Incubator adapters/functionality for the Phalcon PHP Framework


Phalcon Incubator

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This is a repository to publish/share/experiment with new adapters, prototypes or functionality that can potentially be incorporated into the Phalcon Framework.

We also welcome submissions of snippets from the community, to further extend the framework.

The code in this repository is written in PHP.


Installing via Composer

Install Composer in a common location or in your project:

curl -s | php

Then create the composer.json file as follows:

    "require": {
        "phalcon/incubator": "^3.4"

If you are still using Phalcon 2.0.x, create the composer.json file as follows:

    "require": {
        "phalcon/incubator": "^2.0"

Run the composer installer:

$ php composer.phar install

Installing via GitHub

Just clone the repository in a common location or inside your project:

git clone

For a specific git branch (eg 2.0.13) please use:

git clone -b 2.0.13

Autoloading from the Incubator

Add or register the following namespace strategy to your Phalcon\Loader in order to load classes from the incubator repository:

$loader = new Phalcon\Loader();

        'Phalcon' => '/path/to/incubator/Library/Phalcon/',



Tests are located in tests/ and use Codeception. See tests/



Contributions Index



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Incubator is open-sourced software licensed under the New BSD License.
© 2011-2018, Phalcon Framework Team

  • DI is not found in MongoCollection using Phalcon 3.1 and PHP 7.1

    DI is not found in MongoCollection using Phalcon 3.1 and PHP 7.1

    Getting error in MongoCollection after updating to Phalcon 3.1.2 and PHP 7.1

    $file = File::findFirst()
    $file->name = 'test';
    A dependency injector container is required to obtain the services related to the ODM
      A dependency injector container is required to obtain the services related to the ODM  
    Exception trace:
     () at ...vendor/phalcon/incubator/Library/Phalcon/Mvc/MongoCollection.php:76

    Current workaround in model class

     public function save()
            if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') >= 0) {
                $this->_dependencyInjector = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault();
                $this->_modelsManager = $this->_dependencyInjector->getShared("collectionManager");
            return parent::save();


    • Phalcon Framework version: 3.1.2
    • Phalcon Incubator version: 3.0 & 3.1
    • PHP Version: 7.1.2
    • Operating System: Centos
    • Server: CLI
    • Other related info (Database, table schema): Mongo
    Bug - Medium Mongo 
    opened by MaksSlesarenko 58
  • Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Extended fault readme document.

    Phalcon\Queue\Beanstalk\Extended fault readme document.

    $beanstalk->addWorker('processVideo', function (Job $job) {
        $videoId = $job->getBody();
    $beanstalk->addWorker('deleteVideo', function (Job $job) {
        unlink('/var/www/data/' . $videoId . '.flv');

    do you mean add Worker or add Function ?

    $tubes = array_keys($this->workers);
            do {
                if (!empty($this->workers)) {
                    $tube = $tubes[array_rand($tubes)];

    why rand the worker, it makes the fault function called.

    can you fixed the document? Thanks a lot.

    opened by lixiphp 22
  • Version / Release

    Version / Release


    can you add tags on incubator so that composer depends on this version ?

    Doing this we could update incubator when we update phalcon so that class which will be integrated inside the C version disappear from the incubator version.


    opened by ogarbe 21
  • Added IBAN validator

    Added IBAN validator


    • Type: new feature
    • Link to issue: #809

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following:

    • [x] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [x] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [x] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Small description of change: Added IBAN validator


    opened by sergeysviridenko 18
  •  incubator/Library/Phalcon/Session/Adapter/Database loses session data when using SqLite3

    incubator/Library/Phalcon/Session/Adapter/Database loses session data when using SqLite3

    Using SQLite3 with the Session Database adapter, data seemingly randomly gets reset in the session table. I'm currently using the PHP dev server on with PHP 7 on Ubuntu 16.04.

    Schema in SQLite3:

    sqlite> .schema sessions
    CREATE TABLE sessions (session_id primary key, data, created_at, modified_at);

    Session adapter configuration:

        $di->set('session', function() use ($di) {
            $connection = new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite(array(
                        'dbname' => '/path/to/db/file.sqlite3'
            $session = new Phalcon\Session\Adapter\Database(array(
                'db' => $connection,
                'table' => 'sessions',
                'lifetime' => 3600
            return $session;

    To replicate, I used two separate controllers, the first redirecting to the second:

    class IndexController extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Controller {
        public function indexAction() {
            $this->session->set('customer_id', 'somekey');
    class CreateController extends \AbstractController {
        public function indexAction() {
            echo("You should see the session var here: ");

    The session id doesn't change, so I think it's MOSTLY behaving, but I'm at a loss as to how to go about further troubleshooting of this issue.

    I'm also using the SQLite3 DB with \Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Database with no issues. I'm not sure if that's useful information or not, however.

    opened by jellisii 17
  •  SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number

    SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number


    I have upgrade the incubator plugin with project.

    I have upgraded the DB cache in services. php and I have got " SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number" Exception for all the queries .

    $di->set('db', function() use ($config) {
        $connection = new \Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Cacheable\Mysql(array(
            "host" => $config->database->host,
            "username" => $config->database->username,
            "password" => $config->database->password,
            "dbname" => $config->database->name,
            "options" => array(
                PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES => false
        $frontCache = new \Phalcon\Cache\Frontend\Data(array(
            "lifetime" => 2592000
        //File backend settings
        $connection->setCache(new \Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File($frontCache, array(
            "cacheDir" => APP_PATH . $config->application->dbCacheDir,
        return $connection;

    Please let me know If I am missing anything .

    Bug - High MySQL 
    opened by cullsin 15
  • \Phalcon\Debug\Dump + tests; removed Firephp logger and formatter + some minor additions

    \Phalcon\Debug\Dump + tests; removed Firephp logger and formatter + some minor additions

    1. added \Phalcon\Test\ModelTestCase::truncateTable() method, which should be used when deleteTable is making trouble because of foreign keys
    2. removed \Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Firephp and \Phalcon\Logger\Formatter\Firephp since they are part of Phalcons core now
    3. added \Phalcon\Debug\Dump component for easier variable dumping within Phalcon application
    4. added unit tests for \Phalcon\Debug\Dump (tests/Phalcon/Debug/DumpTest.php)
    5. added phpunit/phpunit to composer.json require-dev
    6. added vendor/ folder to .gitignore
    opened by digitronac 15
  • Update the beanstalk queue to use duncan3dc/fork-helper:2.0

    Update the beanstalk queue to use duncan3dc/fork-helper:2.0

    I've just released 2.0.0 of the fork-helper, with a few breaking changes, but some big improvements that should help here.

    The namespace has changed from Helpers to Forker, that's mainly what this PR is for.

    But 2.0.0 also adds support for the Windows environment, so that you can still use the classes, they just don't do any multi-threading. This should fix #516 while still allowing the semver constraints to be used.

    2.0.0 only supports PHP 7.0, so this pr is still a little messy, but when Phalcon drops support for PHP 5.* it can be tidied up considerably.

    Here are the new docs for the fork helper:

    opened by duncan3dc 14
  • Converting Testing To Allow Either Codeception Based Testing or PHPUnit

    Converting Testing To Allow Either Codeception Based Testing or PHPUnit


    • Type: new feature

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [x] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [x] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [x] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    There's a lot going on here, but it's actually fairly simple. Currently, the Phalcon Test Classes are all built specifically for PHPUnit. Even if you are using Codeception to run your tests, your limited to using the PHPUnit setup and you loose some of the extra benefits of using the Codeception base instead (IE: _before shorthand, Test Helpers, DB Methods, etc). This PR is an attempt to bridge that gap while also maintaining some backwards compatibility. In order to accomplish this, a number of changes were made:

    1. Each of the test cases were converted to traits and moved to Library\Test\Traits.
    2. Slight changes were made to the new traits to make the platform independent (Renamed setUp/tearDown to setUpPhalcon/tearDownPhalcon respectively).
    3. New classes were created in Library\Test\PHPUnit that use the new traits and call the setUp/tearDown functions appropriately.
    4. New classes were created in Library\Test\Codeception that also use the new traits and call the setUp/tearDown functions appropriately.
    5. Placeholder classes replaced the original TestCases that just extend the appropriate PHPUnit edition of the class.

    I've added a number of Unit Tests in place to help ensure this logic is working correctly and thus far I've had no issues. I'm going ahead and creating the PR so others can look over the tests while I run more direct tests to ensure everything is working as intended.

    I should mention that while I've done my best to make these changes backwards compatible, there is one scenario where they will not be backwards compatible. If someone were to ever use an 'instanceof' command on the placeholder TestCases, then these may break. This seems highly unlikely, but I wanted to make sure to mention it. For example:

    $testCase = new \Phalcon\Test\FunctionalTestCase(); //Abstract Class, Not Technically Possible
    if ($testCase instance of \Phalcon\Test\UnitTestCase) {
      //This will never be reached now.

    PS: Way to many 'Test's - UnitTestCase, UnitTestCase, UnitTestCase, & UnitTestCaseTest

    opened by Fenikkusu 13
  • Feat/utils/slug/non alphanumeric character fix and replace improvement

    Feat/utils/slug/non alphanumeric character fix and replace improvement

    There was a problem with non-alphanumeric characters as it was turning them into their ASCII counterparts. Example String Phalcon's incubator is great Output phalcon39s-incubator-is-great

    Obviously this is not the expected nor wanted output. New Output phalcon-s-incubator-is-great

    $replace was also just replacing any given character with a space `This might not be the case in some situations such as (with or without using`$replace`); **Example String**`What does it mean yapılır in Turkish` **Output**`what-does-it-mean-yaplr-in-turkish

    We can simply pass $replace = [ 'ı' => 'i' ] with the new update to overcome this problem New Output what-does-it-mean-yapilir-in-turkish

    opened by ilgityildirim 13
  • ignoreTube method added @ incubator/Library/Phalcon/Queue/Beanstalk/Exte...

    ignoreTube method added @ incubator/Library/Phalcon/Queue/Beanstalk/Exte...

    Hi Team,

    I have added ignoreTube as well as getResponseLinesText method @ incubator/Library/Phalcon/Queue/Beanstalk/Extended.php as per beanstalk protocol defination ( to ignore any watched tube.

    It is working fine at my laptop and server. Please review and provide this feature to rest of world.

    Thanks in advance for providing such a great framework.

    Regards Tapan Thapa

    opened by tapan-kumar-thapa 13
  • Traversing over mongdb results raise error because of missing \Countable implementation when using volt render engine.

    Traversing over mongdb results raise error because of missing \Countable implementation when using volt render engine.

    Expected and Actual Behavior

    Trying to iterate the result of a mongdb find query raises an error because of missing implementation of \Countable interface in combination with volt render engine.

    Rendered volt template

    <?php if ((is_array($results) || ($results) instanceof Traversable)) { ?>
        <?php $v129769671215234269051iterator = $results; $v129769671215234269051incr = 0; $v129769671215234269051loop = new stdClass(); $v129769671215234269051loop->self = &$v129769671215234269051loop; $v129769671215234269051loop->length = count($v129769671215234269051iterator); $v129769671215234269051loop->index = 1; $v129769671215234269051loop->index0 = 1; $v129769671215234269051loop->revindex = $v129769671215234269051loop->length; $v129769671215234269051loop->revindex0 = $v129769671215234269051loop->length - 1; ?>
        <?php foreach ($v129769671215234269051iterator as $results) { ?>
            <?php $v129769671215234269051loop->first = ($v129769671215234269051incr == 0); $v129769671215234269051loop->index = $v129769671215234269051incr + 1; $v129769671215234269051loop->index0 = $v129769671215234269051incr; $v129769671215234269051loop->revindex = $v129769671215234269051loop->length - $v129769671215234269051incr; $v129769671215234269051loop->revindex0 = $v129769671215234269051loop->length - ($v129769671215234269051incr + 1); $v129769671215234269051loop->last = ($v129769671215234269051incr == ($v129769671215234269051loop->length - 1)); ?>
             // ...
        <?php } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    Volt template

    {% if results is iterable %}
        {% for result in results %}
        {% endfor %)
    {% endif %}

    Solution would be to implement the \Countable interface.


    • Phalcon Framework version: 4.1.0
    • Phalcon Incubator version: phalcon/incubator-mongodb:v1.0.1
    • PHP Version:7.4.28
    • Operating System: Linux (debian)
    • Server: Other
    • Other related info (Database, table schema): mongodb, any
    opened by noone-silent 0
  • Change out swiftmailer/swiftmailer for symphony/mailer

    Change out swiftmailer/swiftmailer for symphony/mailer

    Expected and Actual Behavior


    The mailer library used by the phalcon/incubator-mailer should be an active, updated package.


    swiftmailer/swiftmailer is EOL / dead as of Nov 2021. Symphony now only supports their own mailer library, which is recommended to replace use of swiftmailer.


    • Phalcon Framework version: All
    • Phalcon Incubator version: incubator-mailer
    • PHP Version: All
    • Operating System: All
    • Server: All
    opened by BradMcDev 0
  • 'collectionManager' or 'collectionsManager'

    'collectionManager' or 'collectionsManager'

    Questions should go to Documentation issues should go to

    Expected and Actual Behavior

    Describe what you are trying to achieve and what goes wrong.

    There are two difference instances of collection(s)Manager

    Provide output if related

    When using 'collectionManager'
    Service 'collectionsManager' wasn't found in the dependency injection container
    #0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Di->get('collectionsMana...', NULL)
    #1 / Phalcon\Di->getShared('collectionsMana...')
    #2 / Phalcon\Incubator\MongoDB\Mvc\Collection->__construct()
    #3 / Phalcon\Incubator\MongoDB\Mvc\Collection::find(Array)
    #4 [internal function]: IndexController->indexAction()
    #5 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->callActionMethod(Object(IndexController), 'indexAction', Array)
    #6 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->dispatch()
    #7 / Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle('/')
    When using 'collectionsManager'
    Service 'collectionManager' wasn't found in the dependency injection container
    #0 [internal function]: Phalcon\Di->get('collectionManag...', NULL)
    #1 / Phalcon\Di->getShared('collectionManag...')
    #2 [internal function]: Phalcon\Incubator\MongoDB\Mvc\Collection->unserialize('a:10:{s:3:"_id"...')
    #3 [internal function]: session_start()
    #4 / Phalcon\Session\Manager->start()
    #5 [internal function]: Closure->{closure}()
    #6 [internal function]: Phalcon\Di\Service->resolve(NULL, Object(Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault))
    #7 [internal function]: Phalcon\Di->get('session', NULL)
    #8 [internal function]: Phalcon\Di->getShared('session')
    #9 / Phalcon\Di\Injectable->__get('session')
    #10 [internal function]: ControllerBase->beforeExecuteRoute(Object(Phalcon\Mvc\Dispatcher))
    #11 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->dispatch()
    #12 / Phalcon\Mvc\Application->handle('/')

    Provide minimal script to reproduce the issue

    // paste code


    • Phalcon Framework version: 4.1.0
    • Phalcon Incubator version: compoer 1.0.1
    • PHP Version: 7.4.27
    • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
    • Server: Nginx + FPM
    • Other related info (Database, table schema): MongoDB
    Component: MongoDB 
    opened by lifewcody 0
  • Uncaught Error: Class 'Phalcon\Mvc\Collection' not found

    Uncaught Error: Class 'Phalcon\Mvc\Collection' not found

    Questions should go to Documentation issues should go to

    Expected and Actual Behavior

    Describe what you are trying to achieve and what goes wrong.

    Provide output if related

    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Phalcon\Mvc\Collection' not found in /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/vendor/phalcon/incubator/Library/Phalcon/Mvc/MongoCollection.php:39
    Stack trace:
    #0 /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(571): include()
    #1 /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(428): Composer\Autoload\includeFile('/Users/emery/Si...')
    #2 [internal function]: Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('Phalcon\\Mvc\\Mon...')
    #3 /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/app/models/Favorites.php(6): spl_autoload_call('Phalcon\\Mvc\\Mon...')
    #4 [internal function]: unknown()
    #5 [internal function]: Phalcon\Loader->autoLoad('Favorites')
    #6 /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/app/controllers/FrontapiController.php(758): spl_autoload_call('Favorites')
    #7 [internal function]: FrontapiController->getMyFavoritesListAction()
    #8 [internal function]: Phalcon\Dispatcher\AbstractDispatcher->callActionMethod(Object(FrontapiController), 'getMyFavoritesL...', Array)
    #9 [internal  in /Users/emery/Sites/localhost/server/vendor/phalcon/incubator/Library/Phalcon/Mvc/MongoCollection.php on line 39

    Provide minimal script to reproduce the issue

    $favorite = new Favorites();//did not use namespace


    • Phalcon Framework version: (php --ri phalcon)

      phalcon => enabled Author => Phalcon Team and contributors Version => 4.1.2 Build Date => Oct 4 2021 21:24:23 Powered by Zephir => Version 0.12.21-8a412a1

      Directive => Local Value => Master Value phalcon.db.escape_identifiers => On => On phalcon.db.force_casting => Off => Off phalcon.orm.case_insensitive_column_map => Off => Off phalcon.orm.cast_last_insert_id_to_int => Off => Off phalcon.orm.cast_on_hydrate => Off => Off phalcon.orm.column_renaming => On => On phalcon.orm.disable_assign_setters => Off => Off phalcon.orm.enable_implicit_joins => On => On phalcon.orm.enable_literals => On => On => On => On phalcon.orm.exception_on_failed_save => Off => Off phalcon.orm.exception_on_failed_metadata_save => On => On phalcon.orm.ignore_unknown_columns => Off => Off phalcon.orm.late_state_binding => Off => Off phalcon.orm.not_null_validations => On => On phalcon.orm.update_snapshot_on_save => On => On phalcon.orm.virtual_foreign_keys => On => On phalcon.warning.enable => On => On

    • Phalcon Incubator version: (branch, composer version) "require": { "phalcon/incubator": "^3.4.0" }

    • PHP Version: 7.3.29

    • Operating System: MacOS 10.15.4

    • Server: Apache

    • Other related info: MngoDb & MAMP PRO intergration enviorment

    opened by ZMNOTZ 0
  • Update CLI component to v4

    Update CLI component to v4

    Existing code - New repository -

    • Review all files and folders
    • Try to implement all existing functionallity
    • Min PHP version: 7.2
    Component: CLI 
    opened by Jeckerson 0
The Phalcon PHP Framework
High performance, full-stack PHP framework delivered as a C extension.
The Phalcon PHP Framework
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