Migrated from PHPCAS-129
I would like to move phpCAS along with the other cas server and clients to move to github. This allows for a more open development model much more flexibility. It would be great if everyone could simply add an opinions, votes or objections.
A jasig group already exists https://github.com/Jasig
I would like to shedule this shortly before the 1.3.0 release (pushed it back to end of october since we are still doing a lot of work) when all the branches are merged and no more major work is done. This would allow for a really easy transition.
Adam Franco added a comment - 14/Sep/11 9:49 PM
I've been using git and GitHub for all of my PHPCAS work for years and have been automatically tracking the SVN repository there as well. See: https://github.com/adamfranco/phpcas/ I wrote a script to track the SVN repository and make nice git tags for all of the SVN tags (which come through git-svn as branches) and this script currently updates my github repository with the latest changes from SVN every 30 minutes.
I use Git hub for a lot of other projects and would love to take on the migration duties.
To do the migration, I (or anyone) can copy my Github repository to the Jasig space and I can update my git-svn scripts to keep the repository in the Jasig space in sync with SVN at first. Once we decide to start pushing directly to the Github repository the git-svn scripts will gracefully fail as its pushes for each branch become non-fast-forward. From there on out we just ignore/remove the SVN repository and keep working with Github.
While the technical aspects of the move are very easy (If granted access to the Jasig space I can move the repository and update the scripts in about 15 minutes), the bigger question is what workflow model we should use once freed from the single-workflow constraints of SVN.
Option 1: Small team with central repository, forks for new/less frequent contributors.
This is the model my team at Middlebury College uses for our development and the Kurogo project that I just started contributing to uses.
In this model a small number of trusted team members all have push access to the main repository, allowing any of them to integrate feature branches or fixes into the master. New, infrequent, or other contributors simply fork the repository, do work, push back to their repository, and then submit a pull request. One of the team members then reviews the pull request and optionally merges it into the central repository onto the master branch or a branch for further work as appropriate.
Option 2: Single maintainer with central repository, forks for all contributors.
This is the model used by the Linux kernel.
In this model a single maintainer is in charge of reviewing pull requests from all contributors and merging them into the master branch. There is more overhead for the maintainer, but also more control.
Option 3: Many contributors with central repository
This is the old SVN model were anybody wanting to contribute needs commit access. This allows the entire large team to merge fixes into the official master. It lowers the overhead for the maintainer, but has much less control over what gets in.
I guess my vote would be for option 1 or 2, just to keep a bit more review and oversight as to what is considered ready for the next release. This leverages the power of github's pull-request system for infrequent contributors, making it easy to contribute without having to grant trusted access before any work is done.
I'd be happy to work under either model 1 or 2 as you see fit, Joachim.
Adam Franco added a comment - 14/Sep/11 9:55 PM - edited
One other note, if going with the Jasig space I'd recommend renaming the 'phpCAS-Client' repository to 'phpcas' since the repository name will be the default directory name every time someone clones the repository and phpCAS has always been been known as 'phpCAS', 'phpcas', or 'phpCAS', but not 'phpCAS-Client'.
This will be much harder to change later once people start watching and forking the repository, so the name should be right from the get-go.
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 15/Sep/11 12:09 AM - edited
I noticed the weird name already. Scott just named it like that but we should definately rename like you suggest. I would suggest 'phpcas'.
My option would really be Option 1. Single point of contact/work is not ideal in a small team like this. I guess you an me should have push access. I don't see any issues there. As long as we stick to our current mode of operation (JIRA issues, discussion etc.) i really have no objections.
Regarding the move: It seems you are much better prepared to do this merge. I'm happy to leave the work to you if you are willing There should be some docs on the wiki about the move of the main cas-server that marvin made this weekend. Can you take a look and see if we learn something from his work? There was a longer discussion around development/maintenance trees etc. I'm happy that you take the lead. I'm not that familiar with git. Most of my work was always svn but this is now shifting and i definately see the advantage of git.
I just sent scott a mail to add you on github with the appropriate permissions.
Scott Battaglia added a comment - 15/Sep/11 12:26 AM
Its already been renamed.
Adam Franco added a comment - 15/Sep/11 4:20 PM
I've read through the jasig wiki a bit and the one thing I didn't account for in my early export to Git was mapping the SVN username to git author name/email combos.
In Git, authors are referred to using a name and email, e.g.:
Adam Franco afranco@middlebury.edu
By default (and when I exported the repository before), git-svn records authors as svn-username/hash. e.g.:
adamfranco adamfranco@f5dbab47-78f9-eb45-b975-e544023573eb
While I could leave it as-is, it would probably be nice to re-do the export with proper names for contributors – just a little more work for nicer history going forward. Searching through the phpcas-devel list I think I was able to account for everyone. Does this mapping look right?
fritschi = Joachim Fritschi fritschi@hrz.tu-darmstadt.de
adamfranco = Adam Franco afranco@middlebury.edu
jmarchal = Julien Marchal Julien.Marchal@univ-nancy2.fr
paubry = Pascal Aubry pascal.aubry@univ-rennes1.fr
selwood = Matthew Selwood selwood@uvic.ca
mbrooks = Matthew Brooks matt@msbrooks.com
olivierberger = Olivier Berger olivier.berger@it-sudparis.eu
brianxlong = Brian Long brian.long@vt.edu
saltybeagle = Brett Bieber brett.bieber@gmail.com
Adam Franco added a comment - 15/Sep/11 9:10 PM
Ok, so have rebuilt a git repository from SVN using the author names above and pushed it to:
This the github repository is currently being updated every 15 minutes from SVN. I can rebuild it with different author names or other parameters and re-push it if needed. Once we start using it however, we won't want to rebuild it as all of the commit IDs would change and any clones and forks of the repository.
Try cloning it with and visualizing it in gitk by:
git clone git@github.com:Jasig/phpCAS.git
cd phpCAS
gitk --all&
Let me know anything looks amiss.
Also Joachim, you'll want to go into your Github account settings and add your email address so that Github will associate all of your commits with your account. If you use a different email address on other projects you can add as many as needed and all will be attributed to your account.
Is there a plan for the other CAS projects to continue using JIRA/Confluence for issue tracking and wiki or move to those included in Github?
The Github issue tracker is pretty basic, but it does have support for assigning issues and adding them to milestones. One nice aspect of using it is that commits that mention issues automatically get linked into the issue comments (example) and issues and pull requests are pretty tightly integrated.
On the flip side, apparently there are JIRA plugins for working with git/github.
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 16/Sep/11 2:04 PM
Please use jfritschi@freenet.de as my email. The other one does not exist any more.
I will have a more detailed look this weekend at the git repo. As far as jira goes the decision on the cas-dev mailing list was to keep jira for the cas-server. I don't know if there is any reason for or agains moving phpcas only. But i think being in one consistent issue tracker for all official clients is nice. Haven't really thought about it but i will have to check the thread again and check for the reasons to stay on jira.
Adam Franco added a comment - 16/Sep/11 2:56 PM
Joachim, I have updated the repository on Github with your correct email address.
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 17/Sep/11 4:01 AM
Thanks, however from what i can see github assigns new commits to my account but all "old" ones are not really linked to my account.
Adam Franco added a comment - 17/Sep/11 7:51 AM
Can you describe a bit more of what you are seeing versus what you are expecting?
When I look at the commit list or a single commit the author is listed as jfritschi with a link to https://github.com/jfritschi
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 17/Sep/11 7:58 AM
I have attached a screenshot of what i'm seeing.
Adam Franco added a comment - 17/Sep/11 7:26 PM
Ah, I see. The source code file listing isn't always showing the right thing. My guess is that this is an issue with Github as I've done a fresh clone of the repository and searched through all of the commits and 'Joachim Fritschi jfritschi@freenet.de' is the only name used for you. All of the commit views in Github seem to properly link to your account, as do all of the 'blame' views on any of the files that show an unlinked 'Joachim Fritschi'. It seems that only the source view's last-change author indicator is off.
I've tried deleting everything from the repository and re-uploading it, but with the same results. I sent a support email to github, hopefully they'll get back to me with a work-around or a fix for the 'Source' view.
Adam Franco added a comment - 19/Sep/11 6:59 AM - edited
I received a response from Github support:
"The incorrect pages will update as they fall out of the server's cache."
I guess the error was on their end and will show up correctly soon.
Adam Franco added a comment - 04/Oct/11 9:07 AM
The github source view now seems to properly link up Joachim's commits. We are currently in a quiet period for a few weeks and as well Bradley Froehle submitted a pull request against the Github repository: https://github.com/Jasig/phpCAS/pull/1
This seems like as good a time as any to just stop using SVN for the trunk/master and let the Github master continue on ahead. To this end, I have merged Bradley's patch via git, so the Github master branch has now forked from the SVN trunk. I verified that my git-svn script has successfully failed updating trunk->master due to the change being non-fast-forward, while the other issue branches continue to be updated from SVN.
I'll update the wiki documentation to refer to the Github repository and submit a request to make the SVN repository read-only.
Adam Franco added a comment - 04/Oct/11 10:27 AM
I have now updated the Development documentation with detailed instructions on the [current] Github workflow: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/CASC/Developing+phpCAS
Adam Franco added a comment - 04/Oct/11 10:40 AM
I have created PHPCAS-133 for locking down the SVN repository to read-only state.
I think the migration is pretty much complete the only remaining thing I can think to do is to advertise the change on the mailing lists.
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 26/Oct/11 2:15 PM
Shouldn't we delete the old code and just leave a note like they did for the cas3 code?
You can announce the new repo if you want.
Joachim Fritschi added a comment - 26/Oct/11 2:18 PM
What about the issues tracking? People are starting to use the github issues and we should soon decide on a policy where we want to track stuff. I'm happy with the features of jira but i also see the advantages of github...
Any preference for you?
Adam Franco added a comment - 26/Oct/11 2:43 PM
I sent the email below yesterday, but it might have gotten lost in the aether. Short answer: my preference would be to move to Github for issue tracking and make full use of the integration and linking.
Deleting the code via SVN is a great idea. I'll do so in a few minutes.
I can write up an announcement and send it to the phpcas-users list. I never got approved to send to the phpcas-devel list, so if that list is still in use would you mind forwarding the message to it?
Hi Joachim,
I hope you had a relaxing vacation!
I'm not sure if you have noticed, but since we put the repository on GitHub, we have had 3 issues submitted already by users, one including a pull-request. It seems that the barriers to entry for using GitHub are lower than Jira, maybe just due to people already having GitHub accounts.
Having two issue trackers is a bit confusing though, so I would like suggest that at some point we either disable the GitHub issue queue or move to it exclusively and disable Jira.
In working with these three issues I have found the integration with the repository to be quite nice – commit ids and issue ids all become HTML links, and it is easy to associate commits with issues by including '#2' or 'gh-2' in the commit text. Based on these experiences and the increased participation I'd prefer to go with the GitHub issue tracker, but would be happy to continue using both for a while longer so that you can get a chance to try out the Github tracker.
What are your thoughts? Are there features of Jira that you would rather not give up?
Adam Franco added a comment - 26/Oct/11 2:51 PM
Code is now deleted from the SVN repository: https://source.jasig.org/cas-clients/phpcas/
I'll copy over the remaining issues to the Github tracker and we can then update the wiki and announce the move of both the repository and issues at the same time.
Documentation etc