A minimalistic PHP/MySQL anonymous bulletin-board thingy

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Database minibord


A minimalistic PHP/MySQL anonymous bulletin-board thingy mostly worked on at night

It's a very basic, unthemed, table-based layout, but it works. It supports posting topics, posting replies, and has built-in RSS support A pic of the thing


It needs some version of PHP (tested on 7, should work on 8) and a MySQL or MariaDB server.

  • Create a new MySQL database
  • Import the minibord.sql file to this database
  • Edit core.php with your MySQL login details
  • Make some mini posts


You can view a live demo of it at https://board.rainynight.city

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  • Add v1.00, v1.01, and v1.02 releases to Github

    Add v1.00, v1.01, and v1.02 releases to Github

    I still need to actually get these the latest versions of minibord on this site; they've been some """"big"""" features added """recently"""

    stuff i gotta do 
    opened by NinCollin 0
  • interesting


    Hey I like this project and I'm not really good at coding but its a hobby of mine and wanna get better. I'm more on the network side IT cyber security that I'm currently studying for but I would like to help work with you on this project and see if we can make the code a little better and tighten up the security. I would like to set this up on a test onion server and go from there.

    What do you think? I think lets turn this little project into something more and have fun with it and tinker around with it thats all we can do because you've got a great start base of code all we gotta do is clean it up and update it and keep it updated..

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