Easy management of Virtualization technologies including KVM, Xen, OpenVZ, Virtuozzo, and LXC/LXD including unified commands, monitoring, template management, and many more features.
- store vzid only in the vzid field not hostname for kvm
- it looks like we can grab information about the vm by using virt-inspector --no-applications -d to get a xml formatted output of basic os info including hostnmae
- Add template exists checks to the create code
- Check your passwords beginning with hyphens interfere with the option parsing and that if a double dash will resolve the issue
- fix reset-password command adding in detection of windows and skipping if not
- possibly utilize virt-resize in update call instead of qemu-img resize
- add bash/zsh completion suggestions for ip fields (except client ip) having it show the ips on the host server excluding ones in use
- add escapeshellarg() calls around any vars being passed through a exec type call
- fix the restore script to work with kvmv2 os.qcow2 files
- create public website on github
- add wiki entries
- add lxc support [](LXD Docs)
- add self-update command for downloading the latest phar and replacing it
- add install command - Installs PreRequisites, Configures Software for our setup
- add config command - Management of the various settings
- work on test command to test a vPs or the host
- add server option to test command to perform various self diagnostics to check on the health and prepairedness of the system
- add option to tweak checks for template testing or client vps testing
- add gpt 2tb+ test
- add package update test
- add code to try ssh even without a ping reply
- add optional syslog/messages checking dhcp server for DHCPACK from vps
- remove reliance on local scripts
buildebtablesrules tclimit
- create Creates a Virtual Machine.
- destroy Destroys a Virtual Machine.
- enable Enables a Virtual Machine.
- delete Deletes a Virtual Machine.
- backup Creates a Backup of a Virtual Machine.
- restore Restores a Virtual Machine from Backup.
- stop Stops a Virtual Machine.
- start Starts a Virtual Machine.
- restart Restarts a Virtual Machine.
- block-smtp Blocks SMTP on a Virtual Machine.
- update Change the hd, cpu, memory, password, etc of a Virtual Machine.
- reset-password Resets/Clears a Password on a Virtual Machine.
- add-ip Adds an IP Address to a Virtual Machine.
- remove-ip Removes an IP Address from a Virtual Machine.
- cd CD-ROM management functionality
- test Perform various self diagnostics to check on the health and prepairedness of the system.
you can add -v to increase verbosity by 1 and see all the commands being run, or a second time to also see the output and exit status of each command
Developer Links
- c9s/CLIFramework CLIFramework GitHub repo
- c9s/CLIFramework/wiki CLIFramework Wiki
- walkor/webman Webman GitHub repo
- Webman Docs
- thephpleague/climate PHP's best friend for the terminal.
- CLImate Docs
- kylekatarnls/simple-cli A simple cli framework
- inhere/php-console PHP CLI application library, provide console argument parse, console controller/command run, color style, user interactive, format information show and more.
- inhere/php-console/wiki php-console Wiki
- jc21/clitable Colored CLI Table Output for PHP
- php-school/cli-menu Build beautiful PHP CLI menus. Simple yet Powerful. Expressive DSL.
Dev Notes/Code
Fixing CentOS 6/7 Hosts This fixs several issues with CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 servers
if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then
rhver="$(cat /etc/redhat-release |sed s#"^.*release \([0-9][^ ]*\).*$"#"\1"#g)"
rhmajor="$(echo "${rhver}"|cut -c1)"
if [ ${rhmajor} -lt 7 ]; then
if [ "$rhver" = "6.108" ]; then
sed -i "/^mirrorlist/s/^/#/;/^#baseurl/{s/#//;s/\/centos\/$releasever/\/${rhver}/}" /etc/yum.repos.d/*B*;
if [ ${rhmajor} -eq 6 ]; then
yum install epel-release yum-utils -y;
yum install -y;
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73;
yum update -y;
elif [ ${rhmajor} -eq 7 ]; then
yum install epel-release yum-utils -y;
yum install -y;
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php74;
yum update -y;
yum install php74 php74-php-{bcmath,cli,pdo,devel,gd,intl,json,mbstring} \
php74-php-{opcache,pear,pecl-ev,pecl-event,pecl-eio,pecl-inotify,xz,xml} \
php74-php-{xmlrpc,sodium,soap,snmp,process,pecl-zip,pecl-xattr} \
php74-php-{pecl-yaml,pecl-ssh2,mysqlnd,pecl-igbinary,pecl-imagick} -y;
for i in /opt/remi/php74/root/usr/bin/*; do
ln -s "$i" /usr/local/bin/;
Updating the host
ssh my@mynew php /home/my/scripts/vps/qs_list.php all|grep -v 'Now using' > servers.csv; ssh my@mynew php /home/my/scripts/vps/vps_list.php sshable|grep -v 'Now using' >> servers.csv; tvps;
tsessrun 'cd /root/cpaneldirect && git pull --all && ln -fs /root/cpaneldirect/provirted.phar /usr/local/bin/provirted && php provirted.phar bash --bind provirted.phar --program provirted.phar > /etc/bash_completion.d/provirted_completion && chmod +x /etc/bash_completion.d/provirted_completion && if [ -e /etc/apt ]; then apt-get update && apt-get autoremove -y --purge && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y --purge && apt-get clean; else yum update -y --skip-broken; fi'
tsessrun 'cd /root/cpaneldirect && git pull --all && ln -fs /root/cpaneldirect/provirted.phar /usr/local/bin/provirted && php provirted.phar bash --bind provirted.phar --program provirted.phar > /etc/bash_completion.d/provirted_completion && chmod +x /etc/bash_completion.d/provirted_completion && if [ -e /etc/apt ]; then apt-get update && apt-get autoremove -y --purge && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove -y --purge && apt-get clean; else yum update -y --skip-broken; fi && if [ "$(php -v|head -n 1|cut -c5)" = 7 ]; then exit; fi;'