2673 Repositories
PHP laravel-signal-aware-command Libraries
A simple drop-in solution for providing UUID support for the IDs of your Eloquent models.
Introduction A simple drop-in solution for providing UUID support for the IDs of your Eloquent models. Both v1 and v4 IDs are supported out of the box
Laravel package to find performance bottlenecks in your laravel application.
Laravel Meter Laravel Meter monitors application performance for different things such as requests, commands, queries, events, etc and presents result
Laravel Backup Panel provides a dashboard for spatie/laravel-backup package.
Laravel Backup Panel Laravel Backup Panel provides a dashboard for spatie/laravel-backup package. It lets you: create a backup (full | only database |
Picasso is a Laravel Image Management and Optimization Package
Picasso is a Laravel Image Management and Optimization Package. Define image dimensions and options, store uploaded image in multiple dimensions with or without a watermark and retrieve optimized images on your website when needed.
Native comments for your Laravel application.
Comments Comments is a Laravel package. With it you can easily implement native comments for your application. Overview This package can be used to co
Laravel wrapper for the Gmail API
Laravel Gmail Gmail Gmail API for Laravel 8 You need to create an application in the Google Console. Guidance here. if you need Laravel 5 compatibilit
The WordPress theme powered by the Laravel Framework.
Laravel in WordPress Theme Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It's one of the most popular PHP frameworks today.
🏭 An easy way to generate populated factories for models.
Laravel Populated Factory provides an easy way to generate populated factories for models according to types & names of their columns. Install You can
Cascading deletes for Eloquent models that implement soft deletes
Cascading soft deletes for the Laravel PHP Framework Introduction In scenarios when you delete a parent record - say for example a blog post - you may
Laravel Favicon - Create dynamic favicons based on your environment settings.
Laravel Favicon Create dynamic favicons based on your environment settings. Laravel Package Development If you want to learn how to create reusable PH
A simple and beautiful laravel log reader
Laravel Log Reader A simple and beautiful laravel log reader Documentation Get full documentation of Laravel Log Reader Other Packages Laravel H - A h
GitScrum is a Project Management Tool, developed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, managers, and teams Skyrocket their Productivity with the Agile methodology and Gamification.
GitScrum is a Project Management Tool, developed to help entrepreneurs, freelancers, managers, and teams Skyrocket their Productivity with the Agile methodology and Gamification.
Manage authorization with granular role-based permissions in your Laravel Apps.
Governor For Laravel Manage authorization with granular role-based permissions in your Laravel apps. Goal Provide a simple method of managing ACL in a
Generates and handles Modules for Laravel
L5Modular Keep Your Laravel App Organized This package allows you to organize your Laravel project in a modular manner. You can simply drop or generat
Trigger email failures to assert what happens on your Laravel Application when an email fails to send
Laravel Email Failer composer require --dev rogervila/laravel-email-failer About Trigger email failures to assert what happens on your Laravel Applica
A simple, safe magic login link generator for Laravel
Laravel Passwordless Login A simple, safe magic login link generator for Laravel This package provides a temporary signed route that logs in a user. W
Shoutout messaging library for laravel
Laravel Shoutout Messaging Shoutout messaging library for Laravel Laravel PHP framework Shoutout Messaging Requirements PHP 5.6+ Laravel 5.5+ Installa
Fearless refactoring, it does a lot of smart checks to find certain errors.
Find Bugs Before They Bite Built with ❤️ for lazy laravel developers ;) Why repeat the old errors, if there are so many new errors to commit. (Bertran
Laravel Money.
Laravel Money Note: This project abstracts MoneyPHP Installation Run the following command from you terminal: composer require cknow/laravel-money or
Disposable email address validator for Laravel
Laravel Disposable Email Adds a validator to Laravel for checking whether a given email address isn't originating from disposable email services such
🏭This package lets you create factory classes for your Laravel project.
Laravel Factories Reloaded 🏭 This package generates class-based model factories, which you can use instead of the ones provided by Laravel. Laravel 8
Eloquent Befriended brings social media-like features like following, blocking and filtering content based on following or blocked models.
Laravel Befriended Eloquent Befriended brings social media-like features like following, blocking and filtering content based on following or blocked
A TALL (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel and Livewire) Preset for Laravel
Laravel TALL Preset A front-end preset for Laravel to scaffold an application using the TALL stack, jumpstarting your application's development. If yo
Laravel and Lumen Source Code Encrypter
Laravel Source Encrypter This package encrypts your php code with phpBolt For Laravel and Lumen 6, 7, 8 Installation Usage Installation Step 1 At the
Mail Web is a Laravel package which catches emails locally for debugging
Mail Web is a Laravel package which catches emails locally for debugging Installation Use the package manager composer to install Mail Web. composer r
A toolbar for Laravel Telescope, based on the Symfony Web Profiler.
Laravel Telescope Toolbar Extends Laravel Telescope to show a powerful Toolbar See https://github.com/laravel/telescope Install First install Telescop
Laravel and Lumen Auto Hard Deleter
Laravel Auto Hard Deleter This package deletes soft deleted rows automatically after a time interval that you define. For Laravel and Lumen 6, 7, 8 In
Laravel package to make it easy to use the gorgeous emojis from EmojiOne
laravel-emojione Laravel package to make it easier working with the gorgeous emojis from EmojiOne. Remember to read the EmojiOne Free License and prov
Rinvex Bookable is a generic resource booking system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently
Rinvex Bookings is a generic resource booking system for Laravel, with the required tools to run your SAAS like services efficiently. It has a simple architecture, with powerful underlying to afford solid platform for your business.
Flexible Flash notifications for Laravel
Introduction Laravel Notify is a package that lets you add custom notifications to your project. A diverse range of notification design is available.
Powerful Unsplash package for Laravel
Powerful Unsplash package for Laravel Provides a fluent api to use the Unsplash within Larvel applications. Use public actions or store images directl
Eloquent model-caching made easy.
Model Caching for Laravel Supporting This Package This is an MIT-licensed open source project with its ongoing development made possible by the suppor
Laravel Health Panel
Health Monitor Laravel Server & App Health Monitor and Notifier This package checks if the application resources are running as they should and create
A drop in fake logger for testing with the Laravel framework.
Log fake for Laravel A bunch of Laravel facades / services are able to be faked, such as the Dispatcher with Bus::fake(), to help with testing and ass
A package to easily make use of SVG icons in your Laravel Blade views.
Blade Icons A package to easily make use of SVG icons in your Laravel Blade views. Originally "Blade SVG" by Adam Wathan. Turn... !-- camera.svg --
Encryption cast for Eloquent
Encrypted A custom cast class for Laravel Eloquent that encrypts or hashes your values. Package is small and provides just a few, simple, well tested
An abstraction layer for easily implementing industry-standard caching strategies
Laravel Model Repository This package provides an abstraction layer for easily implementing industry-standard caching strategies with Eloquent models.
Laravel Breadcrumbs - An easy way to add breadcrumbs to your @Laravel app.
Introduction Breadcrumbs display a list of links indicating the position of the current page in the whole site hierarchy. For example, breadcrumbs lik
Rickrolls people trying to break your site.
Laravel RickRoll Rickrolls people trying to break your site. This package is inspired by Liam Hammett's tweet. Getting started You can install the pac
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models.
Laravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns.
A Laravel dashboard front-end scaffolding preset for Tailwind CSS - Support RTL out of the box.
🔥 Laravel tailwind css dashboard preset A Laravel dashboard front-end scaffolding preset for Tailwind CSS - Support RTL out of the box. Usage Fresh i
This package adds support for verifying new email addresses: when a user updates its email address, it won't replace the old one until the new one is verified.
Laravel Verify New Email Laravel supports verifying email addresses out of the box. This package adds support for verifying new email addresses. When
Hej! is a simple authentication boilerplate for Socialite.
Hej! - a Socialite authentication flow implementation Hej! is a simple authentication flow implementation for Socialite. Out-of-the-box, Hej! can help
laravel-vat is a package that contains the Laravel related wiring code for ibericode/vat
laravel-vat is a package that contains the Laravel related wiring code for ibericode/vat, helping you deal with VAT legislation for businesses based in the EU.
Store outgoing emails in Laravel
Record and view all sent emails Watch a video walkthrough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj_OF5n4l4k&feature=youtu.be Documentation and install instr
A portfolio management system for Laravel.
Turn a Laravel app into a portfolio site in minutes This project is still under construction. Come back soon! Contents API Developing API Larafolio\Mo
Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management
LaraProto LaraProto is a Laravel website prototype with backoffice for content and users management. Just install and glue your front end views Based
Unleash the expressive power of the natural language in your Laravel application.
jrmajor/laravel-fluent Unleash the expressive power of the natural language in your Laravel application. Read the Fluent Syntax Guide in order to lear
Linnworks Laravel API
linnworks About Wrapper for the Linnworks API, as documented at http://apps.linnworks.net/Api Install composer require onfuro/linnworks Usage $linnwo
Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator)
Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator) you can create your restful api easily by using this library and you can filter, sort and include elo
Get MYSQL statement from query builder in laravel helper
Get MYSQL statement laravel This package allows to get mysql statement that query builder in laravel made it for debugging purposes. Basic usage Dump
Laravel blade directives and php helpers for serverside rendered content, based on browser window size WITHOUT css. Requires Livewire and AlpineJS.
Laravel Livewire Window Size and Breakpoints Laravel blade directives and php helpers for server side rendered content, based on browser window size W
Auto-generated Interface and Repository file via Repository pattern in Laravel
Auto-generated Repository Pattern in Laravel A repository is a separation between a domain and a persistent layer. The repository provides a collectio
Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students.
school-laravel Immanuel Vocational High School's assignments and tests of 'Pemrograman Lanjutan' lesson for 12th grade students. Installation For Wind
Laravel WebGIS with TailwindCSS
Laravel WebGIS with TailwindCSS
Real world Conduit App based on Laravel Livewire stack
Laravel Livewire codebase containing real world examples (CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API. Demo Github
Laravel-Idempotent 基于 Laravel 的接口幂等组件
Laravel-Idempotent 基于 Laravel 的接口幂等组件
Joy VoyagerApi module adds REST Api end points to Voyager with Passport and Swagger support.
Joy VoyagerApi This Laravel/Voyager module adds REST Api with Passport and Swagger support to Voyager. By 🐼 Ramakant Gangwar. Prerequisites Composer
Files Course Laravel Microservice E-mail
Curso Laravel Microservices com RabbitMQ (micro e-mail) Saiba Mais Sobre o Curso Requisitos Este micro e-mail depende do microservice 01, portanto, pr
Make laravel/passport client cacheable.
Laravel Passport Cache Client Make laravel/passport client cacheable. Installing $ composer require overtrue/laravel-passport-cache-client -vvv Usage
VoteSwiper helps citizens to find a political party that matches their own views in a playful way.
VoteSwiper / WahlSwiper - Website VoteSwiper (in Germany better known as WahlSwiper) is a cross-platform voting advice app for Android, iOS and web br
Sistem Point Of Sales
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate / Starter.
Laravel Angular Admin Laravel + Angularjs + Bootstrap + AdminLTE binded by Gulp workflow Admin Dashboard Boilerplate. Plus Oauth and JWT authenticatio
Laravel 5 boilerplate with front-end and back-end support
Laravel 5 Boilerplate with Skeleton framework Skeleton (as of now) Laravel 5 framework application. Application includes and/or are currently being us
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*)
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Laravel Framework 5 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site is a basic application with news, photo and video galeries.
Laravel Framework 5.1 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site Starter Site based on on Laravel 5.1 and Boostrap 3 Features Requirements How to install Application St
Scaffold generator for Laravel 5.x
Laravel 5.x Scaffold Generator Usage Step 1: Install Through Composer composer require 'laralib/l5scaffold' --dev Step 2: Add the Service Provider Op
Laravel 5 admin starter
Laravel 5 Starter Laravel 5 Admin Starter Site is a sample application for beginning development with Laravel 5. I created this starter app as I neede
A starter package for Laravel 5 mirroring L5 structure
Starter package for Laravel 5 Installation Create packages/yourname folder and cd into it. Clone this repository: git clone git://github.com/andyjesso
Laravel app boilerplate with email verification process on registration
The default master branch is for Laravel 5.4 , for Laravel 5.3 boilerplate switch to the v5.3 branch Laravel app boilerplate with email verification o
Laravel and AngularJS Starter Application Boilerplate featuring Laravel 5.3 and AngularJS 1.5.8
💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to AngularJS 1.5.8. 💁 Zemke/starter-laravel-angular has been upgraded to Laravel 5.3. You can pull
👔 Enterprise Web application starter kit or template using Laravel
Laravel Enterprise Starter Kit (LESK) Description LESK, is a template project based on the Laravel LTS, combining a set of features that can kick star
Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster.
Laravel Kickstart What is Laravel Kickstart? Laravel Kickstart is a Laravel starter configuration that helps you build Laravel websites faster. It com
Laravel 8 + React + Typescript + React Router v4 + Hot Module Reloading
Laravel React Typescript Boilerplate An opinionated boilerplate based on Laravel 8.*, React 16 and Typescript empowering you to get off the ground qui
Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit
About Laravel Laravel React Webpack Starter Kit This starter kit is designed to get you up and running with with react.js with Laravel, built on top o
To add scafold to Laravel 5.1
Scafold Installation Laravel 5.3 To install on Laravel 5.3 go to Scafold 5.3. Installation Laravel 5.1 You can install this package by using Composer,
Project skeleton generator for Laravel & Lumen projects
Skeletor Skeletor is a PHP based CLI tool that has been built to take away the pain of setting up a base project skeleton for Laravel & Lumen projects
An opinionated support package for Laravel, that provides flexible and reusable helper methods and traits for commonly used functionality.
Support An opinionated support package for Laravel, that provides flexible and reusable helper methods and traits for commonly used functionality. Ins
A Laravel UI preset for UIkit and Vue.js
New version: torrix/laravel-uikit This package is for Laravel 6, and is no longer maintained. Please use the Laravel 8 version UIkit frontend UI prese
Analogue ORM : Data Mapper ORM for Laravel/PHP
(this project is looking for a new maintainer) Analogue ORM Analogue is a flexible, easy-to-use ORM for PHP. It is a transposition of the Eloquent ORM
API generator for Laravel 5
Apify API generator for Laravel 5 Table Of Contents Installation Configuration Usage Installation To install apify use composer Download composer requ
Laravel Eloquent BelongsToThrough relationships
Introduction This inverse version of HasManyThrough allows BelongsToThrough relationships with unlimited intermediate models. Supports Laravel 5.0+. I
Make your accessors smarter
Computed properties for Eloquent Laravel 5.4+ Based on this tweet: https://twitter.com/reinink/status/899713609722449920 Some examples for better unde
This is huaweinvr extend for laravel
This is huaweinvr extend for laravel
Let's base your Laravel project with PROS style
Purpose This library is for convenient methods that use to register code base for Laravel project Target We aimed to reduce complexity for real projec
You can handle iOS Application Subscription Server Side with Laravel.
Auto Renewing Subscriptions for iOS Apps with Laravel This repository help you to handle iOS Application Subscription on server side. It provides Save
Simple Arabic Laravel Dashboard , has basic settings and a nice layout . to make it easy for you to create fast dashboard
Simple Arabic Laravel Dashboard ✅ Auto Seo ✅ Optimized Notifications With Images ✅ Smart Alerts ✅ Auto Js Validations ✅ Front End Alert ✅ Nice Image V
Log Laravel application request and response with a unique ID for easy debugging
Flexible and extendable logging of Laravel application request and responses Zero configuration logging of Requests and Responses to database or custo
A modern solution for running Laravel Horizon with a CRON-based supervisor.
A modern solution for running Laravel Horizon with a cron-based supervisor This Laravel package automatically checks every three minutes if your Larav
Repository Pattern implementation for Laravel
This is a Simple Repository Pattern implementation for Laravel Projects and an easily way to build Eloquent queries from API requests.
Latihan membuat Blog menggunakan LARAVEL
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Check the health of your Laravel app
Check the health of your Laravel app This repo can be used to scaffold a Laravel package. Follow these steps to get started: Press the "Use template"
Laravel MVC Framework - Toko Distro
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Forked from spatie-laravel-tags
Add tags and taggable behaviour to a Laravel app This package offers taggable behaviour for your models. After the package is installed the only thing
Login & Register using laravel 8
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Blog dengan framework laravel 8 sebagai backend dan tailwind sebagai frontend
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Basic admin panel with authentication and CURD operation..
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
Trabajo 06 Laravel y el modelo MVC
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
oman cities package for laravel app
Seed oman governorates and cities This repo can be used to scaffold Oman Governorates and cities. Installation You can install the package via compose
Simple command-line tool to access HiWeb account information
Simple command-line tool to access HiWeb account information.