TEC UTilities (or tut) are a collection of tools for managing plugins.


TEC Utilities

TEC UTilities (or tut) are a collection of tools for managing plugins.

           L L               /   \               L L
        __/|/|_             /  .  \             _|\|\__
       /_| [_[_\           /     .-\           /_]_] |_\
      /__\  __`-\_____    /    .    \    _____/-`__  /__\
     /___] /=@>  _   {>  /-.         \  <}   _  <@=\ [___\
    /____/     /` `--/  /      .      \  \--` `\     \____\
   /____/  \____/`-._> /               \ <_.-`\____/  \____\
  /____/    /__/      /-._     .   _.-  \      \__\    \____\
 /____/    /__/      /         .         \      \__\    \____\
|____/_  _/__/      /          .          \      \__\_  _\____|
 \__/_ ``_|_/      /      -._  .        _.-\      \_|_`` _\___/
   /__`-`__\      <_         `-;           _>      /__`-`__\
      `-`           `-._       ;       _.-`           `-`
                        `-._   ;   _.-`


  1. Clone the repository git clone git@github.com:the-events-calendar/tut.git
  2. Go to the new directory cd tut.
  3. Copy .env.sample to .env. (you don't have to fill in the values for most commands to work)
  4. Run composer install
  5. Add the cloned repo into your PATH (edit your .bashrc / .bash_profile / .zshrc or whatever)
export PATH=/path/to/tut:$PATH

Typical use cases

Top-level Commands

Command Description
analyze Changelog entries for Hooks and Template changes
build Mass composer/npm/gulp building
changed-views Find all view changes in a branch
generate-css-override Finds CSS rules for the purposes of providing overrides.
get-build-number Gets the build number based on recent commit timestamp
get-hash Gets current repo hash
get-zip-filename Gets the expected zip filename for the plugin
list-templates List templates in plugin
package Package zips for release
release-date Updates the release date in the readme.txt changelog
reset Resets repo back to main/master
sync Git branch synchronization
submodule-sync Synchronizes submodules between repositories
tbd TBD Locator
upgrade Upgrades tut!
version Update version numbers

Git Subcommands

Command Description
git:clone Clone a repository
git:file Fetch a file from a repository

Extension Subcommands

Command Description
extension:create Create a TEC/ET extension
extension:set-dependency Modifies or adds a dependency to an extension repo on GitHub
  • Don't output empty items

    Don't output empty items

    Current (changelog):


    • Tweak - Changed views: ``


    • Tweak - Added filters: tec_events_integrations_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$type}_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$type}_{$slug}_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_events_schema_is_needed, tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_json_ld_{$type}_data, tec_events_views_v2_view_label, tec_events_views_v2_{$slug}_view_label
    • Tweak - Removed filters: tribe_events_views, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label_domain, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label_domain, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label
    • Tweak - Changed views: ``




    • Tweak - Added filters: tec_events_integrations_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$type}_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$type}_{$slug}_should_load, tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_events_schema_is_needed, tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_json_ld_{$type}_data, tec_events_views_v2_view_label, tec_events_views_v2_{$slug}_view_label
    • Tweak - Removed filters: tribe_events_views, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label_domain, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label_domain, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label, tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label





    • tec_events_integrations_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$type}_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$type}_{$slug}_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_events_schema_is_needed
    • tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}json_ld{$type}_data
    • tec_events_views_v2_view_label
    • tec_events_views_v2_{$slug}_view_label Removed
    • tribe_events_views
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label_domain
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label_domain
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label




    Filters added

    • tec_events_integrations_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$type}_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$type}_{$slug}_should_load
    • tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_events_schema_is_needed
    • tec_events_integrations_{$integration_type}_{$integration_slug}_json_ld_{$type}_data
    • tec_events_views_v2_view_label
    • tec_events_views_v2_{$slug}_view_label

    Filters removed

    • tribe_events_views
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label_domain
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label_domain
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_view_label
    • tribe_events_views_v2_manager_{$slug}_view_label
    opened by Camwyn 1
  • Include a GlotPress command for i18n

    Include a GlotPress command for i18n

    This is the first step of many in trying to stabilize our Language files.

    We were originally relying on gulp glotpress which didn't have a reliable way for us to debug certain parts and didn't correctly expose this particular task to the higher level of CD that we need for this to be a process that we can reliably call on a plugin.

    With this command being executed by PHP on tut we can clearly trigger the command without having to execute the expensive task of installing all the node packages for a plugin.

    Also important to note that the command tut i18n:glotpress allows multiple retries for each file.

    opened by bordoni 1
  • update npm install to npm ci, remove updating product taskmaster

    update npm install to npm ci, remove updating product taskmaster

    Ticket: N/A

    This PR updates npm install to npm ci and removes updating product taskmaster. With moving product-taskmaster from the github source to npm, there would be no need to update product taskmaster as the package-lock.json should have the correct version. We should merge this in first before merging in the work to install product taskmaster from npm.

    Artifact: TBD

    opened by paulmskim 0
  • Use source instead of bash to prevent issues on more environments

    Use source instead of bash to prevent issues on more environments

    More details about the issue here: https://lw.slack.com/archives/G01H7Q57P1C/p1609432590051800

    Error this prevents:

    Error Output:
    sh: nvm: command not found
    The command "cd common && bash /Users/sc0ttkclark/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm use && gulp" failed.
    Exit Code: 127(Command not found)
    Working directory: /Users/sc0ttkclark/Dropbox/Local Sites/test.tribe.local/app/public/wp-content/plugins/event-tickets

    To be further discussed on whether this fix is necessary or if bash usage was supposed to solve something else.

    opened by sc0ttkclark 0
  • Move POT generation from `gulp` to `tut`

    Move POT generation from `gulp` to `tut`

    Currently, the generation of the base POT file happens on gulp pot, which causes problems and inconsistencies because it is not flexible enough to create separate files for translation, which is something we will need to improve how JS translations happen.

    We can make gulp pot flexible for that purpose, but like in #10 I want to avoid including I18n tasks that require us to install all our Node Modules since these can be extremely time-consuming due to other dependencies on a plugin level.

    I am just registering this particular issue here, as I am already working on a solution that makes use of the WP-CLI wp i18n command.

    opened by bordoni 0
  • tut build should optionally discard git changes from the build process

    tut build should optionally discard git changes from the build process

    Every time I run tut build, the git repos have lock changes that I don't intend to keep/commit. We should add an option for the tut build command that allows for resetting each plugin git changes to the lock files specifically. Discarding those changes if they have changes.

    Files to discard changes for:

    • package-lock.json
    • package.json (if changed)
    • common/package-lock.json (if exists)
    • common/package.json (if changed, if exists)

    The package.json files change some times, but that's usually because of formatting changes that the build process introduces. Leads should handle those exceptions themselves and it will be self-evident when they run their builds without the discard option.

    opened by sc0ttkclark 0
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