Online Navaratri Anjali and Bhog booking system. admin and user side.



This online navaratri booking system integrate with razorpay and written on PHP, html and javascript.

User PAGE Username: 9090909090 , password: user

USER and ADMIN login screencapture-thepnbs-admin-pages-login-2021-10-12-18-12-43.png User Dashboard screencapture-thepnbs-admin-User-Dashboard-2021-10-12-18-10-55.png User Bhogbooking screencapture-thepnbs-admin-user-bhogbooking-2021-10-12-18-11-23.png User Anjalibooking screencapture-thepnbs-admin-user-anjalibooking-2021-10-12-18-11-54.png

Admin PAGE Username: 9090909595 , password: admin

Admin Dashboard screencapture-thepnbs-admin-dashboard-2021-10-12-18-13-08.png Admin Edit delete user screencapture-thepnbs-admin-user-all-user-list-2021-10-12-18-13-28.png

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