Mail sending module for Mezzio and Laminas MVC with support for file attachment and template email composition



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This module provides an easy and flexible way to send emails from Mezzio and Laminas MVC applications (formerly known as Zend Expressive and Zend MVC). It allows you to pre-configure emails and transports, and then send those emails at runtime.

You will be able to compose emails from templates, and easily add attachments using different strategies.


The recommended way to install this module is by using composer.

composer require acelaya/acmailer

If this gives you any problem, try using the old package name.

composer require acelaya/zf2-acmailer


You can browse the online documentation here

Thanks to JetBrains for their support to open source projects.


  • Pass params to layout

    Pass params to layout


    As far as I searched there is no way to pass variables/params to layout.

    By example the Email title should be included into layout. For this we need a way to pass it to layout.

    opened by cbichis 19
  • duplicate headers

    duplicate headers

    problem with amazon ses : Transaction failed: Duplicate header 'Content-Transfer-Encoding'. it happens when send at least 2 mails conf: 'mail_options' => [ 'mail_adapter' => 'smtp', 'from' => '[email protected]', "from_name" => "xxxxx", 'server' => '', 'smtp_user' => 'xxxxxxxx', 'smtp_password' => 'xxxxxxxxxx', 'ssl' => 'tls', 'port' => 587, ]

    the call: $mailService = $this->getMailService(); $mailService->setSubject('test); $mailService->setTemplate('my/template/path'); $mailService->getMessage()->addTo('[email protected]'); $mailService->send();

    Zend\Mail\Headers with two headersKeys contenttransferencoding, contentype

    opened by jbhuguenin 15
  • Use MailViewRenderer instead of viewrenderer

    Use MailViewRenderer instead of viewrenderer

    Could you change service viewrenderer to the alias to this service (ie. MailViewRenderer):

    in config\module.config.php add to aliases:

            'aliases' => array(
                'mailservice' => 'AcMailer\Service\MailService',
                'mailviewrenderer' => 'viewrenderer'

    and in src\Service\Factory\MailServiceFactory.php::createRenderer:

            if ($sm->has('mailviewrenderer')) {
                return $sm->get('mailviewrenderer');

    Why? Now I can't easily override this, so I can't use for example Twig.

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by kusmierz 15
  • Fix layout not receiving template params when using zend/renderer with zend-mvc

    Fix layout not receiving template params when using zend/renderer with zend-mvc

    Settings are in and I have stored the template file in my view folder under email/contact.phtml. The following code results in a "can't resolve to file" error:

    return [
      'acmailer_options' => [
        * This is where you configure all the emails that can be sent by the application.
        * You can create new ones at runtime, but this eases predefining emails that do not need to 
        'emails' => [
          'contact' => [
            'template' => 'application/email/contact',

    I have also tried just using the layout param in the 'template_params' array when calling the send method, but without specifying a template it is ignored. Is it possible to specify the template when calling the send method?

    bug question 
    opened by miv23 13
  • The extends property is mapped when its value is null, making the MailOptions to throw an exception

    The extends property is mapped when its value is null, making the MailOptions to throw an exception

    Hi, version 5.0.1, I get an error An abstract factory could not create an instance of acmailer.mailservice.default(alias: AcMailer\Service\MailService)

    opened by academici 11
  • Unable to render template

    Unable to render template

    I'm getting the following error

    Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "ModuleName/view/mail/template"; resolver could not resolve to a file
    Zend\View\Renderer\PhpRenderer::render: Unable to render template "./module/ModuleName/view/mail/template"; resolver could not resolve to a file

    Already tried using the full path to file. I'm getting the same error.

    Any ideas?

    Thank you in advance.

    opened by x-fran 10
  • subject bug in thunderbird

    subject bug in thunderbird

    Heyho, at first great project!

    The Second thing is, could it be, that there is a bug in the set Subject Method?

    example source:

     $oEmail = $this->getEmail();
                    $oEmail->getMessage()->setSubject("Neues Kennwort -");
                    $oEmail->setTemplate('email/forgotPasswordConfirm', [
                        'oUser' => $user,
                        'password' => $password,
                    $acMailerResult =  $oEmail->send();
                    $result = $acMailerResult->isValid();

    Result in email on Subject:

    Neues Kennwort -, Neues Kennwort - charset="utf-8"

    Result is missmatching the setten value of setSubject.

    opened by N3XT0R 10
  • Service not available trough cron

    Service not available trough cron

    Hi. Trying to access your service trough command line gives me this exception:

    Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotFoundException An alias "mailviewrenderer" was requested but no service could be found.

    More data available if needed. Probably due to misconception about CLI or misconfiguration in the controller. Accesing it by browser works ok.

    opened by digitlou 10
  • False is unsupported SSL type

    False is unsupported SSL type

    I have two mail config in my app (mail.local.php, is config with real SMTP settings and supported SSL (ssl => 'tls'). mail.local.php is dev config with fake SMTP setting (mailcatcher).

    When I set up ssl => false in mail.local.php then app throw an exception is unsupported SSL type. But I see comment in config:

     * This defines the encryption type to be used, 'ssl' or 'tls'.
     * Boolean false should be used to disable SSL.
     * Default value is false

    What am I doing wrong?

    opened by marinovdf 9
  • Make sure any error while sending an email is handled by throwing an exception

    Make sure any error while sending an email is handled by throwing an exception

    For historical reasons, the send method returns a mail result, which has a isValid method telling you if the email was properly sent.

    However, it can also throw an exception, which introduces two paths to handle errors while calling send.

    try {
        $result = $mailService->send(...);
        if (! $result->isValid()) {
            // Email was not properly sent
    } catch (MailException $e) {
        // Email was also not properly sent

    In order to simplify this, let's change the internal logic to make sure any error is always thrown as an exception (in fact, it's probable that this is already the case).

    Let's also mark the isValid method as deprecated, and remove any reference from the documentation.

    opened by acelaya 8
  • After updating to ZF 2.4.2 module throws the exception on try to get service from servicemanager.

    After updating to ZF 2.4.2 module throws the exception on try to get service from servicemanager.

    After updating to ZF 2.4.2 module throws the exception on try to get service from servicemanager.

    $mailService = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('AcMailer\Service\MailService');

    Uncaught exception 'Zend\Mail\Exception\InvalidArgumentException' with message 'Email must be a valid email address'

    The issue is related to parameter "from' => ''" in config file. New version of zend framework not allow to pass empty From header on module init. If i uncomment this parameter and fill it with something all works fine, but i don't need this default parameter because i set "from" header in runtime.

    opened by syberon 8
  • Decommissioning AcMailer

    Decommissioning AcMailer

    This package has become less and less relevant, and there are probably better alternatives.

    It depends on a mailing library (laminas-mail) which is not so well maintained. If I had to choose a mailing library today, I would probably select another option.

    Also, looking at download stats, you can see all come from very old and unmaintained versions, so it's not dragging attention anymore.

    Because of that, and considering solving some of those problems would require some time I don't currently have, I have decided to decommission this module, and stop maintaining it.

    I'll keep this issue pinned for a while, and then archive the repository.

    opened by acelaya 0
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