cookies are informations containing recent internet activities that are stored in the browser in an sql format, as a means, it is normally stored in a location of the computer.
Which means if a user or an hacker gets your browser cookies, he can login into your session, without your knowledge.
PLEASE NOTE: This PHP cookie stealer script is strickly for educational purposes only, as to demonstrate and show how you can actually gets cookies from users' browser and send the information to your email address and telegram bot
*Open cookie.php file
*Scroll down and input your telegram bot token and user-ID
*Open email.php file change or add your email address
*Open link.php replace the url "localhost" if you're uploading in cpanel, change it to your web url, or leave it if your're testing with xampp (localhost)
============== HOW TO GET TELEGRAM ID AND BOT TOKEN ============
*Open telegram and search for @GetRawData, click on start and copy you user-ID
*Open telegram search for @BotFather, give a name to your telegram bot and copy your bot token.