Guest to Customer for Magento2 - Quickly and easily convert existing guest checkout customers to registered customers.


Magento Extensions for Ecommerce

Guest to Customer for Magento 2.0

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For Magento 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x and 2.4.x

Magento 2 customer

In general E-commerce, shoppers do not like to create an account during checkout and often opt to checkout as a guest customer instead of a registered user. As a Magento store owner, if your online store sells products in various colors, sizes, or other customizable items then you may be dealing with canceling and rewriting orders on a daily bases because of customers' change of heart after purchasing or they simply want to be able to get order status updates. Perfect for reordering or modifying existing orders without having to manually copy all of your customer's existing billing and shipping information.

Our free Guest to Customer extension for Magento2 quickly and seamlessly convert any guest order and transfers all order and customer information over as a registered customer and notifying the user on how to access their newly created customer account.

A customer can also log into their existing customer's dashboard and enter any existing order that they place previously as a guest and link that order to their current customer profile providing that they use the same email address and has the order number available.

Customer Dashboard

guest to customer - frontend

Sales Order Admin

guest to customer - admin


Step 1

Using Composer (recommended)
composer require magepal/magento2-guest-to-customer



Want to contribute to this extension? The quickest way is to open a pull request on GitHub.


If you encounter any problems or bugs, please open an issue on GitHub.

Need help setting up or want to customize this extension to meet your business needs? Please email and if we like your idea we will add this feature for free or at a discounted rate.

Magento 2 Extensions

© MagePal LLC. |

  • Error: customer has no tokens

    Error: customer has no tokens

    This happens when the "guest to customer" needs to create a customer.

    Magento version #:


    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):


    Expected behavior:

    Customer is created and the order added to the new customer

    Actual behavior:

    Error messages The customer has no tokens.

    The customer is not created but the customer table increment goes up 1 which suggests that the customer creation started far enough to increment, or it was created then reverted when that exception hits

    There is only one place that generates this error message and it is revokeCustomerAccessToken in CustomerTokenService

    It should not be called on account creation but I think the module creates then updates, and perhaps the update triggers it.

    I am looking at the changes in 1.2.6 and can't spot what could trigger this problem so will be looking for conflicts first

    module-integration\Plugin\Model\CustomerUser.php is one place and password reset another

    disabling the module makes the error disappear

    opened by iphigenie 8
  • Enable admin to assign guest orders to customers

    Enable admin to assign guest orders to customers

    • update full customer info when converting orders (e.g. DOB, first name, last name etc)
    • removed defunct email address check in admin controller
    • fixed error message display when a customer attempts to assign an invalid order ID
    opened by mystix 8
  • Downloadable products can't be attached

    Downloadable products can't be attached

    Hi, first. thanks for this usefull extension. my question / issue is Does this deal with downloadable products ?

    it's seems to be follow up from,but this issue but, it seems closed, and the problem still persist.

    In my case, a customer can attach a guest order, but if the order contains downloadable products they don't show up in the customer dashboard in the Downloadable Links section.

    Here, some details

    Magento version #:


    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):


    Expected behavior:

    Attach downloaded files to Downloadable files in customer session

    Actual behavior:

    Restore the order, but does not deal with downloadable files

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Order as guest a downloadable product
    • Order status complete (M2 option to have the download enable directly)
    • Rattach order by the module
    • Chek if order is present in customer account (it is, allways)
    • Go to Downloadable section in customer dashboard, no link appears


    opened by fffab 8
  •  Missing argument 1 for Magento\Sales\Model\Order\CustomerManagement::create(), called in ..../vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php on line 58 and defined in .../vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/CustomerManagement.php on line 73

    Missing argument 1 for Magento\Sales\Model\Order\CustomerManagement::create(), called in ..../vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php on line 58 and defined in .../vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/CustomerManagement.php on line 73

    Magento version #: Magento ver. 2.2.1

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):

    Expected behavior: customer create account at checkout success page.

    Actual behavior: error:

    Missing argument 1 for Magento\Sales\Model\Order\CustomerManagement::create(), called in ..../vendor/magento/framework/Interception/Interceptor.php on line 58 and defined in .../vendor/magento/module-sales/Model/Order/CustomerManagement.php on line 73

    Steps to reproduce:


    opened by psol7 8
  • Required DOB

    Required DOB

    I have required DOB for my site and i cant convert custmer.

    Magento version #:2.1.0

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):ce

    Expected behavior:

    Actual behavior:

    Steps to reproduce:


    opened by Vladekarpa 4
  • Composer Installing issue on MC 2.2.2

    Composer Installing issue on MC 2.2.2

    There's a composer error while installing the extension. Apologize but I really don't know why I am facing installing and functioning the Magepal extensions after magento 2.2.0 upgradations. Can you help me installing this using composer? 2018-01-23_16-15-42

    opened by rishabhchd19 3
  • Adding guest order to existing customer

    Adding guest order to existing customer

    When trying to convert a guest order to a customer that eventually registered, it would not merge due to the existing customer. Is there a way around that?

    opened by oviliz 2
  • Issue if customer has downloadable products

    Issue if customer has downloadable products

    Magento version #:

    Magento 2.2.0

    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):

    Magento Community Edition

    Expected behavior:

    Downloadable products will shows in My downloads if order contain any.

    Actual behavior:

    If a customer order some downloadable product. Then Sink via putting their order Id in the customer account that order will show in My Orders but Nothing is showing in My Downloads

    Steps to reproduce:


    opened by neha023 1
  • Make ti compatible with magento/module-backend 101.0.1 and higher

    Make ti compatible with magento/module-backend 101.0.1 and higher

    I wasn't able to install the module with my install of magento 2.3.1 on php 7.2.* because my module magento/module-backend is on version 101.0.1 and the composer file was strict at 101.0.0.

    So I've made it work with 101.0.*

    I've also bump the version of the plugin from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3

    opened by maru3l 0
  • PHP 8.1 compatibility?

    PHP 8.1 compatibility?

    Now that Magento 2.4.4 with PHP 8.1 is supported, we're in need of PHP 8.1 compatibility for this extension. It probably already works, so just double checking it and added PHP 8.x to the composer.json should be enough.

    opened by peterjaap 0
  • Customers always created in default website / default store on multisite instance

    Customers always created in default website / default store on multisite instance

    Hey @srenon :). Remember me? Hope you are doing well.

    We're currently QA-ing this module on a client website (multi-site) and our QA identified the following issue.

    Magento version #:


    Edition (EE, CE, OS, etc):


    Expected behavior:

    Customer account is created in website / store that order was placed in

    Actual behavior:

    Account is always created in default store of default website

    Steps to reproduce:

    • Place an order with an email address that is not associated with an existing customer account on a store other than the default website's default store
    • In the Magento admin panel click "Convert to customer"


    • A multi-site / multi-store Magento install
    opened by mpchadwick 3
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