A simple functional programming library for PHP



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A simple functional programming library for PHP.


  • PHP 7 or higher


PHP, a language not commonly associated with Functional Programming, does support the paradigm - to an extent. The language's Functional Programming affability though substantial is not the same as that of Haskell, OCaml, or F# - purely Functional languages. bingo-functional is an attempt at enhancing the usability of FP techniques - those that warrant the use of helper functions, applicatives, monads, pattern matching, and immutable lists.


Please check out the documentation for more knowledge on how to use this library.

Also, a changelog exists and can be used to track changes made to the project.

Dealing with problems

Endeavor to create an issue on GitHub when the need arises or send an email to [email protected]

Functional Programming in PHP

I published a book titled - Functional Programming in PHP - which is currently available on LeanPub. The bingo-functional library features extensively in the text as a tool whose potencies demonstrate usage of Functional Programming ideas in PHP. I advise that you purchase a copy for $9.99.

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    Recursion vs Loop structures

    I have implemented recursive functions in the structures of multiple helper functions map, filter, and fold inclusive. I recently ran some tests to ascertain the potency of said implementations and the results - higher memory usage for large data sets even with trampoline optimization - triggered a contemplation of the perks of PHP loops. I ran some more tests centered around the usage of foreach loops and discovered a performance increment for large datasets.

    My current dilemma is this: I am not willing to revert to PHP loops but want to find a way to justify the recursion implemented in the library.

    help wanted question 
    opened by ace411 13
  • Integrate the coding style tool/service

    Integrate the coding style tool/service

    As we see, the package doesn't follow the PSR-2 coding style. To fix this coding style issue automatically, I suggest we can use the PHP-CS-Fixer or StyleCI to complete this issue.

    opened by peter279k 8
  • getOrElse method in Nothing class is strange

    getOrElse method in Nothing class is strange

    Consider the following code snippet:

    public function getOrElse($default)
            return $this;

    I don't know the type of $default and pass the correct variable to this method.

    And the getter method should not require any argument I think.

    Maybe this method should be changed into:

    public function getOrElse(Maybe $maybe)
            return $this->orElse(Maybe $maybe);

    @ace411 , what do you think?

    opened by peter279k 6
  • Replace the self-defined functions with the PHP native functions

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    As title. According to the Unique function, it looks like we use the foreach loop to try to get the unique array on specific array collection.

    But the PHP has the native array_unique function to help us to get the unique array quickly without using the foreach loop.

    I think we can use the native PHP functions easily and it will be better than using foreach loop.

    investigation required 
    opened by peter279k 4
  • Compact function purges TRUE from an array.

    Compact function purges TRUE from an array.

    The description of the Compact function says that it purges an array of falsey values (null, false). It means that true should stay in the array, right? Though, that test will fail:

    $mixed = [1, 2, 'foo', false, null, true];
    $purged = A\compact($mixed);
    $this->assertEquals([1, 2, 'foo', true], $purged);

    It seems that either the function description is incorrect or the function does not function properly.

    bug investigation required 
    opened by OlexandrPopov 3
  • Just::ap should pass a callable to the Monadic::map method

    Just::ap should pass a callable to the Monadic::map method

    Take a look at this line https://github.com/ace411/bingo-functional/blob/4ce0f4d620b63bf0c4e77ceee46ef7c9a4563c77/src/Functors/Maybe/Just.php#L85

    At present it passes $this but the Monadic::map method requires a callable.

    opened by OlexandrPopov 3
  • getJust method in Nothing class is strange

    getJust method in Nothing class is strange

    Consider the following code snippet:

    public function getJust()

    It looks strange because this method does nothing after using that.

    I think it should return null because it's the Nothing class :+1:.

    opened by peter279k 3
  • Improve the Pattern Matching Algorithm

    Improve the Pattern Matching Algorithm

    Implemented in v1.9.0 along with a variety of helper functions was the patternMatch() function. It has undergone several modifications since its inception and still feels a bit incomplete. Why - one might ask? The snippet below evaluates to a wildcard pattern when it should not.

    use function \Chemem\Bingo\Functional\PatternMatching\patternMatch;
    $match = patternMatch(
        '[_, "foo"]' => function () { return 'first-pattern'; },
        '_' => function () { return 'wildcard'; }
      explode('/', 'api/foo')

    The snippet above is a syntactical facsimile of the Haskell code shown below which evaluates to the string, first-pattern.

    patternMatch :: [a] -> a
    patternMatch (_,  foo) = "first-pattern"
    patternMatch _ = "wildcard"

    I intend to fix the problem that is the current patternMatch function's inability to reconcile list patterns that contain wildcards in them.

    bug enhancement 
    opened by ace411 3
  • PHP 8+ compatibility

    PHP 8+ compatibility

    The dependency functional-php/pattern-matching (which looks unmaintained) is using match, which is a reserved word in PHP 8.0 since it now has a built-in pattern matching. That breaks library's compatibility with newer PHP versions, which should be warned in readme while the problem is being addressed.

    opened by odelrio 2
  • Optimize Any function

    Optimize Any function

    It looks like the \Chemem\Bingo\Functional\Algorithms\any function filters the collection at first and then applies the predicate. Can you think of any reason why we can't remove the filter and return the result immediately when the predicate returns true? For example: https://github.com/DusanKasan/Knapsack/blob/7189f5bfc9acca1bca07eeff242743c61ddda1ff/src/collection_functions.php#L579

    opened by OlexandrPopov 2
  • Property tests

    Property tests

    Property tests are a great way to ensure function completeness - they help validate the invariants in a function's intended behavior. I currently feel that the unit tests written for this library, though accurate, are not complete. I currently envisage an adoption of property testing ideas for the library. For example:

    public function testIdentityFunctionConveysInputAsOutput()
        ->then(function ($value) {
          $id = A\identity($value);
          $this->assertEquals($value, $id);
          $this->assertTrue(gettype($value) == gettype($id));

    The snippet above utilizes the Eris package to perform property tests. The result is a litany of assertions which ordinarily - constitute atomic use cases.

    enhancement ambitious 
    opened by ace411 2
  • Fatal error when using Nothing::flatMap

    Fatal error when using Nothing::flatMap

    Consider the following code:

    $maybe = Maybe::fromValue(null)
        ->flatMap(function () {
            return Maybe::fromValue('some value');

    It causes the error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getOrElse() on null. Probably Nothing::flatMap should return an instance of Nothing instead of null.

    opened by OlexandrPopov 0
  • Shouldn't IO::bind be lazy?

    Shouldn't IO::bind be lazy?

    Consider the following code:

    use Chemem\Bingo\Functional\Functors\Monads\IO;
    $io = IO::of(function () {
        echo 'LOG 1', PHP_EOL;
    ->bind(function () {
        return IO::of(function () {
            echo 'LOG 2', PHP_EOL;

    It prints LOG 1 even $io->exec() is not called.

    opened by OlexandrPopov 3
  • v2.0.1(Aug 7, 2021)

  • v2.0.0(Jul 20, 2021)

    • Renamed namespace Chemem\Bingo\Functional\Algorithms to Chemem\Bingo\Functional
    • Moved Maybe and Either monad artifacts into Chemem\Bingo\Functional\Functors\Monads namespace
    • Modified patternMatch, cmatch, compact, keysExist, reject, max, min, firstIndexOf, fill, every, compact, mean, intersects, tail, zip helper functions
    • Modified pattern matching primitives namespaced under Chemem\Bingo\Functional\PatternMatching\Internal
    • Removed readIO, ask, Maybe::lift, Either::lift functions
    • Added lenses
    • Added transducer functions
    • Modified List and Writer monads
    • Added Functor, ApplicativeFunctor, and Monad interfaces
    • Modified intersects function in immutable Collection
    • Renamed match to cmatch
    • Added liftM monad helper function
    • Added K function (K-combinator)
    • Revamped project test suite
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.13.0(Sep 19, 2020)

    • Modified putStr, getLine, putStrLn, putChar IO helper functions

    • Added default values to pick and pluck functions

    • Added internal functions namespaced under Chemem\Bingo\Functional\Algorithms\Internal

    • Modified some list/collection primitives to work on objects as well as hashtables

    • Infused Collection with Transient properties

    • Added mergeN() Collection method

    • Modified any() and every() Collection methods

    • Added ImmutableDataStructure and ImmutableList interfaces

    • Added a Tuple immutable structure

    • Added mapM() Monad function

    • Replaced original pattern-matching algorithm with that in the functional-php/pattern-matching library

    • Added new helper functions

    • Jettisoned docs folder. Moved docs site to new address

    New Helper Functions

    • intersperse()

    • difference()

    • countOfKey()

    • countOfValue()

    • renameKeys()

    New Monadic Helper functions

    • mapM()

    Modified functions

    • map()

    • filter()

    • fold()

    • reject()

    • pluck()

    • pick()

    • any()

    • every()

    • partial()

    • indexOf()

    • indexesOf()

    • addKeys()

    • omit()

    • partialRight()

    • dropLeft()

    • dropRight()

    • mapDeep()

    • filterDeep()

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  • v1.12.0(Feb 25, 2019)

    • Removed function parameter from zip function

    • Created Monadic interface for Monads

    • Added new helper functions

    • Added new Monad helper functions

    • Added APCU-supported functionality to memoize function

    • Added constant static function definitions for Monadic types

    • Added new Collection functions

    New Helper functions

    • toWords()

    • slugify()

    • truncate()

    • intersects()

    • composeRight()

    • filePath()

    • union()

    • unionWith()

    • zipWith()

    New Monadic Helper functions

    • filterM()

    • foldM()

    New Collection functions

    • fetch()

    • contains()

    • unique()

    • head()

    • tail()

    • last()

    • intersects()

    • implode()

    • offsetGet()

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  • v1.11.0(Nov 24, 2018)

    • Modified pattern matching algorithm to enable usage of wildcards in patterns

    • Modified State, List, Writer, and Reader monads

    • Added monadic helper functions

    • Added Applicative helper functions

    • Added bind and of methods to Either and Maybe type classes

    • Added flip helper function

    • Added liftIn function

    New Applicative Helper functions

    • Applicative\pure()

    • Applicative\liftA2()

    New Monadic Helper functions

    • mcompose()

    • bind()

    • IO\IO

    • IO_print()

    • IO\getChar()

    • IO\putChar()

    • IO\putStr()

    • IO\getLine()

    • IO\interact()

    • IO\readFile()

    • IO\writeFile()

    • IO\appendFile()

    • IO\readIO()

    • State\state()

    • State\gets()

    • State\modify()

    • State\evalState()

    • State\execState()

    • State\put()

    • State\runState()

    • ListMonad\fromValue()

    • ListMonad\concat()

    • ListMonad\prepend()

    • LIstMonad\append()

    • ListMonad\head()

    • ListMonad\tail()

    • Reader\reader()

    • Reader\runReader()

    • Reader\mapReader()

    • Reader\withReader()

    • Reader\ask()

    • Writer\writer()

    • Writer\runWriter()

    • Writer\execWriter()

    • Writer\mapWriter()

    New union type helper functions

    • Either\either()

    • Either\isLeft()

    • Either\isRight()

    • Either\lefts()

    • Either\rights()

    • Either\fromLeft()

    • Either\partitionEithers()

    • Maybe\maybe()

    • Maybe\isJust()

    • Maybe\isNothing()

    • Maybe\fromJust()

    • Maybe\fromNothing()

    • Maybe\maybeToList()

    • Maybe\listToMaybe()

    • Maybe\catMaybes()

    • Maybe\mapMaybe()

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.10.0(Aug 29, 2018)

    • Added object matching capability to patternMatch

    • Modified patternMatch array matching to give more concise match results

    • Jettisoned reverse function

    • Added Immutable collections to library

    New Helper functions

    • mapDeep()
    • omit()
    • addKeys()
    • last()
    • reject()
    • mean()

    Modified the following functions

    • patternMatch()
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  • v1.9.0(Jun 9, 2018)

    • Added more robust pattern matching to library

    Modified the following function(s)

    • dropLeft()
    • dropRight()
    • map()
    • filter()

    Added new helper function(s)

    • min()
    • max()
    • any()
    • every()
    • where()
    • groupBy()
    • foldRight()
    • toException()
    • reduceRight()
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.8.0(May 16, 2018)

    Removed the following callback function(s)

    • invalidArrayKey()
    • invalidArrayValue()
    • emptyArray()
    • memoizationError()

    Modified the following function(s)

    • map()
    • pick()
    • fold()
    • pluck()
    • reduce()
    • filter()
    • memoize()
    • isArrayOf()

    Added new helper functions

    • fill()
    • partial()
    • indexOf()
    • reverse()
    • toPairs()
    • fromPairs()

    Added pattern matching to library

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.7.2(Mar 3, 2018)

    Made the following change(s):

    • Modified the orElse() methods of the Left, Right, Nothing, and Just functors

    • Added the flatMap() method to the State and List monads

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v1.7.1(Feb 13, 2018)

    Made the following change(s):

    • Modified the throttle() function to accept multiple arguments

    • Added type signatures and doc blocks for functions without any

    • Added immutable const definition for concat() function

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  • v1.7.0(Jan 30, 2018)

  • v1.6.0(Jan 4, 2018)

    Made the following changes:

    • Modified the filter() function to accurately filter values whenever a boolean predicate is defined.

    • Changed parameter order of the return value for the reduce() function.

    Added new helper functions:

    • arrayKeysExist()

    • dropLeft()

    • dropRight()

    • unique()

    • flatten()

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.5.0(Dec 18, 2017)

  • v1.4.0(Dec 7, 2017)

    Made the following changes:

    • the pluck(), pick(), isArrayOf(), and memoize() functions have been given callback signatures.

    • the extractErrorMessage() function and all other related callback functions have been replaced.

    • the Monad class has been replaced with new Monads: IO, Reader, Writer, and State.

    Added new helpers:

    • concat()

    • throttle()

    Added new callback functions:

    • invalidArrayKey()

    • invalidArrayValue()

    • emptyArray()

    • memoizationError()

    Added new Monads:

    • State monad

    • IO monad

    • Reader monad

    • Writer monad

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.1(Nov 4, 2017)

    Made the following fix:

    • Edit the Monad class to return a Monad null class instance as opposed to an uncaught exception upon filter() condition assertion failure
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Oct 18, 2017)

  • v1.2.1(Oct 4, 2017)

    Fixed the following problems:

    • the error message shown when a mixed array is supplied to the isArrayOf() function

    • the partialRight() behavior of partialLeft()

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Sep 23, 2017)

    This version includes the following new functions and monad additions:

    • isArrayOf()

    • partialRight()

    • partialLeft() as a replacement for partial()

    • A TransientMutator trait

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Sep 13, 2017)

  • v1.0.0(Sep 13, 2017)

    First release of the bingo-functional library.


    • compose()
    • constantFunction()
    • curry()
    • curryN()
    • extend()
    • identity()
    • memoize()
    • partial()
    • pick()
    • pluck()
    • zip()
    • unzip()


    • Either Left/Right
    • Maybe Just/Nothing
    • Applicatives Applicative/CollectionApplicative
    • Monad Monad
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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