It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session and API Authentication


About Auth Starter

It's a Laravel 8 authentication markdown that will help you to understand and grasp all the underlying functionality for Session and API Authentication which include:

  • User & Admin Sessions
  • Admin Roles & Permissions
  • Authentication Middleware for Users and Admins
  • Gates and Policies
  • Form Request
  • API Resources
  • Auth Sanctum
  • Notifications

feel free to use it as a startup for your next Laravel project

User Features

User has the following features provided as Web and API

  • Routing
  • Email & Password Authentication
  • Login, Register, Update Profile
  • Forget Password functionality
  • Email Verification functionality
  • Protecting some routes against un verified emails
  • Protecting routes against admin sessions
  • Protecting some routes against guests
  • File Upload
  • UI is built with Bootstrap 5

Admin Features

Admin has the following features provided as Web and API

  • Routing
  • Email & Password Authentication
  • Login, Update Profile
  • Protecting routes against user sessions
  • Protecting some routes against guests
  • Control Admins
  • Control Users
  • Policies for admin roles
  • UI is built with Purple Dashboard


First clone this repository, install the dependencies, and setup your .env file.

git clone
composer install
cp .env.example .env

Then create new database and run the migrations.

php artisan db migrate

Run the initial migrations and seeders to create an admin account aside with admin roles.

php artisan db:seed

Update your ENV file with the email driver credentials

lastly you need to setup and run the queue worker in order to send email in background. run the following commands and then update ENV QUEUE_CONNECTION=database

php artisan queue:table

php artisan queue:work

you are good to go now in another terminal serve the application

php artisan serve


Thank you for considering contributing to AuthStarter. Feel free to fork this repo and submit a pull request with your updates

Errors and Vulnerabilities

Please open an issue on Github if you discover a vulnerability or you face an error with this repo. and feel free to contact me at

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