host=db         --db-name=magento2         --db-user=magento2         --db-password=magento2         --base-url=http://magento2.docker/         --admin-firstname=Admin         --admin-lastname=User         --admin-user=admin         --admin-password=password1'
    + '[' -n '' ']'
    + '[' -n admin ']'
    + INSTALL_COMMAND='magento-command setup:install         --db-host=db         --db-name=magento2         --db-user=magento2         --db-password=magento2         --base-url=http://magento2.docker/         --admin-firstname=Admin         --admin-lastname=User         --admin-user=admin         --admin-password=password1 --backend-frontname=admin'
    + '[' '' = true ']'
    + magento-command setup:install --db-host=db --db-name=magento2 --db-user=magento2 --db-password=magento2 --base-url=http://magento2.docker/ --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=User --admin-user=admin --admin-password=password1 --backend-frontname=admin
    + MAGENTO_COMMAND=/var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + chmod +x /var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + exec sudo -u www-data -- /var/www/magento/bin/magento setup:install --db-host=db --db-name=magento2 --db-user=magento2 --db-password=magento2 --base-url=http://magento2.docker/ --admin-firstname=Admin --admin-lastname=User --admin-user=admin --admin-password=password1 --backend-frontname=admin
    Autoload error: Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory.+ magento-command index:reindex
    + MAGENTO_COMMAND=/var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + chmod +x /var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + exec sudo -u www-data -- /var/www/magento/bin/magento index:reindex
    Autoload error: Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory.+ magento-command setup:static-content:deploy
    + MAGENTO_COMMAND=/var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + chmod +x /var/www/magento/bin/magento
    + exec sudo -u www-data -- /var/www/magento/bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    Autoload error: Vendor autoload is not found. Please run 'composer install' under application root directory.+ echo 'Fixing file permissions..'
    Fixing file permissions..
    + '[' -f /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/DriverInterface.php ']'
    + sed -i s/0770/0775/g /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/DriverInterface.php
    sed: couldn't flush /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/sedlSUwZK: No space left on device
    + '[' -f /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/DriverInterface.php ']'
    + sed -i s/0660/0664/g /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/DriverInterface.php
    sed: couldn't flush /var/www/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Filesystem/sedB7Qz5K: No space left on device
    + find /var/www/magento/pub -type f -exec chmod 664 '{}' ';'
    + find /var/www/magento/pub -type d -exec chmod 775 '{}' ';'
    + find /var/www/magento/var/generation -type d -exec chmod g+s '{}' ';'
    find: `/var/www/magento/var/generation': No such file or directory
    + chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/magento
    + echo 'Installation complete'
    Installation complete

    using docker toolbox, alot free space on device IMAGE ALT TEXT HERE

    docker-composer up

    Pulling fpm (meanbee/magento2-php:7.0-fpm)...
    7.0-fpm: Pulling from meanbee/magento2-php
    f49cf87b52c1: Already exists
    185616061386: Already exists
    4330d62fa9e0: Already exists
    457292eacdcc: Already exists
    3043a074c287: Pull complete
    9ce8d27b091d: Pull complete
    907756edd209: Pull complete
    7d9ceacaba15: Pull complete
    994e719ed599: Pull complete
    e289a4c361dc: Pull complete
    baf5a490d77b: Pull complete
    287e897f1dfd: Pull complete
    f00171157f3c: Pull complete
    6eea45e01228: Pull complete
    dccfc32cfb85: Pull complete
    b7833777ad9e: Pull complete
    20a4d9164560: Pull complete
    e885eb9dd0d0: Pull complete
    206d7a95456e: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:19bc08d32e8b83ba9a72710896f48ad06953efa4b36cc4d1f53434d81047d9a1
    Status: Downloaded newer image for meanbee/magento2-php:7.0-fpm
    Pulling web (meanbee/magento2-nginx:1.9)...
    1.9: Pulling from meanbee/magento2-nginx
    51f5c6a04d83: Pull complete
    a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
    640c8f3d0eb2: Pull complete
    a4335300aa89: Pull complete
    5b1ed36cbb21: Pull complete
    c0b3c29ce08b: Pull complete
    340a787d9198: Pull complete
    d0ece8241101: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:ce6af5ab221c5061af4b06a611a613cac5e32edb06a1ff5391b16cb664a5d250
    Status: Downloaded newer image for meanbee/magento2-nginx:1.9
    Starting m2_appdata_1 ...
    Starting m2_appdata_1 ... error
    Starting m2_dbdata_1 ... error
    ERROR: for m2_dbdata_1  Cannot start service dbdata: oci runtime error: write /run/runc/d824edaa180de1b8e0e4defe650d8f3543e078aa066ccb3523d2091745648942/state.json: no space left on device
    ERROR: for dbdata  Cannot start service dbdata: oci runtime error: write /run/runc/d824edaa180de1b8e0e4defe650d8f3543e078aa066ccb3523d2091745648942/state.json: no space left on device
    ERROR: for appdata  Cannot start service appdata: oci runtime error: write /run/runc/6d5e6f396b4950763f4947a781a66969422a424cfe455b985db3d0da2cc96b55/state.json: no space left on device
    ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

    $ docker -v Docker version 17.12.0-ce-rc4, build 6a2c058

    opened by pacmandv 6
  • Magento is not installed properly

    Magento is not installed properly

    I get the following when accessing:

    Also there is no documentation what to do after running the commands. Good documentation would be nice to have.

    2 exception(s):
    Exception #0 (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception): SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table '' doesn't exist, query was: SELECT `store`.* FROM `store` WHERE (`store`.`store_id`='1') ORDER BY `sort_order` ASC
    opened by RogerKeulen 5
  • Disable the composer root warning

    Disable the composer root warning

    This prevent the composer root warning from showing up on the CLI.

    The change is based on the official composer docker image:

    opened by nicobatty 5
  • Missing extension ext-sockets for Magento 2.3.4

    Missing extension ext-sockets for Magento 2.3.4

    Issue We use the meanbee/magento2-php:7.3-cli image for deploying in Bitbucket Pipelines. However, since Magento 2.3.4 we got an exception from composer which required ext-sockets to be installed.

    Logs + composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction Loading composer repositories with package information Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - Installation request for php-amqplib/php-amqplib v2.10.1 -> satisfiable by php-amqplib/php-amqplib[v2.10.1]. - php-amqplib/php-amqplib v2.10.1 requires ext-sockets * -> the requested PHP extension sockets is missing from your system. Problem 2 - php-amqplib/php-amqplib v2.10.1 requires ext-sockets * -> the requested PHP extension sockets is missing from your system. - magento/product-community-edition 2.3.4 requires php-amqplib/php-amqplib ~2.7.0|~2.10.0 -> satisfiable by php-amqplib/php-amqplib[v2.10.1]. - Installation request for magento/product-community-edition 2.3.4 -> satisfiable by magento/product-community-edition[2.3.4]. To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in your .ini files: - - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-bcmath.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-gd.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-intl.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-pcntl.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-pdo_mysql.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-soap.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-sodium.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-xsl.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/docker-php-ext-zip.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-magento.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-mail.ini - /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-xdebug-settings.ini You can also runphp --iniinside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.

    opened by bjarn 4
  • Can not send curl request to magento2.docker by magento code

    Can not send curl request to magento2.docker by magento code

    Can not send curl request to magento2.docker by magento code, becuase inside container magento2.docker host not found , curl is working for other urls like or php,net .

    opened by vaibhavkumar-sf 4
  • Can't change \7.0-cli\etc\php-xdebug.ini

    Can't change \7.0-cli\etc\php-xdebug.ini

    I wanted to add the next line to the xdebug.ini (7.0-cli\etc\php-xdebug.ini)


    Then i remove the docker container and images and run: docker-compose up -d

    After that is login to the cli container with: docker-compose run cli bash and check the ini file with: cat /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-xdebug-settings.ini

    Then i can't see the changes i made.

    Is this file cached some where, and how do i 're-build' the whole docker stuff from the beginning ?

    I want to us a different port for xdebug 9001 and i don't want it to start automaticly because it will make my project very slow. But still i want the extension to be installed and already configured, so i can use it when i need to.

    opened by RogerKeulen 4
  • Could not delete /var/www/magento/:

    Could not delete /var/www/magento/:

    I did like in instruction:

    cp composer.env.sample composer.env

    ..put the correct tokens into composer.env

    mkdir magento

    docker-compose run cli magento-installer

    and see this mistake:

    $ docker-compose run cli magento-installer Starting magento_userwerk_appdata_1 ... done Starting magento_userwerk_dbdata_1 ... done Starting magento_userwerk_db_1 ... done Updating www-data uid and gid Docker: uid = 1000, gid = 1000 Incumbent: user = , group = [ ok ] Starting enhanced syslogd: rsyslogd. [ ok ] Starting Mail Transport Agent (MTA): sendmail. Creating Magento (2.1.) project from composer Creating a "magento/project-community-edition=2.1." project at "/var/www/magento" Warning from Your Magento authentication keys are invalid. Please double-check your keys in your Marketplace account. For instructions, visit Warning from Your Magento authentication keys are invalid. Please double-check your keys in your Marketplace account. For instructions, visit Warning from Your Magento authentication keys are invalid. Please double-check your keys in your Marketplace account. For instructions, visit The '' URL required authentication. You must be using the interactive console to authenticate could not be fully loaded, package information was loaded from the local cache and may be out of date Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.1.18) As there is no 'unzip' command installed zip files are being unpacked using the PHP zip extension. This may cause invalid reports of corrupted archives. Besides, any UNIX permissions (e.g. executable) defined in the archives will be lost. Installing 'unzip' may remediate them.

    • Installing magento/project-community-edition (2.1.18): Downloading (connecting...)

    Could not delete /var/www/magento/:

    Maybe You know how to fix the issue?

    opened by urbanovich 0
  • no access through localhost

    no access through localhost

    I did install everything, it seems to be working fine, except, when I type http://localhost I get nothing.

    This site can’t be reachedlocalhost refused to connect. Try:

    Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    opened by hazaeluz 3
  •  Could not delete /var/www/magento/vendor/composer/97287359/view/frontend/web/swagger-ui/js

    Could not delete /var/www/magento/vendor/composer/97287359/view/frontend/web/swagger-ui/js

    Hi team,

    We have installed magento 2.3.5-p1 EE on Windows 10 OS. In overloading magento source we found an error. /var/www/magento/vendor/composer/97287359/view/frontend/web/swagger-ui/js Capture

    Any someone knows how to solve this problem.


    opened by haunguyen1989 0
  • SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user

    SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user

    Hello is not possible to execute setup:upgrade I get always SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user the root user is % assigned. someone knows how to solve this problem.

    opened by leonmex 3
  • Install native 'zip' package on CLI images for quicker composer installs

    Install native 'zip' package on CLI images for quicker composer installs

    Otherwise Composer will use PHP's ZIP library, which is a bit slower, may cause invalid reports of corrupted archives, and causes UNIX permissions in the archives to be lost.

    opened by gsomoza 2
Extract and evolution of the magento2-currency-precision module from the magento2-jp project from @Magento

Currency Precision Module for Magento 2 This module aims to help merchants to manage easily their currency precision in Magento 2. DISCLAIMER Initiall

OpenGento 3 Dec 17, 2021
Magento2 Turkish Translation / Magento2 Türkçe Çevirisi

Magento 2 Türkçe Dil Paketi Magento2 için Türkçe Dil Paketi Magento2 içinde standart olarak gelen tüm tercüme dosyaları derlenmiş ve bu paket oluşturu

Hidayet Ok 28 Dec 13, 2022
A complete stack for running Symfony 5 into Docker containers using docker-compose tool and with Certbot for the HTTPS certificate.

?? Docker + PHP 7.4 + MySQL8.0 + Nginx + Certbot(HTTPS) + Symfony 5 Boilerplate ?? Edited from version -> http

null 6 Nov 9, 2022
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OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2

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Easily install PHP extension in Docker containers

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Fu Cheng 144 Nov 18, 2022
OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures all the essential functionalities required for any enterprise.

OrangeHRM Open Source Application OrangeHRM is a comprehensive Human Resource Management (HRM) System that captures all the essential functionalities

OrangeHRM 452 Jan 4, 2023
Greyhole uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives, and allows you to create redundant copies of the files you store.

Greyhole Greyhole is an application that uses Samba to create a storage pool of all your available hard drives (whatever their size, however they're c

Guillaume Boudreau 245 Dec 18, 2022
A Magento 2 dashboard to display installed extensions. Read the blog post on some of the thinking behind it:

Extension Dashboard for Magento 2 This module adds a dashboard to review all installed extensions in the Magento admin (Magento 2.3.0+ for now only).

ExtDN 36 Dec 24, 2022
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine

Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel

Fabrizio Cafolla 218 Sep 25, 2022
All the cryptocurrency icons available on

Cryptocurrency Icons The official cryptocurrency icon pack for all your favourite cryptocurrencies. This repository contains all the cryptocurrency ic

Erik Thiart 130 Dec 29, 2022
Default Nginx config for Magento

Default Nginx config for Magento DEMO: Get cloud server: at DigitalOcean magento Magento upto 1.9.x default magento configurati

MagenX 499 Dec 22, 2022
Magento 2 Email Catcher or Email Logger Module. Available At Packagist.

Magento 2 Module Experius email catcher / - logger ``experius/module-emailcatcher`` Main Functionalities Installation Versions Enable email catcher C

Experius 53 Dec 18, 2022
Magento-bulk - Bulk Import/Export helper scripts and CLI utilities for Magento Commerce

Magento Bulk Bulk operations for Magento. Configuration Copy config.php.sample to config.php and edit it. Product Attribute Management List All Attrib

Bippo Indonesia 23 Dec 20, 2022
Guest to Customer for Magento2 - Quickly and easily convert existing guest checkout customers to registered customers.

Guest to Customer for Magento 2.0 For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x In general E-commerce, shoppers do not like to create an account du

MagePal :: Magento Extensions 66 Oct 7, 2022
Use php-fpm as a simple built-in async queue

PHP-FPM Async Queue Use php-fpm as a simple built-in async queue. Based on interoperable queue interfaces Queue Interop. Usage composer makasim/php-fp

Max Kotliar 111 Nov 19, 2022