439 Repositories
PHP hacktoberfest-starter Libraries
An Starter Kit For Laravel Projects.
Laravel Starter Kit An Starter Kit For Laravel Projects. Installation 1-Install the package via composer: composer require xmen/starter-kit --with-al
Jumpstart your web development journey with the HALT Stack Starter Kit, a one-command solution for creating dynamic, scalable, and clean web applications.
Welcome to the HALT Stack Starter Kit! This kit is designed to help you kickstart your web development projects using the HALT Stack, a powerful combi
Create modern Telegram Bots with PHP.
Telepath Create Telegram Bots with this modern PHP library Explore the docs » Report Bug · Request Feature Table of Contents About The Project Before
Starter kit for content-based static site using Stenope
Stenope Skeleton This skeleton is an opinionated starter kit for creating your static website with Stenope. It contains a few features to get you star
software development kit for purwantara.id payment gateway
PURWANTARA LARAVEL ✨ What is Purwantara? Purwantara is a digital payment service provider that helps businesses to accept digital payments with seamle
Implement a "Where's Wally" (or Waldo/Charlie) Captcha in a simple Symfony Project
Where's Wally ? Nowadays, we are often confronted with "Captcha". These tests to know if we are robots or not. They are all very boring and not very f
Electrik is a full-featured, open-source, starter-kit to help you build you your SaaS application.
Electrik Electrik is a full-featured and open-source stater-kit for for your next SaaS application. It's built on top of Laravel, Livewire, neerajsoha
This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB.
Magento Products This package tracks if products exist in Magento by storing the status locally in the DB. We developed this to prevent multiple calls
Use rmccue/requests as a PSR-18 HTTP client
WordPress/Requests PSR-18 Adapter Use WordPress/Requests as a PSR-18 HTTP client adapter. Requires PHP 7.1+ Why? Requests is a HTTP library written in
Melek Berita Backend is a service for crawling data from various websites and processing the data to be used for news data needs.
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server
FrankenPHP: Modern App Server for PHP FrankenPHP is a modern application server for PHP built on top of the Caddy web server. FrankenPHP gives superpo
Code Quiz MonoRepo (API, API Client, App)
Code Quiz Welcome to the Code Quiz Open Source project from How To Code Well. This is an Open Source project that includes an API and an App for the d
An actual logger for WordPress.
Wp-logger An actual logger for WordPress. This plugin does two things. It piggybacks on the internal php logger (via set_error_handler) and it creates
💨 Smoke testing tool written in PHP
Cigar A smoke testing tool inspired by symm/vape Similar tools include: Blackfire Player Installation Install via composer: composer require brunty/ci
✌ An elegant PHP framework for web developers
About Attla framework Attla framework is a PHP framework with expressive, elegant syntax, facilitating common tasks used in many web projects. We buil
TEC UTilities (or tut) are a collection of tools for managing plugins.
TEC Utilities TEC UTilities (or tut) are a collection of tools for managing plugins. /^\ L L /
A multilingual, extensible, community oriented CMS developed in PHP
ImpressCMS is a community developed Content Management System. With this tool maintaining the content of a website becomes as easy as writing a word d
React laravel starter kit with tailwind css and vite js(laravel 9)
About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experie
A simple shopping cart implementation for Laravel
LaravelShoppingcart This is a fork of Crinsane's LaravelShoppingcart extended with minor features compatible with Laravel 8+. An example integration c
Starter - Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Tailwind, Vite
Starter - Laravel, Vue, Inertia, Tailwind, Vite Laravel-vite preset Laravel 9 Vue 3 Inertia Tailwind Vite Including Sail (Docker). php 8.1 mysql 8.0 p
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project.
Mazer is a Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. We bring Mazer with Laravel starter project. It's completely free and you can use it in your projects.
Starter project template for PHP
php-trainings PHP Education program Table of Contents Pre-requirements Workflow Special Notes See also Pre-requirements It's highly recommended to use
A PSR-15 middleware to handle content negotiation
Content negotiation middleware Motivation Packages like middlewares/negotiation do a very good job to detect the correct content type based on the Acc
Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services
Monolog - Logging for PHP ⚠ This is the documentation for Monolog 3.x, if you are using older releases see the documentation for Monolog 2.x or Monolo
A super fast, customizable and lightweight PHP MVC Starter Framework to extend for your own...
PHPMVC A super fast, customizable and lightweight PHP MVC Starter Framework to extend for your own... How to Start Clone this repo - git clone https:/
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 App Starter
CodeIgniter 4 + Vue3 Application Starter Features: 💡 Super fast single page application (SPA). 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR). 🧩 Easy to install and
CodeIgniter 4 + Svelte App Starter
CodeIgniter4 + Svelte Application Starter 💡 Features: ⚡ Super fast single page application (SPA). 🔥 Hot Module Replacment (HMR). 🧩 Easy to install
Profesjonalny starter pack dla MCBE 😎
MCBE Starter pack Profesjonalny starter pack dla serwerów MCBE 😎 . Repozytorium Repozytorium zawiera wszystkie pliki z okresu MCBE, które udało mi si
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features.
NamelessMC is a free, easy to use & powerful website software for your Minecraft server, which includes a large range of features
Audit your PHP version for known CVEs and patches
PHP Version Audit PHP Version Audit is a convenience tool to easily check a given PHP version against a regularly updated list of CVE exploits, new re
Extension for PHPStan to allow analysis of Drupal code.
phpstan-drupal Extension for PHPStan to allow analysis of Drupal code. Sponsors Would you like to sponsor? Usage When you are using phpstan/extension-
A Collections-only split from Laravel's Illuminate Support
Collect - Illuminate Collections Deprecated: With the separation of Illuminate's Collections package, Collect is no longer necessary 🎉 . We will main
Bootstrap 4 - Appwork - Starter Kits
Very short description of the package This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention o
CodeIgniter 4 Application Starter
Tensaran-Inventories merupakan website pendataan inventaris di desa Tensaran yang saya buat untuk memudahkan pendataan inventaris di kantor desa Tensaran. Aplikasi ini saya buat untuk memenuhi program kerja Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) 2022
A Laravel package that allows you to validate your config values and environment.
Table of Contents Overview Installation Requirements Install the Package Publishing the Default Rulesets Usage Creating a Validation Ruleset Using the
This is a laravel Auth Starter Kit, with full user/admin authentication with both session and token auth
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes
InfyOm Laravel Generator Generate Admin Panels CRUDs and APIs in Minutes with tons of other features and customizations with 3 different themes. Docum
Surf, an opinionated fork of Wave - the SAAS starter kit, with Laravel 9.
Surf 🏄♀️ Introduction Surf, the opinionated Software as a Service Starter Kit that can help you build your next great idea 💰 . Surf is fork off Wav
Simple WordPress plugin starter framework.
WordPress Plugin Starter This is the official WordPress plugin starter framework for Highfivery. The purpose behind it is to improve the quality of th
Herbie is a simple Flat-File CMS- und Blogsystem based on human readable text files
Herbie is a simple Flat-File CMS- und Blogsystem based on human readable text files
Start your application with Hamtaro.
Hamtaro framework About Technologies Controllers Components Commands Front-end development Getting Started About Hamtaro is the new web framework for
A Laravel 9, Vite, Svelte SPA, Tailwind CSS (w/ Forms Plugin & Aspect Ratio Plugin), Axios & TypeScript starter template.
Laravel 9 + Vite + Svelte + Tailwind CSS This starter template includes: Laravel 9 Vite Svelte Tailwind CSS (w/ @tailwindcss/forms and @tailwindcss/as
DomainMOD is an open source application written in PHP & MySQL used to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location
DomainMOD is an open source application written in PHP & MySQL used to manage your domains and other internet assets in a central location. DomainMOD also includes a Data Warehouse framework that allows you to import your web server data so that you can view, export, and report on your live data.
Azuriom - a modern, reliable, fast and secure game CMS.
Azuriom is the next generation game CMS, it's free and open-source, and is a modern, reliable, fast and secure alternative to existing CMS so you can have the best web experience possible.
The RSS feed for websites missing it
RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alon
Doctrine ORM Module for Laminas
Doctrine ORM Module for Laminas The DoctrineORMModule leverages DoctrineModule and integrates Doctrine ORM with Laminas quickly and easily. The follow
Easily build Eloquent queries from API requests
Build Eloquent queries from API requests This package allows you to filter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request. The QueryBuilder u
Fork is an easy to use open source CMS using Symfony Components.
Installation Make sure you have composer installed. Run composer create-project forkcms/forkcms . in your document root. Browse to your website Follow
🚀Bolt CMS is an open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites
🚀Bolt CMS is an open source, adaptable platform for building and running modern websites
Laravel Starter Kit (Inertia-SSR - Vue3 - Bootstrap 5)
Laravel Starter Kit (Inertia-SSR - Vue3 - Bootstrap 5) Use this starter kit to develop with Laravel 9 setup InertiaJs with Server Side Rendering (SSR)
PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page.
Snappy Snappy is a PHP library allowing thumbnail, snapshot or PDF generation from a url or a html page. It uses the excellent webkit-based wkhtmltopd
Laminas\Console is a component to design and implement console applications in PHP.
laminas-console This package is abandoned and will receive no further development! We recommend using laminas/laminas-cli. Laminas\Console is a compon
Pantheon platform's standard Drupal upstream, and recommended starter template for custom upstreams.
Composer-enabled Drupal template This is Pantheon's recommended starting point for forking new Drupal upstreams that work with the Platform's Integrat
A Laravel starter kit with auth scaffolding using Livewire & Bootstrap.
Zephyr This package is a Laravel starter kit with auth scaffolding using Livewire & Bootstrap. It was created for people who prefer using Livewire & B
Laravel Manager - provides some manager functionality for Laravel
Laravel Manager Laravel Manager was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and provides some manager functionality for Laravel. Feel free t
Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized
Stringy - A PHP string manipulation library with multibyte support, performance optimized
Yii Aliases - store path aliases, i.e. short name representing a long path
Yii Aliases The package aim is to store path aliases, i.e. short name representing a long path (a file path, a URL, etc.). Path alias value may have a
A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data
league/iso3166 A PHP library providing ISO 3166-1 data. What is ISO 3166-1 ISO 3166-1 is part of the ISO 3166 standard published by the International
An implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter kit frontend in Next.js
Windmill with Laravel Breeze as Backend API Introduction This repository is an implementing of the Laravel Breeze application / authentication starter
CodeIgniter - a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible and secure
CodeIgniter 4 Development What is CodeIgniter? CodeIgniter is a PHP full-stack web framework that is light, fast, flexible and secure. More informatio
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler
Pug-php adds inline PHP scripting support to the Pug template compiler. Since version 3, it uses Phug, a very customizable Pug template engine made by the tale-pug and pug-php developers as the new PHP Pug engine reference.
A laboratory for learning secure web and mobile development in a practical manner
A laboratory for learning secure web and mobile development in a practical manner. Build your lab By provisioning local environments via docker-compos
Create and update progress bars in different environments
Create and update progress bars in different environments
Laminas\Text is a component to work on text strings
laminas-text This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Steering
laminas-xml2json provides functionality for converting XML structures to JSON
laminas-xml2json This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Stee
Create cryptographically secure pseudo-random numbers, and manage big integers
laminas-math This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Steering
PhpSpreadsheet - a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file formats such as Excel and LibreOffice Calc
PhpSpreadsheet PhpSpreadsheet is a library written in pure PHP and offers a set of classes that allow you to read and write various spreadsheet file f
Laravel Throttle - A rate limiter for Laravel
Laravel Throttle Laravel Throttle was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a rate limiter for Laravel. Feel free to check out the
A starter template from which to build Laravel + Vite apps
Stack The Laravel framework is fast, clean, and filled with best practices. In this stack, it will handle the backend as an API. The Laravel Vite pack
Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite
Pronto Fuel Pronto Fuel is a heavilly opnionated starter kit for Laravel and Inertia.js powered by Vite. It ships with autoimporting features and leve
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP
PHPMailer – A full-featured email creation and transfer class for PHP Features Probably the world's most popular code for sending email from PHP! Used
Laravel Boilerplate / Starter Kit with Gentelella Admin Theme
Laravel Boilerplate Project Laravel Boilerplate provides a very flexible and extensible way of building your custom Laravel applications. Table of Con
Lumen PHP Framework (Starter Template)
This repository contains JWT Auth, Form Request, Route List, Redis, RabbitMQ and Mail packages. A ready auth system comes with the project
laminas-di integration for laminas-servicemanager
laminas-servicemanager-di This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Techn
OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done!
yii2-app-api OpenAPI Spec to API in 3, 2, 1... done! Yii Framework Application Template for quickly building API-first applications. Based on yii2-ope
Fast and easy PHP framework
Español | English Fácil, rápido y en español (Or should I say fast and easy?) Bienvenidos a KumbiaPHP Framework Versión 1 Manual en construcción de la
The Telegram bot framework that doesn't drive you nuts.
This framework takes advantage of the latest PHP 8 features, and tries to make the speed, scalability and flexibility of use its strength, it will allow you to quickly make simple bots, but at the same time, it provides more advanced features to handle even the most complicated flows
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation
Wordless is a junction between a WordPress plugin and a theme boilerplate that dramatically speeds up and enhances your custom theme creation. Some of
Elgg is an open source rapid development framework for socially aware web applications.
Elgg Elgg is an open source rapid development framework for socially aware web applications. Features Well-documented core API that allows developers
Provides a powerful error response system for Laravel
Laravel Exceptions Laravel Exceptions was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and provides a powerful error response system for both dev
Laravel Flysystem was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a Flysystem bridge for Laravel.
Laravel Flysystem Laravel Flysystem was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a Flysystem bridge for Laravel. It utilises my Larave
Friendica is a decentralised communications platform that integrates social communication
Friendica is a decentralised communications platform that integrates social communication. Our platform links to independent social projects and corporate services.
provides a nested object property based user interface for accessing this configuration data within application code
laminas-config This package is considered feature-complete, and is now in security-only maintenance mode, following a decision by the Technical Steeri
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate
Vueform Laravel + Vue 3 + TailwindCSS 3 Boilerplate Last tested with Laravel 8.75. Installation Clone this repo with: git clone https://github.com/vue
laminas-memory manages data in an environment with limited memory
Memory objects (memory containers) are generated by the memory manager, and transparently swapped/loaded when required.
The server component of API Platform: hypermedia and GraphQL APIs in minutes
API Platform Core API Platform Core is an easy to use and powerful system to create hypermedia-driven REST and GraphQL APIs. It is a component of the
Swaggest JSON-schema implementation for PHP
Swaggest JSON-schema implementation for PHP High definition PHP structures with JSON-schema based validation. Supported schemas: JSON Schema Draft 7 J
A Laravel Admin Starter project with Page Builder, Roles, Impersonation, Analytics, Blog, News, Banners, FAQ, Testimonials and more
Laravel CMS Starter Project A Laravel CMS Starter project with AdminLTE theme and core features. Preview project here User: github@bpocallaghan.co.za
Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects.
php-openapi Read and write OpenAPI 3.0.x YAML and JSON files and make the content accessible in PHP objects. It also provides a CLI tool for validatin
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce platform on top of Symfony.
Sylius is an Open Source eCommerce platform on top of Symfony. The highest quality of code, strong testing culture, built-in Agile (BDD) workflow and
This is a JSONPath implementation for PHP based on Stefan Goessner's JSONPath script.
JSONPath for PHP This is a JSONPath implementation for PHP based on Stefan Goessner's JSONPath script. JSONPath is an XPath-like expression language f
It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session and API Authentication
About Auth Starter It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session an
SPA Skeleton with Mithril.js and Slim Framework
A single-page application (SPA) skeleton based on Mithril.js and Slim Framework 4 trying to use good practices
Laravel Flysystem - a Flysystem bridge for Laravel.
Laravel Flysystem Laravel Flysystem was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a Flysystem bridge for Laravel. It utilises my Larave
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible
Yii Dependency Injection PSR-11 compatible dependency injection container that is able to instantiate and configure classes resolving dependencies. Fe
phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to generate a complete set of API Documentation
phpDocumentor What is phpDocumentor? phpDocumentor is an application that is capable of analyzing your PHP source code and DocBlock comments to genera
Laravel Security was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a voku/anti-xss wrapper for Laravel, using graham-campbell/security-core
Laravel Security Laravel Security was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and is a voku/anti-xss wrapper for Laravel, using graham-campb
this starter kite inspired by laravel & Geo and mvc pattern. it's wrap for Wordpress built in classes.
WordpressStarterKite Introduction Built With Prerequisite Directory Structure Guidelines Getting Started Authors Introduction this starter kite inspir
Provides a powerful error response system for Laravel
Laravel Exceptions Laravel Exceptions was created by, and is maintained by Graham Campbell, and provides a powerful error response system for both dev
Laravel JWT-Authentication API starter kit for rapid backend prototyping.
Laravel JWT API A Laravel JWT API starter kit. Features Laravel 8 Login, register, email verification and password reset Authentication with JWT Socia