Laravel 5 Barcode Generator


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This is a barcode generation package inspired by Actually, I use that package's underline classes for generating barcodes. This package is just a wrapper of that package and adds compatibility with Laravel 5.

I used the following classes of that package.

  • src/Milon/Barcode/Datamatrix.php (include/barcodes/datamatrix.php)
  • src/Milon/Barcode/DNS1D.php (tcpdf_barcodes_1d.php)
  • src/Milon/Barcode/DNS2D.php (tcpdf_barcodes_2d.php)
  • src/Milon/Barcode/PDF417.php (include/barcodes/pdf417.php)
  • src/Milon/Barcode/QRcode.php (include/barcodes/qrcode.php)

Read More on TCPDF website

This package is compatible with Laravel 4.* , 5.*, 6.*, 7.* and 8.*

This package relies on php-gd extension. So, make sure it is installed on your machine.


Begin by installing this package through Composer. Just run following command to terminal-

composer require milon/barcode

You can also edit your project's composer.json file to require milon/barcode.

"require": {
    "milon/barcode": "^8.0"

For Laravel 7.* use this-

"require": {
    "milon/barcode": "^7.0"

For Laravel 6.* use this-

"require": {
    "milon/barcode": "^6.0"

For Laravel 5.0 and 5.1 use this-

"require": {
    "milon/barcode": "^5.1"

For Laravel 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 use this-

"require": {
    "milon/barcode": "^4.2"

Next, update Composer from the Terminal:

composer update

Once this operation completes, the final step is to add the service provider. Open config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.

'providers' => [
    // ...

For version 4.* add these lines on app/config/app.php file-

'providers' => array(
    // ...

If you want to change Bar-code's settings (Store Path etc.), you need to publish its config file(s). For that you need to run in the terminal-

# Laravel 5.x
php artisan vendor:publish

# Laravel 4.x
php artisan config:publish milon/barcode

Make sure you have write permission to the storage path. By default it sets to /storage folder.

Now add the alias.

'aliases' => [
    // ...
    'DNS1D' => Milon\Barcode\Facades\DNS1DFacade::class,
    'DNS2D' => Milon\Barcode\Facades\DNS2DFacade::class,

For version 4.2 alias will be like this-

'aliases' => array(
    // ...
    'DNS1D' => 'Milon\Barcode\Facades\DNS1DFacade',
    'DNS2D' => 'Milon\Barcode\Facades\DNS2DFacade',

Bar-code generator like Qr Code, PDF417, C39, C39+, C39E, C39E+, C93, S25, S25+, I25, I25+, C128, C128A, C128B, C128C, 2-Digits UPC-Based Extention, 5-Digits UPC-Based Extention, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC-A, UPC-E, MSI (Variation of Plessey code)

generator in html, png embedded base64 code and SVG canvas

echo DNS1D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T');
echo '<img src="data:image/png,' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+') . '" alt="barcode"   />';
echo DNS1D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T');
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+') . '" alt="barcode"   />';
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'C39');
echo DNS2D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'QRCODE');
echo DNS2D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PDF417');
echo DNS2D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'DATAMATRIX');
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . DNS2D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'PDF417') . '" alt="barcode"   />';

Width and Height example

echo DNS1D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33);
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33);
echo '<img src="' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33) . '" alt="barcode"   />';
echo DNS1D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33);
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33) . '" alt="barcode"   />';


echo DNS1D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,'green');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,'green');
echo '<img src="' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33,array(1,1,1)) . '" alt="barcode"   />';
echo DNS1D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,array(255,255,0));
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33,array(1,1,1)) . '" alt="barcode"   />';

Show Text

echo DNS1D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,'green', true);
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,'green', true);
echo '<img src="' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33,array(1,1,1), true) . '" alt="barcode"   />';
echo DNS1D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T',3,33,array(255,255,0), true);
echo '<img src="data:image/png;base64,' . DNS1D::getBarcodePNG('4', 'C39+',3,33,array(1,1,1), true) . '" alt="barcode"   />';

2D Barcodes

echo DNS2D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'QRCODE');
echo DNS2D::getBarcodePNGPath('4445645656', 'PDF417');
echo DNS2D::getBarcodeSVG('4445645656', 'DATAMATRIX');

1D Barcodes

echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C39');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C39+');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C39E');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C39E+');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C93');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'S25');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'S25+');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'I25');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'I25+');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C128');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C128A');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C128B');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'C128C');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('44455656', 'EAN2');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445656', 'EAN5');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445', 'EAN8');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445', 'EAN13');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'UPCA');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'UPCE');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'MSI');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'MSI+');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'POSTNET');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PLANET');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'RMS4CC');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'KIX');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'IMB');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'CODABAR');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'CODE11');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA');
echo DNS1D::getBarcodeHTML('4445645656', 'PHARMA2T');

Running without Laravel

You can use this library without using Laravel.


use \Milon\Barcode\DNS1D;

$d = new DNS1D();
echo $d->getBarcodeHTML('9780691147727', 'EAN13');


This package is published under GNU LGPLv3 license and copyright to Nuruzzaman Milon. Original Barcode generation classes were written by Nicola Asuni. The license agreement is on project's root.

Buy me a coffee โ˜•

License: GNU LGPLv3
Package Author: Nuruzzaman Milon
Original Barcode Class Author: Nicola Asuni
Package Copyright: Nuruzzaman Milon
Barcode Generation Class Copyright:
Nicola Asuni LTD

  • Missing argument 3 for Milon\Barcode\WrongCheckDigitException::__construct()

    Missing argument 3 for Milon\Barcode\WrongCheckDigitException::__construct()

    Missing argument 3 for Milon\Barcode\WrongCheckDigitException::__construct(), called in /vendor/milon/barcode/src/Milon/Barcode/DNS1D.php on line 1427 and defined

    Code DNS1D.php line 1427 throw new \Milon\Barcode\WrongCheckDigitException($r, intval($code{$data_len})); which has 2 arguments

    But your class WrongCheckDigitException public function __construct($actual = NULL, $expected = NULL, $code, \Exception $previous = NULL) require argument 3

    opened by kotenarok 8
  • Barcode displaying as blocks instead of barcode

    Barcode displaying as blocks instead of barcode

    I have been using this package to generate barcodes for various pieces in my application. Yesterday I had to make updates to the linux server that the application is running on now the barcodes come out as blocks instead of like a barcode. I have added photograph to show what I mean. I have not been able to reproduce this issue in my local development.

    What it looks like now: barcode_as_blocks

    What it used to look like: barcode

    opened by likeadeckofcards 7
  • Laravel 9.x Compatibility

    Laravel 9.x Compatibility

    This is an automated pull request from Shift to update your package code and dependencies to be compatible with Laravel 9.x.

    Before merging, you need to:

    • Checkout the l9-compatibility branch
    • Review all comments for additional changes
    • Thoroughly test your package

    If you do find an issue, please report it by commenting on this PR to help improve future automation.

    opened by laravel-shift 5
  • How to generate fixed sized barcode ?

    How to generate fixed sized barcode ?

    How to generate a fixed-sized barcode?

    When I increase the size of code it will automatically increase the width of the barcode.

    => Long code image

    => short code image

    opened by csesumonpro 5
  • Copyright and License infringement

    Copyright and License infringement

    I have noticed that this project is using source code copied from the project originally hosted at but all original notices about author, copyright and license were removed or replaced.

    Apparently you forked or copied the code from another project that has been already shut down with a DMCA takedown notice.

    You can compare the files yourself against TCPDF version 6.0.025 released 4 September 2013 (

    In this project the following files appears to be almost verbatim copies of the original ones, with the exception of the legal notices removed (author, copyright and license):

    • src/Milon/Barcode/Datamatrix.php (include/barcodes/datamatrix.php)
    • src/Milon/Barcode/DNS1D.php (tcpdf_barcodes_1d.php)
    • src/Milon/Barcode/DNS2D.php (tcpdf_barcodes_2d.php)
    • src/Milon/Barcode/PDF417.php (include/barcodes/pdf417.php)
    • src/Milon/Barcode/QRcode.php (include/barcodes/qrcode.php)

    The original code is released under the GNU LGPLv3 license and copyrighted by Nicola Asuni - LTD, but none of this information is present in the copied files.

    The options to remedy the infringement are:

    1. delete the project - this seems the best option as this project seems not adding any new functionality;
    2. if the license is compatible with GNU-LGPLv3, replace the infringing files with the original ones, or reinstate all the original notices (author, copyright, license);
    3. delete the infringing files and use the new external library (originally based on the same code).

    An immediate action is required as this infringement is serious.

    opened by nicolaasuni 5
  • production problems

    production problems


    I'm using Laravel 5.2 and I've the follow html:

    <img class="barcode" src="data:image/png;base64, {{ DNS1D::getBarcodePNG($id, 'C39') }}"/>

    In my development environment works like a charm! But in production environment I having a problem. The base64 isn't generated, for example:



    screen shot 2016-10-26 at 23 39 41 ## PROD:

    <img class="barcode" src="data:image/png;base64, ">

    screen shot 2016-10-26 at 23 40 26

    Anybody help me? Thanks.

    opened by grimpa 4
  • Release latest version

    Release latest version

    Hi all,

    Would it be possible to get a new release tag with the latest fixes? A project I work on is affected by a bug in 8.0.1 that's since been fixed, and we'd prefer to not rely on dev-master in our composer file.


    opened by rneal-ck 3
  • Extra number in results

    Extra number in results

    I have barcode data in database like qewf and it print in my blade like:


    So far everything looks good,

    But when i try to read this barcode I get qewf1 where this 1 came from?



    <img src="data:image/png;base64,{!! \DNS1D::getBarcodePNG($product->barcode, 'C39+',1,50,array(1,1,1),true) !!}" alt="barcode" />

    Any idea?

    opened by robertnicjoo 3
  • Using latest code from tecnickcom/TCPDF datamatrix

    Using latest code from tecnickcom/TCPDF datamatrix

    Fixes #88

    I just copied the code from and pasted it under namespace Milon\Barcode;

    opened by neilcrookes 3
  • Not installing with Laravel 6

    Not installing with Laravel 6

    Bug report What I did:

    Installed fresh Laravel 6 app, then tried to install PageManager What I expected to happen:

    PageManager installs What happened:

    Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.

    Problem 1 - Conclusion: remove laravel/framework v6.0.1 - Conclusion: don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - milon/barcode 5.3.0 requires illuminate/support 5.* -> satisfiable by illuminate/support[5.0.x-dev, 5.1.x-dev, 5.2.x-dev, 5.3.x-dev, 5.4.x-dev, 5.5.x-dev, 5.6.x-dev, 5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, 5.7.x-dev, 5.8.x-dev, v5.0.0, v5.0.22, v5.0.25, v5.0.26, v5.0.28, v5.0.33, v5.0.4, v5.1.1, v5.1.13, v5.1.16, v5.1.2, v5.1.20, v5.1.22, v5.1.25, v5.1.28, v5.1.30, v5.1.31, v5.1.41, v5.1.6, v5.1.8, v5.2.0, v5.2.19, v5.2.21, v5.2.24, v5.2.25, v5.2.26, v5.2.27, v5.2.28, v5.2.31, v5.2.32, v5.2.37, v5.2.43, v5.2.45, v5.2.6, v5.2.7, v5.3.0, v5.3.16, v5.3.23, v5.3.4, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6.12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6.3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7.10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8.11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33, v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9]. - milon/barcode 5.3.1 requires illuminate/support 5.* -> satisfiable by illuminate/support[5.0.x-dev, 5.1.x-dev, 5.2.x-dev, 5.3.x-dev, 5.4.x-dev, 5.5.x-dev, 5.6.x-dev, 5.7.17, 5.7.18, 5.7.19, 5.7.x-dev, 5.8.x-dev, v5.0.0, v5.0.22, v5.0.25, v5.0.26, v5.0.28, v5.0.33, v5.0.4, v5.1.1, v5.1.13, v5.1.16, v5.1.2, v5.1.20, v5.1.22, v5.1.25, v5.1.28, v5.1.30, v5.1.31, v5.1.41, v5.1.6, v5.1.8, v5.2.0, v5.2.19, v5.2.21, v5.2.24, v5.2.25, v5.2.26, v5.2.27, v5.2.28, v5.2.31, v5.2.32, v5.2.37, v5.2.43, v5.2.45, v5.2.6, v5.2.7, v5.3.0, v5.3.16, v5.3.23, v5.3.4, v5.4.0, v5.4.13, v5.4.17, v5.4.19, v5.4.27, v5.4.36, v5.4.9, v5.5.0, v5.5.16, v5.5.17, v5.5.2, v5.5.28, v5.5.33, v5.5.34, v5.5.35, v5.5.36, v5.5.37, v5.5.39, v5.5.40, v5.5.41, v5.5.43, v5.5.44, v5.6.0, v5.6.1, v5.6.10, v5.6.11, v5.6.12, v5.6.13, v5.6.14, v5.6.15, v5.6.16, v5.6.17, v5.6.19, v5.6.2, v5.6.20, v5.6.21, v5.6.22, v5.6.23, v5.6.24, v5.6.25, v5.6.26, v5.6.27, v5.6.28, v5.6.29, v5.6.3, v5.6.30, v5.6.31, v5.6.32, v5.6.33, v5.6.34, v5.6.35, v5.6.36, v5.6.37, v5.6.38, v5.6.39, v5.6.4, v5.6.5, v5.6.6, v5.6.7, v5.6.8, v5.6.9, v5.7.0, v5.7.1, v5.7.10, v5.7.11, v5.7.15, v5.7.2, v5.7.20, v5.7.21, v5.7.22, v5.7.23, v5.7.26, v5.7.27, v5.7.28, v5.7.3, v5.7.4, v5.7.5, v5.7.6, v5.7.7, v5.7.8, v5.7.9, v5.8.0, v5.8.11, v5.8.12, v5.8.14, v5.8.15, v5.8.17, v5.8.18, v5.8.19, v5.8.2, v5.8.20, v5.8.22, v5.8.24, v5.8.27, v5.8.28, v5.8.29, v5.8.3, v5.8.30, v5.8.31, v5.8.32, v5.8.33, v5.8.34, v5.8.35, v5.8.4, v5.8.8, v5.8.9]. - 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don't install illuminate/support v5.4.13|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.17|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.19|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.27|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.36|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.4.9|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support 5.0.x-dev|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.0|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.22|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.25|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.26|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.28|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.33|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - don't install illuminate/support v5.0.4|don't install laravel/framework v6.0.1 - Installation request for laravel/framework (locked at v6.0.1, required as ^6.0) -> satisfiable by laravel/framework[v6.0.1]. - Installation request for milon/barcode ^5.3 -> satisfiable by milon/barcode[5.3.0, 5.3.1, 5.3.2, 5.3.3, 5.3.5, 5.3.6].

    Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json to its original content.

    Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version:

    Laravel 6 PHP 7.2.3

    opened by Qanah 3
  • URGENT strange characters while reading DATAMATRIX barcode

    URGENT strange characters while reading DATAMATRIX barcode

    if I need to generate a barcode for the following code: M-CNS301-1-4-86104-851-2018-01-15-2018-01-15-000001-0000000000

    It's generated. but once you scan it you got this: M-CNS301-1-4k-"LL2;IM":V$2:NK)D.%)L.#": K(JB!B:B (JB (D>82

    Im using it like this in my view {!! \DNS2D::getBarcodeSVG($barcode->barcode, "DATAMATRIX") !!}

    I have over 100 barcodes and all of them once scanned they produce the same code except these that starts with "M-CNS301" Why??

    opened by anasred 3
  • types: address DNS2D incorrect return types in docblock comments

    types: address DNS2D incorrect return types in docblock comments

    Hello ๐Ÿ‘‹

    When running psalm static analysis, the following error was flagged when utilizing the getBarcodePNG function:

    This addresses that and cleans up a few other return types. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like me to add in this change or other processes you'd prefer to be followed.

    opened by tcardwell-CK 0
  • Extra character added to datamatrix QR code

    Extra character added to datamatrix QR code


    I have an issue where a "{" is added to the end of the QR-code when using DATAMATRIX.

    The encoded string is "P31492604#T220609-0033#VAEOXK#". I've tried to encode a couple of strings and the result varies:

    P31492604#T220609#0033#VAEOXK# = P31492604#T220609#0033#VAEOXK#{
    P31492604#T220609#0033#VAEOXK#1 = P31492604#T220609#0033#VAEOXK#{1
    P31492604-T220609-0033-VAEOXK2 = P31492604-T220609-0033-VAEOXK2{
    P31492604#T220609#ABCD#VAEOXK# = P31492604#T220609#ABCD#VAEOXK#

    The issue seems to be related to #0033.

    It does not matter if I use SVG or PNG-format.

    opened by stromgren 0
  • barcode is good on browser screen but wrong on print preview

    barcode is good on browser screen but wrong on print preview

    barcode is good on browser screen, but it seems to be bolder on print preview and can't read by barcode scanner. here is what i did: DNS1DFacade::getBarcodeSVG($code, 'C128', 1, 75)

    1. print preview screen image

    2. browser screen image

    The last image is from other source (it looks well in both).

    opened by PanNork 2
  • milon/barcode Not working in Heroku

    milon/barcode Not working in Heroku

    image Milon/barcode is not work in heroku. I tried install it, unfortunately i can't do it. I got a error. warning require@2.4.20: The engine "browsers" appears to be invalid. Installing plugin !

    please help me

    opened by Thaindhu 0
Nuruzzaman Milon
Programmer, Author, Tech Enthusiast.
Nuruzzaman Milon
Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator)

Laravel Design Pattern Generator (api generator) you can create your restful api easily by using this library and you can filter, sort and include elo

HusseinAlaa 2 Sep 25, 2022
Html menu generator for Laravel

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Spatie 813 Jan 4, 2023
A Laravel and Lumen Badges Generator

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Vagner Luz do Carmo 6 Jun 10, 2020
A package for Laravel One Time Password (OTP) generator and validation without Eloquent Model, since it done by Cache.

Laravel OTP Introduction A package for Laravel One Time Password (OTP) generator and validation without Eloquent Model, since it done by Cache. The ca

Lim Teck Wei 52 Sep 6, 2022
Laravel Livewire (TALL-stack) form generator with realtime validation, file uploads, array fields, blade form input components and more.

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TinaH 622 Jan 2, 2023
Promotional Codes Generator for Laravel >5

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A Laravel Code Generator based on your Models using Blade Template Engine

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Victor Yoalli 59 Dec 5, 2022
Laravel 5 Model Factory Generator

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API generator for Laravel 5

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Erik C. Forรฉs 26 Dec 14, 2022
Scaffold generator for Laravel 5.x

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null 315 Dec 8, 2022
Secret Phrase Generator for Laravel.

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null 2 Feb 21, 2022
Simple project to send bulk comma-separated emails using laravel and messenger module from quick admin panel generator.

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Laravel generator with GUI. Generate crud / scaffold.

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George 420 Dec 5, 2022
Laravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema.

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Kit Loong 1.4k Jan 1, 2023
Laravel MiGator - Migrations Generator

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Synetic 2 Oct 13, 2022
The official Statamic 3 static site generator package

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Statamic 187 Dec 25, 2022
Generator-hedley - Scaffold a headless Drupal backend, Angular app client, and Behat tests

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null 99 Jun 3, 2022
๐Ÿ”น Generator Template for ๐Ÿ™ƒ Phony Framework

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PHP implementation of Nanoid, secure URL-friendly unique ID generator

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__hidehalo 548 Jan 4, 2023