283 Repositories
PHP mysql-compatibility Libraries
TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
What is TiDB? TiDB ("Ti" stands for Titanium) is an open-source NewSQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) wo
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce (EE) to Magento OpenSource (CE)
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce to Magento OpenSource Also known as Magento Enterprise (EE) to Magento Community (CE). This migrating tool allows
Simple CRUD Product dengan PHP, MySQL & Bootstrap 5
Simple CRUD Product dengan PHP, MySQL & Bootstrap 5 Instalasi Pastikan sudah menginstall XAMPP atau sejenisnya Nyalakan service apache dan mysql buka
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL. That follows the Facade design pattern.
Utilizamos select2 con MySQL - Laravel 8 - livewire y jetstream
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
🧾 Online test site with the human sciences theme. Using: HTML5, CSS3, Js., PHP7 and MySQL. 🚀
form-ciencias-humanas 🚀 Technologies Lunacy HTML5 CSS3 PHP7 MYSQL Animate.css Illustrations from icons8: Earth care from Anna Antipina Earth and Moon
Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data
DSN Monitor Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data. A live version of the project can be accessed at http://dsnmonitor.ddns.net. Description
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.
Magento default mysql settings
magento-mysql Magento default mysql settings default/startup settings for mysql database. please read this before changing anything! GENERAL OPTIONS
Silverstripe-sspy - Python based SSPAK export with higher reliability and cross-platform compatibility
SSPY - Python Stand-alone SSPAK solution © Simon Firesphere Erkelens; Moss Mossman Cantwell Usage: sspy [create|load|extract] (db|assets) --file=my.
CQUPT Online Thesis Archiving System
CQUPT Online Thesis Archiving System This is a web-based application that provides an online platform for storing the students' thesis or capstone pro
QueryHandler - Handling PDO ' s query with mySQL database
QueryHandler this class's method are static .... that mean you don't need to create an object to use it . All methodes will return an Exception if it
Desarrollo de una aplicación muy sencilla, desarrollada con HTML - Bootstrap - PHP - (PDO)- Mysql. (Login - Registro - Create Read Update Delete)
php-mysql-aplicacion-web Desarrollo de una aplicación muy sencilla, desarrollada con HTML - Bootstrap - PHP - (PDO)- Mysql. (Login - Registro - Create
Source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel
Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel This is the source code behind the Laracasts Larabit: Using MySQL JSON Columns with Laravel, and features all of
PHP 7 Compatibility Checker
PHP 7 Compatibility Checker(php7cc) Project status The project is no longer supported. Please consider using one of the following alternatives: phan p
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns.
Laravel Cross Eloquent Search This Laravel package allows you to search through multiple Eloquent models. It supports sorting, pagination, scoped quer
This example shows how to use Anychart library with the PHP programming language, Laravel framework and MySQL database.
PHP basic template This example shows how to use Anychart library with the PHP programming language, Laravel framework and MySQL database. Running To
Get a grip on your finances.
Budget Budget is an open-source web application that helps you keep track of your finances. You can use Budget by hosting it yourself, or using the in
This is the information I prepared for the PHP interview.The notes include PHP, MySql, Linux, etc.
PHP面试准备的资料 这个项目是自己准备面试整理的资料。可能包括PHP、MySQL等资料。方便自己以后查阅,会不定期更新,如果错误,请指出,谢谢。欢迎大家提交PR,谢谢大家的star 可以通过https://xianyunyh.gitbooks.io/php-interview/预览。欢迎有精力的朋
You can convert any table to CSV/EXCEL file.
Convert MySQL to EXCEL You can convert any table to CSV/EXCEL file by this code. In this repository I've used Link1 and Link2 . Simply edit config.php
Este aplicativo permite ingresar, editar y eliminar productos de una tienda.
Este aplicativo permite ingresar, editar y eliminar productos de una tienda. Tambien permite realizar ventas mediante el id del producto y en otro modulo tiene una lista detallada de todas las ventas realizadas.
Discuz!ML is a multilingual version of Discuz!X, social network engine from Tencent Cloud
Discuz! ML (MultiLingual Discuz) Introduction Discuz!ML is a multilingual version of Discuz!X, social network engine from Tencent Cloud Related Sites
Basic User login & signup in php with JavaScript form validations
User login & signup in php User login & signup in PHP-MySQL with JavaScript form validations Project Details : Project Name : User Registration & Logi
An automated library management system developed in Laravel 4.2 PHP MVC Framework
An automated system to manage a public library. Admin panel for librarians to control and manage the system easily through an interactive interface.
ReadMarvel's open sourced code
Read Marvel ReadMarvel.com is a fan made website. It is built entirely on Laravel 5. All data is provided by Marvel through their public Marvel API. Y
Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies.
Takeout Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies. It's meant to be pair
eLabFTW is the most popular open source electronic lab notebook for research labs.
A free, modern, versatile, secure electronic lab notebook for researchers Official website | Live demo | Documentation | Dedicated hosting Description
PHP phonebook with map (Active Directory, LDAP - MySQL, PHP)
LDAP phonebook 🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Development ветка Вопросы предпочтительнее задавать в Issues, а не по почте Корпоративный телефонный справочник с отображение
1000+ micro code pieces with clear explanation @ onelinerhub.com
Onelinerhub Lib of micro code pieces, well explained and mostly single-line solutions @ onelinerhub.com. Why we do it and where we go We're building n
Easy data transfer from one database to another
Migrate DB Easy data transfer from one database to another Installation To get the latest version of Migrate DB, simply require the project using Comp
Incubator adapters/functionality for the Phalcon PHP Framework
Phalcon Incubator This is a repository to publish/share/experiment with new adapters, prototypes or functionality that can potentially be incorporated
RedisPlugin for Phalcon
RedisPlugin for Phalcon (The correspondence of MySQL sharding.) Composer { "require": { "ienaga/phalcon-redis-plugin": "3.*" } } Versio
Vagrant configuration for PHP7, Phalcon 3.x and Zephir development.
Phalcon VM 2.0.1 Phalcon VM is an open source Vagrant configuration which contains wide range of tools required in modern web development. Like a Swis
Aqui são distribídas apostilas sobre alguns assuntos como PHP, PDO, MySQL, PHPOO, MVC, etc
Apostilas de Programação Aqui são distribídas apostilas sobre alguns assuntos como PHP, PDO, MySQL, PHPOO, MVC, etc URL deste repositório https://gith
Formulário de contato utilizando HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, Javascript e conexão ao banco de dados MySQL.
Formulário de Contato Tecnologias | Projeto | Licença | 🚀 Tecnologias Esse projeto foi desenvolvido com as seguintes tecnologias: HTML CSS PHP JavaSc
Bolt is a simple CMS written in PHP. It is based on Silex and Symfony components, uses Twig and either SQLite, MySQL or PostgreSQL.
⚠️ Note - Not the latest version This is the repository for Bolt 3. Please know that Bolt 5 has been released. If you are starting a new project, plea
Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC from scratch
This Project is based on course CSC 3215. Learning about - Basic HTML & CSS, JSON, XML, Session & Cookies, CRUD Operations in Php using MySQL and Create MVC (Model–View–Controller) from scratch. Just learning about web technologies, Not focusing on UI (Bootstrap or other 3rd-Party UI libraries or frameworks).
Software para consultas veiculares construído com PHP, Laravel e MySQL
DespCar Um projeto de uso pessoal para um despachante veícular para consulta de carros através da placa Sobre o Projeto Construído Com PHP PHPUnit Lar
Um site para diversos tipos de notícias.
Notícias Um site para diversos tipos de notícias. Configuração Tenha o Composer instalado em sua máquina e através de seu terminal entre no diretório
A MySQL-PHP based hotel reservation system
hotel-reservation-system A MySQL-PHP based hotel reservation system We have created a Hotel Reservation system, which can be used by the Hotel clients
An application with Laravel, Vue, Redis and Mysql
p align="center"a href="https://laravel.com" target="_blank"img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laravel/art/master/logo-lockup/5%20SVG/2%2
Online-examination-System in PHP and Mysql using XAMPP server
online-examination-systen-in-php Online Examination System Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its
Lumen on Docker - Skeleton project with Nginx, MySQL & PHP 8 | Aws ECS, Google Kubernates, Azure Container Engine
Docker infrastructure for Lumen Description Microservice Lumen is a starting skeleton based on Docker and Lumen Framework. This project helps to devel
Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.
Matomo (formerly Piwik) - matomo.org Code Status Description Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform. Matomo is a full-featured PHP M
This is a simple PHP Student Portal. You can login, logout, register, and view your details.
Student-Portal This is a simple PHP Student Portal with a MySQL Database. I made this as part of a university assignment, so you can login, logout, re
Sample Content - PHP Retriever - Simple MVC Front Controller Mini Framework
Web application for the health record of the Hemal's Thalasseamia Patients. Technologies PHP, JavaScript, HTML, W3.CSS and MySQL
Web application for the health record of the Hemal's Thalasseamia Patients. Technologies PHP, JavaScript, HTML, W3.CSS and MySQL
Public API for the project coding.events. Made in PHP 8.0 with Lumen 8, PHP-FPM, NGINX and MySQL 8.
coding.events API Uma API feita apenas para passar o tempo, montando uma API para o site coding.events. Sinta-se livre para usar esse código como es
This application was build with the purpose of learning PHP.
Chat-App 🎯 About this file The purpose of this file is to provide overview, setup instructions and background information of the project. ▶️ Demo Her
Modeling online shopping website with PHP/Laravel
Online Shop M-54 Bootcamp final project. Modeling digikala website with PHP/Laravel. Creating a simple WooComers website with Laravel and Blade. Tools
Examination system using PHP and mysql
online-examination-systen-in-php Online Examination System Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its
Streaming de música que possui as seguintes características: Registrar a sua música, Sistema de pesquisa, Adicionar uma lista de reprodução, Perfil, Atualizar, Total de visualizações, Últimos vistos entre outros ...
Music Streaming Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui um streaming de música que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Registrar a sua música,
Online web application developed in PHP using Laravel framework for managing real-time kitchen orders in a restaurant.
Online web application developed in PHP using Laravel framework for managing real-time kitchen orders in a restaurant. It allows, through a web panel, real-time communication between chefs and waiters about the status of orders.
Rede social com laravel que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Adicionar ao amigos, Criação de Grupo, Perfil, Criação de post, Comentários entre outros... Além de possuir um design
Social Network Sobre o Projeto Fala Devs! Estou trazendo aqui uma rede social com laravel que possui as seguintes funcionalidades: Adicionar ao amigos
Laravel Restaurant Management System Project
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Tiny php mysql lib (PDO-based) with handy fetch/update functionality, supports both SQL and parametric queries
Micro PHP mysql lib (~ 200 lines of code) with ultra powerful CRUD for faster than ever development: parametric fetch/insert/update/delete (based on a
Aplicação criada com Angular e Laravel em conjunto para fazer um treinamento de autenticação com sistema de login, guarda de rotas e cadastro de usuários no banco de dados MySQL
Times-de-Futebol-BR Descrição do Projeto Aplicação criada com Angular e Laravel em conjunto para fazer um treinamento de autenticação com sistema de l
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models.
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns.
A live chat which utilises Socket.io and validates messages sent against a MySQL Table.
Socket.io Shoutbox with MySQL Validation The purpouse of this demonstration is to allow users to enter messages in either a public or private chat. Th
Get MYSQL statement from query builder in laravel helper
Get MYSQL statement laravel This package allows to get mysql statement that query builder in laravel made it for debugging purposes. Basic usage Dump
Database Abstraction Layer, Schema Introspection, Schema Generation, Query Builders
Cycle DBAL Secure, multiple SQL dialects (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLServer), schema introspection, schema declaration, smart identifier wrappers,
Criação de um mini sistema de registro, onde será aplicado o processo de adição, atualização e remoção de dados do banco de dados MySQL.
CRUD PHP MVC Criação de um mini sistema de registro, onde será aplicado o processo de adição, atualização e remoção de dados do banco de dados MySQL.
For using Laravel with a pre-existing MySQL Database
MySQL to Laravel This is a script to help with mapping an existing MySQL database to a new Laravel build. Place the script in the public folder of you
Eloquent Repository implementation
Eloquent Repository Eloquent Repository using nilportugues/repository as foundation. Installation Use Composer to install the package: $ composer requ
Simple mobile shop using basic php
simple-mobile-shop simple mobile shop using basic php Project Overview Go to your Xammp/wamp-server root folder Then create a folder named "mobileshop
A minimalistic PHP/MySQL anonymous bulletin-board thingy
minibord A minimalistic PHP/MySQL anonymous bulletin-board thingy mostly worked on at night It's a very basic, unthemed, table-based layout, but it wo
MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query and get result in a fastest way. ( WEBSITE VERSION )
Mysql Optimizer mysql optimizer also known as MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query
A complete Login and Register page using a Mysql Database and php
Login With Mysql A complete Login and Register page using a Mysql Database 🔨 Built with ⚙️ 📝 Description A login with Frontend, Backend and Database
MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query and get result in a fastest way
Mysql Optimizer mysql optimizer also known as MOP is a php query handling and manipulation library providing easy and reliable way to manipulate query
Music website developed as a final group project for our Webpage Development class.
double-drummer Music listening website developed as final group project for our Webpage Development course. All parts that disclosed any information r
Versione non ufficiale del repository ad uso personale
GAzie - Gestione Aziendale Che cos'è GAzie GAzie è un software gestionale (ERP) multiazienda in grado di gestire tanti aspetti dell'azienda, dalla ges
A Php Library For MySQL
phpSQL MySql İçin Bir Php Kütüphanesi Herhangi Bir Sorun Olursa Buradan Ulaşabilirsiniz Ayrıca Dosyada Php Documentor Kullanılmaktadır, Modern Editörl
Baicloud CMS is a lightweight content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL and running on Linux, windows and other platforms
BaiCloud-cms About BaiCloud-cms is a powerful open source CMS that allows you to create professional websites and scalable web applications. Visit the
迅睿CMS建站程序 迅睿CMS框架是一款PHP8高性能·简单易用的开发框架 支持的微信公众号,小程序,APP客户端,移动端网站,PC网站等多站式管理系统。 运行环境 PHP7.3以上(支持PHP8) MySQL5以上,推荐5.7及以上 Apache、Nginx、IIS等Web服务器都可以 在线预览
Extend Laravel PHP framework to make working with Aiven databases simpler
Aiven Commands for Laravel ✨ Add some Aiven magic to your Laravel project ✨ This Laravel package provides some aiven commands for artisan to help with
A complete stack for running Symfony 5 into Docker containers using docker-compose tool and with Certbot for the HTTPS certificate.
🐳 Docker + PHP 7.4 + MySQL8.0 + Nginx + Certbot(HTTPS) + Symfony 5 Boilerplate 🐳 Edited from https://github.com/ger86/symfony-docker version - http
Automatically Create professional ready to use Laravel REST API for MySQL Database With Postman Docs and JWT Authentication
Laravel Simple Rest API Generator An API Boilerplate to create a ready-to-use REST API in seconds with Laravel 8.x Install with Composer $ curl -s
Small script for importing the KvK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce) Open Data Set (CSV file) to a MySQL database.
KvK-CSV-2-SQL Small script for importing the KvK (Dutch Chamber of Commerce) Open Data Set (CSV file) to a MySQL database. Table of content KvK-CSV-2-
Laravel Mysql Spatial Builder Extension
magutti-spatial V2 Laravel Builder Mysql Spatial Extension Laravel Builder extensions to calculate distances between two Spatial points using Mysql na
Module for PageBuilder Support for M2.4.3 and future versions.
Magento 2 DataPatchCreator Page Builder Compatibility Plugin Plugin for PageBuilder to remove encoding of HTML special characters done by Magento\Page
Staggered import of large and very large MySQL Dumps even through the web servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode.
Staggered import of large and very large MySQL Dumps (like phpMyAdmin dumps) even through the web servers with hard runtime limit and those in safe mode. | Persian Translation Version
PHP REST API without using any frameworks. Contains all CRUD operations.
PHP REST API without any framework and CRUD operations 🖐 Hi there, this is a simple REST API built in PHP without using any frameworks. This is built
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application
Laravel lumen and AngularJS Todo Application Todo application using Laravel lumen micro framework and AngularJS Features Create/Edit/Delete Todo Lumen
SoyCMS Trivial - Lightweight and easy-to-use CMS. ( the custom version based on soycms. )
SoyCMS Trivial Author arbk (https://aruo.net/) Licensed under the GPLv2 license Version 3.1.3-t0 DESCRIPTION SoyCMS Trivial is an open source web cont
REST APIs using Slim framework. Implemented all CRUD operations on the MySql database
PHP REST API using slim framework and CRUD operations 🖐 Hi there, this is a simple REST API built using the Slim framework. And this is for the folks
PHP REST API using CodeIgniter 3 framework and CRUD operations
PHP REST API using CodeIgniter 3 framework and CRUD operations 🖐 Hi there, this is a simple REST API built using the Codeigniter 3 framework. And thi
A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess a specific learning process.
vidyaprabodhan-gov-php-project A learning management system (LMS) is a software application or web-based technology used to plan, implement and assess
Laravel 5 with Dockerized Gulp, PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose
docker-laravel Laravel 5 with Dockerized PHP-FPM, MySQL and nginx using docker-compose Usage Get Composer docker-compose run --rm phpnginx curl -O htt
Online Navaratri Anjali and Bhog booking system. admin and user side.
Online-Navaratri-booking-php-project This online navaratri booking system integrate with razorpay and written on PHP, html and javascript. User PAGE U
Hotel Management System using MySQL, Php, Ajax, Jquery and HTML
Hotel-Management-System-Ajax-PHP-Mysql A hotel management system in which clients can perform operations such as booking a room and event. It is possi
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework
Authentication REST-API built with Lumen PHP Framework Laravel Lumen is a stunningly fast PHP micro-framework for building web applications with expre
🐳 Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose.
docker-laravel 🐳 Introduction Build a simple laravel development environment with docker-compose. Usage $ git clone [email protected]:ucan-lab/docker-la
Open Source Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Voucher Management System is a web application for manage voucher. You can create and manage your voucher. Voucher Management System is used PHP with Laravel Framework and use MySQL for Database.
Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql
CommentSystem [BETA] Commenting program developed with Html & Css & Php JavaScript Languages and MySql How does it work ? After you set up your Databa
Very easy to use PDO MYSQL API. Just Include in PHP file and get it working.
CRUD-MYSQL-API Very easy to use PDO MYSQL API. Just Include in PHP file and get it working. INSTALATION Step 1: git clone https://github.com/arhex-lab
A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL
✨ Notes-CRUD ✨ A simple CRUD built in PHP, Bootstrap and MySQL 📑 Table of Contents Usage Contribute Screenshots 🤖 Usage Add the project to your envi
The most popular FOSS online survey tool on the web.
Sophisticated online survey software About Limesurvey is the number one open-source survey software. Advanced features like branching and multiple que
Connect and work with MySQL/MariaDB database through MySQLi in PHP. This is an introductory project, If you need a simple and straightforward example that takes you straight to the point, you can check out these examples.
First MySQLi PHP Connect and work with MySQL/MariaDB database through MySQLi in PHP. The above exercises are designed for students. This is an introdu
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.
Library download currency rate and save in database, It's designed to be extended by any available data source.