A collection of useful codes and utilities for WordPress plugin development..


WordPress Utils

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A collection of useful codes and utilities for WordPress plugin development. These simplifies common tasks and promote code reusability in WordPress projects.


Install the package via Composer:

composer require wedevs/wp-utils



With ContainerTrait you can easily store and retrieve dynamic properties within your classes, providing a flexible and convenient way to manage and access data without the need for explicitly defined class properties.

Usage example:

use WeDevs\WpUtils\ContainerTrait;

class MyPlugin {

    use ContainerTrait;

    public function __construct() {
        // Register an instance
        $this->my_service = new MyService();

        // Use the instance

    // Rest of your plugin code...


The HookTrait provides reusable methods for managing WordPress action and filter hooks in your plugin. It simplifies the process of adding, removing, or executing hooks.

use WeDevs\WpUtils\HookTrait;

class MyPlugin {

    use HookTrait;

    public function __construct() {
        // Add an action hook
        $this->add_action( 'init', 'my_init_function' );

        // Add a filter hook
        $this->add_filter( 'the_title', 'my_title_filter' );

    public function my_init_function() {
        // Actions to be performed during 'init'

    public function my_title_filter( $title ) {
        // Modify the post title
        return $title . ' - Customized';

    // Rest of your plugin code...


The LogTrait provides a simple logging mechanism for your WordPress plugin. It allows you to log messages to the PHP error log.

Usage example:

use WeDevs\WpUtils\LogTrait;

class MyPlugin {

    use LogTrait;

    public function some_method() {
        // Log an informational message
        $this->log_info( 'Some informational message.' );

        // Log an error message
        $this->log_error( 'An error occurred.' );

        // Log a debug message
        $this->log_debug( 'A debug message' );

    // Rest of your plugin code...


The SingletonTrait implements the singleton pattern for your WordPress plugin classes. It ensures that only one instance of the class is created and provides a global access point to that instance.

Usage example:

use WeDevs\WpUtils\SingletonTrait;

class MySingletonClass {

    use SingletonTrait;

    // Rest of your singleton class implementation...

// Get the instance of the singleton class
$instance = MySingletonClass::instance();

// Use the instance


This project is licensed under the GPL 2.0 or Later License.

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