217 Repositories
PHP pdf-template Libraries
Effortlessly streamline tables and records printing in PDF/XLSX in your FilamentPHP application.
Filament Printables: a package to generate reports and form printables for your app. This is a work in progress thing Installation You can install the
Web pangkas rambut/Barbershop
🔰 About Website Pangkas rambut lily putra Adalah Website Yang Digunakan Untuk membantu mencari tempat mencukur yang pas, awal tujuaanya unuk memuncul
Jumpstart your web development journey with the HALT Stack Starter Kit, a one-command solution for creating dynamic, scalable, and clean web applications.
Welcome to the HALT Stack Starter Kit! This kit is designed to help you kickstart your web development projects using the HALT Stack, a powerful combi
Template Laravel 9.x
Laravel Template Passo a passo Clone Repositório criado a partir do template, entre na pasta e execute os comandos abaixo: Crie o Arquivo .env cp .env
Sitepackage for TYPO3 CMS that adheres to the recommended standards, maps all conceivable functional areas and contains examples for common use cases.
TYPO3 CMS Sitepackage This sitepackage sticks as closely as possible to the recommended standard and maps all conceivable functional areas. There are
PDF API. JSON to PDF. PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data
PDF Template Management, Visual HTML Template Editor and API to render PDFS by json data PDF ENGINE VERSION: development: This is a prerelease version
A skeleton repository for Spatie's PHP Packages
:package_description This package can be used as to scaffold a framework agnostic package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template"
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
PHP Package for Autentique API-v2
Api first backend boilerplate build with laravel 🎯 you can use as a template 😉
Laravel Backend Template i use this as a starting point for my backend projects , it saves time with basic auth functionalities and has code examples
Wordpress starting framework for magic websites
Wideo Wordpress starting framework for magic websites. Full documentation: https://github.com/ideonetwork/wideo/wiki Usage Installation for wordpress
Laravel 9 Template - Just a empty Laravel 9 project, ready to start new crap.
Laravel 9 Template Just a empty Laravel 9 project, ready to start new crap. Clone and start using. Usage - Local Env The same as usual with laravel. C
Extract text from a pdf
Extract text from a pdf This package provides a class to extract text from a pdf. use Spatie\PdfToText\Pdf; echo Pdf::getText('book.pdf'); //returns
Benchmark of Elefant's template engine against Twig templates
Template Benchmark This is a simple benchmark to test the memory usage and speed of rendering templates using Elefant's Template engine, Twig, and Sma
commie 2.0 is a pastebin with line commenting support.
commie2 commie 2.0 is a pastebin script with line commenting support. This was originally forked from splitbrain/commie and further improved and expan
A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not need any email server. Powered by PHPMailer.
Gmail Email Sender by PHP A ready-to-use PHP script for sending Emails with an HTML Template will use a Gmail account as the sender and you will not n
This template repository is a boilerplate setup for a PHP application
PHP_Docker Repository Template What is this ? This template repository is a boilerplate setup for a PHP application. Its current version ships with PH
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project.
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project. It's completely free and you can use it in your projects.
FyreView is a free, open-source template rendering library for PHP.
FyreView FyreView is a free, template rendering library for PHP. Table Of Contents Installation Methods Layouts Paths Helper Registry Helpers CSP Form
Um exemplo de uso de openboleto/openboleto em conjunto com QuilhaSoft/JasperPHP
JasperPHP - OpenBoleto Considere doar fundos para nos apoiar O OpenBoleto é uma biblioteca de código aberto para geração de boletos bancários, um meio
Starter project template for PHP
php-trainings PHP Education program Table of Contents Pre-requirements Workflow Special Notes See also Pre-requirements It's highly recommended to use
This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
simple-project This template should help get you started developing with laravel 9 + Vue 3 in Vite + Tailwind
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
This repository, developed by the team of Plugins & Snippets, offers an open source WordPress Plugin Template with many useful functions, specially to prepare basic widgets, short codes and settings page. The aim of this Boilerplate Template is to save time for WordPress Developers in building high-quality plugins.
Provides TemplateView and TwoStepView using PHP as the templating language, with support for partials, sections, and helpers.
Aura View This package provides an implementation of the TemplateView and TwoStepView patterns using PHP itself as the templating language. It support
Offers tools for creating pdf files.
baldeweg/pdf-bundle Offers tools for creating pdf files. Getting Started composer req baldeweg/pdf-bundle Activate the bundle in your config/bundles.p
A template abstraction prototype for PHP template engines
Schranz Templating A template abstraction prototype for PHP template engines. This project should help to find a way for a general Template Render Int
Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2
Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled template and a default template for the store you need your template the system will print the pdf template.
Use Laravel's blade engine as a CLI for rendering files.
Blade CLI Use Laravel's blade engine as a CLI for rendering files. Introduction This package customizes and extends several of the Illuminate\View cla
Prosebot is a template-based natural language generation application
Prosebot is a template-based natural language generation application. Throughout the last years, ZOS has been developing Prosebot, alongside their collaboration with FEUP, as part of the zerozero.pt project.
Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates
Foil brings all the flexibility and power of modern template engines to native PHP templates. Write simple, clean and concise templates with nothing more than PHP.
Pug template engine adapter for Slim
Pug for Slim For details about the template engine see phug-lang.com Installation Install with Composer: composer require pug/slim Usage with Slim 3 u
Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template
frest-html-laravel-jetstream Specially customized Laravel jetstream's scaffolding for Frest html + laravel admin Template. It'll not work with any oth
Simple Symfony API-Platform Template which you can use to start to develop with symfony and api-platform
symfony-api-platform-skeleton Simple Template for Symfony API You can fork it and change the git remote to your Repo git remote set-url your-git-remo
Project template for starting your new project based on the Sulu content management system
Sulu is a highly extensible open-source PHP content management system based on the Symfony framework. Sulu is developed to deliver robust multi-lingua
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
Dompdf - Simple Dompdf package for Laravel
PHPlater, a simple template engine.
PHPlater A simple PHP template engine that lets PHP do all the logic and then append it to the HTML in the template file. It is set to solve the probl
A Laravel 9, Vite, Svelte SPA, Tailwind CSS (w/ Forms Plugin & Aspect Ratio Plugin), Axios & TypeScript starter template.
Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Tailwind CSS This starter template includes: Laravel 9 Vite Svelte Tailwind CSS (w/ @tailwindcss/forms and @tailwindcss/as
Pug (Jade) template engine for Symfony
Pug-Symfony Pug template engine for Symfony This is the documentation for the ongoing version 3.0. Click here to load the documentation for 2.8 Instal
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPlate.
A library for using Laravel Blade templates in WordPress/WordPlate. Installation Require this package, with Composer, in the root directory of y
Blade Snip allows you to use parts of a blade template multiple times. Basically partials, but inline.
Blade Snip Blade Snip allows you to use parts of a blade template multiple times. Basically partials, but inline: div class="products" @snip('pr
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
A template package of package development for Concrete CMS Version 9.
A boilerplate to develop a package on Concrete CMS Version 9.
🍸A Slim Web Application Template
Gracili What is Gracili? Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project. Using this template can save you a lot of time. With t
Yii 2 Basic Project Template
Yii 2 Basic Project Template is a skeleton Yii 2 application best for rapidly creating small projects.
Pantheon platform's standard Drupal upstream, and recommended starter template for custom upstreams.
Composer-enabled Drupal template This is Pantheon's recommended starting point for forking new Drupal upstreams that work with the Platform's Integrat
plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML fácil
pluginmpdf plugin de criação de PDF através do HTML Para inciar nosso pluginmpdf devemos instalar a lib abaixo. mPDF is a PHP library which generates
Browsershot wrapper for Laravel 5
Browsershot wrapper for Laravel 5 This package takes advantage of Google Chrome's Headless mode to take screenshots and generate PDFs from websites, v
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components
Data Table package with server-side processing, unlimited exporting and VueJS components. Quickly build any complex table based on a JSON template.
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
Admin Theme based on the AdminLTE Template for easy integration into symfony
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
A self-hosted, drag-and-drop, & nosql file conversion server that supports 62x file formats
Laravel Quick-Start - a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured
Laravel Quickstart is a boilerplate for Laravel Application with typical packages preinstalled and configured to extend a full-fledged application. We tried to make it as minimal as possible.
An implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter kit frontend in Next.js
Windmill with Laravel Breeze as Backend API Introduction This repository is an implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter
Open-source version of a PDF managing SaaS
I, Librarian Instructions Contents Automated installation using installers Windows manual installation Linux manual installation Mac OS X manual insta
Liquid template engine for PHP
Liquid is a PHP port of the Liquid template engine for Ruby, which was written by Tobias Lutke. Although there are many other templating engines for PHP, including Smarty (from which Liquid was partially inspired)
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler. Since version 3, it uses Phug, a very customizable Pug template engine made by the tale-pug and pug-php developers as the new PHP Pug engine reference.
Official clone of PHP library to generate PDF documents and barcodes
TCPDF PHP PDF Library Please consider supporting this project by making a donation via PayPal category Library author Nicola Asuni info@tecnick.com co
PHP template engine that uses data-attributes and keeps HTML templates valid and clean
Dataplater PHP template engine that uses data-attributes and keeps HTML templates valid and clean. Scroll down to see a usage example. Install compose
A starter template from which to build Laravel + Vite apps
Stack The Laravel framework is fast, clean, and filled with best practices. In this stack, it will handle the backend as an API. The Laravel Vite pack
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
A PHP project template with PHP 8.1, Laminas Framework and Doctrine
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template
Bismuth CMS is a ready-made Website CMS based on Yii 2 Advance Template, it's the simplest and easy to set up CMS you may come across.
Lumen PHP Framework (Starter Template)
This repository contains JWT Auth, Form Request, Route List, Redis, RabbitMQ and Mail packages. A ready auth system comes with the project
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
Web Sekolah yang dibuat diatas CMS Popoji dengan base Laravel 6. Web Sekolah ini sudah diintegrasikan dengan template semesta-front.
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation. Some of
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
Simple PHP templating system for user editable templates.
Simple template Simple PHP templating system for user editable templates. Idea Most applications need to render templates that insert safely treated v
Plates Template Integration for Slim micro framework 3
Plates Template Integration for Slim micro framework 3 Render your Slim 3 application views using Plates template engine. Install Via Composer $ compo
Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project
Gracili What is Gracili? Gracili is a PHP Application Template to quickly create a new Project. Using this template can save you a lot of time. With t
This repository contains custom View classes for the template frameworks
Slim Views This repository contains custom View classes for the template frameworks listed below. You can use any of these custom View classes by eith
Simple wrapper package around MPDF's setProtection method that allows you to set password on PDF files
Laravel PDF Protect (fork) Simple wrapper package around MPDF's setProtection method that allows you to set password on PDF files. Installation You ca
Magento 2 Product PDF/File Attachment FREE Extension
Overview: Magento 2 Product Attachment extension allows attaching additional information such as manuals, warranty, recipes, etc. in different formats
Convert HTML to PDF using Webkit (QtWebKit)
wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage wkhtmltopdf and wkhtmltoimage are command line tools to render HTML into PDF and various image formats using the QT Webk
A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk
php-pdftk A PDF conversion and form utility based on pdftk. Features php-pdftk brings the full power of pdftk to PHP - and more. Fill forms, either fr
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects that want to use TypeScript in combination with @wordpress/scripts
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module
H&O Magento 2 Advanced Template Hints module Ho_Templatehints extends the default Magento template hints. Easily accessible with muscle memory ?ath=1.
PHPStorm Live template preferences for Magento 2 Projects
Magento 2 PHPStorm Preferences This project is intended to setup useful PHPStorm Templates for Magento 2 Projects. Disclaimer This project overrides t
Magento 2 Module for creating PDF's based on wkhtmltopdf
Magento 2 PDF generator Magento 2 module to ease the pdf generation using wkhtmltopdf features Installation composer require "staempfli/magento2-modul
Invoice PDF Generator For Magento 2
Magento Invoice PDF Generator Magento 2 Invoice PDF Generator - helps you to customize the pdf templates for Magento 2. If you have an enabled templat
A Magento Incident Response Plan Template
A Magento centric Incident Response Plan Template Introduction This will provide you with our defined process and procedures to use when responding to
A great Start for your next Magento Theme's local.xml file
Magento-local.xml-Template A Great Start for your next Magento Theme's local.xml file - ?xml version="1.0"? layout !-- Add/Remove Items From H
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
Magento 2 Magetrend PdfTemplates extension override pdf tempate in order,invoice,credit-memo
🔹 Generator Template for 🙃 Phony Framework
🔹 Generator Template This repository contains the Generator Template for 🙃 Phony Framework. 🙃 Start generating fake data with 🙃 Phony Framework, v
HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento Boilerplate Template
Magento Boilerplate A HTML5 Twitter Bootstrap 3.1 Magento 1.8 Boilerplate Template Read the blog post or checkout the demo for more information. Insta
Textpattern-plugin-template - A template for building plugins for Textpattern CMS.
Plugin template for Textpattern CMS Developer documentation Refer to the Textpattern plugin development documentation, and notably the Plugin template
⚡️ MIRROR — A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory.
WeasyPrint for Laravel A feature-rich Laravel wrapper for the WeasyPrint Document Factory. This package requires Laravel 8.47+ running on PHP 8+ in or
Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy).
Admin One — Free Laravel Vue Bulma Dashboard Admin One is simple, beautiful and free Laravel admin dashboard (built with Vue.js, Bulma & Buefy). Built
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template
CoreUI Free Laravel Bootstrap Admin Template Curious why I decided to create CoreUI? Please read this article: Jack of all trades, master of none. Why
Calibre OPDS (and HTML) PHP Server : web-based light alternative to Calibre content server / Calibre2OPDS to serve ebooks (epub, mobi, pdf, ...)
COPS COPS stands for Calibre OPDS (and HTML) Php Server. See : COPS's home for more details. Don't forget to check the Wiki. Why ? In my opinion Calib
This is the information I prepared for the PHP interview.The notes include PHP, MySql, Linux, etc.
PHP面试准备的资料 这个项目是自己准备面试整理的资料。可能包括PHP、MySQL等资料。方便自己以后查阅,会不定期更新,如果错误,请指出,谢谢。欢迎大家提交PR,谢谢大家的star 可以通过https://xianyunyh.gitbooks.io/php-interview/预览。欢迎有精力的朋
A template for web development using Laravel, Inertia and Svelte
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Theme and asset management for laravel
Laravel-Themevel Themevel is a Laravel theme and asset management package. You can easily integrate this package with any Laravel based project. Featu
View template engine of PHP extracted from Laravel
Blade 【简体中文】 This is a view templating engine which is extracted from Laravel. It's independent without relying on Laravel's Container or any others.
FPDI is a collection of PHP classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF documents and use them as templates in FPDF.
FPDI - Free PDF Document Importer ❗ This document refers to FPDI 2. Version 1 is deprecated and development is discontinued. ❗ FPDI is a collection of
Official website of Giada Loop Machine. Powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries.
Giada WWW Official website of Giada Loop Machine, proudly powered by NodeJS, SASS, Pug and other beautiful JavaScript machineries. What is Giada? Giad
Phalcon cli template
Phalcon cli template This is just sample boostraping application for command line applications using the outstanding Phalcon Framework. Installation J
Extracts translatable strings from source. Identical to xgettext but for template languages.
xgettext-template Extracts translatable strings from source. Identical to xgettext(1) but for template languages. Template language support Handlebars
Twig Template Engine to Phalcon PHP
Twig Template Engine to Phalcon PHP
Snippets for blade template engine
Blade Snippets for Sublime Text Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with Laravel PHP framework. These snippets works with blade
PDFExaminer Tool - Analyse PDF Malware
PDFExaminer Tool - Analyse PDF Malware PDFExaminer Command Line Scanner This document describes installation and usage of the PDF Examiner – command l