Laravel Eloquent BelongsToThrough relationships


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This inverse version of HasManyThrough allows BelongsToThrough relationships with unlimited intermediate models.

Supports Laravel 5.0+.


composer require staudenmeir/belongs-to-through:"^2.5"

Use this command if you are in PowerShell on Windows (e.g. in VS Code):

composer require staudenmeir/belongs-to-through:"^^^^2.5"


Consider this HasManyThrough relationship:
Country → has many → User → has many → Post

class Country extends Model
    public function posts()
        return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Post', 'App\User');

Use the BelongsToThrough trait in your model to define the inverse relationship:
Post → belongs to → User → belongs to → Country

class Post extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;

    public function country()
        return $this->belongsToThrough('App\Country', 'App\User');

You can also define deeper relationships:
Comment → belongs to → Post → belongs to → User → belongs to → Country

Supply an array of intermediate models as the second argument, from the related (Country) to the parent model (Comment):

class Comment extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;

    public function country()
        return $this->belongsToThrough('App\Country', ['App\User', 'App\Post']);

You can specify custom foreign keys as the fifth argument:

class Comment extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;

    public function country()
        return $this->belongsToThrough(
            ['App\User', 'App\Post'], 
            ['App\User' => 'custom_user_id']

Table Aliases

If your relationship path contains the same model multiple times, you can specify a table alias (Laravel 6+):

class Comment extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;

    public function grandparent()
        return $this->belongsToThrough(
            'App\Comment as alias', 
            ['App\Comment' => 'parent_id']

Use the HasTableAlias trait in the models you are aliasing:

class Comment extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\HasTableAlias;

Soft Deleting

By default, soft-deleted intermediate models will be excluded from the result. Use withTrashed() to include them:

class Comment extends Model
    use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough;

    public function country()
        return $this->belongsToThrough('App\Country', ['App\User', 'App\Post'])

class User extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CODE OF CONDUCT for details.


  • Cannot instal on laravel 6.13.1

    Cannot instal on laravel 6.13.1

    When I try to install this library I get this error:

    Problem 1 - Installation request for staudenmeir/belongs-to-through 2.5 -> satisfiable by staudenmeir/belongs-to-through[v2.5]. - Conclusion: remove laravel/framework v6.13.1 - Conclusion: don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - staudenmeir/belongs-to-through v2.5 requires illuminate/database ~5.0 -> satisfiable by illuminate/database[5.0.x-dev, 5.1.x-dev, 5.2.x-dev, 5.3.x-dev, 5.4.x-dev, 5.5.x-dev, 5.6.x-dev, 5.7.x-dev, 5.8.x-dev]. - don't install illuminate/database 5.8.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.4.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.5.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.6.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.7.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.0.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.1.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.2.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - don't install illuminate/database 5.3.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.13.1 - Installation request for laravel/framework (locked at v6.13.1, required as ^6.2) -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v6.13.1].

    opened by mjza 11
  • extra bindings bug

    extra bindings bug

    here is what i have


    • service id

    • service_infos id service_id

    • service_request id service_info_id


    • service
    public function requests()
        return $this->hasManyThrough(ServiceRequest::class, ServiceInfo::class);
    • service request
    public function service()
        return $this->belongsToThrough(Service::class, ServiceInfo::class);


    ServiceRequest::with('service')->first(); // service = null;
    "query" => "select `services`.*, `service_infos`.`id` as `laravel_through_key` from `services` inner join `service_infos` on `service_infos`.`service_id` = `services`.`id` where `service_infos`.`id` in (?) ◀"
    "bindings" => array:2 [▼
        0 => "App\Models\Service"
        1 => "144cbcea-2ce1-46a2-b438-50bd3f25ebfb"
    "time" => 0.0

    am not sure if am doing something wrong from my part or its a bug with the package, any help is appreciated.

    opened by ctf0 9
  • LocalKey being ignored

    LocalKey being ignored

    On the Znck\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToThrough constructor, it allows you to specify a local key, however this appears to be being completely ignored.

    opened by Eyewash01 9
  • BelongsToThrough::associate()


    "staudenmeir/belongs-to-through": "2.9", PHP 7.2.26 Laravel Framework 6.18.19 I get this error on update: Call to undefined method Znck\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToThrough::associate() and this is my relation methode:

     public function language() {
            return $this->belongsToThrough(\ModulMap::model('Language'), [\ModulMap::model('FaqCategory')], null,'', [\ModulMap::model('FaqCategory') => 'category_id'] );
    opened by vmihaly2020 8
  • Column not found: 1054

    Column not found: 1054

    Firstly, thanks for the package - it's just what I needed. Secondly, I'm a novice so my apologies in advance if I'm just doing something dumb here but I think this may be an issue.

    I have a Hazard model that relates to the Project model as follows:

    public function project()
            // relies on belongsToThrough package (
            return $this->belongsToThrough(Project::class, Node::class);

    To confirm:

    • [x] The nodes table relates to the projects table
    Schema::table('nodes', function (Blueprint $table) {
                $table->foreign('project_id', 'project_fk_2244664')->references('id')->on('projects');
    • [x] The hazards table relates to the nodes table
    Schema::table('hazards', function (Blueprint $table) {
                $table->foreign('node_id', 'node_fk_2244867')->references('id')->on('nodes');

    I have no doubt this works and if I query, for example, Hazard::with(['project']) then I get the expected relationship.

    But there are two places where I have encountered issues:

    1. When I query as below (this is in a filter class):
    return $this->builder->whereHas('project', function($qry) use ($value) {
                $qry->where('', $value);
    1. When I try to use the relationship in an accessor:
        protected function code(): Attribute
            return new Attribute(
                get: fn () => $this->project->code . "-" . sprintf('%04d', $this->id),

    In both instance I think I get the same underlying issue:

    SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'hazards.node_id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from `projects` inner join `nodes` on `nodes`.`project_id` = `projects`.`id` where `nodes`.`id` = `hazards`.`node_id` and `projects`.`deleted_at` is null and `is_active` = 1 limit 1)

    This has me beat because I understand all those columns exist (and can see them there in the database). Could you please take a look?

    opened by rossco555 7
  • Problem Defining a Special Relation

    Problem Defining a Special Relation

    This is probably not the best place for my question but it was the closest to the topic I could think of. So I hope there will be some hints however.

    Is there any possibility to define the following call as a relation?

        'customer_id' => $this->job->customer_id,
        'service_id' => $this->service_id,

    I have so far not been able to figure it out, because it's some kind of hybrid between belongsToThrough and a belongsTo relation with composite keys. I also use Compoships.

    Thanks to your package I could at least already define the customer relation:

    public function customer()
        return $this->belongsToThrough(

    I would really like to benefit from the built-in query reduction, eager loading etc. that a relation would provide.

    Here the database migrations:

    Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
    Schema::create('jobs', function (Blueprint $table) {
    Schema::create('services', function (Blueprint $table) {
    Schema::create('service_jobs', function (Blueprint $table) {
    Schema::create('customer_services', function (Blueprint $table) {
    opened by MannikJ 7
  • requires illuminate/database ~5.0 -> found illuminate/database[v5.0.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev] - Laravel 8 error

    requires illuminate/database ~5.0 -> found illuminate/database[v5.0.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev] - Laravel 8 error

    Problem 1 - Root composer.json requires staudenmeir/belongs-to-through 2.5 -> satisfiable by staudenmeir/belongs-to-through[v2.5]. - staudenmeir/belongs-to-through v2.5 requires illuminate/database ~5.0 -> found illuminate/database[v5.0.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.

    opened by WellingtonOstemberg 6
  • BelongsToThrough with custom ForeignKey

    BelongsToThrough with custom ForeignKey

    I have structure table with custom foreignKey name owner_id

      id: unsigned int, primary
      id : unsigned int, primary
      name: string
      owner_id: unsigned int, foreign(users)
      id: unsigned int, primary
      property_id : unsigned int, foreign(properties)
      date: date
      id : unsigned int, primary
      name : string
      period_id : unsigned int, foreign(periods)

    but when i'm using BelongsToThrough relation:

    class Activity {
        public function owner()
            return $this->belongsToThrough('App\User',['App\Property','App\Period']);

    there's error because query search for user_id in table Property not owner_id.

    is there any option that i could set custom foreignKey?

    opened by hiddenrebel 6
  • User → belongs to → A or B →  morph to many → C

    User → belongs to → A or B → morph to many → C


    I tried to solve this to recover C model, through a belongsTo relation to A (or B), like this : User → belongs to → A or B → morph to many → C I tried many options but unfornatly unsuccessfully. If someone has an idea, I'll super gratefull. Thanks in advance

    opened by Vicftz 5
  • Missing column on query... scratching head!

    Missing column on query... scratching head!


    Have been trying to get this to work in my project.

    A user can be assigned jobs (pivot table), each job has many areas, which can have many locations, and then once a job in a location is finished a completed model (with location_id) is created.

    Initially I was storing user_id, location_id, area_id and job_id into the Completed table, however this was affecting seeding - then I found your project! Now just storing user_id and location_id

    I've tried to get the amount of completed locations: $user->jobs()->withCount('completed'), however just get this error message:

    SQLSTATE[42S22]: COLUMN NOT FOUND: 1054 unknown COLUMN 'locations.job_id' IN 'where clause' (SQL:
    SELECT     `jobs`.*,
                          SELECT     count(*)
                          FROM       `completeds`
                          INNER JOIN `locations`
                          ON         `locations`.`id` = `completeds`.`location_id`
                          WHERE      `jobs`.`id` = `locations`.`job_id`
                          AND        `completeds`.`deleted_at` IS NULL) AS `completeds_count`,
               `job_subs`.`user_id`                                     AS `pivot_user_id`,
               `job_subs`.`job_id`                                      AS `pivot_job_id`,
               `job_subs`.`created_at`                                  AS `pivot_created_at`,
               `job_subs`.`updated_at`                                  AS `pivot_updated_at`
    FROM       `jobs`
    INNER JOIN `job_subs`
    ON         `jobs`.`id` = `job_subs`.`job_id`
    WHERE      `job_subs`.`user_id` = 1
    AND        `jobs`.`deleted_at` IS NULL)

    I have all the belongsToThrough relations in place in the intermediate models, but it still looks for the _id field (which doesn't exist).

    Any ideas? Am I just doing it wrong?

    opened by sparxooo 5
  • BelongToThrough does not respect Model's connection

    BelongToThrough does not respect Model's connection

    BelongToThrough does not respect Model's connection

    Database structure

    Let's assume a database structure with three models in two different database schemas.

    DB: dev_user_db
    - id
    DB: dev_shop_db
    - id
    - seller_id
    - id
    - category_id

    Database config

    And the following config/database.php which let's us switch between a development and produciton database using the .env file:

    return [
        'user_db' => [
            // Some other things here
            'database' => env('USER_DATABASE')
        'shop_db' => [
            // Some other things here
            'database' => env('SHOP_DATABASE')


    The relationships are defined as follows:

    class Seller extends Model
        protected $connection = 'user_db';
        protected $table = 'sellers';
        // Some hasMany here ...
    class Category extends Model
        protected $connection = 'shop_db';
        protected $table = 'categories';
        public function seller()
            return $this->belongsTo(Seller::class);
    class Item extends Model
        protected $connection = 'shop_db';
        protected $table = 'items';
        public function category()
            return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);
        public function seller()
            return $this->belongsToThrough(Seller::class, Category::class);


    When trying to retrieve an Item with it's Seller:

    public function getItems()
        return Item::with(['seller'])->get();

    The following SQL Exception is thrown:

    "SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'dev_user_db.categories' doesn't exist 
    (SQL: select `seller`.*, `categories`.`id` as `laravel_through_key` from `seller` inner join `categories` on `categories`.`seller_id` = `seller`.`id` where `categories`.`id` in (1, 2))"

    As we can see, the query tries to find dev_user_db.categories even though $connection = 'shop_db' was defined on the Category model.

    A possible suggested solution to this was to also define the schema's name in the table parameter like $table = 'dev_shop_db.categories. Unfortunately this is not possible here, since the schema's name changes depending on the .env file - and expressions are not allowed as field default values.

    So it would be great if the belongsToThrough relationship used the defined $connection attributes to determine the correct database schemas to query.

    opened by tklie 5
  • Unable to get login user data from

    Unable to get login user data from "users" table.

    Login user can create multiple groups and add multiple user to each group. I want to display all unique users added to all groups. So far I tried Belongs to Trhough and Eloquent has many deep but unable to resolve my issue. Anyone help

    User Model

    class User extends Authenticatable implements MustVerifyEmail
     use \Znck\Eloquent\Traits\BelongsToThrough; //extra package added
     public function companies()
            return $this->belongsToThrough(
                [group::class, GroupUser::class],
                [Group::class => 'assigned_user_id']

    Group Model

    class group extends Model

    GroupUser Model for intermediate table

    class GroupUser extends Model
        protected $table = 'group_user';

    Fetch myCompanies

    $user = auth()->user();

    Exception Illuminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause' (SQL: select users.* from users inner join groups on groups.user_id = inner join group_user on group_user.assigned_user_id = where is null limit 1)

    Users Table Structure user

    Groups Table Structure group

    GroupUser Table Structure group_user

    opened by msayubi76 16
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