Liberating Web Analytics. Star us on Github? +1. Matomo is the leading open alternative to Google Analytics that gives you full control over your data. Matomo lets you easily collect data from websites & apps and visualise this data and extract insights. Privacy is built-in. We love Pull Requests!


Matomo (formerly Piwik) -

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Matomo is the leading Free/Libre open analytics platform.

Matomo is a full-featured PHP MySQL software program that you download and install on your own webserver. At the end of the five-minute installation process, you will be given a JavaScript code. Simply copy and paste this tag on websites you wish to track and access your analytics reports in real-time.

Matomo aims to be a Free software alternative to Google Analytics and is already used on more than 1,400,000 websites. Privacy is built-in!

Mission Statement

« To create, as a community, the leading international open source digital analytics platform, that gives every user full control of their data. »

Or in short:

« Liberate Web Analytics »


Matomo is released under the GPL v3 (or later) license, see LICENSE.


  • PHP 7.2.5 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.5 or greater, or MariaDB
  • PHP extension pdo and pdo_mysql, or the MySQLi extension
  • Matomo is OS / server independent


Install Matomo

  • Download Matomo
  • Upload matomo to your webserver
  • Point your browser to the directory
  • Follow the steps
  • Add the given javascript code to your pages
  • (You may also generate fake data to experiment, by enabling the plugin VisitorGenerator)


(When using Matomo for development you need to install Matomo from the Git repository).

Free trial

If you do not have a server or don't want to host yourself you can use our Matomo Cloud partner service (21 day free trial):

Online Demo

Check out the online demo for Matomo at


For the list of all tickets closed in the current and past releases, see For the list of technical changes in the Matomo platform, see

Get involved!

We believe in liberating Web Analytics, providing a free platform for simple and advanced analytics. Matomo was built by dozens of people like you, and we need your help to make Matomo better… Why not participate in a useful project today? Learn how you can contribute to Matomo.

Quality Assurance

The Matomo project uses an ever-expanding comprehensive set of thousands of unit tests and hundreds of automated integration tests, system tests, JavaScript tests, and screenshot UI tests, running on a continuous integration server as part of its software quality assurance. Learn more.

We use testing tool to help check the Matomo user interface is compatible with many browsers.


Security is a top priority at Matomo. As potential issues are discovered, we validate, patch and release fixes as quickly as we can. We have a security bug bounty program in place that rewards researchers for finding security issues and disclosing them to us.

Learn more or check out our HackerOne program.

Support for Matomo

For Free support, post a message in our community forums:

For Professional paid support, purchase a Matomo On-Premises Support Plan:



About us:

Contact us:

More information

What makes Matomo unique from the competition:

  • You own your web analytics data: since Matomo is installed on your server, the data is stored in your own database and you can get all the statistics using the powerful Matomo Analytics API.

  • Matomo is a Free Software which can easily be configured to respect your visitors' privacy.

  • Modern, easy to use User Interface: you can fully customize your dashboard, drag and drop widgets and more.

  • Matomo features are built inside plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you don’t need. You can build your own web analytics plugins or hire a consultant to have your custom feature built-in Matomo.

  • A vibrant international Open community of more than 200,000 active users (tracking even more websites!)

  • Advanced Web Analytics capabilities such as E-commerce Tracking, Goal tracking, Campaign tracking, Custom Variables, Email Reports, Custom Segment Editor, Geo Location, Real-time visits and maps, and a lot more!

Documentation and more info on

We are together creating the best open analytics platform in the world!

  • Plugin using GeoIP to accurately detect visitor countries, cities, and continent

    Plugin using GeoIP to accurately detect visitor countries, cities, and continent

    GeoIp Plugin

    • When installed, the plugin will detect more accurately the country of your visitors using the MaxMind database.
    • The existing reports for country and continent will be replaced by the more accurate GeoIp report in your Piwik interface.
    • Piwik will also detect the city of your visitors. You can see all cities by clicking on the country row in the table.
    • You can apply the GeoIp data to all your previous visits and re-generate your reports, see below.


    You need at least Piwik 0.2.33 to run the GeoIp plugin.

    How to install?

    • Download Piwik GeoIp Plugin
    • Unzip the plugin and copy the extracted directory "GeoIp" in the directory piwik/plugins/
    • Configure the MaxMind database:
      • Either download MaxMind GeoLite City or GeoIP City database from Uncompress this file and copy it in plugins/GeoIP/libs/GeoLiteCity.dat
      • For more performance, it is recommanded to install the module apache mod_geoip. Configure your Apache according to:
    • Enable GeoIP plugin in Piwik. Go to Piwik > Settings > Plugins > Geoip, click Enable

    How to apply the GeoIp to all your previous visits to fix your previous reports

    You can apply GeoIP precise localization on your past data:

    • run geoipUpdateRows.php script, from command line (or from the browser, but risk of timing out if your database is large)
    • wait a few minutes until all your visitors data from the piwik_log_visit table have been processed.
    • you now need to force Piwik to re-process all the past reports: drop all piwik_archive_* tables in your Piwik database. Piwik will automatically create them and re-process the reports.
    • You should see Visitors countries and cities in your Visitors>Location report.


    • Mikael Letang
    • Maciej Zawadziski
    • Matthieu Aubry
    • Anthon Pang


    • version 0.7: cleaned up code, compatible with Piwik 0.2.33, improved documentation
    • version 0.8: fixed bug in geoIpUpdateRows.php (thanks looztra)
    • version 0.9: all fields now NULLable to make sure that insert still work fine after plugin is disabled
    • version 0.10: compatibility with 0.2.35 after API change in the AddWidget function
    • version 0.11: fixing bug with country detection
    • version 0.12: updated for auto loader
    • version 0.13: Compatible with Piwik 0.6
    • version 0.14:
      • Fixed geoipUpdateRows script which was failing with errors. It also now checks that logged in user is Super User, and that the GeoIP plugin is enabled.
      • Fixed memory leak when using visitor generator.
      • Fixed .htaccess was blocking users from executing the script with the browser.
      • Added .htaccess to allow to execute the script directly from the browser.
      • Fixed Sparkline distinct countries
    • version 0.15:
      • Updated for Piwik 1.3 (refactoring for upgrade.php)
      • No match for country now set to 'xx' (unknown)
    • version 0.16:
      • fix bootstrap in geoipUpdateRows.php and clean-up package
      • geoipUpdateRows.php - MYSQLI compatibility
      • default to disk-based search; load into memory if multiple tracking requests
    • version 0.17:
      • fixes from peterb & mruge
    • version 0.18: compatible with Piwik 1.6


    Please leave a comment if you have any feedback, suggestion, or bug report. Keywords: third-party-plugin

    Enhancement worksforme 
    opened by mattab 183
  • Log analytics list of improvements

    Log analytics list of improvements

    In Piwik 1.8 we released the great new feature to import access logs and generate statistics.

    The V1 release works very well (it was tracked in #703), but there are ideas to improve it. This ticket is a placeholder of all ideas and discussions related to the Log Analytics feature!

    New features

    • Track non-bot activity only. When --enable-bots is not specified, it would be a nice improvement if we:

      • exclude visits with more than 150 actions per visitorID to block crawlers (detected at the python level by counting requests for that IP in the queue)
      • exclude visits that do not have User Agent or beyond the very basic ones used by all bots
      • exclude all requests when one of the first ones is for /robots.txt -- if we see a robots.txt in the middle we could stop tracking subsequent requests
      • check that /index.php?minimize_js=file.js is counted as a static file since it ends in .js

      After that bots & crawlers detection would be much better.

    • Support Accept-Language header and forward to piwik via the &lang= parameter. That might also be useful to some users who need to use this data in a custom plugin.

    • we could make it easy to delete logs for one day so to reimport one log file

    • This would be a new option to the python script. It would reuse the code from the Log Delete feature, but would only delete one day. The python script would call the CoreAdmin API for example, deleting this single day for a given website. This would allow to easily re-import data that didn't work the first time or was bogus.

    • Detect when log-lines are re-imported and only import them once.

      • Implementation: add new table piwik_log_lines (hash_tracking_request, day ))
      • In Piwik Tracker, before looping on the bulk requests, SELECT all the log lines that have already been processed on this day (WHERE hash_tracking_request IN (a,b,c,d) AND day=?) & Skip these requests from import
      • After bulk requests are processed in piwik.php process, INSERT in bulk (hash, day)
    • By default this feature would be enabled only for "Log import" script,

      • via a parameter that we know is the log import (&li=1 /import_logs=1)
      • but may be later useful to all users of Tracking API for general deduping service.


    How to debug performance? First of all, you can run the script with --dry-run to see how many log lines per second are parsed. It typically should be between 2,000 and 5,000. When you don't do a dry run, it will insert new pageviews and visits calling Piwik API.

    Other tickets

    • #3867 cannot resume with line number reported by skip for ncsa_extended log format
    • #4045 autodetection hangs on a weird formatted line
    Enhancement duplicate 
    opened by mattab 162
  • Plugin for Click map

    Plugin for Click map

    phpMyVisites supports ClickHeat ( and Piwik could do the same.

    The DEV version is available on This is DEV only and may not work with latest trunk.

    If you're interested to contribute please contact hello at and yvan DOT taviaud at Keywords: third-party-plugin

    Enhancement worksforme 
    opened by mattab 158
  • Plugin: BotTracker to track bot-actions

    Plugin: BotTracker to track bot-actions

    BotTracker Plugin

    * When installed, the plugin will detect configured bots & webspiders and exclude them from the visitor-log
    * All bot-hits are counted and for every bot the last visit is logged
    * Some well-known bots are pre-configured

    How to install?

    * Download Piwik BotTracker Plugin
    * Unzip the plugin and copy the extracted directory "BotTracker" in the directory piwik/plugins/
    * Configure the Bot-List by editing the MySQL-Table *piwik_bot_db*.


    * Thomas Fasselt

    Any help is welcome


    * version 0.10: first public version


    Please leave a comment if you have any feedback, suggestion, or bug report.

    Keywords: bot, spider, search, engine, agent, third-party-plugin

    Enhancement worksforme 
    opened by Thomas--F 155
  • Piwik an alternative to AWStats and Urchin, build server log import script

    Piwik an alternative to AWStats and Urchin, build server log import script

    Urchin Alternative: Import your server logs in Piwik, the Free web analytics platform!

    See blog post Piwik alternative to Urchin for more information.

    Piwik is the Urchin alternative but also Webalyzer and AWStats alternative: with a Python script, you can now import webserver logs (apache, iis, and more) in Piwik, instead of using the javascript tracking.

    Description A Python script available in piwik/misc/log-analytics/ will parse server logs efficiently and automatically call the Piwik Tracking API to inject the visits/pageviews/downloads in Piwik.

    How to install / how to use

    • Requires Piwik >= 1.7.2-rc2. Download the latest version from;O=D
    • Requires at least Python 2.6
    • Requires one or many server log files, typically called access.log in Apache for example. These log files will be imported into Piwik.
    • You can also create a "test website" in Piwik to import all data into, rather than importing into your existing websites. Then, use the command --idsite=X to force all info from the log files to be imported into this idsite
    • You can use --dry-run command to have a test run and make sure you will not track data or create new websites


    How you can help?

    • please use the script and report your feedback and bugs here
    • if you are a hacker yourself, please review the code and consider submitting performance optimization, or improvements.
    • If you are a webhost or web agency and wish to offer Piwik to hundreds of your customers, please contact us
    • review the doc at Server log analytics

    Tasks to do before final release

    • Test, test and test
    • Setup on in a new website
    • Check all code review feedback managed
    • Review Import Logs in Piwik doc page.
    • decomission apache2piwik (update blog post)

    Feature requests for V2 or later


    Enhancement Critical 
    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 144
  • Extend list of known Referrer Spammers

    Extend list of known Referrer Spammers

    In #2268 we have implemented a Referrer spam list, initially seeded with the worst of all spammers: semalt.

    However it turns out there are thousands of other spammers that attack Piwik users with their lame websites. It will be hard to keep track of them all and write the list in the config file here.

    List of spammers:

    What is our best way to move forward?

    Task answered 
    opened by mattab 128
  • Report archives have tripled in size since update to 2.10

    Report archives have tripled in size since update to 2.10

    Since upgrading to 2.10 the archive blobs and archive numbers tables have tripled in size (blob tables usually between 30-40MB, now they are 140-500MB).

    The archiving process is set in cron to run every hour and nothing else has changed in the system beyond upgrading from 2.9 to 2.10 (no drastic change in amount of visitors, or to the structure of the site).

    The tables are reduced in size a bit by running core:run-scheduled-tasks --force, but they're still quite a bit bigger than they used to be.

    More background info in the following thread:,123852

    Running Piwik on: Red Hat 5 apache 2.4 PHP 5.4.35 MySQL 5.0.45

    opened by skyhawk669 118
  • Transitions: reports about previous and following actions for each page URL

    Transitions: reports about previous and following actions for each page URL

    Awesome feature: Analytics Previous / next pages

    For each page URL, this plugin reports the top X

    • previous pages
    • following pages
    • outlinks
    • downloads
    • campaigns
    • search engine keywords
    • external websites

    The information is given in a popover which can be launched via a table action on the pages report.

    Enhancement Critical 
    opened by BeezyT 107
  • Update JQuery & JQueryUI

    Update JQuery & JQueryUI

    We need to do an update of JQuery and JQueryUI.

    JQuery 1.7.2 -> 1.9.1 JQueryUI 1.8.22 -> 1.10.2

    As the last update was quite a long time ago, there might be some code changes required...

    Bug Critical 
    opened by sgiehl 105
  • Page Overlay - Analytics Overlay on your site! (Aka in-site analytics)

    Page Overlay - Analytics Overlay on your site! (Aka in-site analytics)

    In order to show analytics data as an overlay, we have to set up a cross-domain communication protocol. The aim of this ticket is to complete a simple version of the feature that provides extensible mechanisms for the communication. Based on this, we can add more things to it.

    Page Overlay displays a block around each link showing the % of clicks on this link. the user can still browse the website. On the left a sidebar displays the key statistics for the currently viewed page. It also easily allows the user to open the Page Transitions report and the Row evolution historical report for this particular page.

    See #3530 List of Page Overlay Improvements for more info and the current state of the art!

    Enhancement Critical 
    opened by mattab 96
  • Open Source SVG Map to show cities and regions

    Open Source SVG Map to show cities and regions

    UPDATE! Fund this project now to help us finish the work and release the feature!

    It takes 2 minutes:

    Right now the world map only shows which country the visits are coming from. It would be really great / useful if we could narrow it down to what state the visitor came from or even which city. Like in the Google analytics.

    It'll be a great feature for marketing so we know where most of the visitors are!

    We would like to also move the technology from Flash to full open source stack, and have the map displayed in SVG or Vector.

    Once the Maps show cities and region, we definitely have to show the maps in the actual Country report: full awesomeness! see #1821

    Once implemented we should remove SWFobject lib: #3666

    Enhancement Critical 
    opened by anonymous-matomo-user 95
  • After move from php 7.4 to 8.1 superuser login fails

    After move from php 7.4 to 8.1 superuser login fails

    After changing from php version 7.4.33 to 8.1.13, matomo users with "Superuser access" right can not login any more For all other user's with lower rights, login still works.


    A matomo error banner is displayed to the user:

                "Error: no website was found in this Matomo installation.
                Check the table '$siteTableName' in your database, it should contain your Matomo websites."

    In the code at Plugin/Controller.php line 956 Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() block is entered and throws the exception.

    public function redirectToIndex($moduleToRedirect, $actionToRedirect, $websiteId = null, $defaultPeriod = null,
                                        $defaultDate = null, $parameters = array())
            if (Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess()) {
                $siteTableName = Common::prefixTable('site');
                $message = "Error: no website was found in this Matomo installation.
                            <br />Check the table '$siteTableName' in your database, it should contain your Matomo websites.";
                $ex = new NoWebsiteFoundException($message);
                throw $ex;

    Expected Behavior

    Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() should not return true in this context. Why does it work with php7.4?

    Possible Solution

    I skipped the Piwik::hasUserSuperUserAccess() section -> login works.

    My Environment

    • Matomo Version: 4.13.0
    • PHP Version: 8.1.13
    • Server Operating System: Linux/Ubuntu 5.4.0-135-generic
    • Webserver: nginx 1.22.1
    • Browser: Firefox 108.0.1
    Potential Bug To Triage 
    opened by jenger 0
  • GDPR Tools sortable columns

    GDPR Tools sortable columns


    Would it be possible to have sortable columns in the GDPR tools. I have found many case scenarios where It would be ideal to be able to sort the columns specifically the Visitor IP address one.

    More details here -

    Your Environment

    • Matomo Version: 4.13.0
    • PHP Version: 8.0.26
    • Server Operating System:
    • Additionally installed plugins: d192a74bb5bbec9b0689d1127b34d96c19ec554d_2_690x79
    Enhancement To Triage 
    opened by BasketballBuzz 0
  • TagManager missing when creating a Matomo instance via composer create-project matomo/matomo

    TagManager missing when creating a Matomo instance via composer create-project matomo/matomo

    Expected Behavior

    Installling Matomo via composer should ship the TagManager plugin or notify about next step to get the complete installation

    Current Behavior

    When creating a new Matomo instance via composer create-project matomo/matomo the directory ./plugins/TagManager is empty.

    total 8.0K
    drwxrwxr-x  2 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K Dec 27 10:31 .
    drwxrwxr-x 95 ubuntu ubuntu 4.0K Dec 27 10:31 ..



    DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
    PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS"
    VERSION="22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"


    PHP 8.1.11 (cli) (built: Sep 29 2022 22:29:14) (NTS)
    Copyright (c) The PHP Group
    Zend Engine v4.1.11, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
        with Zend OPcache v8.1.11, Copyright (c), by Zend Technologies


    Composer version 2.4.2 2022-09-14 16:11:15
    opened by bluedogmilan 3
  • Potential bug with  DevicesDetection

    Potential bug with DevicesDetection

    With DevicesDetection installed and making a request for any reports, thousands of requests are made for cached items for DevicesDetection even when it's not required. We are using Redis for cache. Could be that this a general "thing", not just for DevicesDetection. And could also be expected behaviour, that I don't know.

    Expected Behavior

    Cached items should only be asked for when needed.

    Current Behavior

    Requests are done for cached items not needed.

    Steps to Reproduce (for Bugs)

    1. Activate DevicesDetection
    2. Do a request for a report not displaying any info about devices.
    3. With a network sniffer, you could see requests done for DevicesDetection cached items.

    Your Environment

    • Matomo Version: 4.12.3
    • PHP Version: 8..0.25
    • Server Operating System: Linux Alpine
    bild bild Potential Bug To Triage 
    opened by mikkeschiren 3
  • Trying to improve the accuracy of the isToday method

    Trying to improve the accuracy of the isToday method


    Thomas noticed that the Date->isToday() method was producing inconsistent results when dealing with multiple time zones. This is an effort to improve that accuracy.


    Needs Review 
    opened by snake14 0
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