A Laravel package that allows you to validate your config values and environment.


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A Laravel package that allows you to validate your config values and environment.



The package has been developed and tested to work with the following minimum requirements:

  • PHP 8.0
  • Laravel 8

Install the Package

You can install the package via Composer:

composer require ashallendesign/laravel-config-validator

Publishing the Default Rulesets

To get you started with validating your app's config, Laravel Config Validator comes with some default rulesets. To start using these rulesets, you can publish them using the following command:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config-validator-defaults

The above command will copy the validation files and place in a config-validation folder in your project's root. These rules are just to get you started, so there are likely going to be rule in the files that don't apply to your app. So, once you've published them, feel free to delete them or edit them as much as you'd like.


Creating a Validation Ruleset

Using the Generator Command

This package comes with a command that you can use to quickly create a validation file to get you started right away. Lets say that you wanted to create a validation file for validating the config in the config/app.php file. To do this, you could use the following command:

php artisan make:config-validation app

Running the above command would create a file in config-validation/app.php ready for you to start adding your config validation.

Ruleset Location

To validate your application's config, you need to define the validation rules first. You can do this by placing them inside files in a config-validation folder with names that match the config file you're validating. As an example, to validate the config/app.php config file, you would create a new file at config-validation/app.php that would hold the rules.

Adding Rules to a Ruleset

Once you have your ruleset file created in the config-validation folder, you can start adding your validation rules.

Under the hood, Laravel Config Validator uses the built-in Validator class, so it should seem pretty familiar to work with. To check out the available Laravel validation rules that can be used, click here.

As an example, we might want to add a config validation rule to ensure that the driver field in the app/mail.php file is a supported field. To do this, we could create a file at config-validation/mail.php with the following:

use AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Services\Rule;

return [
    // ...

Custom Validation Error Messages

There may be times when you want to override the error message for a specific validation rule. This can be done by passing in an array containing the messages to the ->messages() method for a Rule. This array should follow the same pattern that would be used in a standard Laravel Validator object.

As an example, we might want to add a config validation rule to ensure that the driver field in the app/mail.php file is a supported field and also use a custom error message. To do this, we could update our validation file to the following:

use AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Services\Rule;

return [
        ->messages(['in' => 'The mail driver is invalid']),
    // ...

Only Running in Specific App Environments

You might not always want the same rule to be run in different environments. For example, you might want to have a relaxed set of validation rules for your local development environment and have a stricter set of rules for production.

To explicitly specify the environment that a rule can be run in, you can use the ->environments() method. If no environment is defined, the rule will be run in all environments.

The following example shows how you could set 2 different rules, one for production and one for local:

use AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Services\Rule;

return [

Running the Validation

Running the Validation Manually

To run the config validation you can call the ->run() method on a ConfigValidator object. The example below shows how you could do this in a controller:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Services\ConfigValidator;

class TestController extends Controller
    public function index()
        $configValidator = new ConfigValidator();


        return response()->json(['success' => true]);
Only Running on Selected Config Files

You might not always want to validate all of the config values in your application. So, you can specify the config files that you want to validate by passing the config names to the ->run() method as the first parameter. As an example, if you only wanted to validate the auth.php config file, you could use the following:

$configValidator = new ConfigValidator();

Custom Folder Path

If you aren't storing your validation files in the default config/validation folder, you can pass a custom folder path into the ->run() method as the second parameter. As an example, if you had the files stored in a app/Custom/Validation folder, you could use the following:

$configValidator = new ConfigValidator();

$configValidator->run([], 'app/Custom/Validation');

Using the Command

The library comes with a useful command that you can use to validate your config. To use it, you can run the following in the command line:

php artisan config:validate
Only Running on Selected Config Files (Command)

You might not always want to validate all of the config values in your application. So, you can specify the config files that you want to validate in the command using the --files option. As an example, if you only wanted to validate the auth.php config file, you could use the following:

php artisan config:validate --files=auth

As a further example, if you wanted to validate the auth.php and app.php files, you could use the following:

php artisan config:validate --files=auth,app
Custom Folder Path (Command)

If you aren't storing your validation files in the default config/validation folder, you can pass a custom folder path into the --path option. As an example, if you had the files stored in a app/Custom/Validation folder, you could use the following:

php artisan config:validate --path=app/Custom/Validation

Using a Service Provider

You might want to run the config validator automatically on each request to ensure that you have the correct config. This can be particularly useful if you are in a local environment and switching between Git branches often. However, you might not want it to always run automatically in production for performance reasons. To run the validation automatically on each request, you can add it to the boot method of a service provider.

The example below shows how to only run the validation in the local environment using the AppServiceProvider:

namespace App\Providers;

use AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Services\ConfigValidator;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot(ConfigValidator $configValidator)
        if (App::environment() === 'local') {

Throwing and Preventing Exceptions

By default, the ConfigValidator will throw an InvalidConfigValueException exception if the validation fails. The exception will contain the error message of the first config value that failed the validation. You can prevent the exception from being thrown and instead rely on the boolean return value of the ->run() method by using the ->throwExceptionOnFailure() method.

By preventing any exceptions from being thrown, it makes it easier for you to get all the failed validation errors using the ->errors() method. This will return the errors as an array.

The example belows shows how you could prevent any exceptions from being thrown so that you can grab the errors:

$configValidator = new ConfigValidator();


$errors = $configValidator->errors();


If you prefer to use facades in Laravel, you can choose to use the provided ConfigValidator facade instead of instantiating the AshAllenDesign\ConfigValidator\Classes\ConfigValidator class manually.

The example below shows an example of how you could use the facade to run the config validation:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use ConfigValidator;

class TestController extends Controller
    public function index()

        return response()->json(['success' => true]);


If you find any security related issues, please contact me directly at mail@ashallendesign.co.uk to report it.


If you wish to make any changes or improvements to the package, feel free to make a pull request.

Note: A contribution guide will be added soon.


Check the CHANGELOG to get more information about the latest changes.


Check the UPGRADE guide to get more information on how to update this library to newer versions.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

  • Alternative config storage

    Alternative config storage

    Hi! First of all I want to say thanks so much your job and this package. I have a problem with path configuration data. By default laravel storage data 'config' path, it's ok for everyone, but in my case complicated. I want to set data another path For example 'app/Configuration/...' I suggest changing hydrateConfigValueArray or another part codes. Inject some interface for storing configuration data, which knows how get any values. What do you think about this thought? I will make PR, if you like this idea.

    opened by agoalofalife 5
  • disable config validator temporary

    disable config validator temporary

    I get errors by start run Laravel Dusk in a local environment Is there a possibility to deactivate config validator temporary without remove from composer.json? Or Did I have configure dusk ?

    The config is correct but changed while dusk runs $php artisan dusk Environment modified. Restarting server... .... Environment modified. Restarting server...


    opened by erth5 4
  • Check for missing validations

    Check for missing validations

    Add missing config validations User case: when I change or add certain config keys there was no check if the config validation has been updated. With this PR the keys are checked if there is a matching config validation rule

    This PR add the functionality to test if all local config values have a config-validation rule. If not an error is reported. This can be turned off with the --skip-missing flag in the command

    opened by yormy 3
  • Crash when config value should be an array

    Crash when config value should be an array

    In my application config, I have a config item that needs to be an array of values, with at least one value in it:

    'names' => array_filter(explode(',', env('NAMES', ''))),

    I wanted to create a validation rule for it like this:

    Rule::make('migrate_from')->rules(['array', 'min:1']),

    When I run config:validate, I get this exception:

      htmlspecialchars(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given (View: /path/to/app/vendor/ashallendesign/laravel-config-validator/resources/views/validate-config.blade.php)
      at /path/to/app/vendor/illuminate/support/helpers.php:119
        115if ($value instanceof Htmlable) {
        116return $value->toHtml();
        117▕         }
      ➜ 119return htmlspecialchars($value ?? '', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', $doubleEncode);
        120▕     }
        121▕ }
        122123if (! function_exists('env')) {
      1   /path/to/app/vendor/illuminate/view/Engines/PhpEngine.php:60
      2   /path/to/app/vendor/illuminate/support/helpers.php:119
          TypeError::("htmlspecialchars(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, array given")

    I traced this to this line in the view:

    <b>{{ config($configField) }}</b>

    To make it work, I replaced that line with this:

    <b>{{ json_encode(config($configField, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)) }}</b>

    I'm not sure whether my fix is a good way to do it (and I would submit it as a PR), or whether there is a better way. On one hand, this way will always work and will show a nice output for all kinds of config values (including simple and associative arrays). On the other hand, it changes how regular string values appear (by putting quotes around them).


    opened by kohenkatz 3
  • feat: Improve validation error styling with `Termwind`.

    feat: Improve validation error styling with `Termwind`.

    This PR adds an improvement to the output command php artisan config:validate.


    Let me know what do you think.

    PS: Found an issue that I did not look for it on this PR, on the error description looks like the "_" are missing from the configField.

    opened by xiCO2k 3
  • Allow Rule objects to be used

    Allow Rule objects to be used

    Add the moment, rules can only be passed in as a string (example - required). We will also need the functionality to handle Rule objects.


    opened by ash-jc-allen 3
  • Add custom messages for the validation rules

    Add custom messages for the validation rules

    Provide the option to pass custom messages into the Rule object when building it. This might be needed in places where developers don't want to rely on the default Laravel validation messages.

    opened by ash-jc-allen 1
  • Missing rules

    Missing rules

    Is it possible to thow an exception on missing validation rules. This ensures that all keys have some validations set and that not keys have been added accidentaly that have no rules set

    opened by robov 0
  • Removed illuminate/cache and required illuminate/command

    Removed illuminate/cache and required illuminate/command

    The composer.json file contained a requirement for illuminate/cache. However, this package doesn't interact with the cache, so it's not needed.

    I've also added a requirement for the illuminate/command package because we directly interact with Laravel commands.

    opened by ash-jc-allen 0
  • v2.3.0(Oct 17, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Fixed sample code for getting validation errors by @Sy-Dante in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/50
    • Added support for PHP 8.2 by @ash-jc-allen in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/58

    New Contributors

    • @Sy-Dante made their first contribution in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/50

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/compare/v2.2.0...v2.3.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.2.0(May 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Require illuminate/validation and illuminate/view by @kohenkatz in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/49
    • Fixed bug that threw an error if the failed config field was an array by @ash-jc-allen in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/48

    New Contributors

    • @kohenkatz made their first contribution in https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/pull/49

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/ash-jc-allen/laravel-config-validator/compare/v2.1.0...v2.2.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.1.0(Apr 2, 2022)


    • Improved command output using Termwind. Huge thanks to @xiCO2k for this! #38
    • Added dependency requirement for illuminate/command. #40


    • Removed unneeded illuminate/cache dependency requirement. #40
    • Removed old and unneeded exceptions. #39
    • Updated the PHPUnit config file to the newest format. #45


    • Fixed bug that was removing underscores from validation error messages. #43
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.0(Mar 23, 2022)


    • Added support for Laravel 9 and PHP 8.1. #32
    • Added Larastan workflow to run on GitHub Actions. #34
    • Added type hints and fields types. #35


    • Changed default directory from config/validation to config-validation. #31
    • Migrated from TravisCI to GitHub Actions for running tests. #35
    • Moved default config rulesets to stubs/config-validation. #36
    • Fixed bug that prevented Rule objects from being used. #33


    • Dropped support for Laravel 6 and 7. #32
    • Dropped support for PHP 7.3 and 7.4. #32
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.3.0(Dec 6, 2020)

  • v1.2.0(Nov 6, 2020)

    New Features

    Added default config rulesets that can be published. (#26)

    As of Laravel Config Validator v1.2.0, the package now comes with some default rulesets. To start using these rulesets, you can publish them using the following command:

    php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config-validator-defaults

    The above command will copy the validation files and place them in a config/validation folder in your project. These rules are just to get you started, so there are likely going to be rules in the files that don't apply to your app. So, once you've published them, feel free to delete them or edit them as much as you'd like.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.1.0(Oct 28, 2020)

    New Features

    Added a new errors() method to the ConfigValidator class (#22)

    A new errors() method has now been added to the ConfigValidator class and can be used for getting any errors caught during the validation. The errors are returned as an array.

    Added a new throwExceptionOnFailure() method to the ConfigValidator class (#23)

    A new throwExceptionOnFailure() method has now been added to the ConfigValidator class and can be used for determining whether if exceptions should be thrown if the validation fails.

    The example below shows how to prevent any exceptions from being thrown if the validation fails:

    $configValidator = new ConfigValidator();
    $errors = $configValidator->throwExceptionOnFailure(false)

    Updated the validation console command output (#24)

    The config:validate command has been updated to make use of the new errors() and throwExceptionOnFailure() methods. Now, instead of a single validation error being returned as an exception, all of the validation error messages will be displayed in the console within a table.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Ash Allen
Laravel Web Developer Preston, United Kingdom
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