29 Repositories
PHP yaml Libraries
Provide CSV, JSON, XML and YAML files as an Import Source for the Icinga Director and optionally ship hand-crafted additional Icinga2 config files
Icinga Web 2 Fileshipper module The main purpose of this module is to extend Icinga Director using some of it's exported hooks. Based on them it offer
A wrapper around symplify/config-transformer used to update recipes and using easy coding standard for generating readable config files.
Symfony Recipes Yaml to PHP Converter This is a wrapper around the symplify/config-transformer used to convert Symfony core recipes which uses .yaml c
Sync Wordpress Pages and Posts (even custom post types + fields) from static Markdown + YAML files
Sync Markdown Files to WordPress Posts and Pages Static site generators let you use a revision-controlled tree of markdown files to make a site, but d
Hachkathon DevOps - Deploy application with docker container
Hackathon-Semesta-DevOps Nama : Islam Nurul Yakin Mail : nurulyakin79@gmail.com Sebuah Web Server menggunakan Nginx, PHP, dan MySQl di tambah dengan p
Parses YAML files and adds them to Slim's config application instance method.
Slim Config - YAML Parses YAML files and adds them into Slim's config singleton. Uses Symfony's YAML Component to parse files (http://github.com/symfo
MetaYaml - A powerful schema validator
MetaYaml A [put your file type here] schema validator using [put another file type here] files. At the moment, file type can be Json, Yaml, or XML. It
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
📦 Flatpack: Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble.
Flatpack 📦 Administration panel for Laravel, ready to assemble. Quickly create CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interfaces for your Eloquent model
A compact command line utility for checking YAML file syntax
A compact command line utility for checking YAML file syntax. Uses the parsing facility of the Symfony Yaml Component.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
List of France cities with zip codes, department codes, region codes, districts for former cities, GPS latitude longitude coordinates, and INSEE reference code.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Yaml Configuration support for CakePHP 3
implements most of the YAML 1.2 specification using Symfony Yaml Component to CakePHP 3 for parsing config files
Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects.
php-openapi Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects. It also provides a CLI tool for validatin
A better YAML configuration file management virion for PocketMine-MP 4
BetterConfig WARNING: This virion is under development and haven't been tested. Do not use this virion unless you know what you're doing. Contribution
Silverstripe-populate - Populate your database through YAML files
Populate Module This module provides a way to populate a database from YAML fixtures and custom classes. For instance, when a building a web applicati
Ghygen is a GitHub Actions configurator for your PHP / Laravel project.
Ghygen Ghygen is a GitHub actions Yaml Generator. Ghygen allows you creating your Yaml file for GitHub Actions, for Laravel/PHP web application, so yo
phalcon config loader for yaml
Phalcon Config Loarder for Yaml Loads all the yml in the directory of the app/config. Version PHP: 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 7.2.x Phalcon: 3.x Composer { "r
Phalcon Routering for Yaml
Phalcon Router for Yaml Version PHP: 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 7.2.x Phalcon: 3.x Composer { "require": { "ienaga/phalcon-router-for-yaml": "2.*"
Tool to convert from composer.yml to composer.json.
composer-yaml This project allows you to convert a composer.yml file into composer.json format. It will use those exact filenames of your current work
Composer script handling your ignored parameter file
Managing your ignored parameters with Composer This tool allows you to manage your ignored parameters when running a composer install or update. It wo
Hybrid Content Management System with the freedom of a headless CMS and with the full functionality of a traditional CMS
INTRODUCTION Flextype is an open-source Hybrid Content Management System with the freedom of a headless CMS and with the full functionality of a tradi
Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS powered by PHP, Markdown, Twig, and Symfony
Grav Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are alr
Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS.
Pico Pico is a stupidly simple, blazing fast, flat file CMS. Visit us at http://picocms.org/ and see http://picocms.org/about/ for more info. Screensh
World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and Yaml. Any help is welcome!
World countries in JSON, CSV, XML and YAML. Countries data This repository contains a list of world countries, as defined by ISO Standard 3166-1, in J
The Yaml component loads and dumps YAML files.
Yaml Component The Yaml component loads and dumps YAML files. Resources Documentation Contributing Report issues and send Pull Requests in the main Sy
Modern, Crazy Fast, Ridiculously Easy and Amazingly Powerful Flat-File CMS
Grav Grav is a Fast, Simple, and Flexible, file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are alr
A powerful schema validator!
MetaYaml A [put your file type here] schema validator using [put another file type here] files. At the moment, file type can be Json, Yaml, or XML. It
Flexible serializer encouraging good object design
Serializard Serializard is a library for (un)serialization of data of any complexity. Its main focus is to give user as much flexibility as possible b
Quickly and easily expose Doctrine entities as REST resource endpoints with the use of simple configuration with annotations, yaml, json or a PHP array.
Drest Dress up doctrine entities and expose them as REST resources This library allows you to quickly annotate your doctrine entities into restful res