High performance distributed database for mysql

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Database heisenberg


High performance distributed database for mysql, define shardings by velocity&groovy scripts, can be expanded nodes flexible...


强大好用的mysql分库分表中间件,改编自cobar, 结合了cobar和TDDL的优势,让其分片策略变为分库表策略,节约了大量连接

其优点: 分库分表与应用脱离,分库表如同使用单库表一样 减少db 连接数压力 热重启配置 可水平扩容 遵守Mysql原生协议 读写分离 无语言限制,mysqlclient,c,java等都可以使用 Heisenberg服务器通过管理命令可以查看,如连接数,线程池,结点等,并可以调整 采用velocity的分库分表脚本进行自定义分库表,相当的灵活


1.0 正式发版 主要解决连接上带有脏数据问题 修复其它小bug

1.0.4 增加了后端连接再次回收利用过程 日志保存时间问题

1.0.5 2016.5.3 增加NIO后端能力,暂废弃

1.0.6 2016.10.31 1.增加连接复用问题 2.提高多并发连接利用效率

1.0.7 2017.1.10 1.修复killChannel的问题 2.修复读取数据递归问题 2018.8.2

2.支持insert批量以及select in的分片替换,以及支持嵌套问题
mysql> explain insert into `test` (id,name) values (1,'brucexx'),('2','brucexx');
No connection. Trying to reconnect...
Connection id:    1
Current database: *** NONE ***

| DATA_NODE  | SQL                                                      |
| local_node | INSERT INTO `test_01` (id, name) VALUES (1, 'brucexx')   |
| local_node | INSERT INTO `test_02` (id, name) VALUES ('2', 'brucexx') |
2 rows in set (0.31 sec)
mysql> explain select * from test where id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6);
| DATA_NODE  | SQL                                          |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM `test_00` WHERE id IN (4)      |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM `test_01` WHERE id IN ('1', 5) |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM `test_02` WHERE id IN (2, 6)   |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM `test_03` WHERE id IN (3)      |
4 rows in set (0.08 sec)

mysql> explain select * from (select * from test union select * from test where id =1) as t where t.id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6);
| DATA_NODE  | SQL                                                                                                                |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM `test_00`) UNION (SELECT * FROM `test_00` WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (4)      |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM `test_01`) UNION (SELECT * FROM `test_01` WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN ('1', 5) |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM `test_02`) UNION (SELECT * FROM `test_02` WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (2, 6)   |
| local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM `test_03`) UNION (SELECT * FROM `test_03` WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (3)      |
4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 mysql> explain select t.name from (select * from test ) as t left join test on t.id=test.id where t.id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6);
| DATA_NODE  | SQL                                                                                                            |
| local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM `test_00`) AS T LEFT JOIN `test_00` ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (4)      |
| local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM `test_01`) AS T LEFT JOIN `test_01` ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN ('1', 5) |
| local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM `test_02`) AS T LEFT JOIN `test_02` ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (2, 6)   |
| local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM `test_03`) AS T LEFT JOIN `test_03` ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (3)      |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> explain select t.name from (select * from test ) as t  left join test  on t.id = test.id where t.id =1 ;
| DATA_NODE  | SQL                                                                                                    |
| local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM `test_01`) AS T LEFT JOIN `test_01` ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id = 1 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
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  • 两个字段拆分有问题


    按照文档配置两个字段拆分,测试的时候发现,拆分id加引号和不加引号的结果不一样,如果加引号,按照第一个拆分字段拆分,如果不加引号按照第二个拆分字段拆分。两个拆分字段均为int类型 mysql> explain insert into trans_tb(trans_id,uid) values(788,12809); +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ | transDN[80] | insert into trans_tb_80_9(trans_id,uid) values(788,12809) | +-------------+------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec)

    mysql> explain insert into trans_tb(trans_id,uid) values('788','12809'); +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ | transDN[78] | insert into trans_tb_78_8(trans_id,uid) values('788','12809') | +-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    opened by dingding2015 3
  •  执行SQL的限制


    当SQL为:select * from 'table'; 时 table 名字带引号,程序就报错。

    ERROR 1064 (HY000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; Error occurs around this fragment: {from 'table'}. Error cause: unexpected token for tableFactor: LITERAL_CHARS. lexer state: MySQLLexer@1934262389{curIndex=25, ch=, token=LITERAL_CHARS, sqlLeft=, sql=select * from 'table'} 当SQL为:insert into table('id','name') values(1,haha); 字段名字带引号也报错。

    当SQL为:select * from table 此时正常 当SQL为:insert into table(id,name) values(1,‘haha’); 此时正常 heisenberg是不是限制的太多了。。。

    opened by dingding2015 1
  • 3, 2018)

    1.使用expression完美支持分片替换问题 2.支持insert批量以及select in的分片替换,以及支持嵌套问题 mysql> explain insert into test (id,name) values (1,'brucexx'),('2','brucexx'); No connection. Trying to reconnect... Connection id: 1 Current database: *** NONE ***

    +------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ | local_node | INSERT INTO test_01 (id, name) VALUES (1, 'brucexx') | | local_node | INSERT INTO test_02 (id, name) VALUES ('2', 'brucexx') | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.31 sec) mysql> explain select * from test where id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6); +------------+----------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ | local_node | SELECT * FROM test_00 WHERE id IN (4) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM test_01 WHERE id IN ('1', 5) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM test_02 WHERE id IN (2, 6) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM test_03 WHERE id IN (3) | +------------+----------------------------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.08 sec)

    mysql> explain select * from (select * from test union select * from test where id =1) as t where t.id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6); +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM test_00) UNION (SELECT * FROM test_00 WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (4) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM test_01) UNION (SELECT * FROM test_01 WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN ('1', 5) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM test_02) UNION (SELECT * FROM test_02 WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (2, 6) | | local_node | SELECT * FROM ((SELECT * FROM test_03) UNION (SELECT * FROM test_03 WHERE id = 1)) AS T WHERE t.id IN (3) | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.02 sec)

    mysql> explain select t.name from (select * from test ) as t left join test on t.id=test.id where t.id in ('1',2,3,4,5,6); +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM test_00) AS T LEFT JOIN test_00 ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (4) | | local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM test_01) AS T LEFT JOIN test_01 ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN ('1', 5) | | local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM test_02) AS T LEFT JOIN test_02 ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (2, 6) | | local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM test_03) AS T LEFT JOIN test_03 ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id IN (3) | +------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

    mysql> explain select t.name from (select * from test ) as t left join test on t.id = test.id where t.id =1 ; +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | DATA_NODE | SQL | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | local_node | SELECT t.name FROM (SELECT * FROM test_01) AS T LEFT JOIN test_01 ON t.id = test.id WHERE t.id = 1 | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec)

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.8(Jul 23, 2018)

  • 1.0.7(Jan 10, 2017)

  • 1.0.6(Nov 10, 2016)

  • 1.0.5(Oct 31, 2016)

  • 21, 2016)

  • 1.0.0(Apr 12, 2014)

    功能log list








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