Sitepackage for TYPO3 CMS that adheres to the recommended standards, maps all conceivable functional areas and contains examples for common use cases.


TYPO3 CMS Sitepackage TYPO3 CMS Sitepackage

This sitepackage sticks as closely as possible to the recommended standard and maps all conceivable functional areas. There are also various examples of common use cases.

For more details there is a documentation link in the comments of each file.


Full blown directory and file structure

This sitepackage contains almost all the directories and files (except resource files) you need when creating your own sitepackage.

Color scheme selector

As an example of how to add new fields to pages records through ext_tables.sql and /Configuration/TCA/Overrides/pages.php and how to implement custom Symfony Conditions (with files Configuration/ExpressionLanguage.php, Classes/ExpressionLanguage/CustomTypoScriptConditionProvider.php and Classes/ExpressionLanguage/FunctionsProvider/CustomConditionFunctionsProvider.php) to be used in the TypoScript/TSconfig context (Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/page.typoscript) this sitepackage contains a method to provide choosable color schemes to backend users.

Backend Style Customization

This sitepackage can customize the TYPO3 login mask style (background image, footnote, highlight color, login logo and login logos alt text) and the backend style (backend favicon and logo). It uses the function of EXT:backend. But instead of relying on a backend user to set these variables through the extension settings it overrides them in ext_localconf.php with the Extension Configuration of this sitepackage in ext_conf_template.txt (which is an easier and centralized way).

Example Backend Layouts

Example BackendLayouts can be found here Configuration/TsConfig/Page/Default/mod.web_layout.BackendLayouts/ (as part of the always loaded default Page TSconfig) and here Configuration/TsConfig/Page/Include/mod.web_layout.BackendLayouts (as part of the user included Page TSconfig).

Example Custom Content Element

This sitepackage includes an example of a custom content element. Its icon has been defined in Configuration/Icons.php, it is registered and configured in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/tt_content.php and added to the newContentElement wizard in Configuration/TsConfig/Page/Include/mod.wizards.newContentElement.wizardItems/common.tsconfig. The frontend rendering based on EXT:fluid_styled_content is configured in Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/tt_content/sitepackage_newcontentelement.typoscript and finally rendered by Fluid template Resources/Private/Templates/Page/Example.html.

Custom ViewHelper

As an example of how to add custom ViewHelpers this sitepackage adds the possibility to modify attributes of the html tag by the HtmlTagAttributesViewHelper in file Classes/ViewHelpers/HtmlTagAttributesViewHelper.php. The ViewHelper namespace xmlns:s="" has been added to the Fluid Template file Resources/Private/Layouts/Page/Default.html and it is used to add information about the currently selected layout as data attribute with tag <s:htmlTagAttributes data="{data-layout:current}"/>.

Custom Symfony Command

If you want to run any process from your sitepackage using the command line interface (CLI) such as a time-consuming import of data from an external system, symfony commands are the way to go. A simple example is shown in this sitepackage under Classes/Command/DoSomethingCommand.php. Command Classes like this are registered under Configuration/Services.yaml.

To run the example command enter the following line:

Composer-based installation:

vendor/bin/typo3 sitepackage:dosomething anyArgument -o anyOptionValue

Legacy installation:

typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 sitepackage:dosomething anyArgument -o anyOptionValue

XML Sitemap configuration

When EXT:seo is loaded, its static TypoScript is automatically included. The sitepackage adds the ability to hide pages in the XML sitemap by setting the sitemap priority to 0 with the constant Configuration/TypoScript/Constants/plugin/tx_seo.typoscript. Please make sure to add the following lines to your site configuration to be able to access the sitemap via its human-readable URI sitemap.xml if you have not used this sitepackage as a distribution:

    type: PageType
      sitemap.xml: 1533906435

Cross Browser Favicons

Based on resources of RealFaviconGenerator v0.16 the sitepackage includes all recommended cross browser definitions for Favicons / App Icons. The sitepackage adds all html header information in file Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/page.typoscript.

The file Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/browserconfig.typoscript configures a separete PAGE object with mime type text/xml to output the browserconfig.xml.

The file Configuration/TypoScript/Setup/site.webmanifest.typoscript configures a separete PAGE object with mime type application/json to output the site.webmanifest.

To be able to also display browserconfig.xml and site.webmanifest you need to add the following lines in your site configuration if you have not used this sitepackage as a distribution:

    type: PageType
      # The above-mentioned configuration for "sitemap.xml" may already be here. 
      browserconfig.xml: 2943879438
      site.webmanifest: 3478304621

Note: Since all resources are referenced with paths generated by TYPO3, this solution is compatible with the future changeover by typo3/cms-composer-installers:4.0. Here you can get further information about the changes.

Site Configuration Auto Initialization

If you install this sitepackage in an empty TYPO3 CMS installation it will create a new site configuration with configuration for sitemap.xml, browserconfig.xml and site.webmanifest, a first root page with a link to the static TSconfig of this sitepackage, a template record with a link to the static TypoScript of this sitepackage and pages records for various HTTP error codes (404, 403, 500, 503 and undefined), which are referenced in the site configuration.

By default the language en-US is used. If you want to change it, just edit the site configuration in your TYPO3 installation under config/sites/sitepackage/config.yamlor via the Site Management > Sites module in the TYPO3 backend.

Ready to use Task Runner for SCSS and JavaScript

This site package provides a Gulp task runner that handles the following tasks:

  • Compile SCSS from Resources/Public/Scss/ to CSS directory Resources/Public/Css/
  • Improve backwards compatibility of your CSS code by using the well known Autoprefixer PostCSS plugin
  • Minify JavaScript and CSS files and save them as separate files with ending *.min.css / *.min.js
  • Static JavaScript code analysis with (JSHint Documentation), feel free to adjust the configuration file .jshintrc to your needs
  • Concatenate and minify all JavaScript files from directory Resources/Public/JavaScript/Src and save the result under Resources/Public/JavaScript/Dist

To initially install Gulp and all necessary modules execute command npm install. Now you are able to run all tasks at once by executing command gulp. To run specific tasks use gulp <taskname>. To get an overview wich tasks can be executed run gulp --tasks.

Basic Structure


How to get rid of the files?

If you get disturbed by the files in your current project, run the following command inside the sitepackage root to delete them:

find ./packages/sitepackage/ -name "" -type f -delete

or in DDEV:

ddev exec find ./packages/sitepackage/ -name "" -type f -delete

How do I easily change the namespace, composer name and extension key?

If you want to change the Namespace used in all files from VendorName/Sitepackage to FancyCompany/GreatExtension (adjust this example to your needs) use the following commands:

find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.html \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\/Sitepackage/FancyCompany\/GreatExtension/g'
find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.yaml \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\\\Sitepackage/FancyCompany\\\GreatExtension/g'
find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\\\\\\\Sitepackage/FancyCompany\\\\\\\GreatExtension/g'

To change the composer name and extension key use the following commands:

find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/vendorname\/sitepackage/fancy-company\/great-extension/g'
find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.xml -o -iname \*.yaml -o -iname \*.typoscript -o -iname \*.tsconfig -o -iname \*.xlf -o -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/sitepackage/great-extension/g'
mv ./packages/sitepackage ./packages/great-extension

or in DDEV:

ddev exec "find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.html \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\/Sitepackage/FancyCompany\/GreatExtension/g'"
ddev exec "find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.yaml \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\\\Sitepackage/FancyCompany\\\GreatExtension/g'"
ddev exec "find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/VendorName\\\\\\\Sitepackage/FancyCompany\\\\\\\GreatExtension/g'"
ddev exec "find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/vendorname\/sitepackage/fancy-company\/great-extension/g'"
ddev exec "find ./packages/sitepackage \( -iname \*.php -o -iname \*.xml -o -iname \*.yaml -o -iname \*.typoscript -o -iname \*.tsconfig -o -iname \*.xlf -o -iname \*.json \) -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/sitepackage/great-extension/g'"
ddev exec mv ./packages/sitepackage ./packages/great-extension

© 2022 Eric Bode

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