Laravel blade directives and php helpers for serverside rendered content, based on browser window size WITHOUT css


Laravel Window Size and Breakpoints

Laravel blade directives and php helpers for server side rendered content, based on browser window size WITHOUT css.

An example to show the purpose of this package:


if(windowXs()) {
 //execute a tiny Eloquent query and return a minimalistic view
if(window2xl()) {
 //execute a huge Eloquent query and return a gigantic view

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  • php 8
  • Laravel 8
  • IE11 not supported, (but you can update the blade component yourself :).

Do you use Livewire?

There is a Livewire version of this package. Link >>>


The main purpose of this package is not to avoid duplicated html, but to avoid unnecessary server side code execution, just to render content that will never be seen.

  • Vanilla JS syncs the browsers inner width and height, in realtime (debounced 750ms), when the browser window is resized.
  • The corresponding Laravel controller will store the values to the Laravel Session.
  • The package has a config/breakpoints file where you set your breakpoints
  • The package provides multiple @blade directives and Laravel helpers()
  • You have access to the browser window width/height via session('windowW') and session('windowH')
  • You can change the config dynamically with Laravel Config::set(...)
  • The route is throttling the request 15:1. (The route is: /update-laravel-window-size)

Important note

It's important to understand the difference between the server side rendered breakpoints, that this package provides, and css media queries.

When using css, the content of the page will update in realtime as the user resizes the window, whereas this package debounces a network request and updates the page on the next page request.

It's important that you place the <x-window-size::save-to-session /> at first point of contact with the user, for your application to look its best. I have it in my app.blade.php and on the login/register pages.


composer require tanthammar/laravel-window-size

Publish config

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-window-size

The default settings are based on TailwindCSS breakpoints

'window-width' => [
    // 0 = undefined|false
    // @windowXs (>= 1px && < Sm)
    'Sm' => 640, // => @windowSm (>= 640px && < Md)
    'Md' => 768, // => @windowMd (>= 768px && < Lg)
    'Lg' => 1024, // => @windowLg (>= 1024px && < Xl)
    'Xl' => 1280, // => @windowXl (>= 1280px && < 2xl)
    '2xl' => 1536, // => @window2xl (>= 1536px)

Add the component to your layout

  • Add this to all layouts where you want to keep track of the browser window size.
  • You will have access to the browser window width/height via session('windowW') and session('windowH')

Example: app.blade.php

<x-window-size::save-to-session />

Blade directives

@elsif..., @else..., @end..., @unless... and @endif works with all the directives. Explanation in Laravel docs.

//Browser width, with example values
@windowWidthBetween(400, 1500)

//Browser height, with example values
@windowHeightBetween(400, 900)

//Breakpoints based on config values


<div>This window is extra small</div>

<div>This window is very large</div>


Same name as Blade directives

//Browser width, with example values
windowWidthBetween(400, 1500)

//Browser height, with example values
windowHeightBetween(400, 900)

//Breakpoints based on config values

Example php

if(windowXs()) {
 //execute a tiny Eloquent query and return a minimalistic view
if(window2xl()) {
 //execute a huge Eloquent query and return a gigantic view

Blade directives test component

Add this to any blade view to test the blade directives

<x-window-size::test-windowsize />

πŸ’¬ Let's connect



Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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  • `route:cache` and `config:cache` throw error

    `route:cache` and `config:cache` throw error

    After installing the package (in a brand new project) I get the following error when running php artisan route:cache or php artisan config:cache.

    seb@MBP% php artisan route:cache                         
    Route cache cleared!
      Cannot redeclare Tanthammar\LivewireWindowSize\windowWidthLessThan() (previously declared in /Users/seb/dev/twist-gui/vendor/tanthammar/livewire-window-size/src/LivewireWindowSizeServiceProvider.php:89)
      at vendor/tanthammar/livewire-window-size/src/LivewireWindowSizeServiceProvider.php:89
         86β–•     protected function registerHelpers()
         87β–•     {
         88β–•         if (!function_exists('windowWidthLessThan')) {
      ➜  89β–•             function windowWidthLessThan(int $value): bool
         90β–•             {
         91β–•                 return session('windowW') < $value;
         92β–•             }
         93β–•         }

    Same goes for livewire-window-size.

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