simple mobile shop using basic php
Project Overview
Go to your Xammp/wamp-server root folder
Then create a folder named "mobileshop"
Paste all the source files of the project there
then run apace & mysql server
open browser then go to this url http://localhost/phpmyadmin
login php myadmin using user name root and password null
then create a new blank database named "mobileshop"
go to this database and import project sql file
hurra all done
Now go to http://localhost/mobileshop this url to view your project
- default user
email: pass: 123
For visitor login visit http://localhost/MobileShop/Login.html
For visitor register visit http://localhost/MobileShop/Register.html
For admin Login visit http://localhost/MobileShop/LoginAsAdmin.html
- default admin
email: pass: 123
- default admin