Laravel Mysql Spatial Builder Extension


magutti-spatial V2

Laravel Builder Mysql Spatial Extension

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Laravel Builder extensions to calculate distances between two Spatial points using Mysql native function ST_Distance_Sphere.

ST_Distance_Sphere default unit to find distance is meters.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require magutti/magutti-spatial


Add in your Model

use Magutti\MaguttiSpatial\Builders\SpatialBuilder;

class Location extends Model
    // you can override the default longitude and latitude fields
    protected $spatialFields = [
    function newEloquentBuilder($query): SpatialBuilder
        return new SpatialBuilder($query);

Example of usage

Get all points where the distance from a given position are less than 1Km

           ->whitDistance([8.9246844, 45.4152695]) // return distance in meters (default)
           ->whereDistance([8.9246844, 45.4152695],1000)

where 8.9246844 (longitude), 45.4152695 (latitude) is your position and 1000 is the max distance in meters.

SELECT `id`,
       St_distance_sphere(Point(8.9246844, 45.4152695), Point(lng, lat)) * 1 AS
FROM   `locations`
WHERE  St_distance_sphere(Point(8.9246844, 45.4152695), Point(lng, lat)) < 1000 

Using Miles

           ->whitDistanceInMiles([8.9246844, 45.4152695]) // return distance in Miles
           ->whereDistance([8.9246844, 45.4152695],10,'mi')

Find the closest point to you in Km

           ->whitDistanceInKm([8.9246844, 45.4152695]) 
           ->whereDistance([8.9246844, 45.4152695],10,'km')


The package provide some pre-built methods to calculate distance in Km, Miles or Feet.

whitDistanceInKm(array $point)    -> return distance in Km;
whitDistanceInMiles(array $point) -> return distance in Miles (mi);
whitDistanceInFeet(array $point)  -> return distance in Feet (ft);

and for filtering by distance

whereDistanceInKm(array $point, float $distance)     -> filter point by a given distance in Km
whereDistanceInMiles(array $point, float $distance)  -> filter point by a given distance in Miles
whereDistanceInFeet(array $point, float $distance)   -> filter point by a given distance in Miles


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

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