CheckPoint 4 - Learning Management System


Welcome to the Learn Party

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Learn Party is a learning platform that offers user generated content for studying the latest technologies online (Youtube hosted videos).

What can I do on Learn Party

1. Register account

Create an account using your email, facebook, twitter or github account in under a minute.

Proceed to login here

2. User profile

Update your profile details, avatar or simply put up a small bio about yourself that your video viewers can read about.

3. Video Resources

  1. Create new videos on your profile, edit exisiting details or delete your uploaded videos entirely.

  2. Keep track of all the videos you have uploaded straight from your dashboard.

4. Favorite, Comment, Engage

  1. Engage other learners on the comment section of the videos that capture your attention.

Too many videos?

  1. Favorite the videos you like and revisit them later on your profile.

5. Trendy Videos

If you are just looking to see what technologies are the fuss around, Access the most popular videos on your homepage

See the most popular videos according to
1. Which videos have the most likes.
2. Which videos have the most comments
3. Which videos have the most views
4. Which users have the most uploads

You do not have to be logged in to view the videos without engagement (Commenting, Favoriting, uploading and editing)


It is recommended that you have the following set up on your local environment before getting started

  1. Composer
  2. [Laravel] (
  3. [Vagrant] (
  4. Postgres
  5. [Git] (

Clone the repository into your local environment

$ git clone

Change directory into checkpoint-four-learn-party

$ cd checkpoint-four-learn-party

Copy the .env file into your project (use the env.example template) and populate it with your environment data

$ cp env.example .env

You can also follow the template for your .env











Run Composer install to install the vendor packages

$ composer install

Boot up your server and you are ready to go

If you are using vagrant, simply run

$ vagrant up

Otherwise, run

$ php artisan serve


if you have phpunit installed globally (recommended), run

$ phpunit

Otherwise, run

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


Contributions are welcome and will be fully credited.

We accept contributions via Pull Requests on Github.

Pull Requests

  • PSR-2 Coding Standard - The easiest way to apply the conventions is to install PHP Code Sniffer.

  • Add tests! - Your patch won't be accepted if it doesn't have tests.

  • Document any change in behaviour - Make sure the and any other relevant documentation are kept up-to-date.

  • Consider our release cycle - We try to follow SemVer v2.0.0. Randomly breaking public APIs is not an option.

  • Create feature branches - Don't ask us to pull from your master branch.

  • One pull request per feature - If you want to do more than one thing, send multiple pull requests.

  • Send coherent history - Make sure each individual commit in your pull request is meaningful. If you had to make multiple intermediate commits while developing, please squash them before submitting.


If you discover any security related issues, please email me at John Kariuki or create an issue.


John kariuki


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2016 John kariuki

The Learn Party is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

  • When I try to change my avatar, I always get this message

    When I try to change my avatar, I always get this message

    Note: The file I tried to upload is 2.2MB. If there is a limit to the size of the picture it can accommodate, then there should be an appropriate message returned to the user indicating that the picture is too large.

    screen shot 2016-03-21 at 8 19 29 pm
    opened by unicodeveloper 11
  • [#115991437] Tests: User Controllers, Repository and Model

    [#115991437] Tests: User Controllers, Repository and Model

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: User Controllers, Repository and Model

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Test the User Repository to assert that

    1. RegIster or log in a user using social and traditional auth
    2. A user can upload an avatar
    3. A user can update their profile info

    Test the user controller to assert that

    1. An authenticated user can view their profile
    2. Return a list of all the videos they have uploaded.

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    opened by johnkariuki 9
  • [Chore 1115993955] Update Code Coverage settings for default laravel methods

    [Chore 1115993955] Update Code Coverage settings for default laravel methods

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: Home, Category, Comments and Favorites Controllers, Models

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Test the HomeController to assert that

    1. A user can see all the uploaded videos on the homepage

    Test the CategoryController to assert that

    1. A user can view videos by a category

    Test the CommentController to assert that

    1. An authenticated user can create a comment on a video.

    Test the FavoritesController to assert that

    1. An authenticated user can like and unlike a video

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?

    #115993955 #115998063

    opened by johnkariuki 1
  • #115993955 Tests: Home, Category, Comments and Favorites Controllers, Models

    #115993955 Tests: Home, Category, Comments and Favorites Controllers, Models

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: Home, Category, Comments and Favorites Controllers, Models

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Test the HomeController to assert that

    1. A user can see all the uploaded videos on the homepage

    Test the CategoryController to assert that

    1. A user can view videos by a category

    Test the CommentController to assert that

    1. An authenticated user can create a comment on a video.

    Test the FavoritesController to assert that

    1. An authenticated user can like and unlike a video

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?

    #115993955 #115998063

    opened by johnkariuki 1
  • #115993955 Tests: Dashboard Controller

    #115993955 Tests: Dashboard Controller

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: Dashboard Controller

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Write tests to assert that an Authenticated user can

    1. view the create video channel
    2. create a new video
    3. view the edit video page that belongs to them
    4. update a video
    5. Delete a video that belongs to them
    6. See their favorited videos
    7. See all their uploaded videos

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    opened by johnkariuki 1
  • Ch video tests 115985449

    Ch video tests 115985449

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: Video Controllers, Repository and Model

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Tests the Video Controllers to assert that

    1. A user can see a single video with comments, favorites, categories and owner

    Test the video repository to

    1. Increase the views on a video
    2. Get all comments on a video
    3. format a youtube url
    4. Check if a video is liked or not by an authenticated user
    5. Favorite and unfavorite a video
    6. Get Popular videos in all categories

    How should this be manually tested?

    $ phpunit tests/VideoTest.php 

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    opened by johnkariuki 1
  • [#115985449] Tests: Video Controllers, Repository and Model

    [#115985449] Tests: Video Controllers, Repository and Model

    What does this PR do?

    Tests: Video Controllers, Repository and Model

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Tests the Video Controllers to assert that

    1. A user can see a single video with comments, favorites, categories and owner

    Test the video repository to

    1. Increase the views on a video
    2. Get all comments on a video
    3. format a youtube url
    4. Check if a video is liked or not by an authenticated user
    5. Favorite and unfavorite a video
    6. Get Popular videos in all categories

    How should this be manually tested?

    $ phpunit tests/VideoTest.php 

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    opened by johnkariuki 0
  • [#115966029] Fix UI Bugs

    [#115966029] Fix UI Bugs

    What does this PR do?

    Ensure that videos with traction appear on the popular section Load scripts via https or http depending on the environment

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Ensure that videos with traction appear on the popular section Load scripts via https or http depending on the environment

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    opened by johnkariuki 0
  • [#15902473] Allow user to see favorited videos and uploaded videos

    [#15902473] Allow user to see favorited videos and uploaded videos

    What does this PR do?

    Allow user to see favorited videos and uploaded videos

    Description of Task to be completed?

    1. A user can see all the videos that they have uploaded with the option to edit and delete.
    2. A user can be able to see all the videos that they have previously favorited

    How should this be manually tested?

    1. create account
    2. favorite a video
    3. create a new video
    4. visit the favorites and uploaded sections on the dashboard

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?

    #115902473 #115737799

    opened by johnkariuki 0
  • #115894619 Custom error message, footer and nav

    #115894619 Custom error message, footer and nav

    What does this PR do?

    Fix Custom error message, footer and nav

    Description of Task to be completed?

    1. Add site title and favicon
    2. FIx navigation bar padding
    3. Design a simple learn party footer
    4. Design a custom error message as opposed to the default laravel message

    How should this be manually tested?

    1. Visit the homepage,
    2. Enter a non-existent URL

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?

    1. [#115894619]
    2. [#115889407]
    3. [#115889441]
    4. [#115902481]

    Screenshots (if appropriate)

    opened by johnkariuki 0
  • [#115893475] Modify design of user videos page

    [#115893475] Modify design of user videos page

    What does this PR do?

    View a user's profile on videos page

    Description of Task to be completed?

    Redesign a user's homepage to have a swanky design where

    1. Highlight one video
    2. show profile on the side
    3. List all other videos below

    How should this be manually tested?

    Click on a user's profile

    What are the relevant pivotal tracker stories?


    Screenshots (if appropriate)

    opened by johnkariuki 0
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