France Cities
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
2022 - French cities
There are 34,955 cities in France on January 1, 2022, to which are added 45 city districts, for a total of 35,000 entries
2022 data files are available in 2022_datas directory (CSV, CSV for MS Excel, SQL, XLSX, YAML) []
2022 - French overseas collectivities
There are 94 french overseas collectivities on March 1, 2017.
2022 data files are available in overseas_collectivities directory (CSV, CSV for MS Excel, SQL, XLSX, YAML) []
!! Monaco (ref-99138)
Please note that 98000 Monaco is NOT integrated to Coercive/FrenchCities.
The only one entry in La Poste Datanova is 99138;MONACO;98000;;MONACO;43.7384176,7.4246158
Monaco postal codes are integrated into the French postal system. They begin with "980", and have five digits, in the form "980XX", like French postal codes. The most common postcode in Monaco, excluding CEDEX and special addresses, is therefore postcode 98000.
Source INSEE []
Source Wikipedia
The approach comes from the author Thomas Loiret, who offers on the following link reliable sources and a way to compile them. []
LA POSTE - Zip codes and GPS coordinates
Retrieve the CSV file from La Poste for postal codes and GPS coordinates. []
INSSEE - List of french cities
Retrieve INSEE Excel data for the list of french cities. Communal division - Table of geographical affiliation of the municipalities. []
INSSEE - List of overseas collectivities
Retrieve manually municipalities lists from here []
Scripts process
Code examples and explanations are available in the 2022_france_cities and 2022_overseas_collectivities folders. (readme and script files inside)