To add scafold to Laravel 5.1



Installation Laravel 5.3

To install on Laravel 5.3 go to Scafold 5.3.

Installation Laravel 5.1

You can install this package by using Composer, running this command:

    composer require bestmomo/scafold

The next required step is to add the service provider to config/app.php :



The last required step is to publish views and assets in your application with :

    php artisan vendor:publish

If you get the error

    Nothing to publish for tag []!

Then run this command :

    php artisan config:clear

Congratulations, you have successfully installed Scafold !

  • Class not found on clean install via composer

    Class not found on clean install via composer

    Hi, after a clean install (on a fresh project) like in the README a subsequent call "composer update" fails with the following error. The only additional service provider installed is barryvdh/laravel-ide-helper, apart from that it's a vanilla Laravel 5.1. Any clue? I'm fairly new to Laravel, so my search ended when digging into the Autoloader and its magic...

    vagrant@dev:/var/www/$ php artisan clear-compiled
    PHP Fatal error:  Class 'Bestmomo\Scafold\ScafoldServiceProvider' not found in /var/www/ on line 146
    PHP Stack trace:
    PHP   1. {main}() /var/www/
    PHP   2. Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel->handle() /var/www/
    PHP   3. Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel->bootstrap() /var/www/
    PHP   4. Illuminate\Foundation\Application->bootstrapWith() /var/www/
    PHP   5. Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\RegisterProviders->bootstrap() /var/www/
    PHP   6. Illuminate\Foundation\Application->registerConfiguredProviders() /var/www/
    PHP   7. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->load() /var/www/
    PHP   8. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->compileManifest() /var/www/
    PHP   9. Illuminate\Foundation\ProviderRepository->createProvider() /var/www/
      Class 'Bestmomo\Scafold\ScafoldServiceProvider' not found
    opened by novalis111 7
  • Changing Scaffold Authentication Default Files

    Changing Scaffold Authentication Default Files

    Hy guys,

    Would be a problem if I change the default Auth files according with my bussiness rules? Will Laravel replace my changes when I perfom 'composer update'?

    By example: Changing the default User.php model (located originally at app/).


    opened by DaltonCastro 4
  • does not work with OpenClassrooms Tutorial example

    does not work with OpenClassrooms Tutorial example

    Hi, It seems that there is an issue with your OpenClassrooms Laravel Tutorial and this Scafold (chapitre L'AUTHENTIFICATION). I can't login in the demo app because the method used to check the password always returns false. In the tutorial, passwords are encrypted with the PHP bcrypt function, but they are checked by default by the Illuminate\Hashing\BcryptHasher with the PHP password_hash function : [30] $hash = password_hash($value, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => $cost]);

    The PHP password_check function in the BCryptHasher->check method returns false : [53] return password_verify($value, $hashedValue);

    And so it is impossible to login... Shouldn't it be better to use the BCryptHasher->make method to store the passwords when registering in the demo app ?

    PS : sorry I know this is not the right place to post this message, but I can't find another way to reach you. Great tutorial otherwise ;-)

    opened by ligne13 2
  • l'adresse email n'existe pas

    l'adresse email n'existe pas

    Bonsoir Maurice,

    Déjà un grand merci pour vos tutos que je suis à la lettre sur openclassrooms, cela m'aide énormément et vous êtes très pédagogue. Je débute avec Laravel et suite à la l'étape d'authentification je me butte pas un pb pour lequel je ne sais pas par ou investiguer.

    Lorsque je m'authentifie j'obtiens toujours le message d'erreur l'adresse email n'existe pas. Par contre dès lors que je reset mon mdp je suis bien redirigé sur la page home en me disant que je suis loggué.

    Avez vous des pistes pour m'aider à avancer car j'avoue que je me sens un peu perdu là :-) Merci encore d'avance, Nicolas

    opened by Nikolas33 2
  • overwriting existing views

    overwriting existing views

    Hi, thanks for this great package. I firstly followed the instructions on laravel 5.1 authentication docs.As told in there, I created the two views by using the sample login and register forms.

    resources/views/auth/login.blade.php resources/views/auth/register.blade.php

    Since these look like crap, I googled and found your scaffold and followed the instructions. However artisan vendor:publish did not overwrite the existing files which I created above. I removed those and published again and it worked fine.

    It'd be great if you enable overwriting of any existing files on vendor:publish.


    opened by ilterocal 2
  • request to fix the

    request to fix the

    hi bestmomo developers,

    the other day, i noticed the bellow reading the

    • current

    • fixed


    how do you think ?

    best regards hi-time.

    opened by hi-time 1
  • OpenClassRoom



    Following your Laravel 5.1 tutorial, you ask people to get your package from GitHub.

    I can see you recently removed Glyphicons and the included CSS. Your tutorial isn't yet updated for these changes so... have you replaced all this by CDN links ? Can I still follow your tutorial without any issue ?

    Kind regards.

    opened by FHoulbreque 1
  • Controller and routes not needed

    Controller and routes not needed

    I just need to publish the views Is there a way to disable the controller and the routes? The only way I see is by commenting the provider after publishing

    opened by isometriq 1
  • Fails If Namespace Is Already Set

    Fails If Namespace Is Already Set

    If I already set up the app namespace for my project, installation of this package fails with the following error when trying to run artisan commands:

      Class App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController does not exist
    opened by mikebronner 1
  • Add the password reset email view

    Add the password reset email view

    Salut momo, You have forgotten the password reset email view on your package. I added the email view and its directory and i modified the src/ScafoldServiceprovider.php file to include the views/emails/password.blade.php file.

    opened by hedii 1
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