MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification.


MySQL replication checker - Docker

MySQL replication status checker daemon in docker image with Slack notification.


Name Description
MYSQL_HOST MySQL host address (required)
MYSQL_PORT MySQL host port
MYSQL_USER MySQL user (required)
MYSQL_PASSWORD MySQL password (required)
MYSQL_DATABASE MySQL database name (required)
SLACK_URL Slack webhook message url (required)
SUCCESS_MIN_ELAPSED_TIME Min elapsed time before renotify success message (0 means disabled)
ERROR_MIN_ELAPSED_TIME Min elapsed time before renotify error message (0 means disabled)
APP_NAME App name for slack message (default MySQL)
CHECKING_SLEEP Time (sec) between two check (default 60)


  1. Build
docker build -t mysqlchecker .
  1. Run docker image
docker run -e MYSQL_HOST= -e MYSQL_USER=root -e MYSQL_PASSWORD=secret -e MYSQL_DATABASE=yourdb -e SLACK_URL= -e ERROR_MIN_ELAPSED_TIME=1800 mysqlchecker

Notification working

Sends a Slack message if:

  • First check
  • State changed (success -> error, error -> success)
  • Renotify enabled with SUCCESS_MIN_ELAPSED_TIME or ERROR_MIN_ELAPSED_TIME envs.
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    Stack trace:
    #0 /app/index.php(58): PDO->__construct('mysql:host=10.1...', 'yyyy', 'xxxx', Array)
    #1 {main}
      thrown in /app/index.php on line 58
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