The fastest pure PHP database framework with a powerful static code generator, supports horizontal scale up, designed for PHP7



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Maghead is an open-source Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) designed for PHP7.

Maghead uses static code generator to generate static classes that maps to the database records and methods, which reduces runtime costs, therefore it's pretty lightweight and extremely fast.

With the simple schema design, you can define your model schema very easily and you can even embed closure in your schema classes.

How fast is it? Currently it's the fastest ORM written in pure PHP. See the benchmark for more details.

Automatic Migration Demonstration


  • Fast & Simple
  • Configuration based on YAML format and compiled into PHP
  • PDO, MySQL, Pgsql, SQLite support.
  • Multiple data sources.
  • Mix-in model.
  • Powerful Migration Generator
    • Upgrade & Downgrade of course.
    • Automatic Migration: generate migration SQL automatically based on the schema diff.
  • Schema/Database diff

Design Concept

  • Function calls in PHP are very slow, so the model schema data will be built statically, Maghead converts all definitions (default value, validator, filter, valid value builder) into classes and static PHP array, this keeps these model classes very lightweight and fast.

  • In the runtime, all the same model objects use the same schema object, and we can reuse the prebuild data from the static schema class.

  • We keep base model class constructor empty, so when you are querying data from database, these model objects can be created with zero effort.

Getting Started

Please see the details on Wiki


Defining Schema Class

Simply extend class from Maghead\Schema\DeclareSchema, and define your model columns in the schema method, e.g.,

namespace TestApp;
use Maghead\Schema\DeclareSchema;

class BookSchema extends DeclareSchema

    public function schema()








        // Defining trait for model class
            ->useInsteadOf('Downloader::a', 'Uploader');

        $this->belongsTo('created_by', 'TestApp\UserSchema','id', 'created_by');

         * column: author => Author class 
         * $book->publisher->name;
        $this->belongsTo('publisher','\TestApp\PublisherSchema', 'id', 'publisher_id');

         * accessor , mapping => BookAuthors.book_id
         * link book => author_books
        $this->many('book_authors', '\TestApp\AuthorBookSchema', 'book_id', 'id');

         * get 
        $this->manyToMany( 'authors', 'book_authors', 'author' )
            ->filter(function($collection) { return $collection; });

Defining Column Types





$this->column('name') ->boolean();







Defining Mixin Method

namespace Maghead\Schema\Mixin;
use Maghead\Schema\MixinDeclareSchema;

class MetadataMixinSchema extends MixinDeclareSchema
    public function schema()
        // ... define your schema here

    public function fooMethod($record, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3, $arg4)
        // ...
        return ...;

Then you can use the fooMethod on your model object:

$result = $record->fooMethod(1,2,3,4);

Using Multiple Data Source

You can define specific data source for different model in the model schema:

use Maghead\Schema\DeclareSchema;

class UserSchema extends DeclareSchema {

    public function schema() {


Or you can specify for both (read and write):

use Maghead\Schema\DeclareSchema;

class UserSchema extends DeclareSchema {

    public function schema() {



If you need to modify schema code, like adding new columns to a table, you can use the amazing migration feature to migrate your database to the latest change without pain.

Once you modified the schema code, you can execute lazy diff command to compare current exisiting database table:

$ maghead diff
+ table 'authors'            tests/tests/Author.php
+ table 'addresses'          tests/tests/Address.php
+ table 'author_books'       tests/tests/AuthorBook.php
+ table 'books'              tests/tests/Book.php
+ table 'users'              tests/tests/User.php
+ table 'publishers'         tests/tests/Publisher.php
+ table 'names'              tests/tests/Name.php
+ table 'wines'              tests/tests/Wine.php

As you can see, we added a lot of new tables (schemas), and Maghead parses the database tables to show you the difference to let you know current status.

Currently Maghead supports SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL table parsing.

now you can generate the migration script or upgrade database schema directly.

to upgrade database schema directly, you can simply run:

$ maghead migrate auto

to upgrade database schema through a customizable migration script, you can generate a new migration script like:

$ maghead migrate diff AddUserRoleColumn
Loading schema objects...
Creating migration script from diff
Found 10 schemas to compare.
    Found schema 'TestApp\AuthorSchema' to be imported to 'authors'
    Found schema 'TestApp\AddressSchema' to be imported to 'addresses'
    Found schema 'TestApp\AuthorBookSchema' to be imported to 'author_books'
    Found schema 'TestApp\BookSchema' to be imported to 'books'
    Found schema 'TestApp\UserSchema' to be imported to 'users'
    Found schema 'TestApp\PublisherSchema' to be imported to 'publishers'
    Found schema 'TestApp\NameSchema' to be imported to 'names'
    Found schema 'TestApp\Wine' to be imported to 'wines'
Migration script is generated: db/migrations/20120912_AddUserRoleColumn.php

now you can edit your migration script, which is auto-generated:

vim db/migrations/20120912_AddUserRoleColumn.php

the migration script looks like:

class AddUserColumn_1347451491  extends \Maghead\Migration\Migration {

    public function upgrade() { 
        $this->importSchema(new TestApp\AuthorSchema);
        $this->importSchema(new TestApp\AddressSchema);

        // To upgrade with new schema:
        $this->importSchema(new TestApp\AuthorBookSchema);
        // To create index:
        // To drop index:
        // To add a foreign key:
        $this->addForeignKey($table,$columnName,$referenceTable,$referenceColumn = null) 
        // To drop table:

    public function downgrade() { 


The built-in migration generator not only generates the upgrade script, but also generates the downgrade script, you can modify it to anything as you want.

After the migration script is generated, you can check the status of current database and waiting migration scripts:

$ maghead migrate status
Found 1 migration script to be executed.
- AddUserColumn_1347451491

now you can run upgrade command to upgrade database schema through the migration script:

$ maghead migrate up

If you regret, you can run downgrade migrations through the command:

$ maghead migrate down

But please note that SQLite doesn't support column renaming and column dropping.

To see what migration script could do, please check the documentation of Magsql package.

A More Advanced Model Schema

use Maghead\Schema\DeclareSchema;

class AuthorSchema extends DeclareSchema
    function schema()

            ->validator(function($val) { .... })
            ->filter( function($val) {  
                        return preg_replace('#word#','zz',$val);  
            ->inflator(function($val) {
                return unserialize($val);
            ->deflator(function($val) {
                return serialize($val);
            ->validValues( 1,2,3,4,5 )
            ->default(function() { 
                return date('c');





MIT License

  • Upgrade Failed

    Upgrade Failed


    pear upgrade corneltek/LazyRecord 


    Could not chmod /path/to/docs/LazyRecord/ to 644 chmod(): No such file or directory
    ERROR: commit failed
    opened by jaceju 10
  • SQLite adapter didn't work correctly

    SQLite adapter didn't work correctly

    運作的時候收到 PDOException SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such table: users

    lazy build 收到

    Building SQL for Aotoki\Model\UserSchema
    SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 table users already exists

    個人認為可能是 sqlite 的檔案沒有產生好⋯⋯

        driver: sqlite
        database: slim

    目錄結構下出現了 dbname=slim 跟 slim 兩個檔案,推測問題可能在這⋯⋯

    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff    339  1 21 11:44 .lazy.php
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 elct9620  staff     22  1 21 11:35 .lazy.yml -> db/config/database.yml
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff   1202  1 21 11:10
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff    213  1 21 11:48 bootstrap.php
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff   1108  1 21 11:50 composer.json
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff  17373  1 21 11:50 composer.lock
    drwxr-xr-x   4 elct9620  staff    136  1 21 11:34 db
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff  16384  1 21 11:38 dbname=slim
    drwxr-xr-x   3 elct9620  staff    102  1 21 11:10 logs
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff    262  1 21 11:13 package.ini
    drwxr-xr-x   5 elct9620  staff    170  1 21 12:16 public
    -rw-r--r--   1 elct9620  staff      0  1 21 11:38 slim
    drwxr-xr-x   3 elct9620  staff    102  1 21 11:44 src
    drwxr-xr-x   4 elct9620  staff    136  1 21 11:10 templates
    drwxr-xr-x   9 elct9620  staff    306  1 21 11:32 vendor
    opened by elct9620 7
  • Using composer autoload but can't work correctly.

    Using composer autoload but can't work correctly.

    我使用 composer create-project slim-skeleton project 創建好基礎專案後,再加入 LazyRecord 的相依。

    然後修改 public/index.php 的requrie '../vendor/autoload.php';require '../bootstrap.php';

    db/config/database.yml 中也設定為

      - bootstrap.php

    之後 build-conf > build-schema .... (依照 Readme 設定)

    最後使用瀏覽器開啟 http://localhost/project/public/index.php (已經在 index.php 加入 config 部分)

    卻無法正常使用,將 Universal 部分先注解掉,也會碰到下面的錯誤 Fatal error: Class 'ConfigKit\ConfigCompiler' not found in /Users/elct9620/Sites/slim2/vendor/c9s/LazyRecord/src/LazyRecord/ConfigLoader.php on line 73

    而且現在似乎沒辦法在 composer 上找到 Universal 的套件。

    opened by elct9620 6
  • create/update->result->validations: different validate output

    create/update->result->validations: different validate output

    Different object result->validations output type

    If call create method, i'm receive array[stdObject]: object(stdClass)#49 (3) { ["valid"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(18) "Validation failed." ["field"]=> string(10) "first_name" }

    If call update method, receive array[array]: array(3) { ["valid"]=> bool(false) ["message"]=> string(18) "Validation failed." ["field"]=> string(10) "first_name" }

    opened by dmachehin 5
  • Relationship not used all fields

    Relationship not used all fields


    $user = new User(1);
    $out = $user->project->find(2);

    In output i see sql SELECT * FROM projects WHERE id = 2 it is not used "user_id" field for where. Used mysql driver.

    User schema:

    class UserSchema extends Schema {
        public function schema() {
                ->label('First name')->required()->notNull();
            $this->column('password')->binary(32)->immutable()->label('Password hash')->filter('SEMNavigator\Auth\Password::getHash')->notNull();
            $this->one('project', '\SEMNavigator\Model\ProjectSchema', 'user_id', 'id');
            $this->belongsTo('project', '\SEMNavigator\Model\ProjectSchema', 'user_id', 'id');
            $this->many('projects', '\SEMNavigator\Model\ProjectSchema', 'user_id', 'id');
    Project schema:
    class ProjectSchema extends Schema {
        public function schema() {
            $this->column('type')->enum(array('SITE', 'APP'))->immutable()->validator('ValidationKit\StringValidator')->required()->notNull();
            $this->many('keywords', '\SEMNavigator\Model\KeywordSchema', 'project_id', 'id');
    P.S. Maybe return vars type = mysql type, in php it always return string, instead numeric or float?
    opened by dmachehin 5
  • LazyRecord\Schema\ColumnDeclare::required() - not work

    LazyRecord\Schema\ColumnDeclare::required() - not work

    LazyRecord\Schema\ColumnDeclare method required() wrong set notNull value.

    Original: /** * This method is an alias of "notNull" */ public function required() { $this->notNull = false; return $this; }

    For fix:``` $this->notNull = true;

    opened by dmachehin 4
  • Error in reverse parsing sqlite table schema with column defaults

    Error in reverse parsing sqlite table schema with column defaults

    PHP Schema definition

            $this->belongsTo('another_id', 'AnotherSchema', 'id', 'col3');

    Case 1 - original column has no default value, which lazy diff run smoothly

    CREATE TABLE `pads` ( 
      `col1` TEXT,
      `col2` text,
      `col3` INTEGER REFERENCES anothers(id),
      `col4` text,

    Case 2 - has default string value, which lazy diff will hang, seems infite loop

    CREATE TABLE `pads` ( 
      `col1` TEXT,
      `col2` text,
      `col3` INTEGER REFERENCES anothers(id),
      `col4` text DEFAULT 'o_Q',

    Case 3 - has default numeric string value, which lazy diff reports error

    CREATE TABLE `pads` ( 
      `col1` TEXT,
      `col2` text,
      `col3` INTEGER REFERENCES anothers(id),
      `col4` text DEFAULT '123',

    In this case, by dumping $tableDef in TableParser/SqliteTableParser.php line 50, I got (reformatted in JSON format)

        "columns": [{
            "name": "col1",
            "type": "TEXT"
        }, {
            "name": "col2",
            "type": "TEXT"
        }, {
            "name": "col3",
            "type": "INTEGER",
            "references": {
                "table": "anothers",
                "columns": ["id"],
                "actions": []
        }, {
            "name": "col4",
            "type": "TEXT",
            "default": 123
        }, {
            "name": "3"
        }, {
            "name": "id",
            "type": "INTEGER",
            "notNull": true,
            "primary": true,
            "autoIncrement": true
    opened by Ronmi 3
  • fatal error: Call to undefined function futil_replace_extension()

    fatal error: Call to undefined function futil_replace_extension()

    I have this error while running lazy build-conf command.

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function futil_replace_extension() in phar:///usr/bin/lazy/ConfigKit/ConfigCompiler.php on line 2 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /usr/bin/lazy:0 PHP 2. require() /usr/bin/lazy:6 PHP 3. CLIFramework\Application->run() phar:///usr/bin/lazy/scripts/lazy.emb.php:2 PHP 4. CLIFramework\CommandBase->executeWrapper() phar:///usr/bin/lazy/CLIFramework/Application.php:2 PHP 5. call_user_func_array() phar:///usr/bin/lazy/CLIFramework/CommandBase.php:2 PHP 6. LazyRecord\Command\BuildConfCommand->execute() phar:///usr/bin/lazy/CLIFramework/CommandBase.php:2 PHP 7. ConfigKit\ConfigCompiler::compile() phar:///usr/bin/lazy/LazyRecord/Command/BuildConfCommand.php:2

    I have already installed php-fileutil. I tested it with the below script and it works:

    print_r( futil_scanpath('/etc') );

    So it seems like somewhere's missing include('FileUtil.php'); line?

    My environment: linux mint 14, php 5.4.6 .

    opened by jtomaszewski 3
  • How to build advanced select query?

    How to build advanced select query?

    例如我有以下的 SQL :

    SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 1 AND created >= '2012-09-27 00:00:00' AND created <= '2012-09-27 23:59:59'

    這種狀況要怎麼在 UserCollection 下條件式呢?

    opened by jaceju 3
  • fix: SqlBuilder\MySqlBuilder does not support comment of column

    fix: SqlBuilder\MySqlBuilder does not support comment of column


    namespace YourApp\Model;
    use LazyRecord\Schema\SchemaDeclare;
    class UserSchema extends SchemaDeclare
        public function schema()
            // ...

    修正前產生的 SQL :

    name varchar(10) NOT NULL,

    修正後產生的 SQL :

    name varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '姓名'
    opened by jaceju 3
  • Generic methods not used property access

    Generic methods not used property access

    Column schema strict var type (instead string), inflator work only if access to property. Generic methods getId(), getName(),... not used access to property, it get data from source $this->_data...

    Example: In Schema column i'm write $this->column('geo')->text() ->inflator(function($value) { return array_map('intval', explode(',', $value)); }) ->deflator(function($value) { return join(',', $value); }); Then output results $project->geo return array(123,456,678) $project->getGeo() return 123,456,678

    opened by dmachehin 2
  • JOIN inaccuracies

    JOIN inaccuracies

    Test code:

                $permissionName = 'resource.create';
                 $target = '2'; //dummy values
                $init = new PermissionAssociationCollection();
                $init->join(new Permission(), 'INNER', 'p')
                    ->on('m.permission_id', [ '' ]);
                $init->join(new Role(), 'INNER', 'r')
                    ->on('m.role_id', [ '' ]);
                $init->join(new RoleAssociation(), 'INNER', 'ra')
                    ->on('', [ 'ra.role_id' ]);
                    ->equal('ra.user_id', $this->userId) // 3
                    ->equal('r.tenant_id', $this->tenantId) // 1
                    ->equal('', $permissionName);
                 $init->where()->in('', [ $target, '*' ]);

    Since I'm specifically telling it what to join on, I expect those to be followed, however...

    It generates this (which doesn't work as intended):

    SELECT m.`id`, m.`permission_id`, m.`role_id`, m.`user_id`, m.`target`, m.`created_at`, m.`updated_at`, AS p_id, p.tenant_id AS p_tenant_id, AS p_name, p.created_at AS p_created_at, p.updated_at AS p_updated_at, AS r_id, r.tenant_id AS r_tenant_id, r.config AS r_config, AS r_name, r.created_at AS r_created_at, r.updated_at AS r_updated_at, AS ra_id, ra.role_id AS ra_role_id, ra.user_id AS ra_user_id, ra.created_at AS ra_created_at, ra.updated_at AS ra_updated_at FROM permission_associations AS m INNER JOIN permissions AS p ON (m.permission_id = AND m.permission_id) INNER JOIN roles AS r ON (m.role_id) INNER JOIN role_associations AS ra ON ( WHERE ra.user_id = 3 AND r.tenant_id = 1 AND = 'resource.create' AND IN ('2','*')

    when the expected output is (which does work as expected - note the join constraints added back on):

    SELECT m.`id`, m.`permission_id`, m.`role_id`, m.`user_id`, m.`target`, m.`created_at`, m.`updated_at`, AS p_id, p.tenant_id AS p_tenant_id, AS p_name, p.created_at AS p_created_at, p.updated_at AS p_updated_at, AS r_id, r.tenant_id AS r_tenant_id, r.config AS r_config, AS r_name, r.created_at AS r_created_at, r.updated_at AS r_updated_at, AS ra_id, ra.role_id AS ra_role_id, ra.user_id AS ra_user_id, ra.created_at AS ra_created_at, ra.updated_at AS ra_updated_at FROM permission_associations AS m INNER JOIN permissions AS p ON (m.permission_id = AND m.permission_id) INNER JOIN roles AS r ON (m.role_id = INNER JOIN role_associations AS ra ON (ra.role_id = WHERE ra.user_id = 3 AND r.tenant_id = 1 AND = 'resource.create' AND IN ('2','*')

    What am I doing wrong here? I can PM you the Schema files or a dump of the SQL schema if you need it.

    opened by Wintereise 5
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