270 Repositories
PHP mysql-workbench Libraries
TweetNow is a Twitter clone created with Vue.js and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post short messages, follow other users, and engage in conversations through comments and likes.
TweetNow TweetNow is a opensource social media created with Vue.js+Inertia SSR and Laravel. It is a social media platform that allows users to post sh
Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap
sistemalogin link para entrar no projeto: https://williamsistema.000webhostapp.com/ Sistema de login usando PHP, MySQL(PDO),HTML,CSS e bootstrap Requi
Food delivery app :fries: that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using a microservice architecture. :boom:
Food Delivery App Description 👋 This is a food delivery app 🍟 that allows users to order food from different restaurants. The project is built using
Plataforma GPS Tracker para dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8.
GPS Tracker (Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 + MySQL 8) Plataforma de gestión de dispositivos Sinotrack ST-90x creada con Laravel 9 + PHP 8.1 y MySQL 8. Instalaci
A quick,easy and safe way of accessing Mysql-like databases from within a PHP program
Mysqli-Safe A simple, easy-to-use and secure way of accessing a Mysql database from within your PHP programs Mysqli-safe is a wrapper around the mysql
API abstracting communication with SQL providers (eg: MySQL) on top of PDO inspired by Java JDBC
SQL Data Access API Table of contents: About Configuration Execution Installation Unit Tests Examples Reference Guide About This API is a ultra light
A web application built on PHP for user to view their credit information in their mysql database
TheCreditInfo Table of Content About Inspiration Technologies Client Pages Usage About Credere is a website created to help you track your credit hist
JohnCMS Content Management System
JohnCMS 10 This version is at an early stage of development. Many things may not work or work not as intended. System requirements PHP 8.0 and higher
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies
Isometric Pharma Online Pharmacies Type of user: 1. Admin, 2. Sales Man, 3. User/Consumer, 4. Delivery Man Common features for all users: All users ca
World countries - available in multiple languages, in CSV, JSON, PHP, SQL and XML formats
Constantly updated lists of world countries and their associated alpha-2, alpha-3 and numeric country codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, available in CSV, JSON , PHP, SQL and XML formats, in multiple languages and with national flags included; also available are the ISO 3166-2 codes of provinces/ states associated with the countries
Docker with Apache, MySql, PhpMyAdmin and Php
docker-lamp Docker example with Apache, MySql 8.0, PhpMyAdmin and Php You can use MariaDB 10.1 if you checkout to the tag mariadb-10.1 - contribution
🔒 a simple login screen done in php with connection to mysql
login.php What is a login system? login (derived from the English log in) or logon or signin, is the process to access a restricted computer system ma
Personal PHP MySQL query handler based on Eloquent using PDO.
🐳 Equivoluent Welcome to "Equivoluent" my personal PHP MySQL query handler using PDO. Equivoluent is based on Laravel's Eloquent. The goal of "Equivo
A Restaurant Website ( Using PHP )
MAD OVER GRILLS A Restaurant Website View Demo About The Project It is an online booking table,seeing menu,etc.. of Restaurant . We provides some onli
PHP & MySQL Based Simple Application
Al Quran Technology Pages localhost/index.php Single Surah Page localhost/pages/single.php?no=1&name=আল%20ফাতিহা&ty=7 Data Source MySQL Database Local
Html-Css-Php-Javascript-MySql dilleri ve bootstrap , sweetalert teknolojilerini kullanarak bir kütüphane sistemi yaptım.
Html-Css-Php-Javascript-MySql dilleri ve bootstrap , sweetalert teknolojilerini kullanarak bir kütüphane sistemi yaptım. Mysql de kütüphane adında bir
The official SingleStore Laravel driver.
SingleStore Driver for Laravel This repository contains a SingleStore Driver for Laravel. Install You can install the package via composer: composer r
A PHP MySQL database client class to simplify database access
This lightweight database class is written with PHP and uses the MySQLi extension, it uses prepared statements to properly secure your queries, no need to worry about SQL injection attacks.
Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API.
Rewards-Dacor Laravel & MySQL, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap. Also, it's include email send function without any API. [Live site link] ( https://rewardsdaco
Doogle is a search engine and web crawler which can search indexed websites and images
Doogle Doogle is a search engine and web crawler which can search indexed websites and images, and then use keywords to be searched later. Written pri
Surftimer-Web-Stats is Web with surftimer statistics.
Surftimer-Web-Stats v2 Surftimer-Web-Stats is Official Web with statistics for Surftimer-Official. Features: Dashboard with TOP players and recent Rec
🐍 Web application made in PHP with Laravel where you can interact via API with my Snake game which is made in Python
Snake web application Project of the web application where you can interact via API with Snake game which is available to download on it. Application
Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ
PHP Dockerized Dockerized PHP development stack: Nginx, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP-FPM, HHVM, Memcached, Redis, Elasticsearch and RabbitMQ PHP Dockerized giv
The Enobrev\ORM library is a small framework of classes meant to be used for simply mapping a mysql database to PHP classes, and for creating simply SQL statements using those classes.
The Enobrev\ORM library is a small framework of classes meant to be used for simply mapping a mysql database to PHP classes, and for creating simply SQL statements using those classes.
MySQL parser for free-id/core package
MySQL parser Installation You can install the package via composer: composer require free-id/mysql Usage use FreeId\Mysql\Parser; $parser = new Parse
UMySQL is an extremely simple PHP library for communicating with MySQL databases with ease while keeping overhead to a bare minimum.
Uncomplicated MySQL UMySQL is an extremely simple PHP library for communicating with MySQL databases with ease while keeping overhead to a bare minimu
Linkfyle is a system that allows you to collect your social media accounts in one place and be reachable.
Linkfyle About Linkfyle is a system that allows you to collect your social media accounts in one place and be reachable. Features Login and Registrati
An extremely customizable BuildBattle mini-game designed for scalability and simplicity.
BuildBattle An extremely customizable BuildBattle mini-game designed for scalability and simplicity. Features Customisable messages and scoreboard Mul
My aim is to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have.
Gaming-Ninja I aim to make a complete website that should have all the essential parts a website should have. https://gamingninja-3399.000webhostapp.c
Hachkathon DevOps - Deploy application with docker container
Hackathon-Semesta-DevOps Nama : Islam Nurul Yakin Mail : nurulyakin79@gmail.com Sebuah Web Server menggunakan Nginx, PHP, dan MySQl di tambah dengan p
Trabajo final de la materia Bases de Datos 1. Creación de una base de datos con MySQL y desarrollo de una página web con PHP para manipularla. UNAL sede Medellín, semestre 2022-1.
Trabajo final BD: i-Lunch Materia: Bases de Datos I Profesor: Francisco Javier Moreno Arboleda Institución: Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Mede
A Full Stack login/register system using a MySQL database to store the information
This is a Full Stack login/register system using a MySQL database to store the information. I created this to sharpen my Full Stack Development skills.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features
e107 Bootstrap CMS (Content Management System) v2 with PHP, MySQL, HTML5, jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap
e107 is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) which allows you to manage and publish your content online with ease. Developers can save time in building websites and powerful online applications. Users can avoid programming completely! Blogs, websites, intranets – e107 does it all.
Alpine MySql PHP Tailwind - Codeigniter 4 & Smarty
AMPT-CI Alpine MySql PHP Tailwind - Codeigniter 4 & Smarty What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, fle
Create a PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) RESTful API with an MySQL database.
Créer une API RESTful PHP 8 CRUD (Create, Read, Update , Delete) simple avec MySQL et PDO (PHP Data Objects) Détails du référentiel : Lire, insérer, m
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
Simple MySQL library for PHP 5.4+ includes Query Builder, PDO Native functions, Helper functions for quick use.
The official SingleStore Laravel driver.
SingleStore Driver for Laravel This repository contains a SingleStore Driver for Laravel. This package is currently in a pre-release beta, please use
Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL
Complete-Login-and-Registration-System Complete Login and Registration System with HTML CSS Bootstrap PHP and MYSQL for .sql file run xampp server ope
⭐ It is an platform for people to help them get connected with the like minding folks around the globe.
Meetups It is an Platform for people to help them get connected with the like minded folks around the globe. Live on Web: Cick here 🥇 Meet and Connec
Lamp Docker skeleton PHP + Nginx + Mysql + Redis
Stop installing the entire development stack on your local machine. This project will allow you to quickly start working with php. To install, you need to install docker locally.
E-commerce web application using php routing
E-commerce Website E-commerce web application built using php routing. Instead of relying on the web server to map the request path to a file, all req
Pour m'entraîner et apprendre php et mysql j'ai fait un site pour la base de données sakila
Site pour la base de données de Sakila But de l'exercice S'améliorer en php et mysql. Pourquoi Dans le cadre d'un exercice en PHP dans mon école, nous
Online Food Delivery Website created using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL which delivers food at your doorstep on Cash-On-Delivery.
Food-Delivery-Website Online Food Delivery Website created using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL which delivers food at your doorstep on Cash-On-Delivery. Th
A CRUD operation using php and Mysql database
This is a CRUD operation using php and Mysql database. In this when we add(CREATE) new user we need to submit add data in one form only in frontenf but in backend the data is storing in two different tables this is done using foreign key in Mysql.
DomainMOD is an open source application written in PHP & MySQL used to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location
DomainMOD is an open source application written in PHP & MySQL used to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location. DomainMOD also includes a Data Warehouse framework that allows you to import your web server data so that you can view, export, and report on your live data.
A project of a Login screen made in PHP/CSS3/HTML5/JS with MySQL database integration
A project of a Login screen made in PHP/CSS3/HTML5/JS with MySQL database integration. And animations made with CSS3 and JavaScript itself! 😊
A Responsive Web Chat App Using Php , MySql and JavaScript
Web-Chat-App A Responsive Web Chat App Using Php , MySql and JavaScript Prerequisites XAMPP [Php Runtime Environment] click HERE To Download XAMPP Set
Check if a translated value in a JSON column is unique in the database.
Laravel Unique Translation IMPORTANT: March 2022 It's horrible to see what is happening now in Ukraine, as Russian army is bombarding houses, hospital
This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL based websites
This script was made to aid the process of migrating PHP and MySQL based websites. Works with most common CMSes.
Orangescrum is a simple yet powerful free and open source project management software that helps team to organize their tasks, projects and deliver more.
Free, open source Project Management software Introduction Orangescrum is the simple yet powerful free and open source project management software tha
Réalisation d'un API avec Laravel
Laravel étant un framework « à tout faire » celui-ci nous permet bien évidemment de créer également des API. ... Une API va nous permettre de séparer la logique entre client et serveur afin de réaliser si vous le souhaitez différent client pour la même donnée (exemple Twitter avec des clients multiplateformes).
L'organisation "nous les femmes " vous demande de lui réaliser une application qui permettra de gérer l'ensembles des organisations partenaires.
OSC-Femme Architecture du projet Modèle-vue-contrôleur ou MVC est un motif d'architecture logicielle destiné aux interfaces graphiques lancé en 1978 e
Lookup IPs (IPv4 + IPv6), store them in MySQL and Redis + check if the IP is a VPN/Proxy
Lookup IPs (IPv4 + IPv6), store them in MySQL and Redis + check if the IP is a VPN/Proxy
A simple todo app, built with bootstrap, php native, mysql
A simple todo app, built with bootstrap, php native, mysql
Contact Management System with PHP-MySQL
Contact management app that you can add, edit, delete contacts
Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP.
MySQL Async MySQL database client for ReactPHP. This is a MySQL database driver for ReactPHP. It implements the MySQL protocol and allows you to acces
LiveZilla - a help desk software that offers a help desk solution for small companies to large businesses
LiveZilla includes a live chat software with multi-website support, visitor monitoring and a help desk system that allows you to not only integrate emails that you receive from customers but also messages from Twitter and Facebook in your ticket system.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
Subscriptify - a simple subscription platform(only RESTful APIs with MySQL)
Create a simple subscription platform(only RESTful APIs with MySQL) in which users can subscribe to a website (there can be multiple websites in the system). Whenever a new post is published on a particular website, all it's subscribers shall receive an email with the post title and description in it. (no authentication of any kind is required)
This website built for practice using HTML,CSS , Js and PHP - MySQL for backend
SammysBarbeque This website built for practice using HTML,CSS , Js and PHP - MySQL for backend Features added in the website: User:- Authentic and att
Complete Login and Registration system using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, PHP and MYSQL
Complete Login and Registration system using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, BOOTSTRAP, PHP and MYSQL
A simple program to query mysql data and display the queried data in JSON format
A simple program to query mysql data and display the queried data in JSON format. The data displayed in JSON format will change and update as the data in your mysql database changes.
Pomf is a simple lightweight file host with support for drop, paste, click and API uploading.
Pomf Pomf is a simple file uploading and sharing platform. Features One click uploading, no registration required A minimal, modern web interface Drag
A set of PHP scripts which leverage MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create log tables and insert / update triggers
mysql-logtable-php mysql-logtable-php is a set of PHP scripts which leverage MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA to create log tables and insert / update trigger
A monthly payment report using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL database
A monthly payment report using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQL database
This website is built for ArrowSmile dental clinic using HTML, CSS , JS for frontend and PHP & MySQL.
arrow-smile-dentist-website This website is built for ArrowSmile dental clinic using HTML, CSS , JS for frontend and PHP & MySQL. URL : http://arrowsm
Free Functions To Connect To The Database ( Mysql ) For Php Programmers
Update 🔥 The biggest update ever DB-php Free Functions To Connect To The Database ( Mysql ) For Php Programmers This Version : 2.0 connect to databas
🔐 Password Manager written in PHP with MySQL database.
Password Manager A very basic password manager. Tech stack: PHP MySQL Bootstrap Setup Download and install XAMPP. Clone this repository: git clone htt
PHP with PDO (PHP Data Objects) Quickstart
PHP with PDO (PHP Data Objects) Quickstart This repository contains a simple web application that demonstrates how to quickly connect to and communica
Merupakan Aplikasi BUMDES yang dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah proses pengelolaan keuangan BUMDES.
[Aplikasi BUMDES] Merupakan Aplikasi BUMDES yang dapat digunakan untuk mempermudah proses pengelolaan keuangan BUMDES. Siapa Pembuat Aplikasi ini? -
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable.
Damn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a PHP/MySQL web application that is damn vulnerable. Its main goal is to be an aid for security professionals to test their skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the processes of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment.
A forum software written in vanilla PHP with a MariaDB/MySQL database.
GloomyBB GloomyBB is a simple forum software written in vanilla PHP with a MariaDB/MySQL database. It is currently still in early development but is u
PcTools is a proyect developed using {JavaScript,HTML5,CSS} for frontend and {PHP = Mysql} for backend.
PcTools-Proyect PcTools is a proyect developed using {JavaScript,HTML5,CSS} for frontend and {PHP = Mysql} for backend. Future Improvements # Replace
Async MySQL Framework for PocketMine-MP
MyPigSQL Join my discord: https://discord.gg/2QAPHbqrny Async MySQL Framework for PocketMine-MP Known Issues There are some weird behaviors still, do
Yclas Self Hosted is a powerful script that can transform any domain into a fully customizable classifieds site within a few seconds.
Yclas 4.4.0. Description Yclas self-hosted is a powerful script that can transform any domain into a fully customizable classifieds site within a few
This package provides a framework-agnostic database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, and Rackspace Cloud
Database Backup Manager This package provides a framework-agnostic database backup manager for dumping to and restoring databases from S3, Dropbox, FT
MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification.
MySQL replication checker - Docker MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification. Envs Name Description MYSQL_HOST M
MySecureVault is the most secure passwords, notes and files vault on the Internet.
MySecureVault MySecureVault is the most secure passwords, notes and files vault on the Internet. It has been developed with ultimate privacy and secur
An awesome cryptic chat created in php
Cryptocat An awesome cryptic chat created in php ! Table of Contents About The Project Built With Getting Started Prerequisites Installation Screensho
Simple, beautiful, open source publishing.
Simple, beautiful publishing. Website Documentation Created by Cory LaViska Maintained by Marc Apfelbaum Requirements PHP 7.1+ with curl, gd lib, mbst
It is a web application that allows you to analyze electricity consumption and savings resulting from the installation of a photovoltaic installation.
It is a web application that allows you to analyze electricity consumption and savings resulting from the installation of a photovoltaic installation.
Aplikasi Point of Sale berbasis website menggunakan PHP native, Vanila Javascript , Bootstrap 5, Datatables dan MySQL
POS adalah sebuah aplikasi point of sale berbasis website yang dibangun menggunakan tech stack JS - PHP - MySQL.
Well secured MySQL Database Login and Registration with an seperate dashboard for consumers and admins.
WebApplicationPHP Well secured MySQL Database Login and Registration with an seperate dashboard for consumers and admins. Functions Well secured MySQL
Projeto de uma página de login desenvolvido totalmente em PHP (puro) - com conexão a banco de dados MySQL.
Projeto Página de Login com conexão à Banco de dados: Tecnologias Utilizadas: HTML(Em documento PHP); PHP (Sem a utilização de Frameworks - puro); MyS
I create this code to upload CSV in database in packets of 100.
PHP-CSV-Upload I create this code to upload CSV in the database in packets of 100 elements in one for loop. Hi, This is Anmol Singh. To reach our Goal
Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaScript, Bootstrap e Mysql.
StampGeek Loja virtual fictícia para compra de produtos e estilização dos mesmos. Desenvolvido com as tecnologias: HTML, CSS, PHP, CODEIGNITER, JavaSc
The fastest pure PHP database framework with a powerful static code generator, supports horizontal scale up, designed for PHP7
Maghead 4.0.x IS CURRENTLY UNDER HEAVY DEVELOPMENT, API IS NOT STABLE Maghead is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) designed for PHP7. Mag
Web Based Chat Application For Students, Developers, Learners
Web Based Chat Application Motive of this chat Application is to connect similar interest students closer. Many students faces difficulties to solve t
High performance distributed database for mysql
High performance distributed database for mysql, define shardings by velocity&groovy scripts, can be expanded nodes flexible...
TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
What is TiDB? TiDB ("Ti" stands for Titanium) is an open-source NewSQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) wo
OSX/Linux Docker containers installer for Magento 2
Magento 2 OSX/Linux Docker Requirements MacOS: Docker, docker-sync, Git Linux: Docker, Docker-compose, Git on Debian based OS (Example: Ubuntu, Linux
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce (EE) to Magento OpenSource (CE)
Migration Tool for Magento Commerce to Magento OpenSource Also known as Magento Enterprise (EE) to Magento Community (CE). This migrating tool allows
Simple CRUD Product dengan PHP, MySQL & Bootstrap 5
Simple CRUD Product dengan PHP, MySQL & Bootstrap 5 Instalasi Pastikan sudah menginstall XAMPP atau sejenisnya Nyalakan service apache dan mysql buka
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL
A simple blog project based on a custom-created MVC framework using PHP & MySQL. That follows the Facade design pattern.
Utilizamos select2 con MySQL - Laravel 8 - livewire y jetstream
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
🧾 Online test site with the human sciences theme. Using: HTML5, CSS3, Js., PHP7 and MySQL. 🚀
form-ciencias-humanas 🚀 Technologies Lunacy HTML5 CSS3 PHP7 MYSQL Animate.css Illustrations from icons8: Earth care from Anna Antipina Earth and Moon
Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data
DSN Monitor Data visualization for NASA's DSNNow public data. A live version of the project can be accessed at http://dsnmonitor.ddns.net. Description
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.
Created simple login system and chat type website using mysql database along with php and html , css and javascript.