RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one



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RSS-Bridge is a PHP project capable of generating RSS and Atom feeds for websites that don't have one. It can be used on webservers or as a stand-alone application in CLI mode.

Important: RSS-Bridge is not a feed reader or feed aggregator, but a tool to generate feeds that are consumed by feed readers and feed aggregators. Find a list of feed aggregators on Wikipedia.

Supported sites/pages (examples)

  • Bandcamp : Returns last release from bandcamp for a tag
  • Cryptome : Returns the most recent documents from
  • DansTonChat: Most recent quotes from
  • DuckDuckGo: Most recent results from
  • Facebook : Returns the latest posts on a page or profile on Facebook
  • FlickrExplore : Latest interesting images from Flickr
  • GoogleSearch : Most recent results from Google Search
  • : Identica user timeline (Should be compatible with other instances)
  • Instagram: Most recent photos from an Instagram user
  • OpenClassrooms: Lastest tutorials from
  • Pinterest: Most recent photos from user or search
  • ScmbBridge: Newest stories from
  • ThePirateBay : Returns the newest indexed torrents from The Pirate Bay with keywords
  • Twitter : Return keyword/hashtag search or user timeline
  • Wikipedia: highlighted articles from Wikipedia in English, German, French or Esperanto
  • YouTube : YouTube user channel, playlist or search

And many more, thanks to the community!

Output format

RSS-Bridge is capable of producing several output formats:

  • Atom : Atom feed, for use in feed readers
  • Html : Simple HTML page
  • Json : JSON, for consumption by other applications
  • Mrss : MRSS feed, for use in feed readers
  • Plaintext : Raw text, for consumption by other applications

You can extend RSS-Bridge with your own format, using the Format API!


Welcome screen:


RSS-Bridge hashtag (#rss-bridge) search on Twitter, in Atom format (as displayed by Firefox):



RSS-Bridge requires PHP 7.1 or higher with following extensions enabled:

Find more information on our Wiki

Enable / Disable bridges

RSS-Bridge allows you to take full control over which bridges are displayed to the user. That way you can host your own RSS-Bridge service with your favorite collection of bridges!

Find more information on the Wiki

Notice: By default, RSS-Bridge will only show a small subset of bridges. Make sure to read up on whitelisting to unlock the full potential of RSS-Bridge!


Thanks to the community, hosting your own instance of RSS-Bridge is as easy as clicking a button!

Deploy on Scalingo Deploy to Heroku

Getting involved

There are many ways for you to getting involved with RSS-Bridge. Here are a few things:

  • Share RSS-Bridge with your friends (Twitter, Facebook, name it...)
  • Report broken bridges or bugs by opening Issues on GitHub
  • Request new features or suggest ideas (via Issues)
  • Discuss bugs, features, ideas or issues
  • Add new bridges or improve the API
  • Improve the Wiki
  • Host an instance of RSS-Bridge for your personal use or make it available to the community 💖


We are RSS-Bridge community, a group of developers continuing the project initiated by sebsauvage, webmaster of, author of Shaarli and ZeroBin.

Contributors (sorted alphabetically):


The source code for RSS-Bridge is Public Domain.

RSS-Bridge uses third party libraries with their own license:

Technical notes

  • RSS-Bridge uses caching to prevent services from banning your server for repeatedly updating feeds. The specific cache duration can be different between bridges. Cached files are deleted automatically after 24 hours.
  • You can implement your own bridge, following these instructions.
  • You can enable debug mode to disable caching. Find more information on the Wiki


Dear so-called "social" websites.

Your catchword is "share", but you don't want us to share. You want to keep us within your walled gardens. That's why you've been removing RSS links from webpages, hiding them deep on your website, or removed feeds entirely, replacing it with crippled or demented proprietary API. FUCK YOU.

You're not social when you hamper sharing by removing feeds. You're happy to have customers creating content for your ecosystem, but you don't want this content out - a content you do not even own. Google Takeout is just a gimmick. We want our data to flow, we want RSS or Atom feeds.

We want to share with friends, using open protocols: RSS, Atom, XMPP, whatever. Because no one wants to have your service with your applications using your API force-feeding them. Friends must be free to choose whatever software and service they want.

We are rebuilding bridges you have willfully destroyed.

Get your shit together: Put RSS/Atom back in.

  • [TwitterBridge] Migration to API V1.1

    [TwitterBridge] Migration to API V1.1

    [TwitterBridge] Migration to API V1.1

    Migrate all API calls to V1.1 This is an intermediate PR, so the bridge will be working again.

    Final goal should be a move to V2.0

    opened by arnd-s 58
  • Instagram Bridge Broken Again

    Instagram Bridge Broken Again

    Every call to IG returns empty feed.


    opened by xmaux72 51
  • Coding style policy

    Coding style policy

    Indentation is a mess all over the place. Maybe we could start defining some policy regarding this issue and others, so that every one can stick to it.

    Concerning indentation, I'm on spaces side rather than tabs. But I guess I could find a way for vim to display the number of columns by indentation level that I like even with tabs. Anyway, I think it really has to be consistent all over the project files.

    I don't know much about git hooks, but that could be a good starting point to enforce this policy before integrating a patch. client side example

    Any ideas on how to enforce such a policy ?

    opened by pmaziere 43
  • Bypassing cloudflare js challenge idea

    Bypassing cloudflare js challenge idea

    Instead of trying to retrieve content directly from cloudflare protected server, RSS-Bridge could retreive from other server (proxy?) that bypasses cloudflare.

    How does that server work? After accepting HTTP requests it will interact with web browser (using Selenium or something similar, that I am not familiar with), that simply visits that page. When trying to visit, cloudflare will do some javascript magic and redirect to requested page.

    Ping @sysadminstory as bridge maintainer, that is probably fed up with cloudflare protections.

    Related issues: (ping @Roliga) (ping @csisoap) and some others

    What do you think about it?

    opened by em92 41
  • [TesterBridge] Addition of bridge for testing

    [TesterBridge] Addition of bridge for testing


    following up on #2280 , this is my Work In Progress on building a Tester bridge. The code is full of commented out test statements and is always evolving.

    This is not meant to be an immediate "merge this" PR, its a discussion and develop-together PR. If you have ideas on how to make it better, shoot.

    opened by Bockiii 38
  • [Instagram] Bridge returned error 500! (18430)

    [Instagram] Bridge returned error 500! (18430)

    Update 2: A solution has been found thanks to RawkBob!

    This error began fewer than 24 hours ago. I'm running RSS-Bridge on Heroku, then accessing the feed using Feedly.

    Below, I have redacted the Instagram username of the users (because I don't want to reveal who I am following), but the error occurs ~~for multiple, but not all,~~ ALL my Instagram feeds. ~~I have noticed that even if I get this error once for a certain username, I will not necessarily get this error again a second time for that same username.~~ Update: This error now consistently occurs for all my Instagram feeds.

    Here is the error message shown in the feed in Feedly:

    USERNAME_REDACTED - Instagram Bridge was unable to receive or process the remote website's content!
    Error message: `Unable to find username in search result.`
    Query string: `action=display&bridge=Instagram&context=Username&u=USERNAME_REDACTED&media_type=all&format=Atom`
    Version: `dev.2020-02-26`
        Press Return to check your input parameters
        Press F5 to retry
        Check if this issue was already reported on GitHub (give it a thumbs-up)
        Open a GitHub Issue if this error persists

    Needless to say, the Instagram username does, and has always, existed.

    I checked my app logs in Heroku and this is what I see:

    app[web.1]: [17-Jun-2020 12:26:43 UTC] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property 'users' of non-object in /app/bridges/InstagramBridge.php on line 67
    app[web.1]: [17-Jun-2020 12:26:43 UTC] PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /app/bridges/InstagramBridge.php on line 67
    app[web.1]: [17-Jun-2020 12:26:43 UTC] Exception: Unable to find username in search result. in /app/lib/error.php:24
    app[web.1]: Stack trace:
    app[web.1]: #0 /app/lib/error.php(42): returnError()
    app[web.1]: #1 /app/bridges/InstagramBridge.php(73): returnServerError()
    app[web.1]: #2 /app/bridges/InstagramBridge.php(228): InstagramBridge->getInstagramUserId()
    app[web.1]: #3 /app/bridges/InstagramBridge.php(84): InstagramBridge->getInstagramJSON()
    app[web.1]: #4 /app/actions/DisplayAction.php(134): InstagramBridge->collectData()
    app[web.1]: #5 /app/index.php(38): DisplayAction->execute()
    app[web.1]: #6 {main}

    What do you think?

    opened by pin-grid-array 37
  • Anything special/dynamic about Facebook Feeds?

    Anything special/dynamic about Facebook Feeds?

    I use RSS Bridge to create feeds for a few Facebook pages, and a few Twitter pages and a few Instagram pages. Then I use FreshRSS as the feed reader. And then I'm using Rssgoemail to get notified via email when there are updates to any of my feeds.

    Everything works fine for Twitter and Instagram, but for some reason when I have Facebook posts in my feed then Rssgoemail sends me an email every hour that there are new Facebook posts, even though there aren't any. Like this:


    It only happens for Facebook posts, not for Instagram and not for Twitter.

    I raised an issue over at Rssgoemail and the guy told me:

    the detection of new entries is based on the SimplePie get_id() function, which uses the title, the permalink and the content: return call_user_func($fn, $this->get_permalink().$this->get_title().$this->get_content());

    So I removed the $this->get_permalink(). bit there to see if maybe it's the Facebook permalinks that are causing the problem. Maybe the Facebook post URLs are dynamic; that long string of characters that's appended to every Facebook post, like this:

    I am also asking here because FreshRSS is just the feed reader, and Rssgoemail just monitors the feeds. But RSS Bridge is what creates the feeds. You guys created the Facebook Bridge which creates the Facebook feeds.

    Any idea why this is happening? What changes in the posts in the Facebook feed every 30-60 minutes? I mean it's not the post title, it's not the post content, is it the permalink, or something else?

    Thank you 😃

    opened by Legalien 35
  • [core] Support for bridge maintainers' donation URLs

    [core] Support for bridge maintainers' donation URLs

    Contribution to #2099

    This adds a new const "DONATION_URL" to the bridges. If set, a new (green for better distinguishing) button will be shown on the HTML overview, linking to that URL.

    opened by Bockiii 34
  • Twitter - Could not parse guest token

    Twitter - Could not parse guest token

    Hi, since today I am getting Bridge returned error 500! (18451) Could not parse guest token So either there's a new problem with tokens or is it just on my end?

    opened by Failure404 34
  • [TwitterV2Bridge] New Bridge for Twitter v2 API

    [TwitterV2Bridge] New Bridge for Twitter v2 API

    A re-write of the currently in-progress v1.1 API re-write of the existing TwitterBridge.

    This TwitterV2Bridge leverages the Twitter v2 API. I noticed the v1.1 API endpoints were sometimes excluding tweets that contained "Sensitive Content".

    As explained in the top comment block, usage of the v2 API requires creation of a Twitter developer account, along with a Project and App. The Bearer Token from that App is used by this Bridge, rather than the public dummy Bearer Token used by the current TwitterBridge.

    opened by quickwick 29
  • BooruBridge similar to WordPressBridge?

    BooruBridge similar to WordPressBridge?

    There are a lot of bridges that extend basically from BooruprojectBridge or DanbooruBridge:

    • DollbooruBridge
    • GelbooruBridge
    • KonachanBridge
    • LolibooruBridge
    • MilbooruBridge
    • MspabooruBridge
    • Rule34Bridge
    • Rule34pahealBridge
    • SafebooruBridge
    • SakugabooruBridge
    • Shimmie2Bridge
    • TbibBridge
    • XbooruBridge
    • YandereBridge

    Most bridges overwrite some constants and don't add any additional functions, so maybe it is possible to do something similar to WordPressBridge where you can insert the URL and request data for any compatible site. I'm not (yet) familiar with the site contents, but is "booru" something similar to WordPress which we can utilize with a more general approach?

    opened by LogMANOriginal 28
  • Dockerpage doesn't link to the wiki page.

    Dockerpage doesn't link to the wiki page.

    image image Looks like the docker page ( is linking to a nonexistent page. I think the equivalent to this page would be ? Not a big issue but I thought I would point it out.

    opened by 99powerbreaker 0
  • Question on Filter bridge on how to add multiple words to filter out?

    Question on Filter bridge on how to add multiple words to filter out?

    image I didn't see anywhere how to add multiple filters on the filter bridge. Would you need commas? (Ex. rude, mean) Would you need spaces in between each word? Or leave no space? (Ex. rude,mean) Is there a way to filter only a specific phrase of words such as "White Whale" would putting in two entries delete any instance where it mentions white or whale. or does it delete only white because its in front. Or would this only delete every instance of white and whale together?

    opened by 99powerbreaker 0
  • Bridge request for caschys blog

    Bridge request for caschys blog

    Bridge request

    General information

    • Host URI for the bridge (i.e.

    • Which information would you like to see? The title, content and pictures, not the ads.

    • How should the information be displayed/formatted? The complete articles should be in the feed, not only a shorted version.

    • Which of the following parameters do you expect?

      • [X] Title
      • [X] URI (link to the original article)
      • [ ] Author
      • [ ] Timestamp
      • [X] Content (the content of the article)
      • [ ] Enclosures (pictures, videos, etc...)
      • [ ] Categories (categories, tags, etc...)


    • [ ] Limit number of returned items
      • Default limit: 5
    • [ ] Load full articles
      • Cache articles (articles are stored in a local cache on first request): yes
      • Cache timeout (max = 24 hours): 24 hours
    • [X] Balance requests (RSS-Bridge uses cached versions to reduce bandwith usage)
      • Timeout (default = 5 minutes, max = 24 hours): 5 minutes
    opened by Tone866 2
  • Docker image of i386/rss-bridge

    Docker image of i386/rss-bridge

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. N/A

    Describe the solution you'd like I would like a i386 docker image of RSS-Bridge to pull from Docker Hub.

    Describe alternatives you've considered While I may possibly be able to struggle through setting up a manual installation of PHP within a basic Docker image would very much prefer to keep in step with RSS-Bridges official images as to not fall behind on security, features, etc. My skill with Docker is near non-existent, however I can handle editing & launching from a docker-compose file.

    Additional context The goal of this is to re-purpose a Intel Pentium M that, while quite old, now successfully runs Docker & has 696MB RAM being unused awaiting this web application.

    uname -a Linux pentiumM 6.0.15_1 #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu Dec 22 14:24:59 UTC 2022 i686 GNU/Linux docker --version Docker version 20.10.22, build tag v20.10.22 docker-compose --version Docker Compose version v2.12.2 lscpu Vendor ID: GenuineIntel Model name: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 2.26GHz

    opened by jnolan7599 0
  • Twitter V2 inactive

    Twitter V2 inactive

    I followed I built docker image after cloned git. However, the Twitter V2 is always inactive. Am I missing something, or the V2 is not working anymore?

    opened by ww2283 0
  • Bridge request for Internet Archive podcasts

    Bridge request for Internet Archive podcasts

    Bridge request

    This is a bridge request for Internet Archive collections of podcast episodes.

    General information

    • Host URI for the bridge (i.e.

    • Which information would you like to see?

    Audio files should be filtered and displayed as podcast episodes, using timestamps if available in the .meta.json, or filename, or else sorted alphabetically.

    There are two basic ways podcasts are archived on IA: all in one item (example) and as individual entries in a collection (example).

    • Which of the following parameters do you expect?

      • [X] Title
      • [X] URI (link to the original article)
      • [ ] Author
      • [ ] Timestamp
      • [X] Content (the content of the article)
      • [ ] Enclosures (pictures, videos, etc...)
      • [ ] Categories (categories, tags, etc...)


    • [ ] Limit number of returned items
      • Default limit: 5
    • [ ] Load full articles
      • Cache articles (articles are stored in a local cache on first request): yes
      • Cache timeout (max = 24 hours): 24 hours
    • [X] Balance requests (RSS-Bridge uses cached versions to reduce bandwith usage)
      • Timeout (default = 5 minutes, max = 24 hours): 5 minutes
    opened by GiovanH 0
  • 2022-06-14(Jun 14, 2022)

    General changes

    • New Requirements
      • require curl extension (#2617)
      • Enable zip extension, required only for FDroidRepoBridge (#2712)
    • UI
      • BridgeCard: Use full bridge name in data-ref tag (#1560)
      • Open new feeds in a new tab (#1389)
    • Docker
      • Docker file: Fix wrong version string in docker images (#2497)
      • Add expose to dockerfile (#2762)
      • Switch to nginx in docker image (#2721)
    • Development
      • BridgeAbstract: Add loadCacheValue() and saveCacheValue()
      • Documentation: Move all wiki pages into the repo and make it pretty (#2494)
      • Multiple: Fix all exampleValues and required variables (#2296)
      • MrssFormat:: Generate using DomDocument
      • add support for more media types as enclosures, handle result of /tex… (#2324)
      • core: Add pr-html-generator (#2525)
      • feat: add a timeout option for http client (#2600)
      • feat: extract curl ua to config value (#2568)
      • refactor: add php autoloader (#2655)

    New bridges

    • AlfaBankByBridge ( (#2349)
    • AssociatedPressNewsBridge ( (#1475)
    • BandcampDailyBridge ( (#1485)
    • BookMyShowBridge ( (#1349)
    • BundestagParteispendenBridge ( (#1613)
    • CBCEditorsBlogBridge ( (#2487)
    • CarThrottleBridge ( (#2514)
    • CdactionBridge ( (#2431)
    • CraigslistBridge ( (#2479)
    • CubariBridge ( (#2747)
    • CyanideAndHappinessBridge ( (#2807)
    • EconomistWorldInBriefBridge ( (#2765)
    • EuronewsBridge ( (#2786)
    • ExecuteProgramBridge ( (#2339)
    • FDroidRepoBridge (multiple) (#2712)
    • FeedMergeBridge (multiple) (#1385)
    • FunkBridge ( (#1578)
    • GatesNotesBridge ( (#2611)
    • GettrBridge ( (#2505)
    • GitlabIssueBridge ( (#2760)
    • GoodreadsBridge ( (#1559)
    • GoogleGroupsBridge ( (#2451)
    • GooglePlayStoreBridge ( (#2110)
    • GroupBundNaturschutzBridge ( (#2445)
    • HashnodeBridge ( (#2231)
    • KilledbyGoogleBridge ( (#1373)
    • LaTeX3ProjectNewslettersBridge ( (#1589)
    • MangaDexBridge ( (#2583)
    • NpciBridge ( (#2651)
    • PCGWNewsBridge ( (#2785)
    • ParksOnTheAirBridge ( (#2086)
    • ParlerBridge ( (#2634)
    • PicalaBridge ( (#2646)
    • RtsBridge ( (#2442)
    • RutubeBridge ( (#2661)
    • SchweinfurtBuergerinformationenBridge ( (#1610)
    • SlusheBridge ( (#2700)
    • SpotifyBridge ( (#1535)
    • StanfordSIRbookreviewBridge ( (#1638)
    • SummitsOnTheAirBridge ( (#2096)
    • TwitterEngineeringBridge ( (#2623)
    • TwitterV2Bridge (
    • UberNewsroomBridge ( (#2748)
    • UsenixBridge ( (#2800)
    • VixenBridge ( (#2763)
    • WordPressMadaraBridge (multiple) (#2782)
    • YouTubeCommunityTabBridge ( (#1594)

    Modified bridges

    • Amazon: Add Sweden & Turkey
    • Arte7Bridge: Support all languages (#2543)
    • BinanceBridge: Remove announcements because of Cloudflare issue (#2610)
    • DavesTrailerPageBridge: Add timestamps to feed (#2456)
    • DeveloppezDotComBridge: Full rewrite of bridge DeveloppezDotCom (#2689)
    • EZTVBridge: Switch to using EZTV API (#2476)
    • FlickrBridge: Add content option to By username (#1861)
    • FurAffinityUserBridge: Replate username/password with cookie login (#1641)
    • GelbooruBridge: + inheriting Bridges. Switch to using Gelbooru API (#2472)
    • GiphyBridge: use not rate limited public api key (#2625)
    • GitHub: Allow custom search query (#2593)
    • GiteaBridge: Rewrite to decouple from Gogs and add contexts (#2718)
    • GithubPullRequestBridge: Sort by newest PRs instead of latest updated (#2064)
    • GolemBridge: Remove image galleries (#2761)
    • HaveIBeenPwnedBridge: Use API to get Data (#2720)
    • InstagramBridge: Documentation for configuring this bridge (#2437)
    • MixcloudBridge: switch to using API (#2591)
    • NordbayernBridge: add author & timestamp of article (#2309)
    • PhoronixBridge: support multipage and embed benchmarks (#2522)
    • PixivBridge: Add User context (#2650)
    • TelegramBridge: Fix issues & add support for location messages (#2133)
    • UnsplashBridge: extend functionality (#1813)

    Removed bridges

    • ABCTabsBridge: Remove multiple broken, unneeded bridges (#2595)
    • ContainerLinuxReleasesBridge: Delete bridge (#2455)
    • DaveRamseyBlogBridge: fix: remove dead bridge #2345 (#2574)
    • DownDetectorBridge: Remove bridge (#2579)
    • ETTVBridge: fix: remove bridge ETTVBridge (#2511)
    • FootitoBridge: chore: remove bridge (#2576)
    • HentaiHaven: remove dead bridge (#2562)
    • LichessBridge: Remove multiple broken, unneeded bridges (#2595)
    • Mangareader: chore: remove dead bridge (#2597)
    • NeuviemeArt: Exterminate dead bridge (#2784)
    • OpenClassroomsBridge: Remove bridge (#2582)
    • OsmAndBlog: Remove bridge (#2775)
    • QPlayBridge: chore: remove dead bridge (#2564)
    • RTBFBridge: remove dead and unmaintained bridge (#2596)
    • SupInfoBridge: Remove multiple broken, unneeded bridges (#2595)
    • TagBoardBridge: fix: remove dead bridge
    • TheTVDBBridge: fix: remove dead bridge
    • ThingiverseBridge: chore: remove dead bridge (#2563)
    • WallpaperStopBridge: Delete bridge (#2458)
    • WosckerBridge: Remove multiple broken, unneeded bridges (#2595)
    • YahtzeeDevDiaryBridge: Remove bridge (#2580)
    • ZoneTelechargement: Remove bridge (#2678)

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2022-06-10(Jun 10, 2022)

  • 2022-01-20(Jan 20, 2022)

    General changes

    • CI:
      • Add support for php 8.0 and 8.1 (#2405)
      • Tag docker images with the commit sha (#2418)
      • Temporarly (or permanently) disable phpunit7 until it starts working again (#2392)
      • Update ubuntu version (16.04 => 20.04) (#2136)
    • UI:
      • Dark mode based on user's browser preferences (#2029)
      • Make HTML format default, remove other buttons (#2101)
      • Add button for bridge maintainers' donation URLs (#2102)
    • Docker:
      • Allow to define port via HTTP_PORT (#2285)
      • Add custom config location (#2098)
      • Add support for arm32/64 (#2104)
      • New docker build mechanism (#2268)
    • Features and fixes for bridge maintainers:
      • Accept additional "successful" 2xx status codes (#2310)
      • Backported str_starts_with, str_ends_with and str_contains from php 8 (#2318)
      • BridgeImplementationTest: Implement feature for testing detectParameters method (c5802196271bd56e58f5914799f3a99f2da41d55)
      • Remove redundant "or returnServerError" after getContents/getSimpleHTMLDom/getSimpleHTMLDomCached (#2398)
      • XPathAbstract: Fix encoding of feed output (#2297)
    • Features and fixes for instance admins:
      • Implemented feature to read config from environment variables (#2100)
      • Drop php 5.6 and php 7.0 support (#2224)
    • Others:
      • README: Clarify problems with InstagramBridge and FacebookBridge (#2401)
      • BridgeImplementationTest: Allow multiple contexts to have an empty parameters array (#1954)
      • contrib: Add directory for unorganized bin of various useful things contributed by the community around RSS-Bridge

    New bridges

    • ABCNews ( (#2255)
    • ARDMediathek ( (#2158)
    • CVEDetails ( (#2332)
    • Codeberg ( (#1951)
    • Drive2ru ( (#2116)
    • Explosm ( (#2092)
    • Flashback ( (#2343)
    • Formula1 ( (#2085)
    • HardwareInfo ( (#2232)
    • Indiegogo ( (#2135)
    • JornalDeNoticias ( (#2293)
    • Khinsider ( (#2302)
    • LegoIdeas ( (#2284)
    • NikonDownloadCenter ( (#2195)
    • Openly ( (#2129)
    • PanacheDigitalGames ( (#2321)
    • Picuki ( (#2183)
    • Pillowfort ( (#2275)
    • PokemonTV ( (#2219)
    • Spottschau ( (#2193)
    • Unogs ( (#2198)
    • Urlebird ( (#2163)
    • Wallpaperflare ( (#2179)

    Maintainer changes:

    • Twitter: arnd-s is now maintainer of this bridge instead of pmaziere
    • OpenClassrooms: sebsauvage does not maintain this bridge. No maintainer for this bridge
    • WordPress: aledeg does not maintainer this bridge. No maintainer for this bridge

    Modified bridges

    • ARDMediathek
      • Switch to JSON-API (#2380)
    • ASRockNews
      • Fix bridge (#2373)
    • AmazonPriceTracker
      • Fix bridge (#2194)
    • AmazonPriceTracker
      • Fixes for subscription items (#2205)
    • AppleAppStore
      • Add Germany (#2350)
    • AppleMusic
      • Complete rebuild for new site (#2134)
    • AutoJM
      • Rework of the script to handle the new website (#2390)
    • BakaUpdatesMangaReleases
      • Added option to display releases based on a user list
    • Bandcamp
      • Add support for labels (#2286)
    • Binance
      • Fix blog posts (#2226)
    • CeskaTelevize
      • Follow website changes (#2420)
    • ComboiosDePortugal
      • Temporarily ignore certificate checks (#2403)
    • CourrierInternational
      • Switch to FeedExpander (#2107)
    • DarkReading
      • Fix content extraction (#2315)
    • DealabsBridge
      • Set the Feed URL according to the parameters (#2320)
      • Update groups (#2083)
    • Derpibooru
      • Fix parsing of title (#2346)
      • Make it work again (#2079)
    • DuckDuckGo
      • Fix bridge (#2335)
    • Economist
      • Fix if no article image present (#2328)
      • Full rework (#2272)
    • ExtremeDownload
      • Update URL (#2290)
    • FSecureBlog
      • Limit number of returned items (#2300)
    • Facebook
      • Increase cache timeout (#2149)
      • teromene and logmanoriginal do not maintain this bridge defacto
    • Filter
      • Various improvements (#2148)
    • FirefoxAddons
      • Fix add-on download links (#2338)
      • Fix download link extraction (#2120)
      • Remove duplicate code (#2209)
    • FuturaSciences
      • Improve content extraction (#2317)
    • GBAtemp
      • Fix news extraction (#2241)
    • Giphy
      • Repair broken bridge (#2347)
    • GitHubGist
      • fix use the css selector "contains" to find a class in the middle of the utility classes (#2306)
    • HackerNewsUserThreads
      • Repair broken bridge (#2344)
    • HentaiHaven
      • domain and content retrieval update (#2402)
    • HotUKDealsBridge
      • Set the Feed URL according to the parameters (#2320)
      • Update groups (#2083)
    • InternetArchive
      • Add detectParameters (#2142)
    • Itchio
      • Remove reliance on in-page timestamps (#2127)
    • MozillaBugTracker
      • Fix incorrect newlines in feed title (#2298)
    • MozillaSecurity
      • Limit items to 20 (#2287)
    • Mydeals
      • Set the Feed URL according to the parameters (#2320)
      • Update groups (#2083)
    • NYT
      • Fix article parsing (#2106)
    • NationalGeographic
      • Rewrite bridge (#2177)
    • Nextgov
      • Update categories, fix missing element (#2316)
    • NineGag
      • Updated sections and added video
    • NordBayern
      • Fix election articles (#2253)
      • Add city of Erlangen (#2248)
      • Exclude slideshows when handling articles (#2117)
      • Fix banner URL (#2326)
      • Fix banner images (#2384)
      • Fix jpeg regex (#2118)
      • Follow site updates (#2169)
    • PcGamer
      • Use meta tags to generate feed contents (#2271)
    • Pikabu
      • Cut "script" element from post body (#2125)
      • Do not strip strikethrough tags in body content (716f5ddc0e20c10cb77ded46380cc376913a92fd)
      • Remove whitespace from fake news marker (0ee549f46812eb7246ad3f175d13dd8b4e42a214)
    • Pixiv
      • Rewrite Bridge (#2111)
    • PresidenciaPTBridge
      • Support multiple sections (#2082)
    • RaceDepartment
      • Follow site changes (#2087)
    • RadioMelodie
      • Add timestamp support and content fix (#2105)
      • Fix to use the new website layout (#2330)
      • Replace JS Audio Player (#2233)
    • Reddit
      • Add keyword search function (#2229)
      • Add option to choose for New, Hot and Top submissions (#2189)
      • Return back NSFW posts to feed (#2257)
    • Releases3DS
      • Remove requests to IGN (#2246)
    • Reuters
      • Change timestamp, add new feed, add alt text to image (#2150)
      • Migrate to new API (#2348)
    • Scmb
      • Remove "read more" text only if it exists (#2368)
    • Soundcloud
      • Add support for albums, reposts & likes (#2236)
    • Telegram
      • Add test cases for detectParameters
    • ThePirateBay
      • Repair broken bridge
    • Twitter
      • Continue using existing guesttoken from cache, when requesting a new one failed (#2396)
      • Increase guest token expiry time (#2374)
      • Use Twitter API V1.1 guest/activate for requesting new guest tokens (#2414)
    • Vk
      • Correct video title (9254d14f50685322192ae0ef7e8174848e6b73b2)
      • Do not add repost of deleted post to feed (9254d14f50685322192ae0ef7e8174848e6b73b2)
    • Wikipedia
      • Update elements (#2167)
    • Youtube
      • New features, fixes and refactors (#2208) (#2115)
    • ZoneTelechargement
      • Update website URL (#2289)

    Removed bridges

    • BingSearch ( (#2242): Microsoft has removed the bing search discover functionality
    • FierPanda ( (#2238)
    • KickassTorrents ( (#2141): Website has been unavailable since July 2020
    • LinkedIn: ( (#2269): Impossibile to fetch data without logging in
    • StoriesIG ( (#2139): Website has been unavailable since at least October 2020
    • TheCodingLoveBridge (TheCodingLoveBridge) (#2342): This is now a wordpress blog and their official feed is at
    • VMwareSecurity ( (655e02e3fecca458c75007e41b6406dc89750e31): There is fulltext RSS feed:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2021-04-25(Apr 25, 2021)

    General changes

    • BridgeAbstract: Correct getIcon method (fc81bed7172732870c3c5cfcd21aea510f6da8eb)
    • BridgeCard: Display configuration options (if enabled) when bridge has no parameters (#1968)
    • CI: Replace Travis CI with Github Actions (#1926)
    • Dockerfile: Clean up apt cache, make image smaller (#1880)
    • FeedExpander: Handle Atom enclosures (#2039)
    • FormatFactory: Ignore case in format values (#1967)
    • HtmlFormat: Use str_ireplace() when creating feed format URLs (#2008)
    • JS: Fixed TypeError: textValue is null (2ddd357a62427facb4787a92b9f4e961997c5ba2)
    • README: Fix typo (#2004)
    • README: Update build status badges (#1995)
    • contents.php: Fix logical error in getSimpleHTMLDOMCached function (#1974)
    • core: Add configuration for bridges, allowing private bridges (#1343)
    • core: Use more correct text to indicate errored response from upstream (3226a5e31e31c6b450f1a5be92fb8b347b7eda1f)

    New bridges

    • Bukowskis ( (#1927)
    • DockerHub ( (#1994)
    • FSecureBlog ( (#1932)
    • FirefoxAddons ( (#1952)
    • GenshinImpact ( (#1912)
    • GitHubPullRequest (captain obvious is on vacation) (#2001)
    • HackerNewsUserThreads ( (#1902)
    • IKWYD ( (#1874)
    • Itchio ( (#1918)
    • PresidenciaPT ( (#2016)
    • RaceDepartment ( (#1681)
    • Reuters ( (#1653)
    • SeznamZpravy ( (#1806)
    • SymfonyCasts ( (#2000)
    • TheFarSide ( (#1484)
    • TwitScoop ( (#2018)
    • WallmineNews ( (#2035)
    • Yeggi ( (#1910)

    Modified bridges

    • AmazonPriceTracker
      • Add support for Swedish Amazon (#1856)
    • AppleMusic
      • Use title from website (#1855)
    • Arte7
      • Mitsu is no longer maintainer of the bridge
    • Bandcamp
      • Fix title extraction on empty band pages (#1966)
    • Basta
      • Use defaultLinkTo() (#1862)
    • DockerHub
      • Add detectParameters() (#1996)
    • DownDetector
      • Fix bridge (#1957)
    • Dribbble
      • Fix pictures parsing (#1911)
    • Economist
      • Fixes for fetching new page structure (#1836)
    • ExtremeDownload
      • Update URL (#1937) and (#2066)
    • FirefoxAddons
      • Add detectParameters() (#1997)
    • Flickr
      • Add filter by media and sort by options (#1758)
    • GenshinImpact
      • Use Asia/Shanghai time zone for article dates (#2040)
    • GithubIssue
      • Fix issue id and comment id extraction (#1950)
    • HDWallpapers
      • Fix URLs (#1892)
    • Instagram
      • Remove redundant data collection for sidecar and video (#1920)
      • pauder is defacto not a maintainer of InstagramBridge
    • InternetArchive
      • Fix collection links (#1551)
    • KernelBugTracker
      • Use defaultLinkTo() (#1862)
    • LeBonCoin
      • Fix bridge (e5846c03ba06f8feea66a78bc2fde8c3fbf602e6)
    • MondeDiplo
      • Fix blog article uri (#1961)
    • Nordbayern
      • Fixed typo of region "Hilpoltstein" (#1962)
    • NyaaTorrents
      • Allow searching by username (#2033)
      • Rewrite as Feed Expander (#2073)
    • Pikabu
      • Marking posts from "Как бы Новости" section, which are funny and deliberately fake (#2032)
    • RadioMelodie
      • Fix header image (#1985)
    • Reddit
      • Add detectParameters (#2070)
      • Rewrite to use JSON (#1781)
      • Add score filter (#2045)
      • Add user option (#1943)
    • Reporterre
      • Use defaultLinkTo() (#1862)
    • Rule34paheal
      • Use full size image (#1775)
    • Skimfeed
      • Add parameter detection (#1877)
    • Soundcloud
      • Fix client ID extraction (#1973)
    • Telegram
      • Add detectParameters() (#1998)
    • Telegram
      • Display the name of the attachments (#2003)
    • Telegram
      • Revert "Prevent double encoding entities" (#1182)
    • TheYetee
      • Fix HTML parsing (#1986)
    • TwitScoop
      • Remove less than (<) character from item title (#2034)
    • Twitter
      • Add option to hide pinned tweet (#1908)
    • Twitter
      • Fix username matching to be case insensitive with noretweet option (#1924)
    • Twitter
      • Improve timeline processing for username mode (#1946)
    • Vk
      • Remove non ascii chars from post date to correctly parse it (#1977)
      • Improved post author computation (#1802)
      • Show repost sources (#1802)
      • Handle second copy quote (#1802)
      • Fixed incorrect image uri's (#1802)
    • ZoneTelechargement
      • Add support for Streaming links (#1858)
      • Change URL load method (#2044)
      • Update Direct Download Unprotected URL (#1963)
      • Update URL and fix typos (#1936)
      • Update unprotected URL and Feed URL (#2065)

    Removed bridges

    • ChristianDailyReporter ( service is shutting down (#1948)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2020-11-10(Nov 10, 2020)

    General changes

    • Fixed passive XSS vulnerability ( , details)
    • Fixed a bug that resulted in an exception if the error output was set to "http" (#1379)
    • Include Media RSS namespace for Atom feeds (8047041963cfaa10c574deabf4df3feb8e7e84af)
    • Fix notice of undefined offset when in detached HEAD state. (#1569)
    • Add headers to file_get_contents (#1623)
    • Add "filter" extension to requirements (#1827)
    • BridgeXPathAbstract: Feature to make bridges using XPath args (#1671)
    • Fix return type hints (#1824)
    • BridgeCard: Fixes parameter layout issue on small screens (#1816)
    • Docker: Install memcached PHP extension from PECL (#1473)
    • FeedExpander: Fix PHP notice on missing uri field (8144488a9ec901f7040a1d607187fa19f82cbd2c)
    • MemcachedCache: loadData now returns null instead of false (#1592)
    • ParameterValidator: Ignore cache-busting param (#1723)

    New bridges

    • AirBreizh ( (#1544)
    • AlbionOnline ( (#1769)
    • ASRockNews ( (#1526)
    • Awwwards ( (#1524)
    • BleepingComputer ( (#1815)
    • BlizzardNews ( (#1671)
    • CeskaTelevize ( (#1784)
    • Epicgames ( (#1709)
    • MallTv ( (#1819)
    • Marktplaats ( (#1575)
    • MediapartBlogs (
    • NordBayern ( (#1513)
    • OpenwrtSecurity ( (#1812)
    • OtrkeyFinder ( (#1712)
    • ReleasesSwitch ( (#1694)
    • RobinhoodSnacks ( (#1460)
    • UnraidCommunityApplications ( (#1534)
    • Woscker ( (#1643)
    • WorldCosplay ( (#1732)
    • XPath (#1671)

    Modified bridges

    • Anidex
      • Fix content retrieval (#1693)
    • AllocineFR
      • Update CSS class (#1585)
    • AnimeUltime
      • Remove encoding conversion (efd1abfab193e314306a19d2495632b2a26bf1f5)
    • AuoJMBridge
      • Follow Website change (#1527)
    • Brut
      • Add support for Spain edition and health category (#1833)
    • DarkReading
      • Hide dummy articles (00dd81a8aadad1ec94e955255abc2dab151222da)
    • DevTo
      • Fix full article option not working (#1699)
    • DownDetector
      • Fix bridge (#1528)
    • Dribbble
      • regex fix and CSS selector update (#1657)
      • Fix picture parsing (#1787)
    • Facebook
      • Handle mobile links and unify host validation (#1789)
      • Permalink fix (#1838)
    • Ficbook
      • Fix data getting and months (#1765)
      • Add getName implementation (#1771)
    • FolhaDeSaoPaulo
      • Improve URL and HTML (5a43db4fb5903ca3b8ff989c2cba3be8eac9873c)
    • FuturaSciences
      • Multiple fixes (#1507)
    • GBAtemp
      • Multiple fixes (#1507)
    • Gizmodo
      • Fix bridge (#1538)
    • GoogleSearch
    • Use other class for content retreiving (#1803)
    • Heise
      • Fix multi-page article fetching (#1767)
      • Check for article (#1790)
    • Instagram
      • Use lowercase comparison when looking up user pk (7b63da522fa728811349081a0921f84bb1fa6f19)
      • Fix "Skip reviews" checkbox description (#1702)
      • Change TAG_QUERY_HASH (#1727)
    • Koreus
      • Use HTTPS when fetching feedburner feeds (#1797)
    • LesJoiesDuCode
      • Fix items not loading (a1dd98ff82b4ecf5fd32975a58a06a219ad6611b)
    • LeMondeInformatique
      • Remove encoding conversion (8b173b88740924d20850ad3f39c71379fb2512f2)
    • Mastodon
      • Update feed URL format (#1718)
    • MozillaBugTracker
      • Fix bridge (#1550)
    • NasaApod
      • Fix header being parsed as item (#1586)
    • NextINpact
      • Upgrade for v7 (#1708)
      • Fix subtitle extraction in #LeBrief (#1780)
    • NineGag
      • In post URI replace scheme from "http" to "https" (a332a5a414fa9b9aa27f6a9f8d2d4bcc77f5d9e7)
    • RainbowSixSiege
      • Fix bridge (#1587)
    • SensCritique
      • Fix search display (#1567)
    • SoundcloudBridge
      • Add playlist support, migrate to api-v2 (#1500)
      • Fix bridge not returning tracks (#1757)
    • TheCodingLove
      • Fix not loading items (#1577)
    • TheHackerNews
      • Fix Author name cleanup (90e9c9962a3d9cf7c98173b1fd4e1e48adf9bca2)
    • TwitchBridge
      • Switch to unofficial GraphQL API (#1829)
    • Twitter
      • Rewrited to use new API and lots of fixups
      • Add support for querying by list ID (#1834)
    • Variety
      • Use HTTPS when fetching feedburner feeds (#1797)
    • Vk
      • Fix one letter bug on titles (#1555)
      • Correct fallback behavior, when trying to get direct video links (#1670)
    • WordPress
      • Limit feed to 20 items (#1801)
    • ZDNet
      • Fix article layout (#1793)
    • ZoneTelechargement
      • Update URL (#1710)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2020-02-26(Feb 26, 2020)

    General changes

    • Fixed a bug that resulted in an exception if the error output was set to "http" (#1379)
    • Update the user-agent (1343dbe97ab3e6b5193f8628da3434ddf4bf5146)
    • [Dockerfile] Build memcached extension (#1415)

    New bridges

    • Atmo Occitanie ( (#1422)
    • Dave Ramsey Blog ( (#1459)
    • Donnons ( (#1441)
    • Folha De Sao Paulo ( (#1426)
    • FirstLookMedia ( (#1438)
    • NewOnNetflix ( (#1408)
    • PhoronixBridge ( (#1412)
    • Pornhub ( (480694e819e8a14178da00c355b5fbff75879879)
    • RoosterTeeth ( (#1450)
    • Scribd ( #1391
    • Torrent Galaxy ( (#1378)
    • TinyLetter ( (#1469)

    Modified bridges

    • AllocineFRBridge
      • Update Show List and parsing (#1407)
    • AtmoNouvelleAquitaine
      • Change description (#1423)
    • DevToBridge
      • Fix bridge & add getName() (#1470)
    • ExtremeDownloadBridge
      • Update URL (#1429)
    • GithubIssueBridgeIssue
      • Fix bridge (#1453)
    • GithubSearchBridge
      • Update the bridge (#1431)
    • GoComics
      • Update to new website structure (#1464)
    • IGNBridge
      • Removed Ugly Nonworking Widgets (#1413)
    • InstagramBridge
      • Fixed item thumb on video entries (#1387)
    • MozillaSecurityBridge
      • Update the bridge to mirror website changes (#1394)
    • PcGamerBridge
      • Add all articles, full content and images (#1420)
    • RainbowSixSiegeBridge
      • Fix bridge (#1433)
    • RedditBridge
      • Fixed a typo that prevented the bridge from working (#1383)
    • SoundcloudBridge
      • Fix returned URL and title (#1449)
    • TwitterBridge
      • Use IE's user-agent
    • VkBridge
      • Correct post date calculating (#1417)

    Removed bridges

    • Revolut ( (ba43c8795291214cc0e1b19bc3da6e768449e8ca): An official RSS feed is available at and linked on the main page (next to the Facebook and Twitter buttons).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-12-01(Dec 1, 2019)

    General changes

    • Bridge contexts with same parameter names but different number of arguments no longer result in a "mixed content parameters" error (#1211)
    • The composer file now contains all necessary details about the project (c334df91ec34d5f798c9cba1b4c3fc3ebd451fec)
    • Many more bridges now use secure HTTPS (#1337)
    • Added an option to change how RSS-Bridge reports errors (#1071)
    • Added an option to suppress error reporting (#1179, #1359)
    • Added visual indicator for fields with additional information (#1173)
    • Added an action to check bridge connectivity in debug mode (#1147)
    • Added syndication links to the HTML format (#1348)
    • Dropped the minimum security level for the Docker image back to TLS 1.0 (1df3598a7426bedee6cfdacfcf5261da28a402b8)

    New bridges

    • Apple App Store ( (#1316)
    • Comics Kingdom ( (#1353)
    • Dark Reading ( (#1289)
    • Diário Do Alentejo ( (#1360)
    • Down Detector ( (0b80f9d61c280a813061cbb8dfaa2497cc12993f)
    • ( (#1296)
    • Free Code Camp ( (#1311)
    • Fur Affinity User ( (#1326)
    • Listverse ( (#1305)
    • NFLRUS ( (#1285)
    • Openwhyd ( (#1338)
    • PlantUML ( (#1309)
    • Reddit ( (#1213)
    • Revolut ( (#1321)
    • The Whiteboard ( (#1327)
    • Variety ( (#1307)
    • Vice ( (#1310)
    • VieDeMerde ( (#1313)
    • Yahtzee Dev Diary ( (#1297)

    Modified bridges

    • Bandcamp
      • Added band and album feeds (#1317)
    • Basta
      • Fixed a PHP 7.4 crash (#1323)
    • Desoutter
      • Added feed item limit (c0df9815c73bb80f5474a2e50e32f65d8f149466)
    • Extreme Download
      • Updated website URL (#1303)
    • Facebook
      • Clarified Facebook bridges (#1221)
      • Updated Facebook URL detection (#1334)
      • Fixed permalink issue (#1358)
    • FB2
      • Clarified Facebook bridges (#1221)
    • Google Search
      • Fixed no results (#1329)
    • GQMagazine
      • Fixed by following website changes (#1281)
    • Instagram
      • Added an option to get direct links (a2e47a88c314c62d49c04b548fd78be509a89a12)
      • Fixed GraphSidecar output and embedded videos (#1361)
    • Kununu
      • Added feed item limit (50eee7e7b36e21e03aed217395ee7f9dd0f938d8)
    • Mediapart
      • Fixed article parsing (#1293)
    • N26
      • Updated to reflect changes on N26 blog (#1295)
    • NineGag
      • Added filter option for animated content (#1374)
    • Pikabu
      • Preserves links (#1286)
    • Soundcloud
      • Automatically acquire client_id (#1375)
    • StoriesIG
      • Added timestamp for each feed item (#1331)
      • Added custom feed titles (#1332)
    • Vk
      • Fixed photos and timestamps (#1287)
      • Changed the access token (#1357)
      • Added internal links in posts (#1363)
    • Zone Telechargement
      • Annuaire Telechargement has changed name again to go back to Zone Telechargement. (#1302)

    Removed bridges

    • Bloomberg ( (#1238): Site redesigned and hidden behind paywall.
    • Read Comics ( (4622d9be1ea2f65c84c81c203b3d6778dab79be0): Site doesn't exist anymore.
    • Superb Wallpapers ( (#1336): Site doesn't exist anymore.
    • Whyd ( (#1338): Site moved to (new bridge available)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-09-12(Sep 12, 2019)

    General changes

    • Respect passed headers for file_get_contents() (#1234)
    • Fix double XML encoding on Atom feed title (#1247)

    New bridges

    • AtmoNouvelleAquitaineBridge ( (#1229)
    • CNETFranceBridge ( (#1214)
    • CuriousCatBridge ( (#1216)
    • DavesTrailerPageBridge ( (#1246)
    • EngadgetBridge ( (#1215)
    • FabriceBellardBridge ( (#1220)
    • FurAffinityBridge ( (#1083)
    • GuardianBridge ( (#1249)
    • IGNBridge ( (#1233)
    • LaCentraleBridge ( (#1201)
    • NYTBridge ( (#1235)
    • PatreonBridge ( (#1254)
    • PirateCommunityBridge ( (#1252)
    • TwitchBridge ( (#1253)
    • WIREDBridge ( (#1244)

    Modified bridges

    • AutoJMBridge

      • Adapt to changes (#1255)
    • DanbooruBridge

      • Decode href of HTML element to avoid double escaping (#1262)
    • DailymotionBridge

      • Use API for playlist and user account feeds (#1217)
    • DealabsBridge

      • Follow website change (#1256)
    • FacebookBridge

      • Remove relative date from content (#1212)
      • Prevent sending empty header (#1239)
    • GQMagazineBridge

      • Adapt to changes (#1281)
    • HaveIBeenPwnedBridge

      • Add item limit parameter (#1219)
    • HentaiHavenBridge

      • Use HTTPS (#1227)
    • InstagramBridge

      • Attempt to fix the queries in order to bypass rate limiting (ccef6b95ada21c84871356d3647d653d88614abd)
      • Fix Instagram stories and user id finding (48ebed7b383853f1268fb9535ae78ebf37de4bca)
      • Remove condition that forces cache ignoring (7aba7992aad160a84d9035f9906028385cfd65a9)
    • InternetArchiveBridge

      • Fix malformed URLs (#1222)
    • LeBonCoinBridge

      • Submit user agent to LBC to get results (a86a94555d70f75ab48d413cd755cc69cdfa2002)
    • NovelUpdatesBridge

      • Use HTTPS (#1228)
    • PikabuBridge

      • Added filtering by user (#1266)
    • Rule34pahealBridge

      • Fix thumbnail uri (#1278)
    • ThePirateBayBridge

      • Switch back TLD to .org (2b4a0301587fa809683eedec6c290f73f0d62bb0)
      • URI fix, add magnet link (8bff63d9c65683ecde68a66fcf40594eda2e6faa)
      • Fix PHPCS code violations (38960df180ff55453add4146ea8240c249ba3935)
    • TwitterBridge

      • Get cookies before sending request (#1232)
      • Enable cookies with curl (#1245)
    • UnsplashBridge

      • Fix bridge (#1208)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-07-06(Jul 6, 2019)

    General changes

    • RSS-Bridge now has its own logo and favicon :rocket: (#1087)
    • Added support for case-insensitive format name matching (1ada9c26f86282ba9a527709dd5a326f22874c05)
    • Added context hinting for new feeds (1591e18027064d76a78fae27352b0cf9a1a50629)
    • Added better support for mobile devices (99d4571c6b2c809f483d025ebab21b8b5f7cb276)
    • Changed the placeholder text for the search bar to indicate that searching by URL and bridge is supported (dfa9c651cd8c6c1c177c3e0046a497098ba7ba90)
    • Changed factory classes to non-static classes for better abstraction (705b9daa0bcfab2e6c342547eb7bf6324bd6c10f, 2460b678869415fff08238afdd61e05eba501dc5, fc8421ed504d613cfcb6f042665c0439ff1fcf35, 14e6dbb6457c5d34d5b02c95b77744f91048d070)
    • Changed the HTML output format to dynamically add buttons for other feed formats (7ff97c0c7b60d8273f241c851decd2dd1e8e860b)
    • Removed syndication feeds from the HTML output format (7ff97c0c7b60d8273f241c851decd2dd1e8e860b)
    • Fixed parsing of incomplete headers from remote servers that could cause bridge failure (70542686bb61795584775f4f5b974edea386b9b5)

    New bridges

    • Ficbook ( (#1185)
    • Gitea ( (#1180)
    • Gogs ( (#1180)
    • Indeed ( (#1166)
    • Internet Archive ( (#1186)
    • Mastodon ( (#1178)
    • National Geographic ( (#1065)
    • Southern Poverty Law Center ( (#1177)
    • Telegram ( (#1175, #1181, #1182, #1183, #1184, #1192, #1202, #1207)
    • Vimeo ( (#933)

    Modified bridges

    • BAE
      • Improved performance (#1168)
    • Brut
      • Creates custom feed name for each category and edition (#1164)
    • Castorus
      • Fixed broken activity selector (73f4bc078ef0d46a9fa06ac304152a43536887b5)
    • Desoutter
      • Fixed bridge after DOM changes (1efb7c7bcea6c6fa87afd5470cdb611a87b8c32c)
    • Elite Dangerous Galnet
      • Removes duplicate items (#1167)
    • Find A Crew
      • Improved bridge results (#1120)
    • Github Issue
      • Fixed bridge after DOM changes (ba116d9ab603e8fc369fe4c47f5cc0ebb52ac44f)
      • Included issue author comment in the feed (da339fd5cc5c74ad76e16c94f01752aa66862e0c, e4e04a78652f19c52237c3b423d0872da3c7c163)
      • Added support for the detect action (75b021368423fef339ae58cf05f12dc89581ed88, 6d6d6037a3b8065a37f4f7bf3ec92300c1ec72ea)
    • Glassdoor
      • Fixed broken bridge (ea08445946d2fed1fa6bde89a570643bfcdf8442)
    • GQ Magazine
      • Fixed the bridge by changing the way the articles are loaded AND their titles are found (#1195)
    • Have I Been Pwned
      • Converts HTML entities to characters (#1198)
      • Displays the breach type (#1203)
    • Instructables
      • Added support for HTTPS (54fb29d443be6ae7ccc58505536cc7845d081572)
      • Fixed listCategories() to work with new layout (6f2498760168d954ae6c9b02b412c788b6190c32)
      • Updated available categories (d324aa5da1192273f808ee3dcf2990d5f57095af)
      • Fixed after layout changes (60c1339612684867285286927517950567f0d770)
    • Kununu
      • Added support for ratings (7926ffad7396fb029fe3c4c6d95f01e97921ab42)
      • Added support for benefits (7926ffad7396fb029fe3c4c6d95f01e97921ab42)
      • Fixed broken timestamp (7926ffad7396fb029fe3c4c6d95f01e97921ab42)
    • PinterestBridge
      • Removed support for search due to technical limitations (#1206)
    • Shanaproject
      • Fixed broken bridge (28d46b672112fc78964ae1230f39be23947ab132)
      • Added support for https (465cd8c768070660355a3c0df25b8e86ba96c3b0)
      • Returns url to current season (2ea8d73ac1d79f796d092b521156a5d6e4eabf9d)
      • Added filter options (c0edf6e424224d054f90f14509715d58b9aa2151)
    • Steam Community
      • Added Workshop category (#1172)
    • Twitter
      • Displays all images from a tweet, not only the first one (#1160)
      • Added extensive description to keyword search query (d005acca83b5113ad4fd12c7d1ee39377c72daf8)
      • Fixed detection of retweets on lists (b27487ace064b6578c0ac4789d3b1ea051666250)
    • World Of Tanks
      • Fixed bridge (#1197)
    • XenForo
      • Fixed broken bridge (ade09b2aad02312dd800bff275f80266f6e39a0f)
      • Fixed minor issues with CSS selectors (50162f52b6da6d8fbd6785803250a4a975417f8e)
    • Youtube
      • Added playlist caching (#1162)

    Removed bridges

    • Demonoid ( (6b9394dc78a4850d051d4898d5a04301307f5ea9): Site discontinued.
    • Dollbooru ( (b1b7e4edce5a29e2587be4cccf27ebb56e31bf5f): Site discontinued.
    • Sakugabooru ( (de53120843c977a000760e3c4e8e205d71e7a162): Site discontinued.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-06-08(Jun 8, 2019)

    General changes

    • Updated the Docker configuration to use the official php:7-apache image (#1140)
    • Updated Simple HTML DOM to version 1.9 (5656792cee3ddf4b38a60b6d05b5b08fa705a4c3)
      • Various minor adjustments to utilize the new features that shipped with this version (014b698f6751655d3efe047cb0b951641936b9fe)
    • Added whitelist.default.txt to use if whitelist.txt doesn't exist (d4e867f2403c6224c93d8588fadbde600aec4444)
    • Added new parameter [system] => timezone to the configuration file (946a99d3347d0e25c11bb57b563cd5daeaa0aa5b). Find more information on the Wiki
    • Added a deploy button for Heroku (#1150)
    • Added a second button to error messages to search for similar issues on GitHub (5a9519967b0bb6b16e43e495c63d13c6fb41c021)
    • Fixed a bug that resulted in repeated UID hashing when loading feeds from cache (#1148)
    • Fixed broken GitHub issue queries when reporting bridge failure (468d8be72d34f0a94e5ae4090b3321c5bda4db35)
    • Fixed placeholders to hide placeholder text on key focus (f28cbecc025fdef3e3e724b2dbb576886d5209fb)
    • Improved performance for loading the front page if entries in whitelist.txt are correctly written (e2e0ced055c4a0ec59415ca00422b1db7fec68e9)

    Important note If you are using the Docker Image, note that the path to mount whitelist.txt has changed from /app/public/whitelist.txt to /app/whitelist.txt. The wiki has been updated accordingly.

    New bridges

    • Binance ( (#1135)
    • Brut ( (#1159)
    • Have I Been Pwned ( (#1144)
    • Mediapart ( (#1130)
    • Q Play ( (#1118)
    • Steam Community ( (#1136)

    Modified bridges

    • Pikabu
      • Add gif support (#1149)
      • Use page title as feed title (#1149)
      • Implement community support (#1149)
    • Radio Melodie
      • Fixed bridge after website update (#1145)
    • Sound Cloud
      • Uses account avatar as feed icon (#1146)
    • Steam
      • Follow source changes (#1143)
      • Improve media path building (#1143)
      • Improve price fetching and display (#1143)
    • Vk
      • Ignore illegal characters in input HTML for iconv (#1154)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-05-08(May 8, 2019)

    General changes

    • Duplicate enclosures are now filtered out automatically if they are an exact match (6293c3d33d6815f669e42719ba65d78422647f78)
    • Updated .gitignore to ignore .htaccess and .htpasswd files (#1078)
    • Refactored the cache API (#1060)
    • Added Memcached as caching alternative (#1000)

    New bridges

    • AO3 ( (#1123)
    • ArtStation ( (#1122)
    • Bad Dragon ( (#1082)
    • Bing Search ( (#1046)
    • Economist ( (#1067)
    • Heise ( (#744)
    • Ivoox ( (#597)
    • Mozilla Bug Tracker ( (#916)
    • SEC Stock filings ( (#1011)
    • SIMAR ( (#1055)

    Modified bridges

    • AutoJM
      • Fixed bridge after website change (#1081)
      • Uses title from website for the feed title (#1093)
    • BakaUpdatesMangaReleases
      • Sanitized hash for more solid UIDs (#1113)
    • ComboiosDePortugal
      • Properly encode the URL (#1074)
    • Facebook
      • Fixed encoding of cyrillic letters in group names (#842)
    • FDroid
      • Fixed bridge after DOM changes (#1075)
    • FindACrew
      • Updated bridge according new website (#1080)
    • GithubSearch
      • Updated to match Github's new layout (24cdeabed814903ccd86b4ed99ebaf534ac3887a)
    • HDWallpapers
      • Updated to website changes (98c2530984a2f7ed028ae9b099298e760f79fadb)
      • Added wallpapers to enclosures (98c2530984a2f7ed028ae9b099298e760f79fadb)
      • Made "HD" the default resolution (98c2530984a2f7ed028ae9b099298e760f79fadb)
    • Instagram
      • Fixed image links (7b8dd93a8e5148d5bdacc6c996ef83a4ee99c535)
    • RadioMelodie
      • Updated to support the new website (#1101)
    • RoadAndTrack
      • Generate a signature key for every client instead of hardcoding it (0aa88585518269791a455fb56944099b51ae6799)
      • Major rewrite, due to the depreciation of their API (a2f38663832063ef0cb477b8408006dec7a7de1c)
    • Vk
      • Added an option to hide reposts (#1089)

    Removed bridges

    • Google Plus Bridge (#1124)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-03-17(Mar 17, 2019)

    General changes

    • Fixed cache types ending on 'cache' are not detected correctly (e3588f62bde583a335b0cfc024b7b7baba35db5c)
    • Added cache based on SQLite 3 (#1035)

    New bridges

    • AsahiShimbunAJW ( (#1036)
    • ComboiosDePortugal ( (#1049)

    Modified bridges

    • BakaUpdatesMangaReleases

      • Reworked to parse new layout (#1052)
      • Added filter for title and groups (#1058)
    • BandcampBridge

      • Updated to use newer POST API (#1045)
    • Dealabs

      • Patched unparsable Deal date (#1053)
    • LeMondeInformatique

      • Handle special articles (#1039)
    • OneFortuneADay

      • Added lucky number feature (#1038)
      • Changed to use date in UTC for the seed (#1059)
    • Soundcloud

      • Updated API key (#1062)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-02-19(Feb 19, 2019)

    General changes

    • Updated PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to version 1.8.1 (bcd7bccc462e1d61f780192741031dba9199e97d)
    • Refactored the Atom format to comply with RFC 4287 (#995)
    • Refactored the Mrss format to make it valid RSS 2.0 + Media RSS (#996)
    • The required attribute is no longer supported for lists and checkboxes (d532d0e0c4033d4b5f9de323e5d36bda61ffbc43) (#1014)
    • Added new parameter 'uid' to item (#1017)
    • Added unit tests for cache implementations (#1007)
    • Added unit tests for format implementations (#1008)
    • Added minor typographical changes to the HtmlFormat CSS (#1009)
    • Implemented the Action factory (#1002)
    • Added support for custom cache types to the configuration file (556a417dd6bf39b1a4892bc2c935f32b0d710f28)

    New bridges

    • Apple Music ( (#1026)
    • Baka Updates Manga Releases ( (#999)
    • Cachet ( (#1034)
    • Glowfic ( (#1031)
    • RoadAndTrack ( (473a62ed44f2141e7505de3582c1d05cf46cb38e)
    • VMwareSecurityBridge ( (#1041)

    Modified bridges

    • Feed Expander

      • Fixed item href being used as feed uri (#1033)
    • Glassdoor

      • Fixed incorrect CSS selector (37d882a8d5e3c26ba4502330cd9e50f0247da25b)
    • Twitter

      • Appended username of retweeter to author (#1016)
    • MozillaSecurityBridge

      • Make the URI unique by adding timestamp (#1005)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2019-01-13(Jan 13, 2019)

    General changes

    • Updated PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to version 1.7 (b00971b2c391f3ebcd279f3c8213f7303dc16091)
    • Added the ability to use file_get_contents instead of cURL when running in CLI mode and no root certificates are defined for cURL (#962)
    • Added a new FeedItem class to handle items returned by bridges (#940) Note: This class should not be used for bridges yet as it might change in the future!
    • Fixed various bridges that didn't pass the unit tests (#984)
    • Refactored JsonFormat to JSON Feed version 1 (#988)
    • Refactored unit tests to properly check all bridges (#980)

    New bridges

    • Derpibooru ( (#949)
    • ModelKartei ( (#975)
    • N26 ( (#1006)
    • OneFortuneADay (:crystal_ball:) (#974)
    • OsmAndBlog ( (#973)
    • Trello ( (#971)

    Modified bridges

    • Amazon

      • Fixed parsing of list item (#998)
    • Dilbert

      • Fixed URI and item title (#976)
    • Discogs

      • Fixed timestamp parsing (3160e62293c3a06609390e1dfde035a32cd6c0c8)
    • EliteDangerousGalnet

      • Added support for others website languages (#992)
    • Instagram

      • Truncate long titles and use full text as content (#961)
      • Added link on image and video indication in title (#966)
      • Added author if available in response (#997)
    • Soundcloud

      • Fixed feeds for artists with less than 10 tracks would return empty (#970)
    • TheHackerNews

      • Fixed content extraction (#972)
    • Twitter

      • Added option to disable image scaling in feeds (bb2329fa3a992ad22e5deaa112557f732fe4a627)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-12-11(Dec 11, 2018)

    General changes

    • Added parameter validation for [admin]:email in order to prevent injection of arbitrary content. (2bb13169b4541d73b7d4623a02cc12ba2d50a611)
    • Replaced the debugMessage function by a Debug class. Find more information on the Wiki (a0490e36731957196648c674cf5e8e4f1d7d292d)
    • Requests with _cache_timeout no longer result in an error message on servers where custom_timeout is disabled. Instead the server redirects to a query without _cache_timeout (#894)
    • Fixed some grammar (#923)
    • Added API documentation to the core library, compatible to PHPDocumentor (various commits)
    • Added server-side caching, using the "If-Modified-Since" header (#889) Note: Caching is disabled if the remote server requests no caching (#945)
    • Added new action detect to automatically select a bridge based on a URL (#928) Read more about this new action in the Wiki
    • Fixed a bug where queries via CLI would fail because server variables are not defined (#939)
    • Added better error reporting for cUrl errors (#958)

    New bridges

    • Mozilla Security ( (#946)

    Modified bridges

    • Crewbay

      • Updated bridge according to new website (#930)
    • Facebook

      • Added decoding for HTML entities to prevent double-encoding in the output data (#925)
      • Changed title generator to produce more useful titles (#924)
    • FB2

      • Adapt to Facebook HTML changes (#950)
    • GithubIssue

      • Fixed issue comments and events parsing (d7cabfca54bade061445f58e69520c92e71dcaed)
      • Fixed non existing comments count (d5085a4116c50361b3ab0c30c402222759e93056)
      • Be consistent in avoiding is_null (f4b46e497e877b73521de677644188594f023435)
    • Glasdoor

      • Fixed bridge being marked as executable (6e9c188a7243c5777c8ddfea44785ce1920a3466)
    • Soundcloud

      • Added RSS enclosures (#952)
      • Improved Author, Date and Description (#955)
    • Twitter

      • Changed order of quoted tweets and replies to appear in the same order Twitter would use (#921)
      • Added decoding for HTML entities to prevent double-encoding in the output data (#926)
    • YGGTorrent

      • Added URI to feed items (41d02554f378e0db2ed35120b04649846a7efd78)
    • ZoneTelechargement

      • Switch to the new Website (#934)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-11-10(Nov 10, 2018)

    General changes

    • Updated CONTRIBUTING to include all tests and link to the Wiki (d987ceec737e385d55555e313349733aa40b3575)
    • Updated php-urljoin (#867)
    • Fixed a bug where the default value for a checkbox was set to "1" instead of "checked" (#874)
    • Fixed a bug introduced by #841 that prevented RSS-Bridge from sending HTTP 304 responses. For more information see #875 (#880)
    • Fixed open_basedir warnings if .git/HEAD isn't in open_basedir (#887)
    • Added favicons to most bridges (7621784598b8a5e46e281e866d844ab13be947fd)
    • Added an option to display the administrator email address on the front page (#896) Find more information on the Wiki
    • Added a template for bridge requests on GitHub (7e3787a18584c95b168c65ba0aaad15c572ff0b7)
    • Added integration tests for PHP version compatibility (a935e310ff8c4c37e52e2832b82ffa402c285418)

    New bridges

    • BAE ( (#903)

    • Crewbay ( (#902)

    • Find A Crew ( (#901)

    • OnVaSortir ( (#914)

    • Thingiverse ( (#869)

    • XenForo ( (65da157fff0bbb877b35d0d15259e8353f9146be)

    Modified bridges

    • Askfm

      • Fixed broken bridge (1cfe939927ca2f62c063ba55b656f7211a5d9c6d)
    • Etsy

      • Fixed bridge and corrected typos (#873)
    • Facebook

      • Fixed 'SpSonSsoSredS' text in title (7561c0685db761b4530f1237b7c83b203908a0d7)
      • Fixed items link to localhost (717b0bdd9cdf637f9f067b4236cda56154ce829e)
      • Fixed broken feed caused by regex parsing (cb488d9d8c0c79f6b263bbb4e023d8042cd6407d)
      • Added filter to remove tracking code (723bd1150a219af28f6ab1cee8f710f7b43dea98)
      • Added filter to keep title and description of embedded media (7026684e34b5e62696a50bc65018edf9df475454)
      • Removed filter that removed origin information of embedded media (0b2ede35cd698f1b9b1817dc5845bbd2d473be0c)
      • Added filter to remove hidden elements from posts (104ae2298e553cacaa9a58b5aae8e8b87959f130)
      • Added filter to remove videos and view counts from posts (68ee24d6bd7572fde7984b34176eecbeecf810cc)
      • Updated filter to remove " - Posts" from author name (#917)
    • FB2

      • Added updated timestamps to each post (#849)
      • Replaced emoticon images by their textual representation (62d737efe21b5d89a4b7feea54fd407531c8e61a)
      • Use a new URL for the cursor to fix #851 (7596be65f22bce8e640f7d0b7c97fb764724dde2)
      • Fixed number of fetched items (30bc5179c2d150d98405109ab71dd1511ca78ce7)
      • Added support for images (afd5ef0f1d3585f29afa48ae0d7f22fe3668a3df)
    • GitHubGist

      • Fixed broken bridge (2e6cbd1ce7510bd7fde874a593b1c519a156d6cb)
    • Instagram

      • Added caption existence check to reduce PHP warnings in server logs (#865)
      • Fixed adding duplicate URLs when parsing Instagram stories (#715)
      • Added support for Instagram locations (19a7f10160108cb78dacacd496ca66964eb1d7f9)
    • RainbowSixSiege

      • Fixed missing news (#908)
    • Rue89

      • Entirely rewritten using the JSON API (110b865a54a066c29b935e8916db7bc4dad7748f)
    • ThePirateBay

      • Fixed TLD from .org to .wf (#907)
    • Youtube

      • Fixed playlist mode (#876)
    • ZoneTelechargement

      • Made the bridge more robust to URL change (#881)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-10-15(Oct 15, 2018)

    General changes

    • The Wiki was updated to better support you in creating your own bridge!
    • The README file was generally updated. It now includes two additional badges: debian release and guix release
    • Fixed a bug that caused open_basedir warnings after updating to RSS-Bridge 2018-09-09 (#832)
    • Adjusted styles to improve readability for bridge parameters (#763)
    • Atom format
      • Fixed PHP notice when running in CLI mode (#824)
    • Mrss format
      • Fixed double quotes in XML attributes breaking the feed (#813)
    • Improved performance considerably in certain situations (e3a5a6a170e63e3196793cab56b65332b06e8aab)
    • Error messages for invalid parameter values now include the affected parameter names (f853ffc07ca5af02621922e33f92cb983dab1108)
    • RSS-Bridge now returns an error message if it fails loading remote contents (13bd7fe21b1fa3e3c9b5cbac2264873d3c9527dd)
    • HTML format now includes feed URLs which can automatically be detected by feed readers and browsers (93e7ea9fea44f356897153f545de96c7bd594f6c)
    • Errors are now returned in the requested feed format for feed readers to show in your time line (#841) (i.e. feeds in Atom format will return errors in Atom format, Mrss in Mrss format and so forth) Please notice that error messages are re-issued after 24 hours, so expect your feed reader to report issues once per day, even if it is the same error.
    • Fixed an issue where RSS-Bridge would respond with a PHP Notice when running in CLI mode, requesting the Mrss format (#858)

    New bridges

    • 9gag ( (#801)
    • AutoJM ( (#827)
    • Bundesbank ( (d14f8e3c83545c9dbccf1537b340e628e18a00b1)
    • Desoutter ( (b4aea21f7185acc81b64f82b92a1c2b2feb19668)
    • ( (2d1b446bd11b9ea23785a129eba1676ef9297df4)
    • Extreme Download ( (#820)
    • Glassdoor ( (c06a09fe99346a789a6f379410f149d0abc25f40)
    • GQMagazine ( (#861)
    • Pikabu (Пикабу) ( (#830)
    • TheYetee ( (#809)
    • Zone Telechargement ( (#829)

    Modified bridges

    • Arte7
      • Added support for collections (#819)
    • Dealabs
      • Fixed a bug that caused the bridge to return error 500 because Dealabs changed the URL of the category Maison & jardin (#821). Notice: Existing feeds must be updated to the new RSS Feed URL!
      • Follow website changes (#852)
    • ETTV
      • Fixed typo with status field (#682)
      • Change the uri element of an item to point, not on the magnet link (#682)
      • Return name & uri matching with query (#682)
    • Facebook
      • Uses an alternative URI to return more posts (fcc9f9fd61cb25825c5b34f785cb0940663b9f9f)
      • Added a new parameter limit to specify the maximum number of items to return (i.e. &limit=10). The default limit is &limit=-1 (no limit) (5779f641c01d209d3a21df8a2b9ce8fa421a36b2)
    • FB2
      • Fixed a bug that caused the bridge to fail after updating to RSS-Bridge 2018-09-09 (458b826871ca7b083589a6d3e840e1fd7116f463)
      • Fixed Facebook links starting with two slashes and ending in quotes (#831)
      • Headers <h3> and <h4> are retained to make the feed more readable (#836)
    • Kununu
      • Fixed broken bridge and general improvements (e6476a600d9df7b6cfdc9da85a798fa7dd606319)
    • LeBonCoin
      • Fixed multiple warnings (622802e5d4f1869a1a5fb6c603264391294dadc7)

    Removed bridges

    • Sexactu (replaced by GQMagazine)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-09-09(Sep 9, 2018)

    General changes

    • Added unit tests to test basic bridge implementation mistakes (6bceb2b2db34d79c1add18dcd7964f90b041bfd0)
    • Added new action to list bridges (#493). Find more information on the Wiki
    • The styles have been updated to give RSS-Bridge a modern look (#781)
    • Bridges can now specify their own icon via getIcon (#788). Read more on the getIcon function on the Wiki
    • Added an PHP extension check for "json" (be3620acb747e4826d83a621d48781c7ebcd5726)
    • RSS-Bridge now sends HTTP code 304 when returning cached data (#793)
    • Improvements to cache handling to prevent working with incorrect timestamps (#792)
    • Fix cache timing : the last modification time was cached, resulting in wrong results
    • Move the debug mode initialization before the inclusion of the core files, in order to catch errors in them
    • Improve debug messages (#802)
    • Add new parsing utilities (#802):
      • extractFromDelimiters
      • stripWithDelimiters
      • stripRecursiveHTMLSection
      • markdownToHtml (partial)
    • Handle MIME type for enclosures, as many feed readers ignore enclosures without MIME type (#802)
    • Improve field extraction in FeedExpander, add support for enclosures (#802)

    New bridges

    • GOG (
    • Anidex (
    • NyaaTorrents (

    Modified bridges


    • Restore thumbnail (#802)
    • BlaguesDeMerde
      • Adjust to layout changes (c305c1ded7a1888c1c0a1495cdbb13be700d675c)
    • CNET
      • Rewrite bridge (#802)
    • Danbooru
      • Fixed broken bridge (ee28b124e0b0335348dcdb4267b38e88c8506ebc)
    • DauphineLibere
      • Fixed broken bridge, and use HTTPS for content fetching (#780)
    • Dilbert
      • Minor URI fix (#802)
    • EstCeQuonMetEnProd
      • Fix content extraction (#802)
    • Facebook
      • Remove query string from post links (bf30ad127c51dbf323b83fdff0786788a81f9c2e)
      • Fix "SpSonsSoriSsés" label (#802)
    • ForGifsBridge
      • Fix permission of the file (123fce43942e1e36ced9ff40a1a8503f6ef9bc86)
    • Futura-Sciences
      • Cleanups, use HTTPS (#802)
    • GBATemp
      • Fix categories, add thumbnails, fix date extraction, fix user blog post extraction, use cached data (#802)
    • GithubSearch
      • Fix broken bridge, add tags and categories (#803)
    • GooglePlusPost
      • Fixed a bug where the title was returned empty if the content is too short (37f84196b7952d2a4c3de45b4da54b0224fe4d4f)
    • GrandComicsDatabase
      • Fixed links in content (#804)
    • JapanExpo
      • Fix getSimpleHTMLDOMCached call, use HTTPS, add thumbnails to the enclosures (#802)
    • LeBonCoin
      • Added custom headers to prevent bot exclusion (9fc1e97efe01a07b6f701ffff70a03ceac1110b3)
      • This bridge now uses the site's API to collect data (#795)
      • Added more options (#783)
    • LeMondeInformatique
      • Fix bridge, use HTTPS, add thumbnails to enclosures (#802)
    • LesJoiesDuCode
      • Switched to HTTPS and removed author (#787)
    • Nextgov
      • Fix bridge, add thumbnails to enclosures (#802)
    • NextInpact
      • Add categories and filtering, fix extraction, remove article limit (#802)
    • Pixiv
      • Fixed timestamps (#785)
    • Releases3DS
      • Cache content, add thumbnails to enclosures (#802)
    • TheHackerNews
      • Fix bridge, add thumbnails to enclosures (#802)
    • Vk
      • Various fixes to video attachments (#766)
    • WeLiveSecurity
      • Use HTTPS, fix content extraction (#802)
    • WordPress
      • Reduce timeout, add new content selector, fix <script> cleanup, add thumbnails to enclosures (#802)
    • YGGTorrent
      • Increase limit, use cache (#802)
    • ZDNet
      • Rewrite bridge (#802)

    Removed bridges

    • CAD ( Is now powered by WordPress and provides RSS and Atom feeds
    • CNET ( Does now provide its own set of feeds:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • 2018-08-07(Aug 7, 2018)

    General changes

    • The search bar of RSS-Bridge now supports searching by URLs (caa622ffeca1067080b81a7a74950a60074a9e9b)
    • Added Cloudflare challenge detection (066ef1d7db079fe9617ab2108b5bce2ed068b6eb)
      • RSS-Bridge now returns an error if the server responded with a Cloudflare challenge. This should be temporary in most cases (while the attack lasts). Users should wait a few days and try again, before opening an issue on GitHub.
    • Added php-urljoin from to replace the custom implementation of defaultLinkTo (#756)

    New bridges

    • ForGifs (
    • GitHubGist (
    • Instructables (
    • Skimfeed (

    Modified bridges

    • AmazonPriceTracker
      • Improved the scrapper logic (#761)
    • Dealabs
      • Following website changes (#758)
    • Ello
      • Added URIs to feed items (c4d489f018b11927dba07699da0b27ee376b6949)
    • FilterBridge
      • Added option to build feed titles from content (3a496e3b18f7b542c1f318092345e7eb2eb79504)
    • FierPanda
      • Following layout changes (15e6d77569275da409ddf80871f322c513e7d9cc)
    • Flickr
      • Fixed broken bridge after layout changes (bae7a5879f418ce7ff5adbaf717f6db298946389)
    • GooglePlusPost
      • Added images to enclosures (3c4e12ceba2f95217f9cc0a26966df7b8840d2a7)
      • Added option to include images in the content (53278b2eed2dcedaaf1deffa196869b0b9cc480c)
    • LeBonCoin
      • Added cities support (#751)
    • Vk
      • Converting hashtags to categories (#755)
    • YGGTorrent
      • Search results are now ordered by published date (#762)
    • Youtube
      • Added duration limits (6bd76af326f88119415212f8fd85bb41598575f4)

    Removed bridges

    • Cpasbien (on permanent Cloudflare protection)
    • Torrent9 (on permanent Cloudflare protection)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-07-17(Jul 17, 2018)

    General changes

    • RSS-Bridge now supports authentication (using HTTP Auth) (#728)
      • For more information refer to the Configuration section in the Wiki
    • RSS-Bridge now supports Docker (#720)
      • For more information refer to the Docker section in the Wiki
    • The current git branch is displayed the front page and included when opening issues while running RSS-Bridge from a git directory (#731)
    • Fixed a bug where the favicon was not linked correctly if the current URI contained a path (42c699f47426fab077dbdca479f5fd5f58a176fa)
    • RSS-Bridge now supports feed categories (#746)
      • For more information refer to the Wiki
    • Updated the readme file to reflect latest changes (fbf874cb295d3adcd79ea8ff7ad72e4da9246964)
      • Removed allow_url_fopen requirement.
      • Added requirement for curl.

    New bridges

    • AmazonPriceTracker (
    • ContainerLinuxReleases (
    • SuperSmashBlog (
    • GrandComicsDatabase (
    • JustETF (
    • Zenodo (

    Modified bridges

    • Dealabs
      • Following site changes (#721)
      • Implemented a generic PepperBridgeAbstract for future expansion (#726)
      • Rewritten the bridge to use the generic PepperBridgeAbstract (#726)
    • Facebook
      • Added option for skipping Reviews (4a5f190e0e2dd83f89bf60a6c7598d6c64e4a5c3)
      • You can now paste Facebook URLs into the name field (5087f5f79e64c648765384fdc952efc68c57243a)
    • Facebook 2 (#742)
      • Removed dependency for file_get_contents (using getContents instead)
    • Kununu
      • Fixed broken page layout (bca79d3f88804485b2d89564617a8680b520e9a3)
      • Reviews are now sorted by date instead of relevance (bca79d3f88804485b2d89564617a8680b520e9a3)
    • LeBonCoin
      • Follow site changes (#747)
      • Removed dependency for file_get_contents (using getContents instead) (1f2fe25471f51115af4679ca17133acc934ca746)

    Removed bridges

    • IsoHunt (discontinued)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-06-10(Jun 10, 2018)

    General changes

    • Removed the external service for fetching the favicon. RSS-Bridge will now attempt to load the favicon directly from the source (9b34b68180c99bc06a9948f881aca3bc0a9e54cf)
    • Fixed a bug that caused crashes when accessing FileCache in case it has been purged or not created yet (3ca59392c2cc080941faa9e69de09627a1ad9738)
    • Added custom configurations, see Wiki for more information (#653)
    • Added cUrl error message and -code to the debugMessage (#711)

    New bridges

    • ChristianDailyReporter (
    • Ello (
    • ETTV (

    Modified bridges

    • Dealabs
      • Fixed the case where no discount was shown (#703)
      • Changed some CSS class to follow the website changes (#703)
      • Handle updated content case (#703)
    • Facebook
      • Warn the user when trying to fetch a non-public facebook page (79ebdc4b3974f63149b5fad90d50e45fb904393f)
    • Instagram
      • Added support for stories (8770c87389ffde62551e4a1a8923ded1c95b077a)
    • Vk
      • Extended article link parsing (#685)
      • Fixed a bug that caused image links to break (#700)
      • Added one more selector for article_author_selector (#712)
      • Extended video parsing (#712)
      • Added poll parsing (#712)
    • WorldOfTanks
      • Rewrote the bridge to use the existing feed (#527)
    • YGGTorrent
      • URL encode the first parts of the requests (df33dcff4effacad3765c61d856344cb4f561777)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed in this release!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-04-20(Apr 20, 2018)

    General changes

    • Added GNOME Builder configuration files to .gitignore
    • Removed uses of file_gets_contents, and replaced them with getContents
    • Small fixes to HtmlFormat CSS

    New bridges

    • Pixiv (
    • NotAlways (
    • FDroid (
    • SupInfo (
    • YggTorrent (
    • Discogs (

    Modified bridges

    • GoComics
      • Rewrote the bridge in order for it to work with the new layout (#663)
    • VkBridge
      • Rewrote bridge code, added titles, remove pinned posts, corrected video links, added support for albums and photos, post author is now the author (#667)
    • InstagramBridge
      • Added support for enclosures (#598)
    • SoundCloudBridge
      • Changed the API key in order for the bridge to work with all profiles (#599)
    • DemonoidBridge
      • Rewrote the bridge in order for it to work with the new layout (#626)
    • DansTonChatBridge
      • Fixed the bridge to work with the new layout (#673)
    • YoutubeBridge
      • Removed duration in titles in search mode (#672)

    Removed bridges

    • T411Bridge. Website is down since nearly one year.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) KB)
  • 2018-04-06(Apr 6, 2018)

    General changes

    • Added option for custom cache timeouts (see Wiki)
    • Added an extension check for 'simplexml' (ac6847045c0e78dcbb663232fabcd2a8ec7bab60)
    • Added exception handler for Errors in PHP 7 (ac6847045c0e78dcbb663232fabcd2a8ec7bab60)
      • See for more information
    • RSS-Bridge now uses cURL instead of file_get_contents for all core functions (getContents, getSimpleHTMLDOM, getSimpleHTMLDOMCached)(0f93370e9254be1200fc01a1175d202c36bb648c)
    • Added an extension check for 'curl' (2df2623430016373c6a899784519f053f1b704d0)

    New bridges

    • Radio Melodie (

    Modified bridges

    • Dealabs

      • Fixed implementation to work with the current layout (#660)
    • Facebook

      • Returns a specific error message if the provided username starts with a slash "/" (df6da837dca4d1f11c9c288f32d81c24b38345e5)
    • Instagram

      • Fixed implementation to work with the current layout (29c690dbcd8540093c8b0402c537a143f4375681)
      • Added hashtag support (38c7e0272e53c088699daebe950d2dd2de7b8b38)
    • IPB

      • Changed the limit parameter to specify the number of items to return rather than the number of pages. This requires any query to adjust the limit accordingly! (1cb83ccea3f8429a0f6eef603618add99100771b)
    • Steam

      • Run free or not yet released games (#639)
      • Added several properties to output (#639)
      • Removed sorts (they are not supported anymore on the source) (#639)
      • Resolved ghost elements (when games hasn't any price) (#639)
      • Resolved wrong returned price (#639)
    • YouTube

      • Sort playlist items by publication date (#643)
      • Improved performance in playlist mode (#648)

    Removed bridges

    No bridges were removed!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2018-03-11(Mar 11, 2018)

    General Changes

    • Updated the Travis CI build script to work with the new Ubuntu Trusty distributions
    • RSS-Bridge returns an error if no format is specified via &format=
    • RSS-Bridge now also runs from the CLI!
    • Updated README to improve readability
    • Added extension check for 'mbstring'

    New Bridges

    • Bloomberg (
    • Dealabs (
    • Demonoid (
    • IPB (
    • PcGamer (
    • Tebeo (

    Modified Bridges

    • AllocineFR: Updated to work with the current season
    • Arte7: Fixed the bridge to use the new API
    • Facebook: Fixed double quote issues at the end of URLs
    • GoComics: Fixed image finding
    • LegifranceJO: Updated to work with the current layout
    • Pinterest: Fixed the bridge
    • MixCloud:
      • Fixed Mixcloud blocks certain User-Agents
      • Fixed double forward-slashes in returned post URI leading to error 404
    • Steam: Fixed the bridge
    • ThePirateBay: Added instructions for input parameter
    • Torrent9: Updated the source URI
    • Twitter: Added category for lists
    • Vk:
      • Updated to use https and work with the current layout
      • Added feed title based on the parsed contents
    • Youtube:
      • Updated to skip Ads and unavailable videos
      • Fixed author parsing to prevent breaking the bridge

    Removed Bridges

    • PlanetLibre (now supports RSS feeds)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2017-08-19(Aug 19, 2017)

    General changes

    • whitelist: Do case-insensitive whitelist matching
    • [FeedExpander] Fix Serialization of 'SimpleXMLElement' is not allowed
    • [FeedExpander] Remove whitespace from source content
    • [index] Add GET parameter 'q' for search queries
      • Example: You can now add &q=Twitter to load into the search field
    • [index] Check permissions for cache folder and whitelist file
    • [index] Show bridge options when loading with URL fragment
      • Example: You can now add #bridge-Twitter to load the card with all parameters visible
    • [style] Center search cursor and hide placeholder
    • [validation] Fix error on undefined optional numeric value

    Modified bridges

    • [DanbooruBridge] Allow descendant classes to override tag collection
    • [DribbbleBridge] Add dribble bridge listing last dribble popular shots (#558)
    • [FacebookBridge] Fix & in URLs
    • [GelbooruBridge] Fix bridge not getting tags correctly
    • [GoComicsBridge] Fix for page structure changes (#568)
    • [LeBonCoinBridge] Fix bridge is marked executable
    • [LWNprevBridge] Fix everchanging url
    • [YoutubeBridge] Fix error on certain keywords
    • [YoutubeBridge] Fix issues loading playlists

    Removed bridges

    • VineBridge
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2017-08-03(Aug 3, 2017)

    Important changes

    RSS-Bridge now has contribution guidelines phpcs rules follow the contribution guidelines

    General changes

    Added a search bar to make searching for bridges easier Added user friendly error page for when a bridge fails Added caching of extraInfos (name, uri) Added an indicator to warn for bridges using HTTP instead of HTTPS Various bug fixes and improvements

    Modified bridges

    [AllocineFRBridge] Update Faux Raccord link [DanbooruBridge] Fix broken URI [DuckDuckGoBridge] Disable DuckDuckGo redirects so that the links returned are correct. [FacebookBridge] Add option to hide posts with facebook videos [FacebookBridge] Add requester languages to HTTP header [FacebookBridge] Handle summary posts [FacebookBridge] Replace 'novideo' with 'media_type' [FilterBridge] Initial implementation of basic title permit and block [FlickrTagBridge] Fix and improve bridge by using the FlickrExploreBridge approach [GooglePlusPostBridge] Autofix user names [GooglePlusPostBridge] Fix bridge implementation [GooglePlusPostBridge] Fix content loading [InstagramBridge] Add option to filter for videos and pictures [LWNprevBridge] full rewrite [MangareaderBridge] Fix double forward slashes [NasaApodBridge] Use HTTPS instead of HTTP [PinterestBridge] Fix checkbox not working [PinterestBridge] Fix implementation after DOM changes [RTBFBridge] Update URI [SexactuBridge] Fix URI and timestamp [SexactuBridge] Use most modern version of bridge api and cached pages (#504) [ShanaprojectBridge] Don't throw error if timestamp is missing [TwitterBridge] Add option to hide retweets [TwitterBridge] Avoid empty content caused by new login policy [TwitterBridge] Fix double slashes in URI [TwitterBridge] Fix missing spaces [TwitterBridge] Fix title includes anchors in plaintext format [TwitterBridge] ignore promoted tweets [TwitterBridge] Optimize returned image sizes [TwitterBridge] Show quotes and pictures [WebfailBridge] Properly handle gifs (DOM changed) [YoutubeBridge] Improve readability of feed contents [YoutubeBridge] Improve URL handling in video descriptions

    New bridges

    AmazonBridge DiceBridge EtsyBridge FB2Bridge FilterBridge FlickrBridge GithubSearchBridge GoComicsBridge KATBridge KernelBugTrackerBridge MixCloudBridge MoinMoinBridge RainbowSixSiegeBridge SteamBridge TheTVDBBridge Torrent9Bridge UsbekEtRicaBridge WikiLeaksBridge WordPressPluginUpdateBridge

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2(Nov 6, 2016)

    Important changes

    • RSS-Bridge has been UNLICENSED
    • RSS-Bridge is now a community-managed project on GitHub
    • RSS-Bridge now has a Wiki
    • RSS-Bridge now supports Travis-CI

    General changes

    • Added CHANGELOG (this file)
    • Added PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser to vendor
    • Added cache purging function (cache will be force-purged after 24 hours or as defined by bridge)
    • Added new format MrssFormat
    • Added parameter author - for display of the feed author name - to all formats
    • Added new abstraction of the BridgeInterface:
    • Added optional support for proxy usage on each individual bridge
    • Added support for custom bridge parameter (text, number, list, checkbox)
    • Changed design of the welcome screen
    • Changed design of HtmlFormat
    • Changed behavior of debug mode:
      • Enable debug mode by placing a file called "DEBUG" in the root folder
      • Debug mode automatically disables cache file loading
    • Changed implementation of bridges - see Wiki
      • Changed comment-style metadata to constants
      • Added support for multiple utilizations per bridge
      • Changed the parameter loading algorithm to be loaded by RSS-Bridge core
    • Improved checks for PHP version, configuration and extensions
    • Many bug fixes

    Modified Bridges

    • FlickrExploreBridge
    • GoogleSearchBridge
    • TwitterBridge

    New Bridges

    • ABCTabsBridge
    • AcrimedBridge
    • AllocineFRBridge
    • AnimeUltimeBridge
    • Arte7Bridge
    • AskfmBridge
    • BandcampBridge
    • BastaBridge
    • BlaguesDeMerdeBridge
    • BooruprojectBridge
    • CADBridge
    • CNETBridge
    • CastorusBridge
    • CollegeDeFranceBridge
    • CommonDreamsBridge
    • CopieDoubleBridge
    • CourrierInternationalBridge
    • CpasbienBridge
    • CryptomeBridge
    • DailymotionBridge
    • DanbooruBridge
    • DansTonChatBridge
    • DauphineLibereBridge
    • DemoBridge
    • DeveloppezDotComBridge
    • DilbertBridge
    • DollbooruBridge
    • DuckDuckGoBridge
    • EZTVBridge
    • EliteDangerousGalnetBridge
    • ElsevierBridge
    • EstCeQuonMetEnProdBridge
    • FacebookBridge
    • FierPandaBridge
    • FlickrTagBridge
    • FootitoBridge
    • FourchanBridge
    • FuturaSciencesBridge
    • GBAtempBridge
    • GelbooruBridge
    • GiphyBridge
    • GithubIssueBridge
    • GizmodoBridge
    • GooglePlusPostBridge
    • HDWallpapersBridge
    • HentaiHavenBridge
    • IdenticaBridge
    • InstagramBridge
    • IsoHuntBridge
    • JapanExpoBridge
    • KonachanBridge
    • KoreusBridge
    • KununuBridge
    • LWNprevBridge
    • LeBonCoinBridge
    • LegifranceJOBridge
    • LeMondeInformatiqueBridge
    • LesJoiesDuCodeBridge
    • LichessBridge
    • LinkedInCompanyBridge
    • LolibooruBridge
    • MangareaderBridge
    • MilbooruBridge
    • MoebooruBridge
    • MondeDiploBridge
    • MsnMondeBridge
    • MspabooruBridge
    • NasaApodBridge
    • NeuviemeArtBridge
    • NextInpactBridge
    • NextgovBridge
    • NiceMatinBridge
    • NovelUpdatesBridge
    • OpenClassroomsBridge
    • ParuVenduImmoBridge
    • PickyWallpapersBridge
    • PinterestBridge
    • PlanetLibreBridge
    • RTBFBridge
    • ReadComicsBridge
    • Releases3DSBridge
    • ReporterreBridge
    • Rue89Bridge
    • Rule34Bridge
    • Rule34pahealBridge
    • SafebooruBridge
    • SakugabooruBridge
    • ScmbBridge
    • ScoopItBridge
    • SensCritiqueBridge
    • SexactuBridge
    • ShanaprojectBridge
    • Shimmie2Bridge
    • SoundcloudBridge
    • StripeAPIChangeLogBridge
    • SuperbWallpapersBridge
    • T411Bridge
    • TagBoardBridge
    • TbibBridge
    • TheCodingLoveBridge
    • TheHackerNewsBridge
    • ThePirateBayBridge
    • UnsplashBridge
    • ViadeoCompanyBridge
    • VineBridge
    • VkBridge
    • WallpaperStopBridge
    • WebfailBridge
    • WeLiveSecurityBridge
    • WhydBridge
    • WikipediaBridge
    • WordPressBridge
    • WorldOfTanksBridge
    • XbooruBridge
    • YandereBridge
    • YoutubeBridge
    • ZDNetBridge
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1(Aug 11, 2013)

RSS Bridge Community
Developer community for interconnecting websites and people
RSS Bridge Community
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Online All in One Video & Audio Downloader From YouTube,Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest,Instagram,MXtakatak,IPL, Tiktok and 1000+ More Sites too

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