439 Repositories
PHP hacktoberfest-starter Libraries
A pure PHP library for reading and writing presentations documents
Branch Master : Branch Develop : PHPPresentation is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of classes to write to different presentation fi
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects
WordPress & TypeScript. Simple starter template for WordPress projects that want to use TypeScript in combination with @wordpress/scripts
Library that offers Input Filtering based on Annotations for use with Objects. Check out 2.dev for 2.0 pre-release.
DMS Filter Component This library provides a service that can be used to filter object values based on annotations Install Use composer to add DMS\Fil
A Collections-only split from Laravel's Illuminate Support
Collect - Illuminate Collections Deprecated: With the separation of Illuminate's Collections package, Collect is no longer necessary 🎉 . We will main
TiDB is an open source distributed HTAP database compatible with the MySQL protocol
What is TiDB? TiDB ("Ti" stands for Titanium) is an open-source NewSQL database that supports Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) wo
Composer install helper outsourcing sensitive keys from the package URL into environment variables
private-composer-installer This is a Composer plugin offering a way to reference private package URLs within composer.json and composer.lock. It outso
MageSpecialist DevTools for Magento2
MageSpecialist DevTools for Magento 2 This module is intended to be used with MageSpecialist Chrome Toolbar. Readme and installation guide can be foun
Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento
markshust/docker-magento Mark Shust's Docker Configuration for Magento Table of contents Docker Hub Free Course Usage Prerequisites Setup Updates Cust
PHPStorm Plugin for Magento 2
PhpStorm Magento 2 Plugin Installation Go to Settings Preferences in the PhpStorm IDE Navigate to Plugins Click the Browse repositories... button an
Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 based on Gulp.js
Magento 2 Frontools Set of front-end tools for Magento 2 Requirements Unix-like OS (please, do not ask about Windows support) Node.js LTS version. We
A Magento 2 module that enables configurable CORS Headers on the GraphQL and REST APIs
Magento 2 CORS Magento Version Support Ever try to work with the Magento GraphQL API or REST API from your browser and see the following? Access to XM
Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2
Magento 2 Menu Provides powerful menu editor to replace category based menus in Magento 2. Setup Create new menu in the admin area Content Elements
SASS based version of Magento 2 Blank theme
Magento 2 - Blank theme - SASS version SASS based version of Magento 2 Blank theme, which aims to be as close to the core code as possible. Installati
WordPress plugin starter/boilerplate.
Howdy WordPress plugin starter. Based on "Service Provider" design pattern. Environment setup composer install npm install Plugin Backend Architecture
Official OpenMage LTS codebase | Migrate easily from Magento Community Edition in minutes
Official OpenMage LTS codebase | Migrate easily from Magento Community Edition in minutes! Download the source code for free or contribute to OpenMage LTS | Security vulnerability patches, bug fixes, performance improvements and more.
Multi-language translate module for Silverstripe, without having to manage separate site trees.
Silverstripe-fluent - Multi-language translate module for Silverstripe, without having to manage separate site trees.
Silverstripe-solr-search - Advanced searching with SilverStripe, Solarium and Solr
Master is no longer the main branch. If you are using dev-master, switch to dev-primary Modern SilverStripe Solr Search Full documentation or see the
Silverstripe-ideannotator - Generate docblocks for DataObjects, Page, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions
silverstripe-ideannotator This module generates @property, @method and @mixin tags for DataObjects, PageControllers and (Data)Extensions, so ide's lik
Silverstripe-populate - Populate your database through YAML files
Populate Module This module provides a way to populate a database from YAML fixtures and custom classes. For instance, when a building a web applicati
Silverstripe-sspy - Python based SSPAK export with higher reliability and cross-platform compatibility
SSPY - Python Stand-alone SSPAK solution © Simon Firesphere Erkelens; Moss Mossman Cantwell Usage: sspy [create|load|extract] (db|assets) --file=my.
TypeResolver - A PSR-5 based resolver of Class names, Types and Structural Element Names
TypeResolver and FqsenResolver The specification on types in DocBlocks (PSR-5) describes various keywords and special constructs but also how to stati
Simple-cache - PHP FIG Simple Cache PSR
PHP FIG Simple Cache PSR This repository holds all interfaces related to PSR-16. Note that this is not a cache implementation of its own. It is merely
Woocommerce - An open source eCommerce plugin for WordPress.
Welcome to the WooCommerce repository on GitHub. Here you can browse the source, look at open issues and keep track of development. We recommend all d
Assert - Assertions to validate method input/output with nice error messages.
Webmozart Assert This library contains efficient assertions to test the input and output of your methods. With these assertions, you can greatly reduc
Yii2-symfonymailer - Yii 2 Symfony mailer extension.
Yii Mailer Library - Symfony Mailer Extension This extension provides a Symfony Mailer mail solution for Yii framework 2.0. For license information ch
Laravel SDK for Sentry
Sentry for Laravel Laravel integration for Sentry. Laravel Version Compatibility Laravel = 4.2.x is supported until 0.8.x Laravel = 5.7.x on PHP =
Livewire UI components with tailwind base style
WireUI 📚 Documentation Wire UI is a library of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development. Starting a new
Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media files to models with Laravel 5.
Laravel-Mediable Laravel-Mediable is a package for easily uploading and attaching media files to models with Laravel. Features Filesystem-driven appro
It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream).
TailAdmin Inertia It's a dashboard theme/UI-Starter Kit with Laravel, Inertia and Vue (JetStream). Setup Directions npm install composer install Chang
E-commerce solution for October CMS
oc-mall E-commerce solution for October CMS oc-mall is a fully featured online shop solution for October CMS. Manage Products and Variants Virtual pro
A Collection of Providers for Laravel Socialite
A Collection of Providers for Laravel Socialite Documentation Full documentation for using these providers can be found at the Documentation. Contribu
Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS.
Nebula Nebula is a minimalistic and easy to use administration tool for Laravel applications, made with Laravel, Alpine.js, and Tailwind CSS. Nebula m
The Workflow Package add Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application.
Workflows add Drag & Drop automation's to your Laravel application. The Workflow Package adds Drag & Drop Workflows to your Laravel Application. A Wor
An administration starter kit for Laravel.
Craftable About Demo Packages used Requirements Installation New project Add to existing project Basics Documentation Where to go next? About Hi Craft
A Laravel package to fetch Open Graph data of a website.
OpenGraph is a laravel package to fetch Open Graph metadata of a website/link. Features Easily fetch metadata of a URL. Laravel OpenGraph fetches all
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.
👻 It's never been easier to build and customize admin panels. Yah! yaldash is a beautifully designed administration panel for Laravel.
A @laravel based RAD platform for back-office applications, admin/user panels, and dashboards.
For the full documentation, visit orchid.software. Introduction Orchid is a free Laravel package that abstracts standard business logic and allows cod
URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
UrlHub Warning: UrlHub is still in development, constantly being optimized and isn't still stable enough to be used in production environments. Whatev
Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software
Get discount on Digital Ocean Sign-up with Digital Ocean and get $10 discount! Laravel FREE E-Commerce Software Features Provided Products Cart Checko
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups, previously
Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups, previously
This package helps you to associate users with permissions and permission groups with laravel framework
Laravel ACL This package allows you to manage user permissions and groups in a database, and is compatible with Laravel v5.8 or higher. Please check t
GistLog - simple, easy blogging based on GitHub gists
GistLog Turn your gists into easy, beautiful, responsive blog posts--each a "GistLog". Just paste a Gist URL into GistLog.co and you're up and running
Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source.
Your self-hosted bookmark archive. Free and open source. Contents About LinkAce Support Setup Contribution About LinkAce LinkAce is a self-hosted arch
Laravel File Generators with config and publishable stubs
Laravel File Generators Custom Laravel File Generators with a config file and publishable stubs. You can publish the stubs. You can add your own stubs
A PHP framework for console artisans
This is a community project and not an official Laravel one Laravel Zero was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a micro-framework th
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP to help you test business expectations.
Behat is a BDD framework for PHP to help you test business expectations. Installing Behat The easiest way to install Behat is by using Composer: $ co
Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies.
Takeout Takeout is a CLI tool for spinning up tiny Docker containers, one for each of your development environment dependencies. It's meant to be pair
A collection of tools to help with PHP command line utilities
PHP Command Line Tools A collection of functions and classes to assist with command line development. Requirements PHP = 5.3 Suggested PHP extensions
A laboratory for learning secure web and mobile development in a practical manner.
A laboratory for learning secure web and mobile development in a practical manner. Build your lab By provisioning local environments via docker-compos
A lightweight file manager with full ShareX, Screencloud support and more
XBackBone is a simple, self-hosted, lightweight PHP file manager that support the instant sharing tool ShareX and *NIX systems. It supports uploading
Wordpress Plugin Boilerplate but Powered with examples and a generator!
WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered WordPress Plugin Boilerplate Powered is a complete foundation for building your WordPress plugins following PSR-4
This is a setup for a Tor based shared web hosting server
General Information: This is a setup for a Tor based shared hosting server. It is provided as is and before putting it into production you should make
Lite & fast micro PHP framework that is **easy to learn**.
Utopia Framework is a PHP MVC based framework with minimal must-have features for professional, simple, advanced and secure web development.
Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool
The Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool, or UDOIT (pronounced, “You Do It”) enables faculty to identify accessibility issues in their Learning Management System. It will scan a course, generate a report, and provide resources on how to address common accessibility issues.
📨 Facebook Notifications Channel for Laravel
Facebook Notifications Channel for Laravel This package makes it easy to send notifications using the Facebook Messenger with Laravel. Contents Instal
Simple PHP package to get any Facebook Page posts
Get Facebook Page Feed It is simple wrapper class written in php to fetch posts from certain Facebook page. Currently I am using Facebook graph API wi
Ghygen is a GitHub Actions configurator for your PHP / Laravel project.
Ghygen Ghygen is a GitHub actions Yaml Generator. Ghygen allows you creating your Yaml file for GitHub Actions, for Laravel/PHP web application, so yo
Laravel Breeze Next.js Starter (Backend)
Laravel Breeze Next.js Starter (Backend)
Phalcon 3, PHP7, Docker sample starter application
Phalcon Docker Nginx starter app Docker image based on: Ubuntu 16.04 Phalcon 3 PHP 7 Nginx + PHP FPM Supervisord Dependencies Docker. For installation
RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one
RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alone application in CLI mode.
OctoLinker — Links together, what belongs together
What is OctoLinker? OctoLinker is a browser extension for GitHub, that turns language-specific statements like include require or import into links. I
A starter kit that integrates Laravel with Vue CLI, Inertia.js, TailwindCSS and Vuetify
Laravel Viltify Laravel Viltify is a heavily opinionated Laravel starter kit. It's intent is to seamlessly integrate V ue, I nertia.js, L aravel, T ai
The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts.
Nutgram The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts This framework takes advantage of the latest PHP 8 features, and tries to make the spee
Skeleton Application for Laminas API Tools
Laminas API Tools Skeleton Application Requirements Please see the composer.json file. Installation Via release tarball Grab the latest release via th
Detect unused composer dependencies
Project scanner for detect unused composer dependencies Versions Use 1.3.x@dev versions for projects with php 5.6, 7.0 Use 2.x versions for projects w
Home of the Joomla! Content Management System
Joomla! CMS™ Build Status Drone-CI AppVeyor PHP Node npm Overview This is the source of Joomla! 4.x. Joomla's Official website. Joomla! 4.0 version hi
A DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel
DOMPDF Wrapper for Laravel Laravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter Require this package in your composer.json and update composer. This will
The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com - For Slack access, visit:
Laravel Boilerplate (Current: Laravel 8.*) (Demo) Demo Credentials Admin: admin@admin.com Password: secret User: user@user.com Password: secret Offici
Simple forum software for building great communities.
About Flarum Flarum is a delightfully simple discussion platform for your website. It's fast and easy to use, with all the features you need to run a
Invoices, Expenses and Tasks built with Laravel and Flutter
Invoice Ninja Hosted | Self-Hosted We're on Slack, join us at slack.invoiceninja.com or if you like StackOverflow Just make sure to add the invoice-ni
Laravel IDE Helper
Laravel IDE Helper Generator Complete PHPDocs, directly from the source This package generates helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate a
🐦 A personal music streaming server that works.
koel Intro Koel (also stylized as koel, with a lowercase k) is a simple web-based personal audio streaming service written in Vue on the client side a
Laravel Debugbar (Integrates PHP Debug Bar)
Laravel Debugbar This is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel. It includes a ServiceProvider to register the debugbar and attach it to th
Personal CRM. Remember everything about your friends, family and business relationships.
Personal Relationship Manager Monica is a great open source personal relationship management system. Introduction Purpose Features Who is it for? What
Starter AdminLTE3 with Laravel 5.7 and Vuejs 2+
Starter AdminLTE3 with Laravel 5.7 and Vuejs 2+
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
Laravel 8 + Vue 2 + AdminLTE 3 based Curd Starter template
The Universal Device Detection library will parse any User Agent and detect the browser, operating system, device used (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv, cars, console, etc.), brand and model.
DeviceDetector Code Status Description The Universal Device Detection library that parses User Agents and detects devices (desktop, tablet, mobile, tv
Pheature flags toggle model implementation
Pheature Flags Toggle Model implementation Pheature flags toggle model implementation Installation Describe package installation composer require phea
Upgrade module for PrestaShop
1-Click Upgrade About Upgrade to the latest version of PrestaShop in a few clicks, thanks to this automated method. This module is compatible with all
Make requests to the Shopify API from your Laravel app
Make requests to the Shopify API from your Laravel app The signifly/laravel-shopify package allows you to easily make requests to the Shopify API. Ins
Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.
Matomo (formerly Piwik) - matomo.org Code Status Description Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform. Matomo is a full-featured PHP M
Very flexible git hook manager for php developers
CaptainHook CaptainHook is an easy to use and very flexible git hook library for php developers. It enables you to configure your git hook actions in
Sample code for several design patterns in PHP 8
DesignPatternsPHP Read the Docs of DesignPatternsPHP or Download as PDF/Epub This is a collection of known design patterns and some sample codes on ho
A Laravel-Vue SPA starter kit.
Laravel-Vue SPA A Laravel-Vue SPA starter kit. Features Laravel 8 Vue + VueRouter + Vuex + VueI18n + ESlint Pages with dynamic import and custom layou
💥 Collision is a beautiful error reporting tool for command-line applications
Collision was created by, and is maintained by Nuno Maduro, and is a package designed to give you beautiful error reporting when interacting with your
Driver for Laravel Scout search package based on tntsearch
Driver for Laravel Scout search package based on https://github.com/teamtnt/tntsearch
A Laravel-Vue-Tailwind SAAS Starter Kit.
Super SAAS Template My name is Julien Nahum, I've founded multiple Software-As-A-Service companies. This repo is the base I'm using to create a new SA
URL shortener web application based on the Laravel PHP Framework.
UrlHub Warning: UrlHub is still in development, constantly being optimized and isn't still stable enough to be used in production environments. Whatev
Laravel package for giving admin-created accounts to users via 'set-password' email.
Invytr When making a website where users are created instead of registering themselves, you are faced with the challenge of safely giving users the ac
Laravel Philips Hue package to control your lights with remote support
Laravel Philips Hue 💡 Introduction I created this package for my company Ploi (https://ploi.io) to control our office lights. For example, when we re
Laravel Craftsman CLI for easily crafting Laravel assets for any project (artisan make on steroids)
Laravel Craftsman Description Laravel Craftsman (written using the awesome Laravel-Zero CLI builder) provides a suite of crafting assets using a proje
DaybydayCRM an open-source CRM, to help you keep track of your daily workflow.
====================== DaybydayCRM is an everyday customer relationship management system (CRM) to help you keep track of your customers, tasks, appoi
A rate limiter for Laravel
Laravel Throttle Laravel Throttle was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a rate limiter for Laravel. Feel free to check out the
Twitch Helix API PHP Wrapper for Laravel
Laravel Twitch PHP Twitch Helix API Wrapper for Laravel 5+ ⚠️ Changes on May 01, 2020 Since May 01, 2020, Twitch requires all requests to contain a va
Use WordPress backend with Laravel or any PHP application
A collection of Model classes that allows you to get data directly from a WordPress database. Corcel is a collection of PHP classes built on top of El
A Laravel-Nuxt starter kit.
Laravel-Nuxt A Laravel-Nuxt starter project template. Features Nuxt 2 Laravel 8 SPA or SSR Socialite integration VueI18n + ESlint + Bootstrap 4 + Font
Raspberry Pi Self Hosted Server Based on Docker / Portainer.io
Pi-Hosted Portainer Template V2 This repository is a collection of tutorials for hosting a variety of server applications using Docker and Portainer.
ControlPanel's Dashboard is a dashboard application designed to offer clients a management tool to manage their pterodactyl servers.
Features PayPal Integration Email Verification Audit Log Admin Dashboard User/Server Management Store (credit system) Vouchers and so much more! Contr
Easy Localization for Laravel
Query String Localization Package for Laravel Use this package to localize your laravel application via query strings easily. Features: Localization b
Discover your ranking on GitHub
Git stars About This project was inspired by Git Awards! Since it apparently isn't supported anymore we thought we'd take the concept back and add our