Esse projeto fornece um ponto de partida para integrar diferentes serviços usando um arquivo Compose!
Containers utilizados
🐘 PHP 8.0.11
☁ Nginx 1.21.3
📁 MySQL 8.0.27
Nicollas Feitosa
Docker containers of Laravel development. Docker Containers for simple Laravel development. Prerequisites This package only works for Linux users righ
Shopware 6 app boilerplate with Symfony backend This boilerplate template can be used to get up and running with a docker-based dev setup for Shopware
Clean Docker with PHP Docker with PHP 7.4 fpm, Nginx, Composer, PhpUnit and MariaDB Starting app docker-compose up -d Main page
A package that allows you to generate simple and fast Docker configurations for your Laravel application!
DevOption Workflows Workflows is a Docker-based workflow management system for Laravel applications. Installation You can install the package via comp
docker-php-startpage Runs a PHP-based startpage in Docker Source code: GitHub Docker container: Docker Hub Image base: PHP Init system: N/A Applicatio
Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
ServD ServD is a Docker PHP development environment heavily inspired by Laravel Valet and Laradock, it supports multiple projects within a working dir
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
PHP Dot Notation Fornece acesso de leitura ou gravação para o array através de notação de ponto Lendo valores: Permite que você use uma sintaxe separa
Seedbox Quickly deploy and configure a seedbox with self-hosted services and a web portal using Docker and a single docker-compose.yml file. Screensho
🐳 Docker + PHP 7.4 + MySQL8.0 + Nginx + Certbot(HTTPS) + Symfony 5 Boilerplate 🐳 Edited from version - http
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
Laravel8 boilerplate Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup with .github workflow ready To start the containers in prod en
Docker Project by ItsArul Hey, yo guys okay, this time I made some projects from Docker. Anyway, this project is open source, for example, if you want
ABRouter-Compose 📟 ABRouter is the open-source tool to perform and track A/B tests which is also known as the experiments. Additionally, feature flag
Quick Docker Symfony This repository will allow you to start a Symfony project very quickly with PostgreSQL 14, pgAdmin 4 and one of three php version
Seedbox Quickly deploy and configure a seedbox with self-hosted services and a web portal using Docker and a single docker-compose.yml file. Screensho
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
What is DockTie Is a simple wrapper script for commands inside docker container(s). So for instance, what you would normally run as: docker-compo
Full PHP development environment based on Docker. Use Docker First - Learn About It Later! Join Us Awesome People Laradock is an MIT-licensed open sou
The Devilbox Usage | Architecture | Community | Features | Intranet | Screenshots | Contributing | Logos | License Support for valid https out of the
Vessel Up and running with small Docker dev environments. Documentation Full documentation can be found at Install
Symfony5 w/ Docker config A project template in the following configuration: Symfony 5.2 PHP8 PostgreSQL 13.2 Separate Docker containers for Nginx, FP
DockerLabs-V1 游客可通过web页面直接创建出NAT容器,本项目从发布后将不再维护任何bug,以后有时间会出sdk重构版。 环境要求 使用了赛邮云发送短信号码,需要自己去申请appid和appkey填写到app_config.php文件中。需要修改所有html文件和api/
For the purpose of learning,I replace the files.js with cracked version which just remove authorization code.
VIP Container Images This repository is used to build Docker container images used, among others, by the VIP Local Development Environment. Images are