Scaffold generator for Laravel 5.x


Laravel 5.x Scaffold Generator

Travis Packagist Tag


Step 1: Install Through Composer

composer require 'laralib/l5scaffold' --dev

Step 2: Add the Service Provider

Open config/app.php and, to your providers array at the bottom, add:


Step 3: Run Artisan!

You're all set. Run php artisan from the console, and you'll see the new commands make:scaffold.


Use this command to generator scaffolding of Tweet in your project:

php artisan make:scaffold Tweet \
	--schema="title:string:default('Tweet #1'), body:text"

or with more options

php artisan make:scaffold Tweet \
	--schema="title:string:default('Tweet #1'), body:text" \
	--ui="bs3" \

This command will generate:




After don't forget to run:

php artisan migrate

Custom stub

Create a new folder inside Stubs > views with your UI name custom image

Custom fields in Stubs > views > **ui-name** > fields

Custom pages in Stubs > views > **ui-name** > pages

💭 Send us your ideas. (creating issues)

##Collaborators Fernando Brito
Sylvio Tavares
Raphael Heitor
Alfred Nutile
Sazzad Hossain Khan
Alexander Makhaev
Adam Brown
TJ Webb
Tsaganos Tolis
Ryan Gurnick

  • Composer service provider issue

    Composer service provider issue

    Can not add "Laralib\L5scaffold\GeneratorsServiceProvider" to app config provider

    "require": { "php": ">=5.5.9", "laravel/framework": "5.2." }, "require-dev": { "fzaninotto/faker": "~1.4", "mockery/mockery": "0.9.", "phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0", "symfony/css-selector": "2.8.|3.0.", "symfony/dom-crawler": "2.8.|3.0.", "laralib/l5scaffold": "^1.0" },

    opened by MohamedQabbani 10
  •  Error: Class Illuminate\Foundation\Composer does not exist

    Error: Class Illuminate\Foundation\Composer does not exist

    I get the following error when trying to scaffold (in Laravel version 5.2):

    " Class Illuminate\Foundation\Composer does not exist"

    The class is removed in this version of Laravel.

    opened by sbrugman 10
  • scaffolding: Tweet undefined index: default

    scaffolding: Tweet undefined index: default

    Hello, when i use make:scaffold command on laravel 5.4 can create Migration, Seed, Tweet and TweetController files correctly but can't create views throws a [ErrorException] Undefined index: default


    opened by andreyarias 8
  • View form fields missing after running make:scaffold

    View form fields missing after running make:scaffold

    After running this command:

    php artisan make:scaffold Tweet --schema="title:string:default('Tweet #1'), body:text"

    php artisan migrate

    I do not see any form fields in the blade file.


    Using version 1.0.8

    opened by proprofs-workspace 8
  • Error create views: Undefined variable: schemaArray

    Error create views: Undefined variable: schemaArray

    I'm using laravel 5.2.x and an error occurred when creating views:

    Undefined variable: schemaArray

    Exception trace: () at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:144 Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\HandleExceptions->handleError() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:144 Laralib\L5scaffold\Makes\MakeView->replaceSchemaIndex() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:101 Laralib\L5scaffold\Makes\MakeView->compileViewStub() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:61 Laralib\L5scaffold\Makes\MakeView->generateView() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:37 Laralib\L5scaffold\Makes\MakeView->start() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Makes/MakeView.php:32 Laralib\L5scaffold\Makes\MakeView->__construct() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Commands/ScaffoldMakeCommand.php:181 Laralib\L5scaffold\Commands\ScaffoldMakeCommand->makeViews() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laralib/l5scaffold/src/Commands/ScaffoldMakeCommand.php:100 Laralib\L5scaffold\Commands\ScaffoldMakeCommand->fire() at n/a:n/a call_user_func_array() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php:507 Illuminate\Container\Container->call() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php:169 Illuminate\Console\Command->execute() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/symfony/console/Command/Command.php:256 Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command->run() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Console/Command.php:155 Illuminate\Console\Command->run() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:791 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRunCommand() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:186 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->doRun() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/symfony/console/Application.php:117 Symfony\Component\Console\Application->run() at /var/www/html/blog/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Console/Kernel.php:107 Illuminate\Foundation\Console\Kernel->handle() at /var/www/html/blog/artisan:36

    opened by jhosepharaujo 6
  • custom templates

    custom templates

    Hey... really nice idea

    I was missing scaffold from way/generators badly and you made it.

    as in original generators (way/generators).. do you have custom templates option?


    opened by lorvent 6
  • Command

    Command "make:scaffold" is not defined.

    php artisan make:scaffold

      Command "make:scaffold" is not defined.

    installed with:

    composer require laralib/l5scaffold:master

    added (config/app.php) :


    Running on W10, EasyPHP Dev Server (Apache 2.4, PHP 7.1) and Laravel 5.4

    opened by yurik94 5
  • Scaffold without migration

    Scaffold without migration

    Is it possible to update the package and be able to create a scaffold without a migration? Sometimes I pull in packages that already publish their own migrations and making another boilerplate one isn't necessary. or at least --schema="". But that option needs a value

    opened by jerrycoe 5
  • Could not find package `laralib/l5scaffold` at any version for your minimum-stability (stable).

    Could not find package `laralib/l5scaffold` at any version for your minimum-stability (stable).

    Hi! My Laravel Version is 5.2.29. When i enter command in cmd: composer requirelaralib/l5scaffold--dev The cmd show me error: [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find packagelaralib/l5scaffoldat any version for your minimum-stability (stable). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability 2016-04-19_12-50-05 How i can install this package? P.S. Other packages have been established successfully Im sorry for my bad English:)

    opened by ilnurshax 4
  • readme instructions do not work

    readme instructions do not work

    I followed the instructions in the readme for a brand new Laravel app. I did the following which did not end well. See the error message at the bottom.

    $ laravel new myapp
    $ cd myapp/
    $ composer require 'laralib/l5scaffold' --dev
    Using version ^1.0 for laralib/l5scaffold
    ./composer.json has been updated
    > php artisan clear-compiled
    Loading composer repositories with package information
    Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
      - Installing laralib/l5scaffold (1.0.4)
        Loading from cache
    Writing lock file
    Generating autoload files
    > php artisan optimize
    Generating optimized class loader
    $ vim config/app.php 
    $ php artisan
      Class Illuminate\Foundation\Composer does not exist 
    opened by petermichaux 4
  • unable to create scaffold

    unable to create scaffold

    While the migration and seeder are created, it soon halts with this...

    [InvalidArgumentException] The "--no-migration" option does not exist.

    opened by interludic 4
  •  In BoundMethod.php line 135:

    In BoundMethod.php line 135:

    Hi, I am using laravel5.5
    i have installed your plugin.Also checked using Php artisa Command here, i can see make:scaffold But if i try to generate a scaffold like Command

    php artisan make:scaffold Category .

    Its getting below error.

    In BoundMethod.php line 135:

    Method Laralib\L5scaffold\Commands\ScaffoldMakeCommand::handle() does not e xist Can any one help me.

    Thanks advance.

    opened by kjareena 1
  • Too many arguments, expected arguments

    Too many arguments, expected arguments "command" "name".

    Error Too many arguments, expected arguments "command" "name". in command

    php artisan make:scaffold Doctor \ --schema="name:string, crm:string, street:string, district:string, complement:string, postal_code:number, city:string, state:string"

    opened by vanessasoutoc 2
  • Scaffold can generate with users and role relationship

    Scaffold can generate with users and role relationship

    Hi, Wonderful plugin really. Its helps me a lot. Thanks for your plugin. I have small query.

    I am using laravel 5.4, in this can i generate with users and roles relationship Scaffold ????

    opened by kjareena 1
  • How to configure layout?

    How to configure layout?

    I'd like to be able to configure the layout that the package uses to create the HTML. How can I make this happen?

    Editing the files created by composer in the vendor folder is not an option since the layout would always be overridden when composer is updated... any ideas?

    Thank you

    opened by andresrex 0
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