A Laravel UI preset for UIkit and Vue.js


New version: torrix/laravel-uikit

This package is for Laravel 6, and is no longer maintained. Please use the Laravel 8 version

UIkit frontend UI preset for Laravel 6

Out of the box, Laravel 6 ships with a UI preset for Bootstrap and Vue.js to make getting your website front-end up and running simple.

Laravel + UIkit = 😍

Although Bootstrap is very popular, I prefer YOOtheme's front-end framework UIkit. It's modern, clean, well-thought-out, and modular. I've used it for just about every project I've worked on in the last few years, for both websites and web applications, from tiny single-page landing sites, to massive web applications with thousands of users.

This repository extends Laravel UI with an additional preset for UIkit.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See Deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


To begin, you'll need a fresh install of Laravel 6. Adding this to an existing project is not recommended and may cause issues. For full instructions on installing Laravel, refer to the Laravel installation docs, but something like the following will get you up and running:

composer global require laravel/installer

laravel new mysite

php artisan serve

Your development site will be served at http://localhost:8000.

Installing this preset

To turn the base Laravel install into a UIkit skeleton site, follow the steps below.

  1. Include both Laravel UI and this repository into your composer dependencies:
composer require laravel/ui
composer require torrix/laravel-ui-uikit
  1. Run the artisan command to install the preset into your Laravel install. It will overwrite welcome.blade.php, so do not run this on established projects with changes made to that file. You can run the command with or without the --auth flag; this will determine whether or not the login/register routes & views are generated.
php artisan ui uikit --auth
  1. Finally, run NPM to download UIkit, and build your assets using Laravel Mix:
npm install && npm run dev

Developing with UIkit

To get started in UIkit, read their excellent docs. The examples and tests provided should give you all the help you need. To get an idea of what UIkit is capable of, I highly recommend the KickOff starter templates for inspiration.

To start customising UIkit to your own needs, take a look in app.scss. In there, you will find the standard UIkit imports, and by way of a simple example, I've changed the default blue primary colour to a nice purple shade, just to show what's possible in almost no time at all. Try changing it to another colour, and then running npm run dev to rebuild the CSS, and see the changes to your site.

Handy tip

Whilst developing your site, running Laravel Mix in watch mode makes it easy to make changes and quickly see their results:

npm run watch


When deploying to a live server, remember to build your assets in production mode for smaller, faster downloads:

npm run prod

Built With

  • Laravel - The awesome PHP framework that makes all of this worthwhile.
  • Laravel UI - The default Bootstrap preset Laravel ships with, and this project is based on.
  • UIkit - The beautiful, powerful front-end framework that you'll be delighted to build your next Laravel project with!


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


  • Matt Fletcher - This UIkit preset - Torrix
  • Taylor Otwell - The original Bootstrap preset - Laravel UI


This preset is based upon and extends Laravel UI, and is therefore open-source software licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE.md file for details

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