Snippets for blade template engine


Blade Snippets for Sublime Text

Blade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine provided with Laravel PHP framework.

These snippets works with blade files (.blade.php) either with php syntax or with blade syntax using: PHP - Laravel Blade available from Laravel Blade Highlighter package.


When you’re editing a blade file, type the snippet shortcut then press tab key.


Via Package Manager search for Blade Snippets then click/tap…wait a sec and tadam!

Blade Snippets

Or clone this repository into your Packages folder:

git clone

Or download the snippets zip file and unzip it into your Packages folder.

Available Snippets

Template management

Shortcut Result
lay @layout('name')
ext @extends('name')
sec @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
secy @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
secsim @section('name', 'content')
hass @hasSection('name')
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- expr --}}
yl @yield('section', 'default')
lsec @section('name')
{{-- expr --}}
par @parent

Components & Slots

Shortcut Result
comp @component('component', 'data')
{{-- expr --}}
slot @slot('slot')
{{-- expr --}}

Displaying data

Shortcut Result
!! {!! $var !!}
}} {{ escaped output }}

Blade & JavaScript Frameworks

Shortcut Result
@{{ @{{ javascript }}
verb @verbatim
{{-- code --}}

Control Structures

Shortcut Result
if @if (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
ife @if (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- expr --}}
eif @elseif (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
switch @switch($i)
        First case...

            Default case...
unless @unless (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
for @for ($i = 0; $i < ; $i++)
{{-- expr --}}
foreach @foreach($array as $element)
{{-- expr --}}
fore @forelse ($array as $element)
{{-- expr --}}
while @while (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
inc @include('', ['some' => 'data'])
incif @includeIf('', ['some' => 'data'])
incwhen @includeWhen(boolean, '', ['some' => 'data'])
incf @includeFirst(['custom.admin', 'admin'], ['some' => 'data'])
each @each ('item.view', $items, 'item', 'empty.view')
continue @continue('condition')
break @break('condition')
php @php
{{-- expr --}}
empty @empty (condition)
{{-- expr --}}
isset @isset (condition)
{{-- expr --}}


Shortcut Result
stack @stack('name')
push @push('name')
{{-- expr --}}
prepend @prepend('name')
{{-- expr --}}

Authentication Shortcuts

Shortcut Result
auth @auth('name')
{{-- expr --}}
guest @guest('name')
{{-- expr --}}


See the Laravel Policies documentation.

Shortcut Result
can @can('policy', Model::class)
{{-- expr --}}
cane @can('policy', $model)
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- else expr --}} @endcan
cannot @cannot('policy', Model::class)
{{-- expr --}}
cannote @cannot('policy', $model)
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- else expr --}} @endcannot
canany @canany('policy', $model)
{{-- expr --}} @endcanany
cananye @canany(['policy', 'policy'], $model)
{{-- expr --}}
@elsecanany(['policy', 'policy'], $model)
{{-- expr --}}


Shortcut Result
route {{ route('name') }}
asset {{ asset('path') }}
url {{ url('path') }}
choice @choice('language.line', $number)
comment {{-- comment --}}
inject @inject('name', 'App\Services\ServiceName')
trans {{ trans('language.line') }}
lang @lang('language.line', ['variable => 'replacement'])
__ {{ __('language.line') }}
csrf @csrf
method @method('PUT')
json @json(expression)
dump @dump(expression)

Envoy snippets

Snippets for Laravel Envoy.

Shortcut Result
serv @servers(['web' => 'user@'])
task @task('foo')
set @setup
{{-- expr --}}
mac @macro('deploy')
aft @after
hip @hipchat('token', 'room', 'Envoy', "$task ran in the $env environment.")
sla @slack('hook', 'channel', 'message')
story @story('deploy')

Blade Wordpress Plugin

Snippets for Blade Wordpress Plugin.

Shortcut Result
wpp @wpposts
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- empty expr --}}
wpq @wpquery (['post_type' => 'post'])
{{-- expr --}}
{{-- empty expr --}}
acf @acfrepeater ('fieldname')
{{-- expr --}}
{{ get_sub_field('fieldname') }}

Original snippets by: @dev4dev

Cool Readme formatting: GitHub: @AAlakkad.


  • Snippet completion box doesn't show up

    Snippet completion box doesn't show up

    If I start typing ext, I expect to see a completion box showing snippets matching ext, however this box does not show. Any thoughts on how I can fix this? The snippet will insert itself if I tab after typing in "ext"

    opened by jasonmng 3
  • Reorganize README and add snippets

    Reorganize README and add snippets

    I reorganized the README since the number of snippets keeps growing and upcoming Components and Slots will just make this more complicated. Also added some missing snippets.

    opened by redgluten 2
  • Add snippet for the new alternative to the Laravel trans helper

    Add snippet for the new alternative to the Laravel trans helper

    opened by gerardreches 1
  • Please prefix your snippet with some text

    Please prefix your snippet with some text

    Like, it will be better if your snippets prefix with e.g blade-{command}. It will be better. As currently it collides with default snippets. Please do it as soon as possible. Or allow me to do so, if your are willing to accept pull request.

    opened by mbaljeetsingh 1
  • Blade Scope

    Blade Scope

    Thanks for making this snippets. Before I submit a pull request, I have a question. Why is the scope for all snippets text.html.laravel-blade, text.html, when Blade's scope is just text.html.laravel-blade?

    With this scope all blade snippets trigger in regular PHP files in my Sublime 2 installation.

    opened by olivervogel 1
  • Getting additional @ when using snippets

    Getting additional @ when using snippets

    I noticed that whenever I use the snippets I get an additional '@'

    So when I try it out it gives me this

    @@if (condition)
        {{-- expr --}}
    @@foreach ($array as $element)
        {{-- expr --}}


    opened by lozadaOmr 1
  • Installation via Package manager

    Installation via Package manager

    Hello, If you could add the installation via Package Manager (search for: Blade Snippets) to the installation section in the readme file, it would be wonderful!

    opened by AmmarCodes 1
  • Adjust selectors for Sublime Text 4 and refactored Blade syntax

    Adjust selectors for Sublime Text 4 and refactored Blade syntax

    This commit...

    1. adjusts scope to
      a) be forward compatible with a rewritten Laravel Blade syntax, which uses text.html.blade main scope.
      b) avoid snippets from being triggered within directives or embedded php source code.
    2. removes template comments from snippet files.
    3. modifies indentation from 4 space to tab.

    Note: Overall content of snippets is maintained unchanged.

    opened by deathaxe 0
  • Missing directives

    Missing directives

    There are some more Blade directives, which are not in this plugin.

    • @json - Laravel 5.5 and higher
    • @includeWhen - Laravel 5.4 and higher
    • @includeFirst - Laravel 5.5 and higher
    • @prepend - Laravel 5.6 and higher
    • @csrf - Laravel 5.6 and higher
    • @method - Laravel 5.6 and higher
    • @elseif
    • @canany - Laravel 5.6.23 and higher
    • @dump - Laravel 5.6.8 and higher
    opened by arxeiss 0
Alex Antonyuk
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