Phalcon Demo Application


Phalcon Demo Application

Build Status

We use modified Phalcon INVO Application to demonstrate basics of Codeception testing. We expect to implement as many features as possible to showcase the framework and its potential.

Please write us if you have any feedback.



The master branch will always contain the latest stable version. If you wish to check older versions or newer ones currently under development, please switch to the relevant branch.

Get Started



The Composer way (recommended)

Using Composer, you can create a new project, write this code on your terminal:

composer create-project codeception/phalcon-demo --prefer-dist <folder name>

After running this command, there should be an output, similar below:

Installing codeception/phalcon-demo (version)
  - Installing codeception/phalcon-demo (version)

Created project in 
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)


Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Do you want to remove the existing VCS (.git, .svn..) history? [Y,n]? y


The Git way

Another way to fetch project by using git clone:

First you need to clone this repository:

git clone

Install composer in a common location or in your project:

curl -s | php

Then install dependencies:

php composer.phar install

Setup Database

A MySQL database is also bundled in this project. The connection to the database is required for several tests. You'll need to create the database and initialize schema.

You can create a database as follows:

echo 'CREATE DATABASE phalcon_demo CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci' | mysql -u root

then initialize schema:

cat schemas/phalcon_demo.sql | mysql -u root phalcon_demo


For these tests we use the user root with password as password. You may need to change this in tests/codeception.yml. You can override application config by creating app/config/ (already gitignored).


Phalcon Demo Application uses Codeception functional, acceptance and unit tests.

First you need to re-generate base classes for all suites:

vendor/bin/codecept build

You can execute all test with run command:

vendor/bin/codecept run

# OR detailed output
vendor/bin/codecept run --debug

Read more about the installation and configuration of Codeception:

If you cannot run the tests, please refer to the .travis.yml file for more instructions how we test Phalcon Demo Application. For detailed information on our application environment setting refer to app/config/env.php file.

Functional Tests

Demonstrates testing of CRUD application with:




Phalcon Demo Application is open-sourced software licensed under the New BSD License.
© 2012 - 2020 Phalcon Framework Team and contributors
© 2015 - 2020 Codeception Team and contributors

  • quickstart demo

    quickstart demo

    @sergeyklay can you make phalcon quick starter here please.

    I haven't used codeception, i am just starting to know it, otherwise i would help

    Docs needed 
    opened by Izopi4a 3
  • How  to load class defined in my custom code ?

    How to load class defined in my custom code ?

    My application defined service in custom path, as below:

    • I want to test service with codeception, have no idea. Can you give me a good advice? Thank you very much .
    opened by kcloze 2
  • Showing Usage Of Session Override (Codeception 2.5)

    Showing Usage Of Session Override (Codeception 2.5)


    • Type: new feature | documentation

    This pull request affects the following components: (please check boxes)

    • [x] Project Core
    • [ ] Code Style
    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Testing

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [ ] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [ ] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [ ] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Small description of change:

    Adding testing to demonstrate new feature for adding custom session object when running Codeception tests.


    opened by Fenikkusu 1
  • Upgrade Phalcon Demo to v4

    Upgrade Phalcon Demo to v4


    • Type: new feature | code quality | documentation
    • Link to issue:

    This pull request affects the following components: (please check boxes)

    • [x] Project Core
    • [x] Code Style
    • [x] Documentation
    • [x] Testing

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [x] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [x] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [x] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Implements Phalcon 4 support

    opened by ruudboon 0
  • Example of Unit testing (Model)

    Example of Unit testing (Model)


    • Type: documentation
    • Link to issue:

    This pull request affects the following components: (please check boxes)

    • [ ] Project Core
    • [ ] Code Style
    • [x] Documentation
    • [X] Testing

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [X] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [X] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [X] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Small description of change: This is a small example test of Unit testing (Model)


    opened by sergeyklay 0
  • Minor env refactor and cleanup

    Minor env refactor and cleanup


    • Type: bug fix
    • Link to issue:

    This pull request affects the following components: (please check boxes)

    • [x] Project Core
    • [x] Code Style
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Testing

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [x] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [x] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [ ] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Small description of change:


    opened by sergeyklay 0
  • Fixed [ci skip]

    Fixed [ci skip]


    • Type: documentation
    • Link to issue:

    This pull request affects the following components: (please check boxes)

    • [ ] Project Core
    • [ ] Code Style
    • [x] Documentation
    • [ ] Testing

    In raising this pull request, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

    • [x] I have read and understood the Contributing Guidelines?
    • [x] I have checked that another pull request for this purpose does not exist.
    • [ ] I wrote some tests for this PR.

    Small description of change:


    opened by sergeyklay 0
  • [NFR] Offer SQLite as the default database for the demo

    [NFR] Offer SQLite as the default database for the demo

    Just a suggestion,

    Use SQLite instead of MySQL as the backend for this demo. As this would lower the required dependencies and setup time for those who want to get a quick glance at the framework.

    opened by AnnoyingTechnology 5
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