Async MySQL Framework for PocketMine-MP



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Async MySQL Framework for PocketMine-MP

Known Issues

  • There are some weird behaviors still, do not use this for production server until further notice. I will be testing it on a network first and fix all possible issues.
Feature State
MultiThreaded System ✔️
SQLConnString Object ✔️
SQLRequest Object ✔️
SQLRequestExceptions ✔️
SQLRequest Completions ✔️


  • Working MySQL Server.

Why is this necessary?

Unlike other SQL libraries for PMMP, you don't need to specify your queries in another file. You can create your queries on the fly while keeping a strict environment. This library also makes it possible to use multiple connections so you can interact with multiple databases & tables. The creation of the SQLConnStrings & SQLRequests are very similar to how you create packets in PMMP.

Note that every queries are prepared and you must supply the data types & the data variables (as array) when creating a new SQLRequest.

SQLConnString Creation

In order to send requests to the MySQL servers, you will surely need to create the SQLConnStrings which are the informations needed for the DispatchBatchThread to execute the queries.

# This is how to create a new SQLConnString from the SQLConnString::create() function.
$sqlConn = SQLConnString::create(
        'MainDatabase', # Name of the SQLConnString.
        '', # host/address of the server.
        'mainUser', # Username to connect.
        'mainUserPassword', # User password.
        'notifications', # Database used.
        3306, # Port of the server, set to 3306 by defaulté
        true); # If has to validate. Is set to true by default.

# This is how to create it from the functions within it.
$connString = new SQLConnString();
$connString->setPort(3589); # 3306 is the default port if none is supplied.

There are quite a few variables you can give to the SQLConnString object. Here's a table of the different variables.

Property DataType Description
$name string The name of the connection.
$address string The host/address of the server server.
$username string The username used to connect.
$password string The password of the user.
$database string The database used.
$port int The port of the server.


This function will validate the connection when created. If there is a problem, the function will throw a SQLRequestException with the message from the mysqli connection error. It is not obligated to validate a connection if you know that it will work but note that if you use SQLConnString::create(), you must specify at the end with a false.

How to work with SQLConnString?

When you successfully created your SQLConnString object & validated (optional), you will need to register it to the list of SQLConnStrings, for that, you simple need to use one line of code, here it is :

MyPigSQL::registerStringConn($connString); # Returns true if successful

This function will throw a SQLRequestException if you try to register two SQLConnStrings with the same name ($connString->getName()) If for some reason you need to also unregister it, you can use this function:

MyPigSQL::unregisterStringConn($connString); # Returns true if successful

Here is the list of functions related to the SQLConnString object.

MyPigSQL::getSQLConnStringByName($connName); # Returns SQLConnString object or throws SQLRequestException.
MyPigSQL::unregisterStringConn($SQLConnString); # Unregisters the SQLConnString object (must be supplied with the object).
MyPigSQL::unregisterStringConnByName($SQLConnStringName); # Unregisters the SQLConnString object by name.
MyPigSQL::registerStringConn($connString); # Registers the SQLConnString (must be supplied with the object).

# ['address' => $address, 'username' => $user, 'password' => $password, 'database' => $database, 'port' => $port]
MyPigSQL::validateConnString($connStringData); # Will validate the data to create a SQLConnString.

SQLRequest Creation

When you are done with creating & registering your SQLConnStrings, you will finally be able to create new SQLRequests. The way you make them is exactly the same as how you create SQLConnStrings. You can use SQLRequest::create() or $request = new SQLRequest(). Here are two examples:

getName()}, you have {$data['kills'] kills!}"); } ); # This is how to create it from the functions within it. $request = new SQLRequest(); $request->setQuery("SELECT * FROM FriendRequests WHERE id = ?"); $request->setDataTypes('s'); $request->setDataKeys([$player->getUniqueId()->toString()]); $request->setConnString(MyPigSQL::getSQLConnStringByName('MainDatabase')); $request->setCallable(function(array $data) use ($player){ $player->sendMessage->('Wow, this is very fine! Here is when the relation has been created: ' . $data['reg_date']); }); # Here is a real-world example of a fully implemented command using MyPigSQL. /** * @param CommandSender $sender * @param string $commandLabel * @param array $args * @throws SQLRequestException */ public function execute(CommandSender $sender, string $commandLabel, array $args): void { if (!$sender->hasPermission(DefaultPermissions::ROOT_OPERATOR)) { $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('noPermission')); return; } if (!isset($args[1])) { $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('usageMessage', [ 'usage' => $this->getUsage() ])); return; } if (!is_numeric($args[1])) { $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('notNumeric')); return; } $player = $this->getCore()->getServer()->getPlayerExact($args[0]); MyPigSQL::addQueryToBatch(SQLRequest::create( 'UPDATE players SET shards = shards + ? WHERE username = ?', 'ss', [$args[1], $args[0]], MyPigSQL::getSQLConnStringByName('mainDB'), function(?array $data) use ($sender, $player, $args){ $name = $args[0]; if($player instanceof CorePlayer){ $player->addShards((int)$args[1]); $name = $player->getName(); } $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('addShardsSuccess', [ 'amount' => TF::GREEN . '' . $args[1], 'name' => TF::GOLD . $name ])); } )); }">
# This is how to create a new Utils from the Utils::create() function.
$requestTwo = SQLRequest::create(
        'SELECT * FROM PlayerData WHERE xuid = ?',
        function (array $data) use ($player){
            $player->sendMessage("Welcome {$player->getName()}, you have {$data['kills'] kills!}");
# This is how to create it from the functions within it.
$request = new SQLRequest();
$request->setQuery("SELECT * FROM FriendRequests WHERE id = ?");
$request->setCallable(function(array $data) use ($player){
        $player->sendMessage->('Wow, this is very fine! Here is when the relation has been created: ' . $data['reg_date']);

# Here is a real-world example of a fully implemented command using MyPigSQL.
     * @param CommandSender $sender
     * @param string $commandLabel
     * @param array $args
     * @throws SQLRequestException
    public function execute(CommandSender $sender, string $commandLabel, array $args): void
        if (!$sender->hasPermission(DefaultPermissions::ROOT_OPERATOR)) {
        if (!isset($args[1])) {
            $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('usageMessage', [
                'usage' => $this->getUsage()
        if (!is_numeric($args[1])) {

        $player = $this->getCore()->getServer()->getPlayerExact($args[0]);
            'UPDATE players SET shards = shards + ? WHERE username = ?',
            [$args[1], $args[0]],
            function(?array $data) use ($sender, $player, $args){
                $name = $args[0];
                if($player instanceof CorePlayer){
                    $name = $player->getName();
                $sender->sendMessage(Translation::getMessage('addShardsSuccess', [
                    'amount' => TF::GREEN . '' . $args[1],
                    'name' => TF::GOLD . $name

There are quite a few variables you can give to the SQLRequest object. Here's a table of the different variables.

Property DataType Description
$query string The query string.
$dataTypes string The variable types used in the prepared statement.
$dataKeys array The variables used in the prepared statement.
$connString SQLConnString The SQLConnString object used for the request.
$validated bool If the request has been sent to the MySQL server.
$id string The id of the request.

To register your query in the next batch of queries to be sent, you need to use this simple line of code:

MyPigSQL::addQueryToBatch($request); # NOTE: MIGHT BE CHANGED TO addRequestToBatch().

Here is a list of the other functions related to SQLRequests.

MyPigSQL::addQueryToBatch($request); # Will register the request to the batch.
MyPigSQL::removeQueryFromBatch($id); # Will unset the request from the batch, must be supplied with the request's id.
MyPigSQL::getQueryFromBatch($id); # Will return the Utils object from the batch, must be supplied with the request's id.


  1. MyPigSQL::addQueryToBatch($request); might be changed to MyPigSQL::addRequestToBatch($request);.
  2. SQLRequest::setDataKeys($dataList); might be changed to SQLRequest::setDataInput($dataList);.
  3. You can, if you do not want to register a new SQLConnString, create an SQLConnStrig without a $name (SQLConnString::setName($name)) by making it null when creating it.
  4. A thread for each SQLConnStrings might be implemented to speed up the execution of the batch.

Why this?

I made this plugin in my spare time because I didn't want to use another library for my network and because I am planning to connect all my other systems (PigNotify, PigFriend & more to come) "together". My only problem was the use of threads for each plugins so this library fixes the issue by using one thread for all other systems.

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  • Dispatchpool


    Major changes

    • New DispatchBatchPool class.
    • Now, the user can set a maximum requests per batch (20 recommended). When exceeded, the requests will jump to a second batch that will be executed on another thread.
    • New DispatchBatchThread types (HELP_THREAD & MAIN_THREAD).

    SQLRequest methods changes

    • SQLRequest::isExecuted() has been renamed SQLRequest::hasBeenDispatched().
    • Added SQLRequest::setDispatched($value).
    • Added SQLRequest::hasBeenCompleted().
    • Added SQLRequest::setCompleted($value).

    API Changes

    • MyPigSQL::removeQueryFromBatch($id) has been changed to MyPigSQL::removeQueryFromBatch($id, $batch.


    This class extends Pool and has, for now, no methods. But the end goal will be to let users create their own batches of requests and send them over a custom DispatchBatchPool where they will be able to set a batch, the amount of DispatchBatchThread they want in them and other few options. The batch will be divided by the amount of DispatchBathThread the user set.



    • Now, you can set the request-per-batch which will limit the amount of SQLRequests in a single batch. 20 is the default value and should be kept that way. If your batch-update-interval is set to 2 seconds, it means that in order to create a new batch, you would need to have more more than 20 SQLRequests per 2 seconds.

    Current Bugs

    • There are zombie SQLRequest that can stay in the batches but they won't be executed multiple times and are extremely rare.
    • The repeating ClosureTask task taking care of firing up the DispatchBatchThreads and preparing the requests isn't optimized and can overload the main thread if there are too many requests. This has been observed when creating a request every 1-3 ticks.
    • For some reason, SQLRequest::setDispatched() & SQLRequest::setCompleted() will not set the value to true if the developer passes no variable to them (they are using bool $value = true when passing no variable to them.

    Next for 3.0.0-beta

    • Optimization of the preparation of the ``SQLRequests` in the ClosureTask.
    • Addition of the missing methods from the DispatchBatchPool.
    • SQLRequest priority system where certain requests will wait for x request to be completed before being dispatched.
    • Adding method SQLRequest::waitFor(string $id).
    opened by CupidonSauce173 0
  • High use of SQLRequests will make DispatchBatchThread slower.

    High use of SQLRequests will make DispatchBatchThread slower.

    A potential problem with the current system is that the DispatchBatchThread will get slower if lot of plugins are using it / high requests demand. One way to fix this would be to create a ThreadPool with multiple DispatchBatchThread classes and set a maximum of requests per batch in the config.yml, when the limit exceeds, the plugin will create a new DispatchBatchThread with a new request batch to be executed and then closed.

    The problem from this is that a poor designed plugin could make it so requestX would be executed before requestY, even if the best would be to create a multidimensional SQLRequest structure where an SQLRequest would be created after requestX and requestY within their completion function.

    A way to fix it would be to wait for requestX to be "validated" SQLRequest::hasBeenExecuted() or a new method SQLRequest::hasBeenCompleted could be added (since SQLRequest::hasBeenExecuted() is only if the request has been sent to the DisptachBatchThread).

    So a new variable could be added on SQLRequest::create() where a developer can specify a certain ID to be waited for (when dispatching the batch across the threads, it would look if the request has to wait for a certain SQLRequest::getId() to be completed.

    SQLRequest additions

    • SQLRequest::hasBeenCompleted(): bool, Check if the request has executed the callable function.
    • SQLRequest::waitForRequest(string $id): void wait for requestX to be completed before executing it.
    • SQLRequest::getWaitingRequest() : ?string Returns the request that this request is waiting for to be completed.

    Potential SQLRequest changes

    • SQLRequest::hasBeenExecuted() renamed to SQLRequest::hasBeenDispatched().

    Config.yml additions

    • batch-maximum-requests, Define the maximum SQLRequests that a batch can contain before starting up a new DispatchBatchThread.

    Core changes

    • There will be a new dispatchBatchThreadPool managing multiple dispatchBatchThread instances and closing them when not needed (and only keeping one alive).

    See the branch : dispatchpool

    opened by CupidonSauce173 1
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