A Native PHP MVC With Auth. If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo.


Welcome to PHP-Native-MVC-Pattern (With-Auth) 👋

If you will build your own PHP project in MVC with router and Auth, you can clone this ready to use MVC pattern repo. Auth system is implemented. Works with bootstrap 5. Composer with autoload are implemented too for future composer require.



- Create database for this project.
- Modify values of $host, $user, $password and $dbname in App/Model/Database.php
- Import "importThisToDB.sql" in your database.
- When import completed, users table was imported with an admin account (username: admin | password: admin)
- Dont forget to delete "importThisToDB.sql" file after import.
- You can connect with admin account and enjoy this MVC pattern.
- All routes are in index.php. You can add/modify/delete some routes for your confort.


👤 Natharyu

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    PHP8 related?

    Hi, I really love the simplicity of your code without making compromise with efficiency :-)

    While testing, I tried to access the /dashboard page without being logged in and got the following error:

    Warning: Undefined array key "sessionKey" in C:\Site\App\Controller\Dashboard.php on line 12

    Is it related to PHP 8 where it's not allowed to check missing value?

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