laravel-vat is a package that contains the Laravel related wiring code for ibericode/vat

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Laravel laravel-vat

Laravel VAT

Build Status Software License

See ibericode/vat-bundle for a Symfony version of this package.

laravel-vat is a package that contains the Laravel related wiring code for ibericode/vat, helping you deal with VAT legislation for businesses based in the EU.

  • Fetch (historical) VAT rates for any European member state using
  • Validate VAT numbers (by format, existence or both)
  • Validate ISO-3316 alpha-2 country codes
  • Determine whether a country is part of the EU
  • Geolocate IP addresses


You can install this package via Composer:

composer require dannyvankooten/laravel-vat

The package will automatically register itself.


Check out the ibericode/vat README for general usage of this package.


You can use facades to retrieve an instance of the classes provided by ibericode/vat.

use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Rates;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Validator;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Facades\Countries;

// Get current standard VAT rate for a country
Rates::country('NL'); // 21.00

// Get reduced VAT rate
Rates::country('NL', 'reduced'); // 6.00

// Get reduced VAT rate on a given Date
Rates::country('NL', 'reduced', new \DateTime('2005-01-01')); // 19.00

// Get an array of rates in country code => rates format

// Validate a VAT number by both format and existence
Validator::validate('NL50123'); // false

// Validate VAT number by format only
Validator::validateFormat('NL203458239B01'); // true

// Validate VAT number by existence (uses a remote HTTP service)
Validator::validateExistence('NL203458239B01') // false

// Get array of ISO-3316 country codes and country names
Countries::all(); // array of country codes + names

// Get name of country by ISO-3316 code
Countries::name('NL') // Netherlands

// Get array of EU country codes + names
Countries::europe(); // array of EU country codes + names

// Check if ISO-3316 code is in EU
Countries::inEurope('NL'); // true

// Get ISO-3316 code by IP address geo-location
Countries::ip(''); // US

By default, VAT rates are cached for 24 hours using the default cache driver.


The package registers two new validation rules.


The field under validation must be a valid and existing VAT number.


The field under validation must be a valid ISO-3316 alpha-2 country code.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class Controller {

    public function foo(Request $request)
            'vat_number_field' => ['vat_number'],
            'country_code_field' => [ 'country_code' ],

Alternatively, you can also use the Rule objects directly.

use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use DvK\Laravel\Vat\Rules;

class Controller {

    public function foo(Request $request)
            'vat_number_field' => [ new Rules\VatNumber() ],
            'country_code_field' => [ new Rules\Country() ],


You can translate the validation error message by Using Translation Strings As Keys for the following strings:


    "The :attribute must be a valid VAT number.": "Your translation for the VatNumber Rule",
    "The :attribute must be a valid country.": "Your translation for the Country Rule"


MIT licensed.

  • Update to support Laravel 7.0

    Update to support Laravel 7.0


    Thank you for your great package. Please, review my changes, test with Laravel 7 and merge so we can use it on our Laravel 7 Projects.

    Thank in advance, Martin Dinkov, Sitewab Ltd.

    opened by MartinDinkov 3
  • Removing invalid jsonvat reference

    Removing invalid jsonvat reference

    Removing jsonvat reference as it's been abandoned, and was replaced by an internal solution in ibericode/vat


    opened by paulhennell 1
  • Compatibility with Laravel 5.8

    Compatibility with Laravel 5.8

    Yesterday Taylor Otwell released Laravel 5.8. I just tested this package with it and it works just fine. This is a PR so you can upgrade to Laravel 5.8.

    opened by quodos 1
  • Add support for L9

    Add support for L9

    Hey @dannyvankooten,

    i know you might be busy :) but Laravel 9 was released already a couple of days/weeks ago and I run into the case where I need you package and it basically blocks me/us :) Would you mind having a look here and maybe tag a new release?


    opened by LKaemmerling 0
  • Improve compatibility with Laravel from 6.0

    Improve compatibility with Laravel from 6.0

    Avoid ongoing issues with compatibility. This technically is doing the same this package has always done and assumes support for the current major version.

    opened by m2de 0
  • - Added non eu pattern array to validate class

    - Added non eu pattern array to validate class

    • Merge in __construct() EU & non-EU array to check in validation
    • Added Swiss VAT regex
    • Added tests for Swiss regex
    • Added function to get VAT infos from Vies
    • Added VS Code subdir to .gitignore
    opened by gmutinel 0
Danny van Kooten
Independent developer, writing open-source code for a living.
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