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Joomla! CMS™

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What is Joomla?

  • Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) which enables you to build websites and powerful online applications.
  • It is a simple and powerful web server application which requires a server with PHP and either MySQL or PostgreSQL to run. You can find full technical requirements here.
  • Joomla! is free and Open Source software distributed under the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.

Looking for an installable package?

Joomla is not installable out of the box from this repository, please use:

How to get a working installation from the source

For detailed instructions please visit https://docs.joomla.org/Special:MyLanguage/J4.x:Setting_Up_Your_Local_Environment

You will need:

Steps to setup the local environment:

  • Clone the repository:
git clone git@github.com:joomla/joomla-cms.git
  • Go to the joomla-cms folder:
cd joomla-cms
  • Go to the 4.0-dev branch:
git checkout 4.0-dev
  • Install all the needed composer packages:
composer install
  • Install all the needed npm packages:
npm ci

Things to be aware of when pulling: Joomla creates a cache of the namespaces of its extensions in JOOMLA_ROOT/administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php. If extensions are created, deleted or removed in git then this file needs to be recreated. You can simply delete the file and it will be regenerated on the next call to Joomla.

Do you want to improve Joomla?


  • New DateTime picker (replaces calendar)

    New DateTime picker (replaces calendar)

    UX UI improvements

    Summary of Changes

    • Bootstrapified
    • Remove old code for IE<8
    • New simplified popup code
    • The internals of the date calculations are unchanged
    • Base on #707 improved support for non Gregorian calendars
    • New time picker code based on select elements (24 or 12h based)
    • options to display or not: week numbers, today button, year month in one row, days from previous next month (as disabled)
    • Everything is controllable through the calendar field definition (documentation will be done later on)


    screen shot 2016-07-15 at 01 54 13

    With time picker screen shot 2016-07-17 at 00 43 45

    Basic view screen shot 2016-07-15 at 02 11 02

    Testing Instructions

    You need a 3.7 installation apply this patch try various forms (contact, banner, article) and check if the calendar works ok. edit /Users/dimitris/Documents/github_projects/joomla1/administrator/components/com_content/models/forms/article.xml

            <field name="publish_up"
                format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" size="22"
                maxyear="+50" />

    and alter different options to check if everything still works ok

    Install Persian language and test if that calendar works ok!

    Try some 3rd PD components and check if they still functioning ok.

    Report any problems

    New Feature Unit/System Tests 
    opened by dgrammatiko 334
  • Correct utf8mb4 conversion

    Correct utf8mb4 conversion

    Pull Request for Issue #9156 .

    Summary of Changes

    This PR corrects the errors related to utf8mb4 conversions when updating a pre-3.5 to 3.5 (right now current staging plus this patch).

    Pre-3.5 means e.g. 3.4.8, not a beta or latest staging. There is no update path from Beta to Beta.

    So this PR is not meant to be tested with patch tester on latest staging.

    In addition to making the necessary conversion once for either utf8 or utf8mb4, this PR also allows to later convert again from utf8 to utf8mb4 after having migrated the database to a newer server.

    If something is to be converted is shown in the "Extensions -> Manage -> Database" view in the backend, and if so, using the "Fix" button will do the conversion.

    Note: The conversion handled by this PR does not change the database's default collation and character set. This is on the dastabase admin to decide.

    Also only the Joomla! Core tables are converted, not those of (Joomla! or 3rd party) extensions like e.g. patchtester or webinstaller.

    Testing Instructions


    If you use PHP 7, make sure that opcache is not used (switch off in your php.ini).

    Opcache could confuse this test when using old cached compiled PHP.

    Then 2 general methods for testing:


    do a Joomla! Update from a clean 3.4.8 to a "3.5.0 latest staging plus this PR applied":

    You can find an update container for use with the Extension Installer here: http://test5.richard-fath.de/Joomla_3.5.0-beta2-Beta-Update_Package_test2.zip.

    You also can use the Joomla! Update component with following custom URL (note it is http, not use https): http://test5.richard-fath.de/list_test5.xml.

    With both Joomla! Update or Extension Installer, the update should end with success.

    Then goto Extenions -> Manage -> Database.

    There should be reported at least that the Joomla! Core database tables have not be converted to UTF-8 (in case of your database and client not support utf8mb4) or the same for conversion to "UTF-8 Multibyte (utf8mb4). It means that the conversion has not been performed yet.

    There might be more database problems reported depending on the update method and the previous status of the database.

    Then click the Fix button.

    Result: Either all ok now, or or some of the database problems remain to be fixed, or some other database problems are shown, which then also should be able to be fixed, i.e. clicking the "Fix" button might be required several times but not an endless number of times, and at the end all is ok and also the message about conversion is not shown anymore.

    At the end check in mysql database e.g. with myphpadmin if all Joomla! core tables have default collation utf8mb4_general_ci, and if binary collated columns, e.g. alias columns, have utf8mb4_bin collation on a database with utf8mb4 support, and that on both kinds of databases alias columns fo tables like e.g. menu or categories go into indexes idx_alias only with a lenght of 100.

    The default collation of the complete database and tables of extensions will not be changed, only character set and collation of Joomla! Core tables and their binary collated columns.


    do as @wilsonge described in his issue #9156, i.e.

    • Install a new, clean 3.4.8 into an empty database,
    • zip a backup of the 3.4.8 Joomla! files and export a backup of your database to be able to start test from start again.
    • download the branch of this patch here https://github.com/richard67/joomla-cms/archive/correct-utf8mb4-conversion.zip
    • unzip it into the 3.4.8 installation, so all the files are updated now by the ones from this PR,
    • login at the backend and check for database problems (Extenions -> Manage -> Database).
    • The rest is like mentioned before after "Then goto Extenions -> Manage -> Database", except of following:
    • The database schema view shows - beside what is mentioned above for the other test method - at the top an error about a table "#__utf8_conversion" missing. This cannot be avoided for this udpate method. Using the "Fix" button will solve that. After this then at lest the problem about conversion for UTF-8 (or UTF8MB4) is shown, and maybe other database problems, too. This is like with the other test method above, and using the "Fix" button if necessary a few times will solve this ate the end.
    • Important if you tested before with this method: To start a new test, not just restore the old database and unzip the updated branch of this PR, this is not enough. You have to first fall back also on the file system by replacing the joomla folder by the clean 3.4.8 before then unzipping again my branch. Otherwise it can happen that when I have to rename or remove some file, then the old file is still present on the file system. After having done so, fall back to the old data using the database backup.

    With both methods, please test on database with and without utf8mb4 support if you have both.

    Testers please report the used update methods and your mysql server version and the client library version (mysql, mysqli or pdo driver) with your test result. Thanks in advance.

    Language Change 
    opened by richard67 322
  • [4.0] Admin UI repaint

    [4.0] Admin UI repaint

    A repaint and general cleanup of the Joomla 4 admin template styling.

    A [edit: thumb up removed] to @dgrammatiko for helping with some refactoring.







    Screenshot_2021-03-30 Media - Joomla 4 Dev - Administration



    NPM Resource Changed 
    opened by ciar4n 294
  • Update Joomla! content and contacts to include an item-featured class if an item is featured

    Update Joomla! content and contacts to include an item-featured class if an item is featured

    Pull Request for Issue #10011 .

    Summary of Changes

    The class item-featured has been added to both components and modules that contain a featured item. Featured items include articles and contacts.

    Testing Instructions

    Install Joomla! & Patch Tester

    Install Joomla! & Patch tester. Here's a video with some instructions. https://youtu.be/4OWgusZgIfk Download here: https://docs.joomla.org/Component_Patchtester_for_Testers

    The pull ID for this issue is 10011

    The title is Update Joomla! content and contacts to include an item-featured class if an item is featured.

    Test the issues

    You will need to create (at least) 2 articles (if using sample data you can use these items). One should be a featured article, one should not be a featured article. You will need to ensure that you show both of these in your test. The easiest way to do this in a blog view is to ensure they are in the same category and the category is selected. The same is true for other views and modules.

    You will need to create (at least) 2 contacts. One should be a featured contact one should not be a featured contact. You will need to ensure both of these are showing on the page you are viewing.

    You will need to create menu items for the category views listed below. So for example you will need to create a menu for category blog view, article archived view, contact all contacts view.. etc. If any views are not mentioned but include an article or a contact, you should add these to your testing process and report back if featured items do not show the class item-featured.

    The below list outlines the modules and components that have been changed.


    You should create a menu item for each of the following.

    com_content - category blog view com_content - category list view com_content - archive view com_content - featured articles view

    com_contact - category view com_contact - featured view


    You should create and publish all of these modules. They are all part of the Joomla! core. Simply go to module manager, click on new and find the correct module. Publish it to the page you are looking at (or all pages).

    mod_article_archive mod_articles_category mod_articles_latest mod_articles_news - horizontal view mod_articles_news - vertical view mod_articles_most_popular mod_related_items

    Once you have done this, you should navigate to the menu item you have created, for example you should have created a menu item that links to category blog and contains the articles you created. Visiting the blog page should show you your articles, you should have selected one to be a featured article.

    You will not notice any immediate difference, you will have to inspect the code to see if the class "item-featured" shows. You will need to repeat this step for all of the different content views.

    The same is true for the modules, again, you will need to ensure they are showing on your page, and inspect the element to see if the class item-featured shows.

    Finally, you will need to repeat these steps for the contact pages. The contacts that are featured should be called item-featured.

    The featured contacts/content should all have item-featured as a class. Any items that you have NOT set to be featured, should not include this class.

    New Feature Conflicting Files J4 Rebase 
    opened by uglyeoin 275
  • Correct db schema update errors for 3.5.0

    Correct db schema update errors for 3.5.0

    Pull Request for Issue #9156 .

    Summary of Changes

    This PR changes following:

    • Correct handling of alter table statements in the database schema manager for the UTF8MB4 changes
    • Extend the database schema manager by handling alter table statements with drop and add index in one statement for the UTF8MB4 changes
    • Add missing index modifications to the SQL script for the UTF8MB4 changes
    • Add missing index lengths limitations to utf8mb4_bin columns to the joomla installation SQL script.

    It shall not fix all possible problems on updating from 3.4.8 to 3.5.0.

    It shall fix only the errors with fixing database problems being reported after the update.

    Testing Instructions

    Either do a Joomla! Update from a 3.4.8 to a "3.5.0 latest staging plus this PR applied":

    You can find an update container here: http://test5.richard-fath.de/Joomla_3.5.0-beta2-Beta-Update_Package_test1.zip.

    Or you can use the Joomla! Update component with following custom URL (note it is http, not use https): http://test5.richard-fath.de/list_test4.xml.

    Or do as @wilsonge described in his issue #9156, i.e.

    • Install a new, clean 3.4.8 into an empty database,
    • download the branch of this patch here https://github.com/richard67/joomla-cms/archive/correct-db-schema-manager-1.zip,
    • unzip it into the 3.4.8 installation, so all the files are updated now by the ones from this PR,
    • login at the backend and check for database problems (Extenions -> Manage -> Database).
    • You will see one or more problems reported, depending on UTF8MB4 of your database server and client.
    • Use the "Fix" button.
    • All database problems should be fixed.
    Composer Dependency Changed 
    opened by richard67 236
  • New update to sidebar toggle styling

    New update to sidebar toggle styling

    Update to UI/UX and language file naming conventions.

    This is an improvement proposed to the collapsible sidebar introduced since 3.3.7-dev by @roland-d. It is based on UI proposal by @dbhurley : https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/4450 And on ideas from many contributors! :+1:

    In this PR, a sliding effect is added to the sidebar to improve UX, and UI was changed to a column styling. The sidebar is LTR/RTL ready and is displayed on screen with a min-width of 768px. Screens under 767px wide use the sidebar as it is already displayed in 3.3.6. Future improvement with mobile devices could be proposed in another PR.

    Intructions for testing :

    • tests on all browsers are welcome
    • test to be done in LTR and RTL
    • tests with third party extensions are needed

    Comments and tips are welcomed!



    Language Change 
    opened by cyrezdev 217
  • Joomla! Update Component stopped working

    Joomla! Update Component stopped working

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    On a 3.4.8 or earlier (because only for these there is an update path to 3.5.0 Berta 3) go to the Joomla! Update Component view, change update channel to "Testing" and click "Save & Close".

    Expected result

    Update is shown as available without any error messages.

    Actual result

    See screenshot:

    screen shot 2016-03-02 at 04 38 06

    Opening the XML file mentioned in the message in browser works fine, so it seems to be an SSL/TLS certificate issue.

    The PHP errors shown below in the form fields for adjusting update paramenets show also that such problems are not properly handled.

    System information (as much as possible)

    Not relevant, only reason why 3.4.8 used and not 3.5.0 Beta X is that for 3.5.0. Beta X no updates will be offered.

    No Code Attached Yet 
    opened by richard67 213
  • [4.0] Backend template

    [4.0] Backend template

    Summary of Changes

    Based on the design from @coolcat-creations and @svom this PR is the next milestone of the backend template "atum" for Joomla! 4. (see first PR here: #21006)

    Team members:

    @coolcat-creations, @svom, @chmst , @Hackwar, @nadjak77, @fancyFranci, @lavipr, @rdeutz and @karo3

    Special thanks to @brianteeman for a lot of valuable feedback and fixes.

    New features

    • Rebuild the login layout including a new AJAX login
    • New dashboard functionality: com_cpanel now offers dashboards for every kind of extension where modules can be placed, e.g. com_content: administrator/index.php?option=com_cpanel&view=cpanel&dashboard=content.
    • Improvement of the menu with direkt dashboard and creation links.
    • New quickicons on the main dashboard
    • Filters in list views
    • Improved edit screen
    • Auto-calculation of the template color based on the template parameters
    • extended colorpicker
    • Installation template was updated, too
    • a lot of small improvements


    You can download the nightly of this PR here: https://developer.joomla.org/backend-template/

    Extra ping: @wilsonge

    opened by bembelimen 192
  • Fixed failure on updating database not supporting UTF8MB4

    Fixed failure on updating database not supporting UTF8MB4


    Users running a MySQL database that does not support UTF8MB4 will get failures during an update to Joomla 3.5.0 because the queries to update the tables to UTF8MB4 are executed.


    The fix is to modify the SQL queries that are run on databases not supporting UTF8MB4.


    1. Setup a Joomla 3.4.5 site with a MySQL database version that does not support UTF8MB4. For example mysqlnd lower than 5.0.9 or libmysql lower than 5.5.3.
    2. Download the Joomla 3.5.0 beta 1 package
    3. Change the files in the package with the files in this pull request
    4. Update the Joomla version to 3.5.0 beta 1
    5. The update should run without problems


    You may still see database problems on the database tab due to different field definitions. This is not handled in this fix but will be dealt with in another fix.

    opened by roland-d 179
  • UX - Joomla! 4 - two clicks to

    UX - Joomla! 4 - two clicks to "Save and Close" instead of one in Joomla! 3.x

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    Go to articles, create new article and click on "Save and Close" button Two clicks on save

    Expected result

    • Save and Close button will be standalone button

    Actual result

    • Save and Close button is not standalone button - one more click needed to save and close the article

    System information (as much as possible)

    Joomla! 4, PHP 7, MySQL 5

    No Code Attached Yet J4 Issue 
    opened by PhocaCz 173
  • [3.9][New Feature] Privacy Policy plugin

    [3.9][New Feature] Privacy Policy plugin

    This plugin is based on three separate plugins and fields that I made for a non-profit site I manage. @zero-24 helped with some things.

    This is now integrated as one single plugin

    Summary of Changes

    The GDPR regulations apply to users of any web site from he EU. Similar regulations exist in Australia and elsewhere.

    This plugin will enable site owners to comply with many of the aims of the GDPR - by gaining the consent of their users to store personal information.

    It does not do any form of deletion - that is far too complex an issue for any single plugin to achieve and the rules on deletion are not universal due to individual state laws on data retention for tax and legal purposes.

    When enabled the plugin adds a new required field (Privacy Policy) to the user registration form. This field can optionally have a link to the full privacy article on the site AND this can be associated with the privacy article in other languages.

    In addition a Short Summary of the Privacy policy is displayed on the form and if not created in the config a default will be used. (not implemented yet). This satisfies another GDPR requirement

    When a user registers they cannot complete the registration unless they agree to the privacy policy. This field is set to No by default and cannot be changed. This satisfies another GDPR requirement

    When they register a note is created in the user_notes table to show when they gave consent - this satisfies another GDPR requirement.

    Any existing user who tries to login will be redirected to the edit profile page so that they can consent before continuing. The message displayed on redirect can be customised in the options or a default will be used.

    The consent field does not appear in the admin user screens as you cannot consent for anyone else. This satisfies another GDPR requirement. ~But it does appear on your own profile page.~

    Finally a post installation message has been included.

    Testing Instructions

    Apply the patch and do a discover OR download joomla from here https://github.com/brianteeman/joomla-cms/archive/privacy.zip


    ~Pull requests appreciated to polish this~ ~Pull requests appreciated to display the short summary on the registration form~ Make @dgt41 happy with a bootstrap.modal ~Better method for getting IP address~

    New Feature Language Change 
    opened by brianteeman 171
  • Using MailTemplate to create new Template record #39480

    Using MailTemplate to create new Template record #39480

    Pull Request for Issue #39480.

    Summary of Changes

    Add extension parameter in createTemplate static function.So that a new record will insert into database after creating email template.

    Testing Instructions

    Just make same change as in this PR and create a mail-template and see mail-template after saving in database.

    Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request

    After creating mail-template a new record not inserted into database in mail template table

    Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

    After this changes on creating mail-template a new record inserted into database in main template table.

    Link to documentations

    Please select:

    • [ok] No documentation changes for docs.joomla.org needed

    • [ok] No documentation changes for manual.joomla.org needed

    opened by Kaushik1216 3
  • Convert mod_articles_popular to new structure

    Convert mod_articles_popular to new structure

    Summary of Changes

    This PR converts mod_articles_popular to the new structure

    Testing Instructions

    • Use Joomla 4.3
    • Create an instance of the module Articles - Most Read. Note how it works.
    • Apply patch
    • Delete administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php
    • Refresh the page, make sure the module still displays the same as before.
    opened by carlitorweb 0
  • [4.2.6]SVG Logo/Image not displayed in Cassiopeia

    [4.2.6]SVG Logo/Image not displayed in Cassiopeia

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    • Go to Site Template Styles - edit Cassiopeia - set SVG logo/image:

    Select image

    • Save

    Expected result

    SVG logo should be displayed

    Actual result

    SVG logo is not displayed


    Path is correct, if template.css will be disabled, the logo is displayed


    System information (as much as possible)

    Joomla 4.2.6 PHP 8.1

    Additional comments

    No Code Attached Yet 
    opened by PhocaCz 0
  • Migrate com_cache to the new toolbar api

    Migrate com_cache to the new toolbar api

    Summary of Changes

    Migrate the com_cache component towards the new toolbar API

    Testing Instructions

    Check all the cache toolbar APIs work the same before and after the patch is applied

    Link to documentations

    Please select:

    • [ ] Documentation link for docs.joomla.org:

    • [x] No documentation changes for docs.joomla.org needed

    • [ ] Pull Request link for manual.joomla.org:

    • [x] No documentation changes for manual.joomla.org needed

    opened by wilsonge 3
  • [4.3] Remove renaming of fieldname in subform

    [4.3] Remove renaming of fieldname in subform

    Pull Request for Issue # .

    Summary of Changes

    For unknown reasons subfoms fieldname ais renamed when generated by custom fields. This leads to the fact, that the field has a new (not unique) fieldname anymore.

    Testing Instructions

    Generate subforms (several) and try to get their field name like: $form->getField('subform', 'com_fields')->fieldname

    Actual result BEFORE applying this Pull Request

    only "row"

    Expected result AFTER applying this Pull Request

    The real name of the field

    Additional information

    Original PR: https://github.com/joomla/joomla-cms/pull/24711

    @laoneo @wilsonge @continga probably you see here any issues by removing it?

    Link to documentations

    Please select:

    • [ ] Documentation link for docs.joomla.org:

    • [x] No documentation changes for docs.joomla.org needed

    • [ ] Pull Request link for manual.joomla.org:

    • [x] No documentation changes for manual.joomla.org needed

    opened by bembelimen 4
  • Convert mod_articles_archive to new structure

    Convert mod_articles_archive to new structure

    Summary of Changes

    This PR converts mod_articles_archive to the new structure

    Testing Instructions

    • Use Joomla 4.3
    • Create an instance of the module Articles - Archived. Note how it works.
    • Apply patch
    • Delete administrator/cache/autoload_psr4.php
    • Refresh the page, make sure the module still displays the same as before.

    Additional comments

    A small change to the layout was made. Now will show the amount of articles the month have archived, for example:

    Before patch: December, 2022

    After patch: December, 2022 (1)

    If is not allowed, let me kown and I revert the change

    opened by carlitorweb 1
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